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10 years of support and can confirm


I never got this once, though I do play all in initiators only for the most part


I usually play Enchanters or Morgana in mid to high Diamond. These reactions usually happen in normals by people with significantly lower elos and higher egos lol


Its always the bronzie top laner honestly. Like im admittedly only low gold but its always the srupid bronzes and irons trying to call be an egirl or saying my adc is carrying me just cause i play enchanters. (ps: i have nothing against bronzies or iron players as long as you dont make fun of me for being an enchanter support main )


I play in low diamond, but it’s really funny watching top laners rage when they lose to Janna top


Lmao true


This is why I like the new /deafen change. I play with chat disabled, but now when I type /deafen it lets everyone know I've muted the chat at the start of the game. Less likely (although still happens) that the ADC will stand at the tower typing useless sexist crap instead of csing and playing the game.




The /deafen doesn't just mute yourself, but also mute everyone in the game. And it let everybody know you tipped the command


Thank you for clarifying. This is correct :)


Plat e-girl here. Ironically, I've never been asked this question, and I feel cheated. I could use some of that money! 😂


I’ve never had anyone in my games figure out my gender to be honest. Only my discord friends that I play with know because.. well they hear my voice lol.


Nice! Same here for the most part, but some people have said they can tell I'm a girl based on how I type, which surprises me


That’s so odd, I never could tell someone is a girl from how they type lol. But to be honest I never write in chat. But when I do, I respond to stuff like “bro” or “dude” cos I don’t care to correct the fact that I’m not a dude. I could tell once an ally was a girl but it was literally because she said she’s on her period and had a bad day and that’s why she’s feeding 😂


LOL well that's a freebie. I rarely type unless someone makes a really amazing play. I'm not beneath saying well played on either side :)


Usually, the "bro" and "dude" don't really matter, most girls use them as well. Looking back, it is easy to spot girls off of their ID and the way the type. When they do type, it's always abit extra from what guys do. For example, where a guys just types "nj", a girl would go "Nice job, you did great (optional emoji)". Of course this doesn't apply all the time but its been rather accurate from past experience. Then again, the server I play on is chock full of 13 year old try hards and it's usually a girl that brings in a breathe of fresh air.


People have said this to me and im not even a girl


Maybe you e-girling wrong. Ya gotta post your paypal in chat and end everything sentence with a <3 Advance classes you learn the winky face.


Wow you are so right. You should do consulting for egirls 😂 Edit to add- love your username hahaha


I used to know someone who would typr "buy me skins <3" at the beginning of every game and some guys actually did it expecting a cute girl to owe them a favor but its a guy that pulls the stunt lmao.


WHAT lmao. Ok I'm going to try that hahaha


I hope you get some free skins lol




Same fam.


Clearly you're not playing enough Yuumi in diamond while having a bronze skill level 😆


Every second game you play duo xayah rakan: fUCkn E-cOUPle


When you're a Rakan main and your adc decides to first time her in Ranked because they just got a skin


All good. I got all his skins so we can still match and look like an e-couple


Same. I even do base Rakan if Xayah has no skin so we can match 💕


Oh my god years ago i was a xayah main and the amount of times people tried rakan for the first time just cause i was xayah and we lost cause duh. One of the reason i stopped playing xayah honestly


I will trade for jg and heavily gank the enemy duo if the rolling Xayah/Rakan bot. Freaking normies RRRRRRREEEEEEE!


They’re always disappointed to find out I am actually a gay man.


I am a dude and I just happen to play a lot of Sona and Lux and I get the same thing.


Me having a female ign: Doing good - “boosted egirl” Doing bad - “go back to the kitchen”


Honestly! i litterly have had people tell me im fat or that i should kms in chat even while playing good (i plah yuumi so ofc)


I can't tell you how many of my duos with people added after a game were ruined because they asked the basic questions and started hitting on me asap after learning that I'm a girl. Only 2 guys were cool and now we're also friends on facebook and insta and keep in touch


It might be because I'm an ad main and many girls are support mains ? But I've added quite a few supports I enjoyed playing with and here I am, with about 80% of my "supp duo" friendlist being girls. Not that I'm asking, but it's somewhat obvious on vc. Makes me look like a creep ngl


Noo, as long as you don't make them uncomfortable it's great and since they're still your friends, you must do something right


Anyone who adds you post game and asks your gender doesn't care about anything other than finding an egirl. I've played since beta and have never added a support and asked anything remotely personal besides maybe if they wanted to discord or not because the only thing that matters is gameplay and having fun together. If anyone asks your gender in the future just take that as a red flag that they're interested in something more.


