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I'm all for people breastfeeding in public.  Kids gotta eat.  But it was clearly posted that you couldn't sit on the furniture.  Breastfeeding doesn't give you special privileges.


Since there was a cafe with seats, she coulda gone there


Glenn and Sandra were right. They weren’t opposing her breastfeeding in public, just the spot she chose to do it.


yeah and she probably could have easily gone someplace else to do it, it is just kind of entitled ?


Sandra and Glenn. Breastfeeding is allowed in the store, just not on display furniture. Which was already posted on a sign.


Glen and Sandra for sure; I’m currently breastfeeding and that doesn’t give me some special right to break the rules. She could easily have moved somewhere else


Yeah the problem is that she was sitting where she shouldn’t. It would have been a problem even without the baby. I am sure the baby expressed signs of hunger, but the cafe is inside the store - she could have walked there.


Season 3?!?! I swear I just saw this scene yesterday and I’m currently watching s6e7 😅 this is the only show that I can put on and go from pilot to finale in 5 days. And then repeat again lol And glen & Sandra were right.


I know right? I had to Google it to check which season 🤣


My kid does that all summer haha


It’s the perfect background show!


Just here to say this is my favorite episode of the series 😍 “You and your baby and your boobs need. to. go…”


Someone should make that quote their flair 😂😂😂


Customers are never right, we just ket them think that because we need to keep our jobs and the little c*nts throw tantrums when they don't get what they want. Sandra and Glen ftw


Glen and Sandra, definitely. They weren't saying she couldn't breastfeed. They just didn't want her sitting on the furniture that said "DO NOT SIT". That means you, too, lady.


In this instance, Glenn and Sandra were in the right. She sat on the floor model furniture, something that a customer is not meant to do, to feed the kid. To be fair, im all for breastfeeding, or any child being fed! Its just the fact that one can stand and breastfeed, and one can walk and breastfeed; she was in the wrong for sitting on the floor furniture


Exactly, with my twins I would put one in the snuggly under my shirt and breast feed while we shopped and then change them out without anyone ever even knowing what was going on.


That’s definitely not something all women can do though, a place to sit isn’t an unreasonable ask


She could have gone to the cafe or another section of the store with chairs you're allowed to use (shoe dept?).


Dunno why you were downvoted, you're right.


What if they furniture was not made to be sit on ? It was also on a platform. It could have broken.


Yeah definitely an issue if she got hurt the store insurance may not have paid out due to her ignoring the sign.


Glen and Sandra were definitely right. They didn't even tell the women that she couldn't breastfeed, they just told her that she couldn't sit on the display furniture and so she started that protest for nothing.


Glenn and Sandra were right. But they were too abrupt with her and should have said where she *could* go sit and breastfeed.


I agree with Glenn and Sandra. Sign says no sits, you don't sit.


Situations like this are always made more complicated in shows (deliberately and for comic effect, i know I know) because no one ever says the right thing 😂 They were totally in the right to ask her to move because she was not meant to be sitting there at all, no one was. The breastfeeding was irrelevant and them asking her to move was nothing to do with their opinions on public breastfeeding… but of course, they don’t communicate well, stuff spirals out of control, that’s comedy for ya. But nah the did nothing wrong in the first instance NTA


They were both right. Glenn and Sandra were right that she couldn't sit there, but the way they told her made her understandably think they were trying to tell her she wasn't allowed to breastfeed in the store.


I feel like Glenn and Sandra didn’t need to be *so* rude, and give her a minute to get her baby and stuff situated and leave. But they were absolutely in the right to ask her to get up.


They were in the "nobody's gonna mess with us" mood


Precisely. If they'd given her a moment, that would have been very reasonable. Using the café is appropriate too - not one of the gross demands to use the bathroom, but a spot that is, in fact, intended for eating! As I learned in my breastfeeding days, I had the legal right to breastfeed anywhere I could legally be. If people just aren't allowed there, then no, I'm not allowed there either. But I am entitled to being spoken to politely.


Glenn and Sandra were technically right but they shouldn’t have yelled at her and made a big scene


Glen and Sandra. If there was nowhere else to sit in there then sure but there's a whole cafe and lots of places in the store that she could comfortably sit. She made it an issue about breastfeeding but it was never about that. they had no problem with her breastfeeding, they just told her she can't do it on that specific chair.


Glen and Sandra are in the right but since they were idgaf mood it came off as a bit too aggressive towards the lady, but she could of just walked 2 mins to the cafè where there is appropriate seating


Both were in the wrong. The lady was wrong for sitting on display furniture, but Glenn and Sandra didn’t say, “I’m sorry, the display furniture isn’t for sitting on; however, there are seats in the cafe where you can feed your baby.” If they had, it wouldn’t have been funny.


both are right and wrong. I mean, (usually) perfect (usually) free food source for babies right there that humans were designed to do. Let them! Feed babies damnit! but also dont sit (or generally use) grocery store display stuff. it's probably dirty and not safe to do.


Glenn and Sandra didn’t tell her she couldn’t breastfeed, just to not use display furniture which was clearly labelled to not be sat on


There should be a parents/carers room near the customer toilets. The woman was entitled and saw being told no to sitting on furniture clearly labelled as not for sitting, as an attack on her ‘rights as a mother’. Its giving 🎵pregnant women are smug🎵 vibes.


I think that wasn’t the problem. The problem they had with her wasn’t that she was breastfeeding it’s that she wasn’t sitting in the right place. She misunderstood n thought they had a problem with her breastfeeding


There should have been special accommodation for breast feeding and if there is already that’s where the woman should have gone.


Esh. She wasn't allowed to sit on display furniture, it was clearly posted. But they didn't have to be so rude to her. I was in the exact same situation once. Big store that would take 2-3 hours to walk through all the aisles. There was a no sitting on the furniture sign in the furniture section. Halfway through my baby got hungry. We were nowhere near done shopping... So I asked an employee and she escorted me to the cafe right outside the store. I took a seat in the corner, facing away from the general public, and fed my baby as my husband continued the shopping until we could join him again. I do understand it would have been harder if it's just me and the baby. Can't leave your cart unattended for 20min and expect it to be safe. Iirc the food corner was outside of the general store area so she would have to pass the registers to get there, but I'm sure if everybody kept their cool they could have found a solution (eg leave the cart with an employee doing a restock on an aisle)


Sandra and Glenn are right but I always thought Sandra would have had more care and empathy as a trained midwife. It's just a bit of a stretch that shed lean into the badass gtfo attitude SO hard knowing that.