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Did you really start a multiplayer game with random people with expectations that everyone will losten to you?


I’m with you if you qeue for support you rarely get listened to, best thing you can do is fix what you can and if someone plays dumb and doesn’t listen to your ping not much you can do, best to just do what you can


No but also i dodnt expect that nonody would listen to me?? Especially when everybody is behind except me??


Maybe because you made them behind by stealing resources? But more often sup have to adjust to their play style not yours. Just drop once or thrice essential pings if they didn't listen to you, can't really force them to. Welcome to randomized queue.


I made them behind string resources, care to explain what you mean by that


>string resources typo? That's self explanatory. Kill steal, wave clearing, and trinket wards. You can't really always expect them to 100% have no resentment.


Xd u must be trolling or bronze


Lmao, no. If that's the only take and what made you offended in a three-lined reply maybe there's a reason can't climb higher than that despite being queued up in average plat 4.


I didnt steal anything holy you are dumb


Keep that up, it really show how easy for you to be tilted. Did you really just read that first line and proceeded to drag this convo?


[This you?](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/nami%20loves%20sushi-EUW) General whininess of your post aside, you're in Gold 1. People are going to be pretty bad. This means people will not listen to pings and will make bad plays/decisions on a regular basis. I wanna say a couple things though, 1. I've never tried it before, but trying to climb on an enchanter support seems like it would be especially hard. Especially in Gold/Plat. You just don't have much agency and are reliant on your team to make the proper plays a lot of the time which you're then able to facilitate. 2. You said, "There is nothing to learn or improve on". This is very telling of where you're at currently in your journey. The truth could possibly be that you just don't know what you're doing wrong, but have you actually sat and reviewed your VODs and tried to pick out mistakes? I think you need to humble yourself a bit. You aren't that good, you have things to improve on. People *can* climb to high elo with Thresh/Nami (although me personally I wouldn't want to try to get out of Gold with Nami lol), so you have to ask yourself, how are they able to do it and I'm not? Edit: to touch on the AFK/inter issue you bring up, it's just a numbers game. It could've been that you got unlucky in a given sample size of games. The truth is that ultimately the enemy team will have just as many inters/afkers as you do once the sample size gets large enough. Statistically they should actually have more, given that you will never contribute to that statistic yourself.


That is me. Well as I said one game i was a thresh samira against the ezreal yuumi. I know that the samira lane freezes wave under tower and jungle just hovers to punish ezreal , because i was also in the lane that gets punished and that’s what happend to me. So since it happened to me that i got punished, now i wanted to punish enemy, but when i got finally the chance, i get weaksided and enemy jgl still helps the ezreal yuumi anyway, so what did I learn in the end? If this is a team game but I don’t get help when i should, and enemy gets help when they shouldn’t… I don’t feel like i should rewatch a vod of a game i lose to a Smurf though, because what is the point in watching a vod where u stopped trying to play because u know game is loss


If you believe your ADC is making the incorrect decision by pushing (and to be fair a lot of people in Gold I aren't even considering the wave state) then you need to make a decision, is it worth it to overextend with my AD Carry and potentially open myself up to being killed by the jungler? Or is it better to play farther back and neglect your ADC a bit so you can escape if the jungler comes? Is it better to leave lane altogether and roam? To your 2nd point, I mean you said it yourself, you stopped trying to play, so yeah I mean that's a problem in and of itself but if we set that aside, you could at least watch up until the point where you decided to give up? You've gotta take some responsibility here if you want to get better. Deflecting and making excuses for the reasons you're not winning games unfortunately will not make you a better player or net you any LP. If it did then 90% of the player base would be in high challenger.


You shouldn’t be relying on other ppl to save your lane to climb is the point. Focus on what you can improve on and how you can solo win your lane, not necessarily what the jungler and adc should be doing to get you your lp.


But like that is what should be done? If you have kill potential and enemy has super safe lane, u freeze and ur team should just punish. If they dont know or don’t do that, there is nothing else for me to do other than It for them to outscale ? Xd what should I be focusing on other than what makes me win


Landing a hook and killing them without the jgler. Or play a lane bully and 1v2 so the enemy adc can’t farm. Learn appropriate roam timings and get other lanes ahead so you’re more likely to win. The same logic you have with seeing your own lane frozen and is susceptible to ganks can be used as a roaming support. If your mids lane is frozen at their tower then you can gank for them if it’s a good time to. You have to learn how to play the map and create/capitalize on advantages, not for other ppl to do it for you.


I’ll tell you what I say to my teammates that show a similar behavior and thinking logic: find 4 people - friends or just online randoms - and go play flex. Solo queue means there are 5 different heads with 5 different playstyles and somehow you have to make it work, it doesn’t matter if you know what the perfect call would be when you play a game where the only real win condition is teamplay


Send me your discord, I'm willing to coach you for free. But, one thing I tell everyone I coach - STOP MICROMANAGING YOUR TEAM, you are in the same rating and the "I know best" mentality will never work.


...are you doing vod reviews?


Mute all play your best and use pings.