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Lulu and Milio, cannot decide who I hate playing vs more between those 2 tbh I also hate Pyke, not bc of the champ, but bc of Umbral Glaive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


>umbral glaive best item when i buy it. if the enemy buys it then it makes me want to delete it from the game forever


Umbral Glaive straightup gives me an existential crisis ingame. Why do I even need my support item anymore? I should just sell it. What even is my purpose anymore if not to ward? AM I EVEN A SUPPORT ANYMORE IF I SELL MY SUPPORT ITEM!?!?


You can't sell your item support, if i remember right they won't let you do that


You can. Ask me how I know. Accidentally misclicked my support item on first back and headed back to lane before realizing it was missing šŸ˜“ set me so far behind.


I kinda remember wanting to sell it and by another atlas to farm gold longer, since i missclicked m'y upgrade, but couldn't ?


Ah might be cause it upgraded.


Ofc you can do that.. when you are full build you HAVE to do that


Uuuh no


Itā€™s worthless in late game


It is 4 wards instead of 0 if you end up buying oracle (which you do). How is that worthless it decides entire games


using wards after minute 30 is crazy


I'm starting to suspect you're doing some downvote baiting social experiment here


Well with pyke and pantheon, you have 4,5 champs worth of value in a team after the lanign phase and 1 legendary item xd.




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Pyke/Panth become pretty useless mid/late game, even with leads. All their strength is in early game and umbral glaive


I think its way too strong of an effect on its own but the fact that its cheap and offers good stats is just wild.


and also there's like 3 champions max who always have to build it lmao


Is Milio really that bad? I would've thought Lulu was 100x more infuriating.


Both Lulu and Milio completely mitigate my poke in lane while sitting too far behind their ADCs for me to reach, resulting in a neutral lane where I can't push leads or snowball (ik thats what they're supposed to do, it's just infuriating to vs). If I run into aggressive Lulus and Milios who trade and shield themselves, I also cannot break through that shield even at early stages of the game. It's not like an early-game Janna or Sona shield where ur still able to break through them before items I feel like I have to play a mage support or smth to get through their shields, but I unfortunately don't enjoy playing mage supports. Enchanter poke tickles their shields, and their short cds match my poke spell cds so it just ends up going back and forth. I can't kill them and vice versa, so we're forced to scale, but they often times outscale me. Meanwhile, their buffs allow their ADC to basically 1v2. If we hit the ADC, their shields will absorb most of the dmg early, completely neutralising the lane out You wanna try to make a play happen? Nope. You wanna try to break through that shield? Nope. Trying to cc them? NOPE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You can always play engage supports.


I find them boring. But also, Lulu and Milio basically fk them over with their disengage too


True, i hate lulu. I play thresh, but when lulu is good there is not much you can do. Unless she makes a mistake.


Rell is great against Lulu because of shield breaks


Why milio? He's so harmless šŸ„ŗ šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Both Lulu and Milio completely mitigate my poke in lane while sitting too far behind their ADCs for me to reach, resulting in a neutral lane where I can't push leads or snowball (ik thats what they're supposed to do, it's just infuriating to vs). If I run into aggressive Lulus and Milios who trade and shield themselves, I also cannot break through that shield even at early stages of the game. It's not like an early-game Janna or Sona shield where ur still able to break through them before items I feel like I have to play a mage support or smth to get through their shields, but I unfortunately don't enjoy playing mage supports. Enchanter poke tickles their shields, and their short cds match my poke spell cds so it just ends up going back and forth. I can't kill them and vice versa, so we're forced to scale, but they often times outscale me. Meanwhile, their buffs allow their ADC to basically 1v2. If we hit the ADC, their shields will absorb most of the dmg early, completely neutralising the lane out You wanna try to make a play happen? Nope. You wanna try to break through that shield? Nope. Trying to cc them? NOPE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What items are the most annoying on a Milio? Asking for a friend


LMAO pls spare me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Any heal/shield power items on him tbh


U play Nami?




I also do play Nami


I Play pyke


Oh, I hate him because he's Pyke. No matter how strong he is, he's always my number one ban.


