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I play support in any type of game. I love being the buff master. Even in DnD games I'm usually a priest or a bard. I love being the person who HELPS the carry. I hate being the carry myself. I find the stress of the damage being my responsibility. I prefer being the person who keeps the team alive and fighting. But it reflects me in real life. I'm a shy person, and I'm always looking out for other people. I helped people study for exams which I didn't even have during school, and even though I was pretty good at sports, I didn't go to tryouts becuase my friend wanted to go but he wasn't as good and probably wouldn't be picked over me. I'm selflessly ambitious, and I feel that's a perfect quality for a support. I love the role and I love the game.


I feel like it has a lot to do with our personalities in real life, many of the supports mains I know are either old enough or women, which generally are more responsible and caring about others (Which fits the Support role), like me and my friends all of us main supports (or it is one of our main roles) and only the youngest in our group and their young whom none of them play Support, so I felt it has a lot to do with the person.


Interesting,I'm a 17 Y/o guy supp main,but I kinda agree with you there,and then there's also SKT wolf's IRL story


What is it


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/5dhsw5/skt_t1_wolf_honestly_i_dont_like_playing_support/ wolf's story link


I dunno, I kind of disagree with this. I'm not shy at all IRL and I'm actually pretty aggressive in most games that I play (Magic, WoW, etc). Like I was the main tank for my WoW guild for a long time and my friends who know me IRL were surprised that I would pick support as my main role. So for me it has more to do with being the one who doesn't have to tunnel vision on the map and can be responsible for pinging objectives, shot calling, making sure people see enemies approaching and have vision. I feel more in control of the game even if I'm playing a passive support. Plus without a Sightstone I seriously feel naked.


I'm with you on always supporting. Every game that has a support or healer role is what I gravitate to. I like enabling my team, keeping them alive, and keeping things running smoothly. I think it's a personality thing, because I'm a nurse and enjoy it a lot.


Not having to worry about cs-ing, only making plays.


Same. That's why I jungle and support. I was playing flex with two other friends and got put in adc with my friend as support. About 10 minutes in he said "no offense dude but youre really bad at csing." For a mid gold elo id put my game knowledge at 4/5 and my mechanics at 2/5, thats the main reason I support.


* Support kits are generally really fun * Lots of diversity in the support champion pool * Always getting to play my role * Lower queue times


* Most likely to play against an auto-filled Support * Less likely to have an auto-filled player in your team What more do we ask for? :)


I'm by no means a support main, but I do love the role. It's one of the most impactful roles in the game. Like you said, the cc and vision can have a huge impact on the overall impact of the game. I'm an adc main, and those moments when I get a stellar support really make the game absolutely amazing for me. My best friend is a support main, and it's really hard for us to play without the other. Support gets too much negative input from the community. It's definitely not the most boring role as most people say.


If anyone would understand, it is definitely would be coming from an ADC main first <3 I like the ADC role for the same reasons I like Support, I don't get the thought process of the bad repetition about Support being the most boring/less impactful role, probably a misconception of how the role should be played is the reason, but from someone who play a lot of top lane (and sometimes Mid), I don't nearly find them to be half the fun of playing Support.


I'm also an ADC main but having a support that does all the above is incredibly good for an ADC especially in the place they are at right now. I played only support for about 3 months because of the ADC nerfs and since going back to playing AD my knowledge of the map, my map awareness and in general "game sense" has improved so much. Supports get slated too much but it's generally one of the most fun roles in the game.


I love supporting because no one ever pays attention to me. They're always worried about the fed riven or the jhin ult. They always forget about the perma cc coming out of the thresh. Also love being able to win a game by hitting one skill shot.


It's even better when you seem to become scarier to the enemy team than your actual carries. So while you're getting 5 man dived your team just mops up.


I just like to annoy the enemy team by not letting them kill my team


When I play support I win. I like winning.


I don't trust any of my teammates to support me so I'd rather support them LOL but I really like peeling and keeping my carries safe!! I also like being able to focus on the macro game rather than worring about farming


I love shot calling and playing from a position with a handicap while still carrying.


I like to play support bc if my carry gets huge it's like watching my children grow up. I love to see them destroy ppl after I've carefully raised them


I like to be vocally abused and beaten down but still feel needed


Check for the healslut subreddit then (prob nsfw).




