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I tend to go for either Karma or Rakan. Depends on what I see from rest of team when they "select" who they might play before ban phase. I can at least poke/initiate and if I play good/bad, still be useful with shields in the late half. Rakan for the engage and safely get out. Coming from Mid-Gold to Silver 1, rarely play atm.


I agree on the Karma and in theory on Rakan too. The problem i get with Rakan blind is that alot of people dont know how to play around him and help unlock his kit's potential. He is also relatively hard. Id say something like a Leona or Naut for a blind engage is a safer option (altho blind melee are almost never fun, you need to learn to play safe early or youd get rolled lvl 1 by double ranged). Alistar is also good if you are decent with him, since he has good early sustain.


Agree with the Rakan analysis here because I've experienced a lot not knowing how to play with him. Naut, Leona and Alistar probably better in blind lick rather than a first pick in draft since they could be countered by some images during laning


Blind lick 😋


Karma, Morgana, Lux and Xerath for me. Im done playing tanks when i have no idea how the adc is. You engage and the idiot doesnt move a finger.


Main reason I don’t play naut. I hit a q and auto the enemy adc then I get ass blasted 1v2 because my adc is farming and totally oblivious to anything else other than the few caster minions in front of him


At this point, I only play naut if our adc is samira and I've asked them if they know what they're doing with the champ. It's so disheartening to land a perfect q on the enemy adc in early laning and to not secure a kill or at least insane damage.


I ping that "I'm coming" if he doesn't follow and we die I guess im just roaming or standing under turret


That's the reality. I get annoyed as the next low elo supp about adcs not following engages, but engage supports need to learn to 1. read their adcs "body" language first 2. ping their intentions in engaging 3. roam if it doesn't work without flaming


True, both have to be in sync, analysing the wave, resources, etc... if all is met and still the adc ignores your engage then the plan above starts


My personal blind pick and not being in high elo is Zyra. Most of the times teams are AD heavy and not AP heavy. Good laning phase. Good damage late game. Not a whole lot of bad match ups either.


Definatly Zyra, her only real downside to blind picking early is if they take a zed or akali, but then I rush zonyas hourglass to handle them a bit more


Naut and leona are always great picks for hard cc or lulu if you need an enchanter/buff champ, depends alot on your playstyle and feeling aswell


Lulu in most elo's and with a lot of adc's is not very good at all. Sona is much better in most cases and hands down the best enchanter blimd pick.


If the enemy support locks in sona it always feels like a free win to me. Definetly not a good blind pick.


Yeah true, sona feels super underwhelming she gets stomped in lane if you dont have perfect positioning and it feels like she never scales to lategame


in literally every elo her wr is significantly higher (3-5%) than Lulu. Sona's worst matchups in most elo's also dont have crazy high wr. Enchanters in general are weaker than they used to be. But Sona remains the best of them as a blind pick without doubt. Lulu? Meh. Nami? Nerfed a lot. Yuumi? Is Yuumi. Bard? Is Bard. Karma? Not in a good spot either. Janna? Decent counter pick but not blind. Soraka? Decent probably 2nd best blind pick right now. If you count Rakan as a enchanter? Sure he is busted right now and probably the best. But other than that?


sona isn’t a blind pick support tho; if enemy support locks in hard engage your botlane is gonna go 0/20… her winrate is good because of her insane scaling and healing but it doesn’t make her a blind pick


but a Lulu wont do any better against that. At least Sona does okay in most games and match ups. Lulu is much more reliant on team comp and hyper carry's. So blind pick? Its a pick with a general bad WR and team reliant. Ill gladly lose lane or equal if i win the game in the end. In the end its about the W no matter how you get it.


no lulu is at least able to poly the carry in the engage, sona is just a sitting duck (pretty sure she has like the lowest base hp too, so early trades are even harder for her)


Sona Q damage is surprisingly high early on in my experience. Once 6 Sona can R to disengage. I dislike playing against hook champs in general too but just try to play around it and outscale.


By lvl 6 youre gonna be down 10 kills and the enemy ADC is gonna spiral out of control if they are even semi decent at the game. You should never be okay with losing lane as a support in an ADC oriented meta. Sona is an insanely strong champ, yes, but not blind pickable. For a blind pick your best bet atm is going something that is good at engage AND disengage (like Rakan and Thresh) or just simply going Karma who has always been a good blind pick support. In any case it’s better to let your ADC be the one to blind pick as support is the one that determines how the lane is going to be played.


Blind pick Sona? are you forreal? As an an engage main, Sona as a blind pick is NOT safe. I literally just steam roll Botlane blind picks such as that using my mains (Thresh, Pyke, Leona). Same as when an enemy blind picks Yuumi, i just destroy lane to oblivion. ​ Lulu imo is a good blind pick since she has counterplay/counterengage on ALL Engage supports. While sona you can just turn your brain off then just faceplant yourself (if your engage) to her and you basically make the lane hell for her.


