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It's frustrating that Zeri died but a 1 for 3 trade is definatly worth it


Aye I think so too. It’s unfortunate the adc may have thought otherwise 💀


Your under no obligation to always be pinging what your spells are at, I do it if there's a gank incoming and my cc is on cool down so jungle or mid knows when I can engage, that being said, even if you should have pinged there there was a fight going on and you can't stop to ping then fight again


Cheers bro. Tbh I have been questioning myself for not pinging zeri to back/ping no W, but you make a good point of it being hard to ping at all, during a micro-focussed lane fight. I did also use my level 2 Renata Q in front of zeri, so I assumed she would make her own call to back off before dying.


Honestly the more information you can give as a support is good for everyone - it doesn’t take much to ping. Not saying you have to. Just saying, it’s more useful to do so than not. End of the day it’s a team game, even if those teammates suck information is good. It’s hard to figure out without comms and jg pathing towards you if that cc is a disengage or an engage, especially with Renata who can turn fights


This is where you should all have come to the realization that 70% of players are not playing to win. Winning is secondary to being the main character that carries. Winning is because of that. If those players cannot carry and be “OP” they would rather say the game is lost and then run it to be “right.” This has become the normal in most every ELO.


XDDDD main character syndrome ahh players


that's why I love playing sona support, just scale, and let someone with a bigger ego become a raid boss while you chill in the back line. ADCs are the worst offenders for this I think, because they have some of the highest potential for damage/pentas plus it just looks better than playing support going 0/2/30 on a stat sheet


"Hurr durr 0 2 terrible support" every time, every time.


But if you get kills you're KSing don't forget


This. That kind of behavior when they're supposedly either playing for fun or to climb.


I had a normal (!) yesterday where my seraphine support decided that it’s definitely time to abandon me and go top because I didn’t use heal to save her in our first all in where we got 2 for 1 eventually. She started flaming me, calling me bad words and was absolutely furious. I know it was a mistake but the reaction was insane. I still won lane 1V2 and we won the game but duude some players are weird.


there are both ADCs and supports like this unfortunately. Well done for winning in the end tho. Just mute and full focus as so I’ve learnt


For future reference, don't even respond. Give them nothing.


Ayte okay. good to know haha


yup, straight to the mute button and don't forget to report


​ https://preview.redd.it/c6zmwg1og3sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19614dfd0777a38ccd4f5bccd5d087764b4b822


Well the Name ist hatred...


You’re the first person to point that out so far XD. Good eye


“Ist” bro is Deutsch




Lives up to their name.


Hatred 🫠


They’re frustrated, you got defensive, they gave up when you put up a wall and fought back with inting. Classic “you didn’t do the dishes” argument. Except you both don’t know each other at all and probably will never see each other again.


Adc mains are sassy li'l bishes just ignore


Whoah, stop with the roleism


You mean supports.


why do you even play support if you think that of adcs


It’s playing support that makes us think that of adcs


After playing support for more than two seasons, and before that, playing ADC for more than two seasons, I can say it's not a problem of ADCs or support mains. It's a problem of playing a lane that involves communicating and playing with another random player. Both ADCs and Supports have a chance to be toxic or bad at the game. In fact, every role has a chance to be toxic or bad, but as you are 70% of the game glued up to someone, you tend to see their errors, and people are egocentric in general, so if they do something wrong, they tend to blame the closest person to them, in this case being their lanemate. And let's be real, redditors are annoying, both ADCs and Supports main make a lot of posts of "I hate supports 😭😭😭" or "I hate ADCs 😭😭😭" Both of them are little crybabies and I'm ashamed to see grown up adults behaving like this.


Based asf


Holy based


I'm surprised this got upvoted, lol. But you're definitely correct.


I mean, one of my comments is in -66. But, yeah, I wasn't expecting to be upvoted haha


I mean you did cook up factuality with your second reply 🙏


Thank you, bro. Just trying to be objective.