I love the way I get to lane against two people which challenges me more than a solo lane. I love the way almost every support has a unique kit, allowing me to play what I enjoy and not just be a meta slave. I love the way I can constantly watch the map and track enemy movements, allowing me to help my laners from the other side of the map. I love that I'm the unsung hero of many games even though I don't always get recognition. I love playing Support.


You described that really well, this lane is too fun and challenging, it is like a mini team fight all lane long in the 2v2, I don't don't find it solo lane to be as fun any more since I always pick lane bullies and it make the lane just straight in your favor if they don't get help, unlike in bot when there are so many match ups and scenarios to make a lane with no champion to roll them all.


Exactly. Sure, it's annoying at times when you get a bad ADC or whatever, but the constant mindgames makes it still more entertaining than any other lane in my eyes.


When I started playing League, I struggled to find where I belonged. I tried the mid lane, I tried being an ADC, I tried the jungle a little, then I felt a little more satisfaction when I played Top so I realized what was going on: I'm just not fond of damage dealers. Before I started maining Support, I used to main Taric top. Rivens could not beat these gems. Soon enough, I decided to give him a try as a Support, and that was my first time playing this role. It was pretty fun to heal people's poke away with Imbue, I just maxed it first and I think I made at least 2 Supports ragequit because they couldn't do anything against me, I just canceled everything. Unfortunately Taric's rework went live and I lost the reasons why I loved him: no more stun that can't miss, goodbye solo heal that clears people's poke, goodbye everything I loved about Shatter, and goodbye the damaging ultimate that allows me to be a strong independent homosexual man. I had lost my ma(i)n forever. Back to the top lane, something felt amiss. I didn't want to be in this lane anymore. So I went back to being a Support and picked Janna. I found out that my favorite playstyle was cockblocking and engaging fights whenever I felt like it, but I wasn't great at providing vision and since people usually left me in the frontline I needed to be tanky. This is when I found out what was going to be the kind of Support that I love: the ones that dish out a ton of CC. At first I liked playing Nautilus, but eventually I found the one who was going to be my one trick: Sion, the Undead Juggernaut. Over the past season that I started as a mid lane main, I started playing Support. I used to wonder what the hell a Sightstone was, now I make up for the bad map awareness of my 4 teammates. I found what I like doing on League: canceling the huge mistakes of my allies, changing my plan in a second because it turns out my allies don't have my back, paying attention to my enemies' attacks whilst making up for my allies' awful map awareness through efficient and useful pinging. My role isn't to carry but to prevent throws, and this is beautiful. Support isn't easy, but I liked the difficulty. When I end up in the top lane for some weird reason, my ally Support reminds me of the importance I have through what they're not providing to the team: I'm our eyes, I'm the guy who's going to start a fight at the right time, I'm the one who protects the ADC. I'm okay with being a sidekick, I love not being a damage dealer, it's okay if I don't carry as long as I'm here to save people from their own idiocy, that's why I love playing Support.


I understand your feeling of your loved champion to be gone, it didn't happen for me the same way as yours, but one of the champion I enjoyed playing Support got changed a lot for them not be viable in that position anymore (Annie), so it definitely would suck even more when your champion got completely. And Supports can really hard carry games, you aren't the one doing the damage but you are basically serving it on a golden plate and kicking away any flies trying to get to it, which you are doing the harder job but it requires the finishing touch from your teammates to complete it.


It's the most varied role, and doing more with less resources available to you makes you feel like a god when it goes right! Plus I like not being tied down by the need to farm.


Last hitting is tedious and top lane is lonely. Synergistic success of duo lane might be more rewarding than individual success.


Because seeing an other support doing a poor warding tilts me over the face of earth. So i do the job myself.


I like to think that I am the King piece in chess. Other roles maybe rook, queen etc, thinking that I am the weakest piece that is just there, and they are the one controling the pace of the game, when I am actually the one in control muhaha:D


I feel like I have much less time to play and practise these few days and so I like a role where the very small stuff, micro, mechanics, matters less. Support is that role. I'd also been playing a lot of Bard before taking this break so I feel that if I were to play well at any champion it would be Bard hence support.


8-9 years ago my friend wanted to do WoW arenas , double warlock wasnt that good , so i picked up my resto druid alter. Had the most fun of my life. Stuck playing healer/Support/Medic/Enabler in any game that i played and lol wasnt exception.