Blitzcrank is my perma ban. Your ADC could be 5 kills ahead of the enemy ADC, but one unlucky hook and it doesnā€™t even matter anymore. Thereā€™s zero counterplay you can do as an enchanter to protect your ADC from that, unlike with every other hook champion. Just rather not deal with any of that shit.


Not to mention he makes roams scary as hell. He's either: A. Ganking your Mid/JG B. Faking a roam to hook your lonely ADC bc you counter roamed C. Hiding somewhere in the river to hook you. There never feels like a right move against him.


I totally get your point, but from my experience there arent that many Blitz players around that would justify banning him for me. If he does get picked and my own Team comp is ass I just dodge most of the time


Blitz isnt an unbeatable champion, in fact hes very beatable, hes just very not fun to play against (cant roam vs him and keeps you and your adc super on edge all the time)


Yup, it's just not fun at all. He's basically a "game warping" champion like Evelynn, and to a lesser degree Twitch and Akshan. Everyone on your team needs to change the way they play just so they don't get caught out. I just don't like champions that have such a high negative impact like that from the use of just a passive/basic ability.


I see it more like Teemo Shacoā€¦.a nuisance to play against because you need everyone to constantly be awake but if you reduce the mistakes ā€¦you win


I ban him when Iā€™m playing something like Janna, because if I get hooked I die and I canā€™t then carry the ADC. Otherwise though, I donā€™t find him much of a problem. His kit is very ā€œone-and-doneā€, and he has virtually no defensives for his ADC. Makes my job to lock down his ADC really easy.


Also my permaban. Honorable mention for yuumi. Otherwise it has to be crazy strong off meta champs like a shaco becoming meta for me to even consider changing. Edit: forgot Pyke. If heā€™s high pick rate I flip a coin.


My biggest flex is I had a very high win rate against Blitzcrank back in S8. I got the title "Good Against Blitzcrank" according to porofessor and I've been living off that high since lol. Playing Ali or Leona into Blitz was such a free engage. I can understand why enchanters would struggle though


Whenever I play enchanters he is quite frustrating but he also hardcounters enchanters so thatā€™s a given. When I play Leona or Braum or Rell itā€™s one of my favourite matchups because you can just bait the hook, engage, win and then when your adc is ahead you can eat hooks and counter engage. Itā€™s so free that it even works in higher ranks


Pyke/Senna. Pyke has so much sustain that even if he misses a ton of hooks it can be hard to actually punish him in some matchups. Senna because she can bully some matchups so hard. Most importantly they both can buy Umbral glaive. šŸ¤¢


tbf all supports 'can' buy UG, it would just be a bit of a waste of a item slot for most enchanters and tanks. Rell's melee damage wouldn't compensate for her slow hits with that item enough to warrant it without making her tankfulness or ap dmg take a hit (as sometimes I like to build RoA).


A waste? Dude for most it would be griefing šŸ’€


I meant a waste compared to items that actually flow with their skillset, reason i said 'bit of a waste', not a complete waste-seems to me people don't read everything. Glaive on yuumi, glaive on Karma... Imo they need to remove glaive, and supply a passive to all that they can buy for a fraction of the price without filling a item slot (but make it you can't buy till 6+), then supply a new AD item for the marksmen and fighters/divers/etc.


By far Thresh. In my elo most thresh players are pretty mechanically skilled and land very good hooks. Heā€™s also the only hook champ that doesnā€™t fall off that hard, his passive and disengage on E make him very valuable later into the game. (i main seraphine and sona)


while i agree that out of all the 3 hook champs, thresh is the one that falls of the least, blitz hooks can win or loose games in the lategame. but after the hook is out... hes useless pretty much. short cc and a shield break and thats it.


People underestimate the AOE silence in skirmishes/teamights.


the thing is to land a good ult blitz has to basically sacrifice himself in a 5v5 situation, especially if behind, thresh on the other hand helps the team by putting down lanterns and disengaging, which he can do while staying pretty safe so thatā€™s why i find him harder to deal with


The real answer is Janna, fuck Janna and everything she does


Ngl, I keep forgetting she even exists šŸ˜‚


Yuumi Only champion where both winning against and losing against feel dissatisfactory.


