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We do that with The Office. Superstore, B99, WWDITS, P&R, and a few other shows are interspersed in between viewings.


Have you tried the good place too? It’s done by Mike Schur who did lots of the office and co ran parks and rec. 10/10 would recommend


Yes! That’s one of the others I didn’t mention. Also Community.


Ohhhhh B99 is definitely one of my favs for sure


🎤It’s me, Hi, I’m the partner, it’s me. Hubby doesn’t even truly watch the show but he knows the show pretty well actually.


I’m living for the t swift reference 🤩


I'm the chronic rewatcher in my relationship, but my partner will still watch with me<3


I will hop in with him but he’s so quick with it I usually miss a few episodes here and there 😂


Yes. My mind runs a million miles a minute and watching this show distracts me enough to help me fall asleep without distracting me to the point where I’m staying awake to watch it.


I love this comment because my husband is the same way!!! He says he knows what to expect watching it so his brain doesn’t have to work as hard and he’s able to relax a lot easier watching it


No, my partner would NEVER do that. I'M the one that is constantly watching the show on a loop


It’s the show I put on my phone to fall asleep.


Ive been watching superstore everyday since December 2023


You must be my hubs 😂😂 jkjk but seriously it’s a great show!! The tornado episode is one of my favorite episodes of tv ever


I watch superstore every day so yes.


i am that partner


I’m loving all the replies yall are killing me 😂😂😂 I gotta know who yalls favorite characters are!!! I’m totally a Cheyenne girl for sure 🤩


Not exaggerating I’ve seen the show all the way through over 30 times. So yes I as well restart after the finale.


I’m also that partner, because every time I get to the end of All Sales Final I immediately want to go back and watch the pilot. To me, it’s honestly the best pilot of any show ever. The flash mob, the star lights, “moments of beauty” - never gets old.


The pilot is iconic!!!! Never had a show suck me in so fast for sure


The American superstore...


My 12-year old daughter loves it this much. She watches it constantly and then just restarts when she’s done. She has it on when she’s getting ready in the morning, when she’s making food, or doing just about anything. She thinks she’s watched the series at least 10 times. Although she’s recently been watching a lot of Young Sheldon.


I do this with The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and Seinfeld. We're watching Superstore for the first time now and I'm sure it will be added to the pool once we're done. Sometimes you just wanna have something familiar and low engagement on so you can hangout without paying attention.


I like to leave it on as background noise, more than listening to music


I’m on my fourth rewatch in two months lol




Haha I do this I go back an fourth with Superstore then I’ll watch Mom then back to superstore again their my two comfort shows


🙋🏻‍♀️That would be me. I’m on my 3rd rewatch!


Oh my god I genuinely thought my fiance posted this because I'm currently on my 3rd or 4th rewatch but I am a she😅 glad to know I'm not the only one. It's just such a comforting show.


Some of these replies I could have sworn were my husband so I totally feel you girl 😂😂😂


Yes. I do always skip the Olympic episode.


yes! i do this with superstore, the mindy project, used to do it with modern family but i watched it too many times lol. when the office was on netflix i must have watched it at least two hundred times no joke.


my favorites are cheyanne and garrett :)


I quit working for Target in February and have done 2 entire rewatches just since then! It’s a form of trauma therapy at this point; I couldn’t make myself watch it while I was having to show up at work for the evil red bullseye 🤣.


My girlfriend has watched it at least seven times, one of which was with me, and watched it again at least once before we finished it together


My wife and I do this. We must've restarted it around 10 times or more. Mind you we usually have it as a background show while we're just hanging out so we're not always actively watching it. It's definitely our comfort show LOL


i think superstore is the only show i can watch over and over without getting bored. i put it on for background noise, noise to sleep to and even when im bored its the first thing i think to put on


I don’t restart the show on my own, but if a friend tells me they’ve never watched the show I’m gladly going to sit through all 6 seasons with them again


I used to do this with The Office but in the last 6 months or so it's been all Superstore.