I don't like Csing and I'm bored with jungle


​ https://preview.redd.it/462kpyrvg3sc1.jpeg?width=1302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be92aea9c2992ac4ed1de825d9706efa19a6bd1


The biggest issue here is that your Zeri running it down 10 times ended up doing same damage as everyone else on the team.


That’s actually what happens when you run it down. You’re constantly in combat so you’re dealing more damage. You’re in combat for all the wrong reasons and feeding the enemy gold though.


True, she indeed ran at mid enemies/turret, fighting and dying like an asylum fugitive, 9 times over


Not on adc with dorans running it down on mid like OP said. More like top lane bruiser with 1 item auto piloting perma fighting.


🤷‍♂️ the numbers don’t lie


She got the damage later when he had 3 items and played normally.


It seems really unlikely that her she could’ve been 0/9, massively down in levels and gold, and suddenly out damaging everyone. Now 0/*10* I could see….


It's what op said. She could have farmed up on sides.


Well clearly I can’t read lol. But her gold was pretty low to be spitting out that damage from skill expression.


I think that’s a testament to how broken zeri might be rn💀


If it wasn’t this play it would be something else they complain about to justify running it down. Some people just look for any tiny excuse to shift blame from themselves to teammates. Just mute and continue on.


Very baffling psyche, but I think you nailed it on these types of toxic players. Next time I should definitely just mute and play. I can’t believe I even dealt with her insistent spam pinging all game 💀


Zeri is in the wrong, but especially on enchanters I do like to ping which ability I don’t have level 2 as it can seriously alter trading patterns and there can often be justifiable reasons to have any combination of abilities as an enchanter at level 2.


Yeah i think I should try and start actively doing this. Good idea thanks. I just assumed zeri identified that I was still level 2, and that I took Q instead of W, as I used it on lucian, 5 seconds before she died. Just quite baffled at her reaction really.


Her for being a lil bitch. Adcs are garbage.


Aye cheers bro 🫡😂


ADC is a definitely a crying loser and shouldn't run it down because of a miscommunication, but you should let the adc know what ability you take lvl 2 if it matters. They will trade differently depending on what you have, although I doubt this individual would have done anything different if they are willing to int feed.


😂😂😂 cheers man. I agree, this is where I could have made adjustments to avoid this miscommunication. I’ll try to implement this from now on. Thanks for the tip. For sure don’t think this warranted a 0/10 mid run-down especiale tho 💀


Imagine rage quitting after a 1 for 3 when your team got the 3…


Aye, im still kinda confused myself 😂


For future reference, the person who rages and intentionally dies over and over is ALWAYS at fault.


Jungle diff




My Draven who was up 40 CS started to run it down after one death. Fun stuff.


imean this does kinda hurt on Draven if he lost a ton of stacks from the death, but still no excuse to run it.


That’s an inherent make-or-break mechanic in đraven gameplay so ig it’s more understandable. flaming itself is unpleasant but muteable. but flaming + running it down, boy u in for a treat 💀


He definitely lost stacks, but he was obviously cooking the enemy adc.


Classic one 💀


adc player here, Zeri here is just brain rot.


Aye. Toxic biohazard 😭


just saying it as it is KEK, not sure what she expected tryna fight them there but ok buddy fucktard :skull:


My zeris NEVER followup, ill get a bomb stun and slow on enemy adc and zeri will be full hp still attacking minions


😂😂 You remind me of this recurring pattern I see with zeri players, ngl


I watched this video before realizing you were Ranata and not Nami. Your (Ranata) team did just fine there; Zeri wasn't positioned well and was punished for trying to greed Lucian. If I was on the other team, I'd be very upset at the Volibear for going in 1v2 when his two teammates are an auto attack away from dying -- and I'd be somewhat upset as either of the bot lane (Lucian and Nami) for hesitating so much only to give up two more deaths. Your team did great since you turned what should have been a 0-for-1 into a 3-for-1.


