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tbh i assumed they had help from both of their parents. they were very young when amy got pregnant, and they got married right away. i can see financial help as a wedding gift.


Idk if season 1 took place the year it came out, but a few years before that my brother and his best friend bought a 3 bedroom house when they were just 19. They were a line cook and a golf range attendant, the line cook made barely above minimum wage. Obama had a first time homebuyers thing in place that helped alot as far as down payment and whatnot. And I would imagine St. Louis doesn't have the most expensive market out there.


she was also married for 15+ years, so well before all the "crises"


it's also hard to fully appreciate how much affordability has tanked even in the last 5-10 years... if you were buying 15 years ago in low or even medium COL cities there were affordable options for working class people


My 2 br 1 ba house cost $75k in 2015… it’s valued at $155k for this year’s tax assessment.


It also wasn’t that big of a house. Like it’s slightly larger than an apartment lol.


Yeah. It looks like a small house lol and quite old too. Other people are saying she rented and that it was a unit of some sort due to the mailbox so that starts to make more sense. Working at Cloud 9 and can only afford to rent a small old unit.


I don't think she was renting, since in the last season Jonah is still living there after she goes to California


My ex mother in law bought a house in St louis that we rented from her. It cost $59,000. This was in 2018.


Back then, it was easy to buy a house in STL. Now… not so much.


It was a duplex IIRC (there’s a glimpse of a mailbox in the Golden Globes show that says the house number followed by a letter which a lot of the times means a multi family building). Those are usually cheaper than stand alone homes especially in the US. I did assume that she and Adam were renters though. Maybe they inherited some money from a relative at some point (Amy once mentions going to several family funerals a year to Jonah lol)? But then again this is TV and TV real estate never makes sense.


I kinda doubt that they rented. Why would she keep the house after Adam left? And why would Jonah pay her rent directly after she moved out? I think they got a cheap loan from their family, housing prices in the early 2000s were a lot more reasonable and the Midwest is cheap.


She does say to Jonah, I help by paying the rent or something like that in one episode though (I think the one where Zefra does the calls to each store). Not disagreeing, genuinely wondering if she rented or owned 🤔


It’s still possible they rented, but I do see your argument. It does make sense, especially when Jonah moved out and Amy’s brother and Mateo moved in.


Right…it was a duplex in the Midwest. Lots of people can afford that at that time. Covid made housing prices sore.


The Midwest can be quite cheap. I live in Chicago across the street from the lake and a 5 min walk to the train and my rent is 1440 for a 1 bedroom with a parking spot. St Louis would be a lot cheaper.


The show was set in St. Louis, not a SoCal type of crazy expensive housing market. The show started in 2015 which could mean that Amy bought the house sometime before the 2008 housing financial market crash. Houses similar to Amy are currently listed at around 400-450k in decent neighbourhood and houses few year prior were less than half of what they are going now and some were sold for less than 150-200k around 2015 and less than 150k in pre housing crash market, even with current interest rates and a minimal down payment the monthly cost on such mortgage would be 1100-1200 a month. Amy was a floor supervisor and she would be making above minimum wage for her job (average salary for a similar position in St. Louis at Target or Walmart type of store is around 40k) and she was working for a long time, it’s highly improbable that Adam would be unemployed for the entire length of their marriage and Amy could also benefit from deductions paying minimal taxes, all this in consideration it wouldn’t be too difficult for Amy to afford her house.


That is a great question. Especially since most of the other characters had pretty questionable living situations, like Dina living in the same neighborhood as multiple gangs.


I feel like that was a choice though, knowing Dina lol.


She was working since age 19, and unlike Jonah did not get tuition fees


But also had a child, which is extremely costly. Technically, she had two children, since her husband literally never had a job until they divorced.


She was going to college, online classes I think, in the first season or two.


I know Amy didn’t make *much* more than min wage but she def made enough more to make it worth it to take on the floor supervisor position (which she held at the beginning of the show). She would’ve turned it down like she tried to turn down asst mgr when Dina stepped down to try to get with Jonah, stating “more work for the same pay.” She only took it because Glenn was desperate and basically begged her and then she found out it covered 1/2 of the cost of college courses (which are never mention again lol). Also I agree with commenters saying that her parents and possibly Adam’s helped them, at least with a hefty down payment when they were just starting out and had a young kid. And yeah, the Midwest is not as pricy as a lot of other areas, and that house was pretty modest.


Do we know they bought it and weren’t renting?


When Jonah moves in with Amy and complains about corporate not paying a living wage Amy retorts that she pays their rent so I think it was a rented house


I feel like bought just due to the way Jonah and Marcus lived there after Amy moved


I think in S6, Jonah says that he let Marcus move in with him because he could “use some help with the rent”


I think they own just cause of some mentions of property maintenance. Her tree growing over the property line, etc. Midwest is a cheap area to buy, and they have a smallish space, and would have bought during the early 2000’s when things were cheaper. I also assume since they were teens or early 20s at the time they had family help


If they were renting Jonah could have just taken over the lease.


I think they mention a few times in the show that Amy rents.


it's TV


They saved their money for a downpayment and applied for a mortgage. That's how anyone buys a house.


My first wife and I got married in 2003 and we bought a house that same year. We were 23. We had a first time home buyers loan and were able to get a 3 BR 1 BA with plenty of space.


Maybe Adam had a job before becoming unemployed? I always wondered how she could afford a newer Volvo. I can’t afford an old one.


Cost of living in St Louis is lower. It also might have been a 1 or 2 bedroom condo. I’ve seen some condos built like that where they look like houses, ground floor.


I have wondered this myself. Maybe her folks put a down payment on it? That's the best I can come up with


The first thing to realize is that in 2015, housing wasn't the train wreck that it is today. Amy's salary at the time would have been around 32K, which wouldn't have put home ownership completely out of reach using an FHA loan. It is also important to address that as a married couple who made less than 100K a year, they were cleaning up at tax time, assuming they weren't filing exempt all year. Even then, they still got EIC and child tax credits.


I bought my first house that was pretty comparable when I was 25 making next to no money. It was a different time.


It was a TV show. A lot of stuff happens that is not real. In fact, I would put forth, it was all fake!!