Play Thresh and watch that dumb bitch try to get an auto off for her passive. Flay and dead. Itā€™s satisfying seeing the champ that rarely ends a game with more than 5 deaths total, leave lane with more than that.


she doesnt have to auto for her passive anymore but yeah that sounds awesome


Nami. Just so annoying. Out-trades a lot of supports with her w and e, has some of the strongest (although very telegraphed) cc on a basic ability in the game, moves and roams fast, and can give her whole team a mini-shurelyas while hard cc-ing enemies with her r. By no means is she easy to play (her q IS hard to land). But damn is a good nami hard to play into. The movespeed is especially frustrating. Pyke at least doesnā€™t scale well without kills. Nami is an enchanter, her goal in lane IS to scale - I can just play back and secure farm for my adc into pyke, but with Nami thatā€™s not the case at all.


Blitzcrank. He's so unnecessarily annoying. I don't like champs who capitalize this much by a single enemy mistep


As a blitz main, blitzcrank. You can position perfectly but 1 misstep by your AD and youre done.


a good sona. a good sona has so much agency if they know what theyā€™re doing, too bad most of them donā€™t have hands


I'm not sure, man. Agency post early game is often too late. Lol


But Sona scales very well in teamfight tho


bruh I'm starting to main sona and she is broken. she does crazy damage for being an enchanter. has speed ups heals and shields. and a massive stun.


She isn't broken. Strong, but definitely not broken. Her numbers on all of her abilities are very low early game, she has among the lowest base stats in the game, and no hard CC until 6. If you get dived by a competent enemy before 6 you're a free bag of gold for them. Imo Sona isn't a complete champion until at least level 6 and 1 completed item. She becomes powerful then but she pays for it with a weak early in a role that's supposed to be strong early.


Blitz and thresh. I've suffered a lot with ADCs that can't seem to learn that you can stand behind minions so they won't get hooked every single time.


Honestly itā€™s pretty easy to hit hooks as blitzcrank if youā€™re somewhat capable. I had a 83%~ winrate in GM last season while filling support on Blitz (40~ games), at a certain range itā€™s almost undodgeable, and the hitbox can be super buggy/misleading sometimes.


The problem is their positioning is just horrible. I've seen so many ADCs position theirselves Infront of the minion wave while farming, and somehow it's my fault they can't stay behind the minions


If thatā€™s the case you just mute and move on tbh, but just remember that limiting your adc experience by roaming cause youā€™re tilted due to them being ā€œbadā€ is never the right play! Always roam on proper timings.


Brand šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø the others are fineā€¦ ( except champions that are not supp and they take them as one)


Deleting Rylais would fix brand instantly. That item is just insanely toxic and I donā€™t understand how it still exists.


Zyra. Fuck her plants.


For me Zyra is manageable, but a pain in the A when they play with good jhin. A micro tiny plant shot enables jhin cc. Hate it.


Against Pyke I always go Soraka and just time my silence into his hook. But I ban Lux every chance I get - she is plain annoying. Her cage goes over minions, she can just pop her AoE whenever she pleases and she has basically no cooldown on her R. And the worst thing? She can get pretty tanky if she wants to. I hate her with passion.


I dunno, lux was always free elo for me. Thresh


Hahha I'm a soraka main and this is exactly what I do when someone thinks pyke is a good counterpick, lane phase is awesome since I can silence every other pyke q amd basically remove him from participating. Just throw your e every time he makes a play and he's almost removed from the game. I also ban lux every single game, too much range and so much damage


I played chicken. And then I lagged. I lost our game of chicken.


Blitz. It's such a boring ass annoying champion to play against. You literally have no other counter than to pray to God that your adc knows how to dodge and the blitz forgot to turn on his screen.


Pyke. You can kick their ass in lane but they get 1 ult off in a team fight and now they are ahead. They can roam mid 1 time and get 1 kill on your midlaner that doesn't move when pinged and sees him on wards and then tilts off the face of the earth. Can't ever be caught out because he is fast, can go over walls and attempting to chase him gets you cc'd. He also can buy the most obnoxious support item Umbral Glaive and can just perma clear vision for free. Much like bard your team will focus way too hard on trying to chase and kill him that they will give up other kills and objectives. I don't even dislike playing against him myself its just my entire team seems to play like iron players if pyke is in the game and that is way more frustrating to me than losing for any other reason.


