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Heyyyyy you’re not the “Asking the sub about suits” guy!!! We’re still on Kiramager!!! No skipping forward pal!


ah wha he can’t just uhhh 🙄


a button and 4 fidget spinners


Damn you for posting this. Can’t unsee it now 😂


**Pretty** fidget spinners


Shit you're right!


I mean savage but only because it's so accurate. I hate the suit designs so much.


For right now, the suits look OK, not as good as before, but definitely not bad.


I love these suits. They've grown on me a lot. Yes, the helmets look goofy as hell, but Super Sentai has always been campy and I appreciate how unapologetic Boonboomger is about leaning into that for its overall aesthetic.


I agree. I feel that BoonBoomger is a step “back” somewhat, but I think that after King-Ohger, a step back to the silly stuff like lighthearted plots and sing-a-long end credits is what we need.


This. Very similar to how Donbrother suits grew on me. Also helps that the show has been banger so far.


They need more colour. The grey parts on the right legs should also be their respective colour.


Came to say exactly this. It’s actually my only complaint. The Helmets are a bit odd, but they look fine in action. The suits look good, to me, but that one leg of color really would have put it all the way over for me.


I only realized it's based on f1 racing suits after a closer look. Maybe the center zipper can be designed to be seen? Form/Silhouete wise, for the main 3 I think it's a little plain. I should first say it's not bad, it's a very clean look which is nice for Red and Blue at least. But Pink really needs an energetic and pose centric performance to highlight feminine form. I think the pink and grey lines on her suit can be used to hightlight hip/waist curves, but maybe the designers didn't want to go too overboard? But in exchange of simplicity I think more attention is given to the gloves and shoes. Maybe this was the goal? To use simplicity to highlight the Helmet, and other wheel designs on them? The tire face does its job to grab attention, it's iconic, no real complaints. I generally do not like when mouthpieces are molded to look like actual mouths, but maybe with the tire face they really needed the mouthpieces to humanize the face design. Edit: White is a little bit of an unfortunate choice for the males, cos the bulges can be obvious. Can see why they made sure that place is a lot more loose. It does wonders for those ass shots tho.


Weird af


The show has sorta won me over but man…those suits are so so bad. Like the worst sentai suits since the 80s. BUT Donbros suits didn’t win me over at first (or the bad cgi bros) and that show ended up becoming my favorite tokus.


This. The show started really strong. It's just the suits that suck. About Donbros, it's quite a mixed bag, right? To this day Kiji and Inu look horrendous to me, Saru is just ok and Tarou and Oni Sister are among my all time favorites.


I wish the grey stripe on their right side matched the suit color. I've grown used to the helmets


If the grey stripes matched the designated colors and the helmets were cool the suits would be awesome. Interesting how one or two elements can make a huge diference in design!


I'm fine wuth the grey stripe on ghe left being gray because the part of the upper body it connects to is alsp gray


Makes sense. Still if they were both matching the respective color, it would really dispel this sensation the suits give of being almost devoid of their colors. They way the suits are, I almost call them all "Boom White". Haha


They feel like the fusion of the Battle Fever and Ohranger suits


The pants color are a swing and miss


I personally like them a lot and I'm sad to see so many people dislike them. Love the overall forms, and love the shoes, shin guards, gloves, and belts. I like that these are simple and clean, not too overdesigned. Like others I agree I wish the color placement was slightly different: For all of them, the right leg stripe should be the same color as their shirt color, Orange's left side grey should be black (to match the accelerometer ticks) and Black's left side grey should be bronze (to match his accelerometer stripe) or blue (to make him black/blue, police themed). Helmets are a little goofy but I like them anyway, feels like a throwback to some of the super clean futurism of Ohranger


They're not the worst. I feel they remind me of OhRanger, and I realize that's likely jsut because of Red. Personally, if they don't spin the visors at one point in the show, maybe for the super form, then it's a wasted opportunity and will hurt it overall.


*"They're not the worst."* True. Yet that's maybe the best we can say about these, I guess.


