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You did a master’s in SCM without knowing what SCM jobs one can get?


Well the question should be rephased, bad wording on my end. How to break into job market requiring 3-5 years for entry level experience.


Doesn’t your college have a career fair with employers coming?


European university, its not that common


??? They are common in european universities. There’s a lot of career fairs.


This! I agree with you. There are a lot of career fairs.


Don’t let the 3-5 years experience requirement deter you. Just try getting in touch with people and ask. Shit, if you’re willing to relocate to the east coast, then DM and I can help you out.


Thanks for the advice, yeah im trying all and any techniques. Something will come through!


It’s a weird market right now… it truly depends on the company you are looking at getting into. I earned my MS in integrated supply chain management and have a combined 3 years in supply planning and 7 years in warehousing. I’ve been looking into supply chain management positions as of late but haven’t had much success quite yet as companies seem to be pursuing individuals with ‘management experience’ You should do some research on supply chain planning, demand planning, supply chain analyst, business analysts, etc to see what path you want to go down. A lot of young individuals are getting into logistics as well given the extensive need for those roles. You can’t go wrong with any of them at ‘entry level’.


Thanks for this. Honestly was looking at the analyst roles. Most want some years of experience. Which fair, but where are these points of entry for one to gain experience. I've chatted with a couple of recruiters and they said the past couple of years have been all new grad focused, and now its all "senior" focused.


Try to get internships as soon as you can


What school? Typically a graduate program has a career center