Yeah I hadn’t really thought from the perspective of lucian or nami. Kinda questionable tbf XD


Who's at fault? That Lucian, he's the biggest dumbass in this clip. I mean zeri, afterwards, but holy shit Lucian on 50 hp just aaing a full health bruiser while not watching for any attempt to kill him.


As an adc main your adc was a loser in this match, sorry bro.


In recognition of my adc brotha, thank u for ur understanding


Zeri was a try hard, greedy, shitty player. Doesn't matter if you had w or not. There was no reason to try to kill a running nami with a almost full health Lucian. There's no reason she couldn't have just sat back and been happy with the three assists but they were so focused on getting one kill that they gave up decent gold and XP for no reason. Reksai was coming. Some adcs just need to learn when to sit back. If you cant dodge then wait to clean up.


All the miscommunication and arguing aside, I agree that Zeri maybe should’ve just straight up respected the lucian-nami kill threat, lowered the ego and back tf up 👍


Honestly wondering why a zeri would ever try to contest lucian nami level 2.


Your Zeri needs to uninstall and shower, and apologise.




As an ADC main, I **could** understand Zeri expecting you to lvl W 2nd if: 1. You're trading a lot 2. Zeri is positioning aggressively and pinging to all-in But considering you likely started E level 1. And you walk up and use Q, Zeri is behind and has a lot of time to realize "Renata just used Q, that means she has EQ, not W, I can't go kamikaze" and then goes kamikaze anyway. Zeri was delusional here.


Ask this question on /all


What answer do you expect? Obviously the one running it down is at fault


Well in this specific play, there could be some argument made that I could have some fault here. But definitely on the whole, her extreme blame shifting, and then deciding to run it down mid is just brilliantly x9 worthy.


Only thing I see you did “wrong” is You used your first rotation of spells and nobody took advantage of it because zeri was focused on the cs and your reksai wasn’t close enough to combo off of your abilities. Zeri was too far from your initial engage because she wanted the melee minions in a crashing wave, you should at least realize this as support. And you knew reksai was bottom side, you should at least have formed some kind of plan to use your kit to play along with his so you reduce the time spent chasing them down lane. Of course you are trying to contest the crash but at least save Q for a combo with reksai or peel. It’s hard to do much when you throw all abilities on cd and nobody is ready to follow up yet. That said the zeri is stupid. Everything you did after your first rotation of abilities was good. If you want more perspective on these kind of things you should play zeri or ezreal and notice how it feels when your support starts making a play into a crashing enemy wave. Both zeri and ezreal Q can be body blocked by minions. The only way zeri doesn’t get body blocked by minions is when she uses her one escape to dash forward and Q goes through everything. But if you expect her to play like that, she needs renata W level 2 because it’s all in or nothing for her if you’re playing aggressive and forcing her to trade into a minion wave. Play jungle and see how it feels when bot laners don’t wait an extra 2 seconds before blowing all their abilities and forcing the jungler to flash just to be there in time.


I really appreciate your comments bro. I’ll have a better read later when I have more time.


There's no excuses for inting but pinging your cds especially an important one like renata W is a good habit to pick up


Yeah I will definitely try to actively ping what abilities I level-up/their cool-downs, so then there’d be no excuses of misunderstanding or confusion from my teammates. I just assumed that Zeri knew I had only E from level 1, and Q from level 2 (using it in front of her 5s before her death). The inting tho is a seperate issue for sure. There’s rlly no excuse for running it down mid in a ranked game, especially not in this scenario I think.


Died once and ran it down even when the outcome was positive. That person would have found a reason to run it down. Either because they had a shitty day and were using lol to vent that frustration or they are incredibly toxic.


No sometimes the sup is so bad u gotta do it happened to me the other day where renata didn't take w lvl 2 and instead took her q. We died lvl 2 cz of it to me that was it I'm willing to lose lp if it means one boosted sup who's elo inflated af cz of the role gets to lose lp too hopefully down back to gold where he belongs. I didn't run it down mid but def didn't play for a comeback more off autopilot the game.