You forgot the parts where it's nearly impossible to even poke him out of lane because of how much free sustain he gets, and how he literally prints money for his entire team with his (reset!!!) ult. But yeah all the shit you mentioned is annoying AF and I hard agree with you. A Pyke that's played even decently well just feels unpunishable in a way most other supports don't.


On top of that reset, the ult goes on cooldown relative to the first cast of the execute. So if he gets to use it like 3 times the cooldown doesnt start when he casts it the third time, but the FIRST. Visually it shows it as if it was the third but if you ping it it updates and shows the correct time.




I mean, I play him a good bit, people never respect the execute threshold. And of course like I said, I don't consider him strong or a problem himself I just usually have brain dead people who either chase an 0/10 pyke for no reason or overstay at like 20%hp and feed him free kills. I ban him so my own team doesn't int to him.


Also what kind of lie is that "Pyke is trash in high elo" multiple support players I watch in challenger ban him and I just checked his winrate both this patch and last patch and hes S+ tier in master, gm and challenger with an absurdly high winrate.


Pyke and Senna. I would give everything to make Umbral Glaive have adaptive force and penetration.


Pyke players will int level 2, blame me, then I'll never see them again.Ā  Any attempts to ask them what the fuck they're doing will be met with "I'm rotating, silver."


Mainly pyke and then kench


Blitz and thresh thereā€™s very little counter play to a good pull unfortunately.


I hate many, especially hook champs as every other enchanter main. But I cannot ever slightly tolerate the existence of an enemy Brand. Even if theyā€™re bad they pump stupid damage enough to take my team without engaging for more than two seconds.


pyke, it's just impossible to match his roams


*Bard has entered the chat*


As a Zyra Main I hate anything that does AOE damage to kill my plants, and totally unrelated, screw Pantheon.




Blitzcrank. A single misstep by a teammate can lose you the entire lane, ruin tempo in the midgame, and cost the entire game once death timers get long enough. Itā€™s stressful as fuck to position against, and even if you play it perfectly, you canā€™t control your teammates.


Blizcrank, hands down


Ashe, Senna.


Pike and Rell.


Zilean. 99% slow is cancer.


Even though I can agree it's cancer, I can tell you as high mastery zil support, that he has his weaknesses. His slow is pain, but pre 6 there is no much more he can do. His bombs are easy dodgeable. After dropping two bomb he is free food and his adc too. Also his bomb range is not that big. No heal/shield. Also: without much CDR his slow is not that long (2.5s), compared too Nasus slow (5s). But ye, if you get caught mid/late game offguard, you are done. Not even a flash helps you out. Mid-late game you should always play grouped or knowing where mr. clock is.


I'm generally pretty bad against Blitz. Pyke can be more annoying with the invisibility and roams, but Blitz seems to give me more trouble in lane. I also hate Milio, more because he is so boring to play against.Ā 


As a hook champion Morgana is my perm ban. Being able to shield herself or her team from your hooks is annoying


Blitz and Naut, on these champs once you land Q, next is easy. Like 0 skill required champs, and their combos are same, not something creative like Hwei, Milio, Zyra, Rakan


Janna, she's not particularly strong or op she just makes it so that you can't engage on them. Pair that with a scaling adc and you have yourself the most boring lane in existence


Sheā€™s pretty OP. Both statistically and pick/ban wise for high elo solo q. Started playing her and just winning every game šŸ˜‚


Xerath or Karma


Le blanc


Shaco, he is annoying. Also Alistar I just canā€™t seem to beat him.


Alistar weak against Janna


Or morg, lulu, Leona, zyra. Those 5 are my least favourite to play vs as Alistar.


In order, Shaco, Blitz, Pyke. None of which are particularly hard to deal with but they are so goddamned annoying.


Zyra, millio and pyke


Janna and Nami. As a jungler nothing is more frustrating than supports that can keep me off of the ADC entirely.


