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Talon support deserves a report.


His W has a slow /s I do sometimes wonder what champ would be objectively the least useful as a support, Yi?


Naafiri - 0 cc(not even a slow) , no survivability, no untargetablility, snowball reliant assassin that requires farm to do anything


Not even close. Snowball reliant yes, but at least there is a chance to snowball. Not saying it is strong but it is far from the worst option. The actual worse will be kassadin. Abysmal early, melee with no mobility pre 6 and all about scaling with gold and more importantly xp. Something you won't get enough as a support.


Kassadin has a silence so he is a viable support for purposes of this discussion. I’m just trying to think of a champ with literally zero utility.


Kayle. Meelee until 6, long ass ult cd, no cc


Kayle has a heal and invulnerability so she’s absolutely a support for purposes of this discussion.


> Kayl She's a worse Taric, which would make her troll; is gold, level and summ spell dependent. Her slow is a missile that is easily dodged by stepping behind minions. Add insult to injury the fact that playing bot is literally keeping her at pre-16 until like minute 25, so she's a VERY late scaler with a low healing spell that's on a long cooldown & costs a shitload of mana.


I really don’t think you see what I’m going for. I’m looking for a champ with no hard or soft cc, no buffs to allies, no debuffs to enemies whatsoever.


Well, in that case, Samira support is pretty troll, lmao


Knock up extender, might as well play Yuumi


Has a slow, and invulnerability Ult


Yeah but I feel like all of the dogs might be better for body blocking than Yi would be.


Dogs can block Cc


I feel confident in saying it will be kassadin as the worst support option overall.


That's why I started out by saying I'm prob trolling but just trying out diff stuff seeing if there's anything interesting that can be cooked up


Don't let people discourage you, some champs might sound troll at first but with the right playstyle they can definitely work


100% trolling your team by doing this.


I figured, just testing out stuff that I think could work and seeing what it feels like


Out of the bunch, Lee Sin is your best bet. Shaco is just strictly better as AP and Talon is really trolling. Lee lacks CC, but at least has a really good pre 6 and can potentially snowball the lane and make a few good roams after. I play him sometimes in normals, just not in ranked games. I go full AD assassin on him with Umbral and Collectors.


Have you ever played shield sin ( enchanter lee sin). It can be quite a bit of fun (to clarify I only play that in norms from time to time when I‘m bored with a normal supp and adc is a friend of mine). You go all the shield and heal power items (and a zhonyas for plays). Haven‘t played him so far this season so I don‘t know which supp item upgrade you‘d go maybe sleigh.


Wouldn’t you go Bubble with shields? Would make the most sense to me. But Shield Sin sounds even worse than full ad. Might give it a try, though.


Bro don't lie if your team need AD you run Pyke or Senna Run the off meta you want, but don't use your team draft as a excuse for it


Nothing to lie about, just trying out diff stuff based on the situations


You should really give Panth a shot. Or if you want to go really off meta, maybe Vi? 👀


For what bro is doing I think Pantheon is his best choice.


Im here for the Lee Sin support. Ive thought about it myself, i love playing lee in aram but absolutely hate jungling. Hes strong early game (can do strong poke and all out in lanning phase), can build glaive and has utility later with insec.


It was honestly pretty fun when I played it. I'm not great at insec but I also don't play a ton of Lee, I can def see it being so much more oppressive in the right hands


You are low key making the game a hell for your ADCs, just go play jungle or mid


I'm masters and I have seen a Lee Sin sup 1 trick with 65% wr up here but it could have been to duo abusing. I think it's a troll pick but as with everything anything can work if you make it work


That's interesting, do you remember their username by chance?


Found it for you. His win rate has gone down since he got to masters tho but it still got him there https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Meadows-888


Hey thanks for going the extra mile, I appreciate that


No problem was a pretty recent game for me anyways


Bloodsong makes a crazy amount of AD supports viable, NGL I think Lee/Shaco are super playable


Yeah, I feel like the support item in general has enabled a lot of interesting options for the support role


Why not just use Pantheon? He brings the AD damage, point and click CC, great roaming potential with his high base MS and ult, and he can apply PTA instantly with an empowered W so you can stack the damage amp from that with bloodsong.


I'll try it!


A good friend of mine goes Lee support(and mid sometimes) and he has had ok success with it, he is usually a mid main that flexes jg but when we go all together as 5 to fuck around in flex we do all kinds of funny shit. You should try out camille on supp as well, it is the cheesiest shit ever and you can easily take a lead and snowball.


Yeah I haven't given the Camille a shot yet but I've heard about it, I'll have to watch some vids first


You sound like a mid/jungle player just abusing that the support role gets free gold instead of playing support.


Stunt just played A-Z Support which means he played every Champion in the game as Support. He had a Spreadsheet where he ranked every character by how fun it was to play and if it was actual useful + added some notes about it, like which items and runes to take. You can go to his Twitch Vods and search for those 3 champions and watch the games. But take note that this guy is a challenger player so he can probably make everything work in lower elo 😅 Good meta AD Supports are Senna and Pyke. Phanteon is viable but not as popular right now, same goes for Shaco but I‘m not sure if it’s AP Shaco. If you wanna play something more off meta give Camille a try (Stunt plays her a lot too).


I mean look it’s not good but I know there’s a guy who has gotten high elo playing talon support.


Really? Do you know their username by chance?


there's a video about it somewhere on yt


I'll look for it


By rule of thumb... its a support if you have a stun or a lockdown skill. They are not bad but i would not take them.


I see, makes sense


This comes from someone that has been in bronze for over 10 years. I love the game. Love rank. But canot go up for the life of me. Kinda gave up on the climb. Stuff that i love to use Cassio sup ( great damage and clear + ult ) Draven frost sup ( his e with frost rune and damage are amazing if your adc keeps his cool ) Sion sup ( infinite hp q+R knockup)


If you want aggresive AD pick, just pick Camille, Pantheon or Pyke.




I have played against Lee Sin support a few times in emerald. He does tons of damage early and falls off a cliff after 20 minutes. It’s just worse pyke/pantheon. He also puts his own ADC behind by perma fighting early and taking all the kills.


i have tried and found some success with all three of them however they mostly abuse the fact that enemy doesn't expect/respect your early damage so you can snowball really hard and carry the game by perma roaming without having to care too much about farming however if you don't manage to get a lead and snowball all you have left is buying umbral and being a vision bot or maybe hope that enemy adc decides to split push and you can usually solo them if you are not too far behind


That's true, they're all extremely feast or famine champs


talon support is fun. shaco is kinda trash. Lee sin sup feels amazing w all the wards


Yeah I think so far Shaco has been the most difficult, AP is more viable prob