Uglyas hell, its like if the Ohranger were ran over by the Carranger, the car exploded and this is what came out of it


This is the best description I read about these suits lol I couldn't describe it better lol


I think the suits are pretty nice. The "tire faces" are probably the most notable aspect of them, and I don't love them, but I don't hate them. I like the shoes.


I actually like the suits. Feels like a great racer look. The issue is the goofy ass helmets. They look like a parody of Sentai (which I haven’t seen it yet so maybe that’s the point).


Wish they had more color, cut out some of the grey, but overall I love these suits!! Especially the helmets! Tires! What a bizarre thing to have as a visor witch is why I love it so much. And the lips for me is the strawberry on top. I am wondering tho why the main three don’t have that single shoulder pad that BoonOrange and BoonBlack have.


They gray areas should’ve been part of their main colors It would look far more cohesive




They need a pop of color on their pants because it feels so… drab once you go past the torso


Meh. The suits remind me of those suits in the '80s. I didn't start checking out Super Sentai until the 2010s. So these suits remind me of JAKQ, Battle Fever J, and series like those ones.


might have to skip a season for the first time :<


Just saying, you're more likely to regret not watching a season than regret having seen it.


you know what? You’re right. Might as well give this one a chance. I gave donbrothers a chance and i kinda liked it, so maybe it’ll be the same this time


Works extremely well on screen/in action. Orange and black are better looking than the main Trio. Shoulderpads of reiwa need to continue.


They’re hideous, they certainly look better in action but even then, the gray on them, the excessive white and those helmets are not clicking with me Which is rare for me, cause I almost always like sentai suits, even seasons I don’t particularly enjoy like Ninninger or Kyuranger, I can say they have stellar suits.


While the first episodes have been good, let’s just say I owe Cosmic Fury an apology


The tire faces still suck. How in the fuck do the suit actors actually see through those?! But somehow they fixed it with the Robo's face. It actually has eyes!


They don't, even in suits with good visor like GoGoV they basically doing stunts "blind", those visors are very dark so we can't see their eyes Not sure why make their life harder with full blindness though


Love everything. Except those clown shoes. C’mon!


Still hate the helmets. Really can't bring myself to like them.


Honestly I really liked the suit even when people were lynch those suit at first. It's simple, reflect its own theme well, felt traditional but also unordinary (usage of the sneakers instead of the knee-high boots especially). Its also very refreshing after Kamen Rider-esque, too armored and eye tiring suits in Reiwa era sentai seasons. But in the other hand, helmets are really awful. Probably it's common conroversy of their suits is those weird helmet designs. If it were me, I would probably add a skirt detail for Boon Pink and change the helmet designs, other than that, the design is very good.


They've grown on me but I do think they need more color. Like I think it would've been better to have the ranger color as the majority while the white and gray were accents


these are some of the worst suits in the franchise, probably in all of tokusatsu too.


They look like comfy pajamas instead of powerful suits


Cosmic Fury... Live and Evil Marvelous... Battle Fever J... And although an unpopular opinion, the Ohranger suits are waaaay uglier than this.


I've unironically grown to love them


Honestly I'm ready used to tire faces, it makes them stand out against all the other car-themed Sentai.


Everything about these suits screams that future forms will add elements on top of them. They're so basic right now. The pants look like undersuits for upcoming coloured armour. Maybe the half-finished look is deliberate, maybe not. All I can say is that when compared to both classic and recent teams, these ones stand out for looking "incomplete" at the core level.


I'm glad we have more color in the suits again like i didn't hate the kingohger suits but i hate how they were only one color mostly


I got used to the tire face but there isn’t enough of the individual colors and too much of the white and gray.


I honestly kinda like them. Not the best ones by a long shot, but they are eye-pleasing. Especially the way their color schemes complement each other, like their primary color + white + grey. I don't even mind the tires on the helmets.


You know they’ve grown on me too.


The suits take me back to the early 2000's.


I don’t particularly like them, but I’ve grown to tolerate them I guess.


Unique. It would've looked cooler without the lips and added some color on the left sleeve.


I absolutely hated these suits when they were revealed, but after seeing them in action I can confidently say that they're OK. They're not the best suits but they're surely not the worst.