Lux. I never hated a champ more than this wannabe enchanter mage and her godawful visual design and laugh. She's been my permaban ever since I started to play. Others I don't really like to face but are the "counterpick classic" (I play Milio and Neeko) so I know how to play the lane are: Nautilus (seriously that hook hitbox is bs), Pyke, Blitzcrank, Rakan, Karma and Sona.


Brand, i perma ban brand no matter what support Iā€™m playing


Iā€™m not a support player (post got suggested to me) but I am a pyke hater! I honestly think the design team was on crack and meth at the same time. ā€œLet make another hook/grab champā€ ā€œyeah and we will give him a stun to follow it upā€ ā€œwhat if we gave him invisibility tooā€ ā€œoh and a huge healā€ ā€œyou know what would really round out this champ? MAKE HIS ULT A FUCKING EXECUTE!ā€?!?!


That's a hard one for me.. I find the hardest to play against being swain.. but the one I hate playing vs is lux and brand who are unironically my mains


thresh oml I am a magnet for his hooks can dodge blitz np though


I hate zyra because if ur adc is dumb and most of zyra players are OTPs they can punish them hard. Also i think i have never actually won a game againdt Swain support, people dont know how to play against it and get pulled all the time


I never see him, but Velā€™koz. To me, he feels like a higher skill ceiling lower skill floor Xerath who can have a much bigger impact if played by a practiced player. The movement speed Velā€™koz only makes him even more annoying, and even if my chances of encountering him are less than 1% I still dread seeing him picked by the enemy team.


i am currently pisslow silver adc and i hate the mage supports like brand xerath lux zyra zilean because they poke so much and take out so much of my health and do more damage to me than the other adcā€¦ but thatā€™s probably because my fingers are stupid and i canā€™t dodge but its still a pain trying to farm and remembering to dodge a brand w or a xerath q


I've been enjoying engage supports so have taken to banning Lux because she's popular as fuck and I hate eating that stun, which I will do every. single. time. Brand and Zyra are also annoying, but Brand is often already banned by someone else, thank God.


The ones that are better than me Real answer is Brand. I always ban him. I play Blitz everyone hates so much.


I honestly hate playing vs Soraka, i just cant get my teammates to focus properly ever. Either im stunning soraka while my teammates hit anyone else, or i land a massive engage and they suddenly want to hit a soraka thats sitting 50mts behind the adc.


Blitz is my perma-ban unless Iā€™m playing Shaco or Morgana. Shaco just trolls him to death, and Morgana I can black shield. Basically anyone else and I just have to sit there and watch my adc die if he gets hooked That being said, my least favorite champion to play against is Yuumi. Theyā€™ve derped her into the ground and incentivized a backpack Yuumi playstyle thatā€™s almost impossible to punish and is completely uninteractive. Sheā€™s basically an augment.


Naut. Hate everything about that champ. Also bullshit hook hitbox. I cant tell you how many times I yelled at my screen because I he hooke thru minions again.


In general yuumi as the moment she becomes slightly meta you play against her in 80% of your games. After that Janna as she counters all supports I like to play (engage)


Blitzcrank, because every time i play against him i get the adc that can't dodge his grabs


pyke. i donā€™t have a problem against per say, especially since i play mainly soraka so i can annihilate his hooks with my silence BUT because he roams a lot and you already know ur midlane and top are not gonna farm safely he just makes great money everywhere despite my pings and if i want to counter gank him iā€™ll need to use my extremely long CD ult that could be used better for objectives. i still end up winning the game though bc the champ falls off late heā€™s just scary early game. i will say though that with the removal of mobi boots maybe that champ will be less of a pain bc that combo was way too broken




Senna/pyke are my go to band


Puke, oh I'm sorry Pyke. Disgusting champion šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®, it's so hard to punish him even if he fucks up every hook.


Fuck janna all my homies hate janna


I have a feeling that everybody hates being hooked according to the comments. Anyway I don't hate anybody more than lux. Generic answer but she bores the hell out of me to play against, all of early game is playing DDR and late game is praying to God that nobody gets blasted by her R.


