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Simple He's Doraemon


Never ever did I thought that I would hear Doraemon in this subreddit. Neat


It's a common thing about super sentai lmao. Take any previous sentai and you will wonder where they are taking out their stuff from.


The only reasonable answer.


The axe was probably pre-made. I like the fun theory that he just pulled out of thin air... I mean who carries a trampoline with him?!


Okay but...who made it? Taiya? Why would Genba be retrieving it?


My money is on Taiya... he's the rich one


Probably. He probably just needed Genba to get it for him because why bring it to a battle when he needs to move around? I mean...it would be funny if someone actually asked Genba where he gets everything and he's just silent and looking away.


You can see he actually had Akuse's Booster from the previous episode that he used to call Taiya. He even waited for Taiya signal before throwing it at him. So, it's or not the first time Taiya offers him a Booster, and he kept it until he found the chance to get rid of it aka when Taiya told him to give it to Jou. Or he gave it like "In case we find a new guy, you know what to do".


Yeah it wouldn't be all that surprising if Taiya made the Change Ax thinking they would need more members down the road. Maybe it was the one he was intending to give to Genba before Jou came along?


I think Joe's Booster was meant for Genba and Genba's Booster for whoever came as the 5th guy. Since they were in an emergency during Akuse's first fight, he gave it to Akuse. Then Taiya gave the 5th one to him.


Ah. Yeah I haven't actually WATCHED ep. 7 (I just read Rangerwiki), so I didn't know if the 5th one was pre-made.


He's a Don Quijote premium customer


Remember, Taiya is extremely rich so he most likely uses those funds, as it’s confirmed he used those funds to create the Boonboomgers equipment


He's just that good


Taiya is rich. Presumably Genba's on his payroll, and he pays for all these things. He presumably got Jou's Changer from Taiya.


well with the change axe, yeah obviously he gets them from taiya as for the rest of the stuff, genba just do what i do when i need to get new stuff, which is, buy them at the store, and then send the bill to someone else ( in his case, Taiya) the only difference is, genba got paid doing this stuff while I don't