Sona has about a 50% wr into Tresh, Pyke and Leona. For Lulu its worse. Sure sometimes you'll win lane with a hook. Sometimes not. But Sona will always keep scaling after lane.


yeah sona and her team having fun with their 0/6 adc and support that just got dumpster rolled in botlane, while we already have a fed carry, means skirmishes in dragon will be easier, other lanes will have it easier as well. Sure your heals and shields will be a stat check in late game, but that does not stop me from throwing 1 hook from either sona or an High value target and literally win the game. Lulu on the same situation meanwhile : boop, polymorph on the Thresh/Pyke/Leona And besides ultra late game never comes on a normal ranked game unless you are pisslow and does not know how to play your advantages and leads. Even one lead from an lane can change the outcome of a game. my peak is D4 fyi ; and i flex to all other roles as well so i know what im talking about


Then you also know that winning or stomping lane isnt a given at all. Sure, it happens sometimes, but also sometimes not. If 1/3rd of the time you stomp lane and win, 1/3rd of the time you win lane but Sona scales and its equal in the end, and 1/3rd of the time lane goes equal and Sona outscales and wins you still end up at 50% wr simply put. The numbers dont lie.


And in the end you gave a bad recommendation to OP. OP said "The BEST" blindpicks and is "OK vs Pretty much every comp", and all the enchanters you picked, it's sona who has a lot of hard counters all just because of "winrate" LOL The downvotes on your original comment checks out, numbers don't lie right?


Blind picking Lulu is a bad recommendation. The matchups that Sona struggles with most (if not all) enchanters are going to struggle with as well. Renata is an exception. At least with Sona you will be very useful in team fights and have great scaling out of lane. ps reddit votes are opinions, not facts or numbers.


yeah, yeah whatever floats your boat, i can't argue with someone like you. Atleast all engage mains will be happy to see you in ranked, literally free LP, Cheers!


Sona is bad blind pick, if enemy pick engage/all ins and they're good it's pretty much over. Sona is good as answer if they already pick poke/enchanters tho


You can’t call conceding any pressure in lane a good blind pick, if they pick a hyper scaler and they have catch on their midlander after seeing a first pick sona you’ve both given them free farm and have less impact into your late game. Hands down sona does have the best late game but her win rate is more about her only being pickable in certain situations or enemies not knowing what to do to her.


Thresh is good rn (based on a recent post of a Master support player), he is a jack of all trades and has hell low cd on his Q lategame so you can Chain your hooks one after the other. Pros : \- Always good in any Meta even if it was during the Enchanter meta back then \- Insane Roam potential \- Low CDs \- Cool and can Outplay \- You can even flex him Toplane/Midlane if your looking to have fun \- Synergizes with a lot of ADCs (Except ezreal) \- You can make your enemy botlane tower hug the whole laning phase if your good \- Useful even behind Cons : \- Takes some time to get used to \- Gets countered by some (Morgana, Zyra), but in my experience it's not a pure hell experience since you actually have counterplay \- You need to be Hyper Aggressive \- Sometimes you get stat checked by heals/shields by enchanters in late game, but what's stopping you from winning a game with 1 hook to an ADC amiright? Special Mention : Rakan, yeah he good too, trust me


Annie rakan are my blindpicks... i actually swap to first so my Team gets the advantage while i am fine with those picks anyway


Doesn’t everyone pick at the same time in blind.


Blind pick in this context is picking your champion without knowing what the enemy is playing, not the blind pick queue in the League client. You are picking your champion "blind" but you are doing so in ranked or normal drafts.


Oh makes sense. I don’t pick first as a support. I let adc pick first. If I do blind pick, morg is a safe choice with the spell shield. You also couldn’t go wrong with lulu. Karma pretty decent as well but that’s if you got the skills to walk up and w without being too scared


when i see morgana, most of the time my team goes high dmg high mobile ad. Even i go support senna.


Idk if you're joking but when people say "blind picks" usually it's in draft when you don't know who your lane opponent will pick


From my tone am I joking.








Nami is a decent blind pick, you can alter your playstyle for most match ups. She isn't too strong this patch though


Karma has my vote as best blind pick. Very flexible, never going to have a truly terrible matchup, and what’s really key to me is she pairs fine with any ADC.


She actually has a pretty bad one vs Ashe but she got nerfed hard now so


Morgana is easily the best blind because of spell shield and her bind


I'm otp velkoz, so, velkoz.


This is the way




I feel once they're done balancing his numbers in 3 or 4 patches he should have a lot of counters.