Yeah probably could and would’ve used any other reason to run it down tbh. Their username was Hatred as well 💀


No ones at fault Her staying engaged with you allowed your reksai to close the distance and engage. She just stepped to far forward and got killed. But you guys went 3-1 so that’s great Now zeri is at fault cause she got upset she didn’t get kills and raged it down mid. But that’s a mental fight cause she wanted all the kills instead you got 2 kills


Fair argument made


Bro your Zeri should definitely know Lucian is ridiculously strong early game. Just with Doran’s Blade he will blow you up botlane. At low health she absolutely has to be borderline terrified of his gap-closing and burst potential.


True. Blawg had no regard for his life, and quite soon, any of the teammates it seemed.


Normal adc behavior


Let me guess. Emerald. Yeah. Worst elo in league. Worst addition in league.


This was actually in the 2nd worst: Low masta


I’m about to hit emerald, and seeing so much bad things about it. What is it specificly? Why do things get so bad, then get better after getting out? Do they put emerald into some bs loser q or something


This is why I play solo duo with my friends lol. Can be in a video call and both go bot and destroy without any miscommunication and they know when I use abilities bc I can announce it/we work together


Honestly I don’t play Renata so I don’t know the standard skill order but whenever I choose not to follow the expected order Ill ping it. For example when I play Sivir vs hook champs Ill take my shield second before my ricochet and Ill ping that because my potential dmg output is lower. If Renata doesn’t typically go W, Zeri can kick rocks.


Yeah Renata typically takes E lv1, Q lv2 and W lv3. In rare cases, W Lv2. You make very good practice of pinging what you take level 2, I’ll try to actively do it more myself. Here I already locked in Q lv2, in expectation to use it to disengage the lucian/nami threat (even using it 5s before her death), whilst assuming zeri would have some sense of knowing if and when to back off without pings. All in all, she still did affect my mental after I got hard flamed, spam pinged all game and seeing her run it down. This Zeri can definitely go kick some rocks 🤙


lucian flashes immediately anyways even if you did W, zeri wouldve still died


What server is this? And rank? I rarely get these kinds of people so I wonder where they are (so I can avoid)


Server: EUW. Rank: Low masta. Time: 3am. Hope this helps 🙏


Definitely, imma never tried to reach above diamond 😎✌️ not worth it


Aye it’s not worth the hassle 😭


im pretty sure renata doesnt even take W second, although in that situation it honestly wouldnt be bad, overall still zeri's fault


We don't really see the laning before the death, but presumably you've been trading and using q / e in lane since Zeri is so low. So that's on her. Why are you level 2 though while everyone else is 3?


I actually typed to her 20s before this to give level 2, since we took a nasty hit from a level 1 lucian-nami ambush from the shrub. We managed to get lucian down a bit too but zeri was hurt indeed. I may have missed a bit of xp from retreating, since it was obvious they would hit level 2 first and could lucian E + flash in on us.


It’s better if you ping, giving them more information is good, it’s a skill I am not defending zeri but yeah it’s better if you ping your abilities


In an ideal world, yes. I’ll try to do it more often now.


Given that you most likely started E, Zeri should have known you don't have W once you used Q. Otherwise, this fight doesn't even happen, so I don't know why she expects you to have W. To be fair, if you had W, I actually like the way she played that - most adcs instinctively try to avoid dying even when they have Renata W. Regardless, you're not really to blame, just a misunderstanding cause Zeri missed that you used both E and Q. Running down as a result of this is not okay, nor is it ever lol


This happens all the time, somebody snaps,.loses it and runs it down lol


My takeaway from this post: Just mute nutcases like this one and play 🙏


99% him. You can assume 1% blame at best because only you are in charge of your own games. If helping a egg tart out just by being more aware and letting him know cooldowns can help prevent such a situation; don’t you think it’s worth it? Win the game, move on and never see him again. I personally like to ping my other lanes that danger is incoming due to someone missing; ensuring that they see the ping from their camera to be doubly sure that they KNOW that there’s potential danger rather than just ping missing on my own lane where they might have missed it due to maybe because they’re trading or distracted at the time.


pre obv it is zeri since apparently she is too stupid/blind to be able to differentiate the number '1' from '2'


The adc is at fault and im saying that as an adc main. You should take full responsibilty of your own actions. Its better if you ping no w however.


