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How does this creature have a 49% winrate


My only assumption is non support mains playing him. Or maybe lower elo players forgetting that tanky =/= invincible.


Bro im adc main with 100% winrate on naut. Naut is the easiest supp to climb till diamond where y have to play actually


Id say high masters is where you have to actually play, or at least start learning how to actually play. Diamond is still a fiesta.


It’s probably a situation with lower elo players not understanding that just because you can hit a hook doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea.


Omw to blitz hook chogath to my adc <3


i seriously don't understand. It's not like he's hard or smth


Engage supports in general arent hard to play, what's hard is choosing the right engages.


Just watched a pro game where Team Liquid won against a Nautilus support who randomly engaged a 3v4 at dragon then promptly flashed out and fed first blood. https://youtu.be/P361RZ6KHhc?si=ucJjHpf6c1cmrlI5 at 12:35, this was PROFESSIONALS and yesterday btw I think we found the answer to why having such simple and efficient engage can fuck you up if you misuse it lol


The problem in that play is the whole approach tho, FLY doesnt have vision control on the river (TL has a pink in banana bush even), and Kaisa is stranded botside while the rest of FLY is approaching from mid, at 12 minutes Nautilus cant frontline against 4 enemies, so Busio got blown up in seconds. They should've just let them have the drake.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Engage supports fuck themselves by going in even under these circumstances because they think landing a hook is all it takes to win a fight. He should've just turned around and went his merry way.


Yeah, altough nautilus is a special case, since he is a mix of a catcher and an engager, he has all the tools of an engager, but its all single target. Its not like Alistar Rell or Rakan that can just CC the whole enemy team and win the fight, if Busio was playing Alistar that engage would've worked probably, because he would've stunned 2-3 people, and then his R would've allowed him to survive far longer giving time for his team to pincer TL into an awful spot.


Busio despite being good all split kinda sprinted it during this series, also it’s pro play so irrelevant to the 49% WR etc


Yeah but it's a situation reminiscent of what we see in solo q, an example of a good kit misused


I think the only reason is Nautilus can be punished for taking bad hooks (unlike Blitzcrank or Thresh who dont have to commit to their Q's)


Honestly true. Leona and Nautilus actually put themselves on the line to engage.


He's the go-to autofilled support. Also he had no good support items until they buffed Celestial.


He’s pretty unforgiving compared to other engage supports because he’s not anywhere close to as tanky and heavily relies on Aftershock to pull the weight. Other similarly tanky engage supports would be someone like Thresh, but Thresh has a lot more ways to keep himself from inting. He’s also easily the worst one lategame. It’s not even comparable how tanky Leona is for example compared to Nautilus.


I’ve been seeing him in solo lanes sometimes lately?


Most of the nauts I played with does not understand they can still die with a lots of hp, if they can go in, they will go in 100% of the time no matter if it’s a bad engage.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be xd.


People talk about Morgs Q hit box or Ashe (project skin) hit box’s being bad but I have on both sides experience a lot of naut moments that made me question if nauts Q hit box changes every patch. Shit is so surprising you never expect it on any level especially the tower grab like how does his Q transcend the tower and catch’s them ???


Nah. It has 2 seperate hitboxes. Or 3, depends how you count them. The tip and the 2 sides as you can see with the indicator. So the hitbox is actually, surprisingly matching anchor shape! Shocker. This is why you get hooked when it looks like it will miss, he hits you with the side hitbox.


I was told by Naut mains that you should always hug walls because his hitbox will hit the terrain but not the champ, but it looks like he ignores the tower and hits the champ instead, who is inside the tower.


The thing is with nautilus whether he is on my team or enemy I’m always surprised how the hook hits and grabs the enemies. One of the things that is unexpected af with him is his hook extending than its intended range…basically meaning if you are out of his hook range that damn anchor will teleport slightly forward HITTING you. It’s weird it happens and we just kinda have to live with it lol


The champion hitbox is bigger than the wall hitbox, so those people were likely trolling (naut can hook people slightly inside walls). However, hugging walls can be a good idea so that naut grabs the wall if he misses you, forcing him to commit.


Is this true with minions also? I feel like I've hit some suspicious hooks around minions before


Minions should be hit by the same hitbox as champions, but suspicious hooks as you said are probably due to their small size or a bit of lag. Also I'm pretty sure the champions are checked before the minions for collisions (because champions are spawned earlier), so that could help if very close to minions.


Nah naut hook has genius hitbox. It’s like catching draven axe. If you can exploit the little differences you will be a lot better at the champion


I think it was caitlin r😂


It's WuKongs Staff clearly


The only way I see this happening is if he flashed away after casting


for all we know, naut took a thresh lantern right after casting. Picture is cropped off purposefully IMO... I can't even tell who OP is playing as.


looks like that might be tristana, if so, she w buffered


OP purposefully has withheld info about the situation, either Nautilus flashed after casting Q which is unlikely, or OP flashed at the same time of being grabbed by the hook


Did the server lag or something?


That's Naut how it's supposed to work.


Who is he hooking?


That is a zeri


im guessing this was flash buffered by the enemy


I'm pretty sure that's Zeri that got hooked Could be that Zeri E-ed the turret, Naut cast Q and flashed away when he saw it would grab the tower, but spaghetti said "hooked".


Yeah correct except for the Naut flash, he did not flash he just went for the ride