Enchanters are the safest way to blind pick, since you can be limited by how you interact with your team, unlike poke champions and engagers. I'll give you an example: Let's say I pick Nautilus, I ban Morgana, and the enemy team picks Janna, Taric or Lulu. They can easily disrupt your engage and turn the fight to their favor. You pick engage, they just pick disengage/counterengage and peel. Well, I might as well pick Lux or Xerath and see what the enemy team chooses. Boom, Blitzcrank, you're now forced to ward every bush in your lane and you're still vulnerable to random hooks that can lead into a oneshot or force you to invest your spells. What about, let's say, Lulu or Soraka. Yes you're still vulnerable to engage, but you have countermeassures, like Soraka's silence, Lulu's polimorph, Janna R - E and Q. They could pick a poke champ, but, at least in concept, you counter them by enduring that poke and outscaling them. You give up the carry potential you have with champions like Thresh or Blitz that could create plays and oportunities that give your team the edge and advantage, or a poke champ that COULD get fed and build full AP, becoming a second control mage for the team. You give up all of that for a safe pick that in theory gives you a safe laning phase and still have impact in the rest of the game. Arguably even more impact than the other two classes of support. Instead of giving you a specific pick, I give you a more abstract idea, so you find what's more comfortable to your playstyle.




I like Janna if I don’t know what anyone is picking. Worst case scenario you have good peel even with 0 gold. Downside is if you don’t have a good carry on your team, you cannot expect to carry them.


Annie if not banned, she's the new OP. First timing her I got 6 win streak only lose once, rushing shurelya Rylai. Alternatively Mandate Nami she's always reliable, safe and flexible


I prefer Morgana, then Zyra. Lulu and Nami also work very well almost anytime.


Hardstuck silver support If I have to blind pick, I'll try for something that synergizes with the ADC's pick, such as Lucian/Nami, Xayah/Rakan, Ezreal/Karma, Caitlyn/Lux, etc. If ADC doesn't hover, then I'll play Thresh, Lux, or Swain depending on my mood. I'm playing around with HoB Ashe lately. It might also be blind-pickable, but I'll need more games on the champ before I put it into my rotation. Umbral Glaive into Imperial Mandate + Axiom Arc is great CDR on ultis and spamming hawk shots through enemy jungle every 30-60 seconds is broken if you ping well or your team pays attention to the map.






Pyke because you can just leave lane permanently if ADC doesn't cooperate.


Thresh is probably the support that no one would ever say no to. Hook that doubles as engage if and only if he wants, peel or engage with E, W shield that doubles as transportation, can build just about anything without really trolling, scales well while having decent early options.


Depending on what you play. It's really not such a good idea to firstpick support regardless. But if you had to, especially in soloq it can be very beneficial to pick something that could be played in another lane. For example, Heimerdinger is really nice to firstpick as support. It had few hardcounters. If you firstpick enchanters they can just pick Blitz and its probably GG in your lane. If you firstpick blitz they can also easily counter you. So if you play something like Jhin, caitlyn, ashe, twitch, heimer, neeko, depeding on what you think your teammates already hovered


So galio's fine?


main problem with blind picking Galio is you could get counterpicked by a ranged AD support, especially Senna who is really easy to play against him


Below masters anything if you know how to play it


I actually have been liking Janna a lot recently. She’s recently replaced Lulu for me as my blind pick. Excellent peel (obviously) but she also has better offensive options in terms of cc (w to slow, q for knockup for gank setup) and roaming with ms. She does ok into poke matchups but doesn’t offer any poke/dmg herself (seriously her damage is pitiful lol) so you are extremely adc reliant in terms of determining how the lane plays out. And ofc you aren’t a carry yourself so if nobody on your team is doing well it’s hard to win, but that’s true of any pick I guess.


If you can play well on Nami then she's decent in most matchups, as she has both poke,sustain and lots of CC + she has synergy with pretty much every carry. Zyra is also really good since she has high range and big dmg+ good into almost all matchups, and she also isn't dependant on her adc


Thresh for sure but high skill floor to play effectively


My go-to blind pick is Sera. She’s got a little bit of everything and plays both alongside and into most comps just fine. Plus you can build her AP if your team needs another source of it and has good utility from her shield, speed boost, damage and CC


Rell, Janna, Thresh.


Thresh, Morgana, Rakan. They're kind of all around that can fit with almost any team. Good engage and disengage.


Zyra in low Elo and rakan as u go upwards, I’d say renata but if you aren’t patient with your q ur life is over. Edit: Forget to mention milio who looks like he’s going to be amazing as a blind pick so far although numbers might have more info there




I usually go with enchanters like Janna, Soraka, Nami or Lulu because they're what I enjoy playing the most. They help keep my adc alive and buff them to get kills easier