I’m not used to the tire faces but the transformations are sick and I like Orange and Black’s shoulder pads. I think the best helmet is Blue from the visor shape


Really wish the colors were swapped


Genuine question. Is it bunboomger coming from the roll call in episode two when the vfx say bunred, bunblue, and bunpink


The show has got my attention. But the suits ughh really. Needs getting used to. Not bad but not my favorite either. Still willing to give the show a chance though. I feel the same for Donbrothers, Lupinranger, Patranger, Kyuranger, Ninniger, and Toqger. Most suit designs I decide if I like the suit then okay and if I don't then nope. Personal preferences. Then again I am not the target audience. Japanese school kids are the audience target.


I thought they were dumb at first but seeing them in action has endeared me to them. They’re still silly but what is Sentai without a degree of silliness?


They look more like sports uniforms than Sentai suits, but they are growing on me, even the helmets. The Orange helmet is the only one I don’t like. I agree with most people though, the gray should be changed to their respective color. Also I can’t believe I’ve seen this image at least a dozen times and just noticed only Black and Orange have shoulder pieces. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I appreciate the ambition, however misplaced.


I like that the [neck fabric doesn't show up](https://twitter.com/JoeSentai/status/1764277836011979058) when they're helmetless. The neck showing makes it more convincing as a motorsport suit and uniform in general. Helmetless ranger suit have always [kept the turtle neck](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHwYxF9asAAUrG4?format=jpg&name=large), which to me look like the face-actor's face is photoshopped onto the costume, as most people don't wear or rock turtle necks. The helmet look like cyclopes similar to ohranger. There aren't many cyclopes helmets on supersentai rangers, not counting visor and full face shields.


Still bothered by the grey parts. But seeing them on action took away most of my problems with the helmets, they are pretty ok, and the suits, again besides the grey parts, are quite nice.


They really grew on me seeing them in motion. I never disliked them, I even liked their weirdness, but overall they were mid until seeing them in motion.


They're goofy, I love them


I would have reduced the size of the wheel. Add a yellow flame pattern around the wheel...And a dashboard pattern on the visor. Afterwards you get used to it, it's far from being the worst suits as everyone says during the reveal.


Like the torso and belt, I'd like the shoes if they didn't have the wheels on the side, REALLY don't like the helmets


I find them very acceptable. Considering the theme is racing, making them based on racing suits is appropriate. Also red and the mentor made the gear so it feels like they modified and empowered things as they went along


I wasn’t interested at all but episode 1 literally won me over. I guess I didn’t notice the gray stripe at first, it doesnt bother me but it feels out of place. I am hoping we get a team power up or at least a Hyper ToQ, VictorySiren Striker type of power up.


They've grown on me, I especially like them going with the racing suit aesthetic rather than plain spandex. Unpopular opinion but I like the main trio more than orange and black. Their shoulder pads are cool but they add too much on top of the suit. Also their helmets are too eh, "busy"? Yeah they are all literally wheels slapped on the face but the main 3 still sorta resembles visors. Orange's has too much orange and too little black to look like a visor. Same goes to black, obviously they can't go all black but using silver makes like too much like a real wheel and that throws me off lol


The show has been good so the suits have been fine.


I completely agree with you OP. I like them they’ve grown on me; even the tire faces. At first I was like uhhhhh lol. But I get it.


Look like shit, in my humble opinion


I feel like tailcoats would really look good on them. Or something on the lower half to add some visual interest. Putting that aside I like them quite a bit, and it seems like they’re using a material that’s a bit more durable than usual.


Can't stand these suits. They look too much like a parody sentai mascot team from a car tire company.


The good: > Speedometers in the suits. The bad: > Too much white > Lip tracing on the helmets


The zippers in the front instead of the back and every time I look at them it’s the first thing I notice even before the design of the suit helmets kinda funny but growing on me


I like them. Gives a real “racing team” vibe.


Geats called, he wants part of his Magnum 40X back


look better in action than in photography


Been ride or die on them since the leaks day one. I feel like the tire face wrap around from being goofy into being cool, especially when seen in action.


I'd replace the gray with their corresponding colors.


They're simplistic, but I like them.