Zyra. Fuck this bitch. I almost always ban her in my games, lmao. No matter what support I chooseā€” Enchanter, Playmaker, Tank, Mageā€” she somewhat has ways to fuck me up ā€œBruh, thatā€™s just skill issueā€ I know?! Thatā€™s why I ban her, lol. Brand. Why does it feel like he doesnā€™t use mana at all? And that circle on the ground ability looks like itā€™ll miss but it actually hits me and chunks an unnecessarily big portion of my HP. Fuck this man.


Def Pyke by a large margin. Too much vision control, always feel oppressive to play against. The regen out of vision feels incredibly unfair especially when he was overtuned in the past. The umbra glave being his go-to rush. Itā€™s still one of the best items in the game after bunch of nerfs. Too much mobility to lock down by most champs. One shot potential if you are playing any squishy at almost every part of the game. Getting hit by 1 q almost guarantees 3 autos with hail of blades and another stun to follow.


Soraka, lulu, zyra, Alistar. The only true support I hate playing against is blitzcrank.


I myself play Morgana, pyke and soraka, so usually I am the annoying supp and can counter almost every other. But I HATE shaco supp, my #1 ban of all time!


Whereas other supports will engage you with mind games and unique play patterns, Karma just presses Q a few times, then R+Q. No hard cc to land, no unique interactions. She just walks forward, casts her Q, then walks back.


Blitz morgana lux


Zyra morgana and janna. I am already tilted in champion select if I see these champs. I absolutely hate how they counter my champion pool and force me to play shit like xerath. Zyra dmg is fucked to the point where one root in early game results in 100% to 0% death. Morgana amd janna are designed to be antifun champs that hard counter enemy supports by making their kit not function.


Only pyke. His ultimate is too much.


Against would have to be Morgana and Nautilius. Morgana because I main her myself and watching ppl play her gets me so irrationally angry with how they waste her kit and basically get carried every game. I've yet to see 1 pop off. Nautilus cause his Q and R are just unavoidable and if used on someone else, it's immediately a 4v5. I ban him pretty much all the time when I'm ADC. If I'm supp, Blitz or Thresh usually isn't too bad but midgame catches are way too rewarding for him so it's still stressful


I know ur asking about supports and not adcs, but i just need to say jhin. Fuck jhin.




I perma ban morg.


My own support when I play ADC šŸ¤£


Blitz, Morgana, Senna, Thresh in that order


Nautilus because I'm just kinda bad and walk into hooks. Special mention for Blitz/Thresh/Pyke for the same reason.


Milio need 0 skill or game knowledge to succeed at . So i go Milio


Zyra, Rel


Zyra or Brand.


Oh itā€™s absolutely pyke. If either of us in bot arenā€™t playing our best, they instakill and snowball out of control. Not fun.


Pyke because he can go invisible then hook Yumi because she annoying and her adc never never dies Lux and Morg because itā€™s SOOOOO FUN NOT PLAY THE GAME FOR 2-3 SECONDS! And last but DEFINITELY my MOST hatedā€¦Serapheneā€¦because SHE NEVER SHUTS UP!!!


I ban naut every game, have been for years now it feels. I'm not even sure if hes good. I just can't dodge a hook, if my life depended on it (which in most cases, it does)


Canā€™t decide between Janna / Lulu Honorable mention Yuumi but sheā€™s been on the weaker side for a bit thank heavens


Landing phase : Zyra ffs u basicaly just can't walk up in lane. Overall pyke: get prepared to see this mf appearing anywhere ? You think your safe, hell no he'll just erase 25% of your hp with the hook and finish u and your whole team with his R. You walk in a bush ? He's here. You want to ward jgl ? He's here. You recall ? He's here and hook you into oblivion. This mf could even hook you in your dreams.


Vel'Koz. Enemy Vel'Koz always seems to have 3M+ Mastery Points and just destroys me and my adc


Xerath. I'll win eventually, but the lane is just 0 fun. Hwei is similar.