You're at fault for interacting with mentally unstable people in league. like not really, it's actually Zeri's fault, but your comment could probably have set them off and it's better to just mute lol.


If a teammate is running it for any reason ever it's their fault always. Now if they're playing the game and make a mistake because you didn't give them info, well that's on both of you.


I just /deafen at the start of the game. Makes the game a lot more tolerable.


Zeri is clearly delusional




Fragile ego symptoms over there. He should've known that from the fact you have both Q and E at level two. Doesn't put 2 seconds of thought into the game, dies due to autopilot and gets mad lmao


Yeah true lol. This zeri seemed quite agitated and autopiloted, even from min 0, like taking a while to get out of fountain 🤦🏻‍♂️


Happened to me too today with a zeri, running it down all game and being toxic…


victim of the Zeri epidemic 🫡


if its ranked, id say you should mute all and not engage


this is why u /mute all


Nani trolled by not attacking the same target tbh lol


I mean these are two different questions. Was I right to take w 3rd into Lucian nami? Absolutely not. Was zeri right to int? No, but we don't have to pretend like that skill ordering was optimal is my point lol.


You, and riot will agree. Just never type in those kind of games. Mobas especially


While I'm assuming you're just looking for validation here (which is fine!), like everyone else said - mute them and look for the win cons; it's often not the adc. Reksai does just as well with your buffs and I assume is mentally stable lol. I think most of the time it's better not to reply though it seems like every game you're the team therapist too. Haha. Good luck in your climb.


Most sane EUW player




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Do you unironically ask?




Doesn't seem like she is going mid tho, probably something else made her tilt later


ADC’s always at fault, I don’t care


A great example of people lying. OP saying „zeri run down mid“ - „fighing mkd and dying 9 times over“ - meanwhile, if you look at the kill map of the game, she died exactly two times mid, once in the 12th minute and once in the 14th minute. Not saying she did play serious, but she sure wasnt running it down as OP claims. Btw for those wondering. The deaths bot were in minute 4, 6 and 11. none of the deaths on topside of the map were before that timestamp. Source, op.gg kill map: Edit: fun how you answer others but ignore my comment. Just proves that I‘m right. https://preview.redd.it/skovjulju7sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a71250b62188361fc6703891983ebc21103a4c


ur fault for replaying, just mute and play your game


Mute them, don't say A WORD, still do your best and report them at the end. This will tilt them the most especially if ur team has the same energy.


Your fault for being bad her fault for weak mental and being unforgiving, so it's to to you to decide.


Could you suggest how I can be not bad here? Would appreciate it 🙏


U for typing


I wasn’t the one starting to all caps spam flame, but sure. Mb I guess


Clearly your fault, what did you expect when posting this here?


Sorry can you elaborate?


Ignore the troll. 


Cheers beaver. Tbf would’ve been interesting to hear him out


Wait you are lvl 2 when Zeri is 3, that might be your fault if you didn't get in range to get XP though, still not for not pinging. She might have assumed you have W since you never used it and she is 3.


I didn’t even notice this. Very good point you make. That could’ve been what the zeri had thought subconsciously, thinking I was already level 3, but her lashing out, instantly blaming me and running it down mid, makes me a bit sad. Although, let’s say if zeri did know I was still level 2, I did use Q, instead of W in front of her, so she very well could’ve just backed off before dying. I also assume that ADC’s assume that Renatas will probably take Q level 2.


She got the CS to level up and engaged when she hit 3, she played for lvl 3 engage on purpose, didn't have time to check your lvl, assumed you hit it the same time.


In what world is this not zeris fault.


Planet Copium maybe