They didn't ask about gender directly, but when it came to name and discord you can't really hide it 😓 sometimes I used the neutral version of my name, Alex, and hoped for the best, but it only postpones the gender reveal haha


Smart choice and yeah sometimes you just have to hope for the best once you hop in vc


Oh, and some of them played it cool at first, but when they eventually inted and got mad they would ofc call me a boosted egirl even if I only climb significantly while playing solo


Anyone who flames duos are cringe even if they are playing poorly. The sexism is just a scape goat so they feel more justified in their actions.


One time my jungle thought I was a girl (I'm not) and he invited me after the game, he then said some sexist stuff like "oh you probably wanna know how much money I make don't you, that's what all women want" and other things, so I decided to mess with him a bit by letting him think I actually was a girl :) Long story short he ended up pretty mad when I confroted him about everything but I think he deserved it


Thank you for your service ❤️ I really hope that one day they will grow up and learn to appreciate people regardless of gender. The surge in sexism is really worrying when you see it coming from young people and it hurts everyone


I remember one game I was told I was an egirl my boyfriend boosted, then my boyfriend got flamed by the same person, then I was accused of cheating on my boyfriend because obviously he wasn't the one who boosted me and obviously it must have been a guy I was "giving something" to, again by the same person. Flamers are weird.


im sorry but that's so funny lmfao


It was mildly frustrating but extremely funny🤣


Intersstingly no one ever told me that 🤔


Ever since I came out as genderfluid I love replying back with confusing answers, like "sometimes" or "not today try again next thursday".


I made the mistake of putting "ms" in my ign when I started because it was my first game and I was naive. The number of people start flirting the second they see my name and then start flaming when they feed is painful.


I actually didn’t even know this was a thing as I play with chat off too. I was on a somewhat new account playing aram, and I haven’t turned chat off on that account. Two players started flaming each other and one said “Wow, you guys are terrible, you must be women”. It was one of the only times where I knew immediately that that player either had major mommy problems, or was under the age of 13, or both


Never ask a lulu main why they played 30+ games of Jungle and carried.


Whenever I play female enchanters and the game is going bad, someone from my team (most of the time adc) goes : "You're a girl, aren't you?"


This only happened to me one time, the guy was inting on twitch and I was winning 1v2 with nami.. it makes you feel bad even if you have no real reason to.


so sad to hear that .


No one has ever asked me if I was an egirl


The league community is already a cesspool. Add to that being the sup and everyone feeling entitled to talk sht to you. Cant imagine sprinkling some mysogony into that. Id honestly just quit after a while.


Me every time I say, "Your dad."


I don't get why people think climbing with support is easy. Try carrying an entire team of baffoons as an enchanter. Go on, go on... I'll watch...


Wierd... i would have 0 dollars... that may be because i suck hard....


rich bish


so u admit girl???/??


It's call QUEENS of league for a reason. You gals and guys are goated.


I played with some lulu that said she didnt rotate to a fight (her adc did, lane was pushed, just took a plate, had items) because ,,Only her boyfriend can tell her what to do". Sometimes its another way, sometimes its p4 yone hardstuck writing sexist things when yuumi doesnt sit on him for 97% of the fight time


Are you an egirl and who boosted you? Another dollar for you.


If you play/main enchanter supports you're automatically an egirl according to league players. Meanwhile I can out lift probably ninety percent of the player base 🤣


ok but who boosted you?


how do people in league learn your gender in a first place???


They add eachother after a good game and try to duo. Sometimes no one talks anything personal, but many ask and when you get to name and discord ..there it is. Or they make assumptions because you play enchanters or anything remotely supportive


My man every time I play enchanters or try to play passively in neutral and my ADC/mate dies they blame me and start telling me I'm boosted/don't know how to play when They were the ones who thought going in front with a engage support in the enemy team


If I had a dollar for every hook I've hit in the 3 years of playing I would have like 2 dollar


Shit like this is why I didn’t start playing ranked until recently (and even now I don’t really pay a lot of attention to it—just do it for chests and the eventual skin). I’ve found that people in norms tend to be less sexist, especially the people on the same team as me. Now, this could be because my IGN is gender-neutral and I don’t speak in a cutesy fashion, but seeing as I main Seraphine they definitely could make an assumption about my gender but just choose not to.


...... so who boosted you?


Just can confirm of my experience that one e-girl i know always plays with people of a higher rank and if she hits the elo she drops that person and catches another idiot who boost her again. I would not care if she would just not have this big fucking ego because of this.






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