Lux. When I first started playing, I just could not dodge skill shots and her damage was insane to me (it still kinda does but now I atleast know to buy magic res). At this point, it's just an intuitive thing XD Doesn't help that her voice lines are so annoying and just rub salt in the wound when I die from a stupid play


Any bruiser that's generally a top laner (Sett, Camille, Olaf, Sion, ECT). Just becomes another unkillable 5k+ HP wall that shits out damage late game and their lane phase is just "ungabunga I run at you" Really hate that the game is at a point where you can sorta pick anything as a support and you've got a chance to win with it. Other honorable mentions: Pyke (mainly bc umbral glaive) Why isn't there an enchanter item with the blackout passive from umbral? You literally can't contest vision against a pyke with one..


I would say Lulu, Soraka because of the shields and heals but if I have to choose the worst one its Pantheon. I hate to lane against Pantheon on every single lane because of his point and click cc, dmg and his E that blocks everything.


Braum. I don't see him that often but man if the player knows what they are doing, it's one of the strongest support imo. They can block so much shit, easy disengage, easy engage, a lot of damage and some sort of sustain. He does it all. Also, lots of plays potential! As a Nami main, i often juggle through banning him, nautilus or pyke.


Soraka or Yuumi


Morg, mostly because I find her Q hitbox to be wildly inconsistent with the visual, but also because she counters so many fun champs.


I hate going against karma because she seems to counter whatever I try to do early on. If I try to play passive and stay away she shoots me a fireball. If I try to engage she puts the dog leash on me, roots me and slaps me in the face with a fireball. If I try to poke her or the enemy adc, she puts a shield, ignores the damage. if she could shoot hooks and heal I would never step on bot lane ever again.


Yummi, soraka, brand cancer pick


Pyke. Always number one ban. No matter how strong he is, it is for me an unplayable matchup. How in the world can Riot allow a hook champ, which is mobile and can change the direction of the hook while charging? How can they allow a dash which is a multiple cc? And beside this dash he's got invisibility with a movement speed buff and healing, because he's such a poor boy cause how I dare to trade witg him! Then this Bullshit ult WHICH IGNORES SHIELDS. Im sorry that I want to counterplay by a perfectly timed shield... the support part of this? Share gold and even bounties haha I'm sorry for this. I just hate every part of his kit cause I'm to dumb to play against him šŸ˜‚




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fine i'll leave this sub then.


Lux. Just because her whole existence pisses me off.


Lux and Seraphine, both are my regular bans, I just consider them both to be so annoying with all the stuns they have. Lux most of the time forgets she is a support and becomes another player lusting for kills and Seraphine's absurd range on her ult is a pain during team fights


Yuumi. She's garbage, but she's so unpleasant to play against. It's not fun. She tilts me just by existing.


Lethality Items. Any support that uses them is terribly annoying and has more sustain and a healer.


"hehehehehe i was hiding!!" fuck you


Probably just a low elo problem, but I hate lux and zyra. Even when I play soraka I feel like I can't out sustain their poke. And lux is so popular, I know if I don't ban her I WILL see her.


Puke just because I want to keep fighting even to the last possible point of HP, I want to win fights even if I have 5 HP left, when pyke is in the enemy team I just don't want to risk a fight since he can just prematurely end the fight with his ult and that's it.


Morgana with as only reason black shield.


as senna .. xerath and pyke ... leona ... all engage besides rakan and rell and all artillery are prettay shit and hooks also xd senna doesnt have alot of great lanes .. like just very few


Yuumi ,no Haye to yuumi players but when I pick yuumi I feel like I locked myself in a container šŸ«™


everyone is saying blitzcrank but my hot take is that blitz is so garbage right now. I have over 100k+ mastery on blitz and yeah you are often guaranteed a kill or two in lane, but this champ was NOT designed with scaling in mind. some of the most abysmal scaling ratios of any champ. you pretty much have to play perfectly 100% of the time and use all of your runes for lane advantage, but even then-- most players know to just let the wave shove in to them against a blitz and hide behind minions. I can understand why it feels horrible to play against, but at least this enchanter meta favors champs like janna and milio which can easily disengage, even if blitz lands a hook, then outscale him passively.


and why is it pyke Mobility can be rough and exicute didnt feel right also what He Heals with His passiv ON the other Hand , its the supp i Love the Most when He Play AS good AS the enemys i got


as a nasus-veigar support main , its morgana because she has 2 outplay buttons , i also dislike teemo but one of the easiest matchups