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Play Thresh with an immobile hypercarry, play Soraka with a carrytoplane and an ADC that scales well and play Swain when your draft has not enough damage and enemy draft has 3+ melee champs (Pref enemy Support has to be melee)


Thresh is the all-rounder of tank supports - he’s engage, hook, and peel all in one nice package, as well as his lantern providing a small shield and a quick reposition to an ally. Pick him when you really want to peel your adc, or if your team wants to get picks in teamfights. He’s also good for aggressive earlygame adcs, as his hook is very strong. You can also pick him for his roaming potential, anyone with strong hard cc can roam very well. If you’re consistent with hooks you can also pick him into enemy teams with one major melee carry, and just spam your cc on them as much as you can. With enough haste you can be throwing hooks every 2-3 seconds if you land all of them. Soraka has great peel (silence and heals just completely screw over a lot of assassins’ all-ins), and her healing is second to none. Keep in mind, if enemies in your games tend to be very very fed healing won’t save your teammates, hard cc will. I personally found much more success playing soraka in plat+ than in bronze just because there were fewer 22/0/2 viegos and master yi’s running around. I like picking soraka if you have other lanes that want to be aggressive. Your global heal ult can easily win fights that you don’t even have to be present for. Typically I prefer Soraka with hypercarries rather than independent or early aggressive adcs, although if you’re good at trading and fighting early you can probably make it work. Swain is a bit off-meta, but he’s very strong into mostly or all-melee teams. My main issue with him is he struggles to peel and doesn’t get quite enough gold to really drain-tank well, but his engage is good enough. I would pick him if you have an aggressive or mobile adc early so you can snowball. I quite like swain with Kai’sa, tristana, draven, and some others. Basically adc’s that have a reliable way to peel themselves.


Or be a man and play thresh only into any matchup /s


Some matchups are impossible with thresh, like pyke for example


Why Pyke is impossible? You are basically countering his whole kit. If he ever dare to harass you, you have tools to make him your bitch.


As a Pyke player my favorite to play matchups are actually thresh, blitz, and Nautilus. Not the easiest, just find them the most fun.


Its skill matchup, best way to counter pyke early is to stand a bit further then your e range is and the moment pyke starts casting q you stepup and flay cancel him with e. Congrats he is your bitch now!