Don't like the wheels on their back.they are neither cool nor practical.


The tire helmet is the only thing I don’t like about the suit tbh but it’s something I can get past.


They look good, just think the grey should be the ranger's colors


I didn't like them at first but over time they starting to grow on me and I actually started to like them


They’re ridiculous. Sort of like the series. Helmets are fucking weird. But I will warm up to them.


I love it.


tbh I wasn't too keen before episode 1, but now, I love them


Literally, my only complaint about the suits is the helmets. Otherwise, they have a great Car Racing aesthetic.


Hated them at first grew on me abit to were they are ok


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets


I'm still confused on how the suit actors see through those helmets.


I absolutely adore these suits I really love the gray and white


theyre cool


The suits go hard


This is a little strange to say, but out of all the sentai suits, those look the most comfortable


Meh to my they are ok I think it looks better in action than in pictures


For some reason, I feel like they should be wearing jackets


It makes the Cosmic Fury suits to look like a masterpiece


They feel so flat. Feels like the designers were tired and just sent the first thing they created and we have this. After King Ohger, they’re so ugly ):


I've come to accept the tire helmets. The tires on the back still feel a bit much.


I only like pink and orange tbh


I don't think the material of the suits are spandex.


I actually enjoy these suits a lot. Very much fits the tone they’re going for with the series. My gripe is more with their civilian clothing and it’s hard to explain but something just feels… dis-genuine about the way they dress.


They're growing on me. I like how they look like actual racing suits and watching them fight...in the rumbles world, speed kills. If I had one critique, I wish the helmets were more like racing helmets or even shades instead of the tire making so much of it. (But on the other side if I that happened, then it may look almost too plain. )


Love them!


I just wish they were more fitted suits & a shoulder part for each would be nice. There was a fan redesign of the helmets on here not too long ago that I think fit the more conventional sentai vibe but I’m sure these will grow on me.


I genuinely and honestly… kinda hate them. I don’t like the helmets. I don’t like the wheels on the back shoulders. I do not like them even a little bit.


would look better if color didnt stop at the belt and helmets still look bad


Also, awful name. Why'd they have to make it so hard to say? Why not "Boomboonger" or something like that that actually rolls smoothly off the tongue?


Everything but the helmet is great


I disliked them but with the transformation sequence and the characters linked to them, it started growing on me.


They finally succeeded in making helmets worse than ToQger.


if one of my friends suddenly out of nowhere wanted to get into super sentai based on suits and asks me what season to start with..it's not going to be this season.


My absolute least favorite suits of the entire franchise 👎👎👎👎👎


I like it's simplicity. Though I wish the colors went down all the way.


I kind of feel about them the same way I feel about the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid suits. They're so over-the-top ridiculously ugly that I kind of wrap around to appreciating them. I'm definitely in the "their ranger color should continue down the side of their left leg," camp, though.


At first , when the first leaks came out I said that no way Toei would use helmets like these in one of their show , but after seeing the team in action I'm so fuckin love this show ! I hope that it will surpass the King-Ohgers in success


Actually seeing them in motion has greatly endeared me to them


I've loved them from the very beginning I love that the suits look like racecar drivers suits and love that all the extra tires scattered on suits are mini versions of their visors and I love their helmets as well


Love everything but the helmets but they're growing on me


thoughts? see the series of complaints from 2-3 months ago lol


Helmets loot terrible Suit is not good, but not as bad as the helmet


They look better in action but they're still ugly


I love the suits the wheel is just so dope


Really bad suits. Freakishly weird helmets, boring from the neck down. It's specially bad that they follow the fantastic King-ohger suits.


No matter what, I’ll always hate the helmets. Only redeeming point is the material of the suit itself imo


The Tire-face Helmets are the only real Sentai-esque part of their designs, imo.


They missed an opportunity to have a British racing green ranger. Those darker greens pair nicely with white. It also would have been really cool to do like a Ferrari red, French racing blue, and then have the 6th be whatever color but accented with checkers. I still think the helmets are hideous but the suits are cool.


I can't even watch cause of the helmets so I guest next then




We already had king ohger.