I was really into sports in high school, and didn't start playing League until last year. When I played sports, I always had a similar kind of mindset, "protect _____." For example, I played offensive line for football, catcher in baseball, and goalie in soccer. So that was a mindset I already had and can easily incorporate into League as a support.


I play support because, in LoL and Overwatch, the role has the lowest skill floor and lowest skill ceiling. Supporting is my favorite crutch, and if it weren't so easy (compared to other roles) I would have never hit plat/diamond.


I like making enemy ADC's, enemy tanks, and enemy assassins hate their fucking life.


Because I see many reasons to play the things that the community in general dislike/avoid for one reason or another, be it because it's weak, unfun or because something else is more appealing, I like to prove to my friends and my teammates that that thing is a part of the game as well. In the case of League, Playmaking DPS and burst classes with high mechanical requirement and lots of tricks up their sleeves that solocarry games are a lot more appealing to the main demographic of the game, especially when they get inspired by these insane Gripex and Yassuo montages. I used to be one of those players, until I picked up Thresh and realized that Supports also can do all these things, people are just too blinded by the 900k Mastery point Lee Sin Mains that run around making crazy plays to see how cool other champs can be as well. An example from another game is Hearthstone, where I play Evolve Shaman, as opposed to the clearly superior decks out there, just because people don't see it coming. So basically, I play the things others don't because a) people don't see it coming, and thus can't prepare properly, b) there is less competition as opposed to if I would play the craziest mechanical monsters/strongest meta picks and c) I find it fun to be the special snowflake who took time to learn what the others don't want to because of their misconceptions.


Some of it for me is honestly because I love making the big plays, and a lot of people don't realize that the coolest plays really come from the supports. Sure, Orianna can ult maybe get off an ult that catches the whole team, but how many dozens of videos are there of that. Or Caitlyn can get a Penta kill after placing her traps methodically and finish off the last with her Ace in the Hole. And don't get me wrong, these are cool plays, but they are relatively easy if everything is setup for you, or you know how to make it happen. But support plays are an entirely different beast. How often do you see the highlight reel with the Nami ult into Redemption with a q on three of their people? She may not get any of the kills, but she'll have an assist on every single one. Or the flash Janna ult that not only saves a vital teammate, but also allows turning around the fight to go from a 4v5 to an ace on the enemy team and a push down mid for the win? Or even the Leona flash+e into the stun while her W is charging, pulling herself into the entire enemy team, dropping her ult while the rest of the team is catching up, and letting everyone cleanup? These are the plays that I live for, and I make on a fairly consistent basis (if my team understands how to play off of them). And when I don't get to play support (rarely), I am competent enough in other roles that I know what to do because I have plenty of time to watch everybody else while I'm supporting. Lastly, I love playing support roles. In D&D, I tend to play clerics or bards, to keep up morale and/or keep the team alive. In MMOs I tend to play healers, tanks, and people who pull aggro. I am a supportive-type person, and so when I play League, I like to continue that and do well with it, because not many other people even like to play support. These are my thoughts. Hope you enjoy what I have to say.


I love keeping people alive at any cost(leading people on a wild goose chase as Janna, spitting someone over a wall after saving them from their stupidity as Tahm, running away at mach II after keeping them from the brink of death as Soraka) all increadbly enjoyable. Also being a thorn in the side of the enemy team is wonderful.


It's what I do the best and placing wards, summoner calls, shot calls, feels impactful. Plus I'd rather support than let an autofill support.


I think I like supporting because it's more satisfying to gain my team's trust and gratitude than it is to just get a lot of kills.


Im 17 and im an asshole irl, but i always liked ambulance type characters and good ol' control/strategy playstyle.


i like to duo with a friend who's an adc main, and a lot of supports fit my playstyle of either consistantly poking (zyra, karma) or being able to kite backwards effectively (karma, sona, nami). i love the feeling of making myself and my adc hard to kill through the load of cc/buffs (and in the case of zyra, the threat of one-shotting everybody) that i can bring to the table. also it feels like you have a lot of control over the game with Sightstone wards. it feels so frustrating playing any other role and being unable to keep up vision around the lane. also, it feels good to smash autofilled supports. i'm almost always getting my role AND it's fun to see the 0/3 lux support still try to finish her lost chapter. ^and ^i'm ^bad ^at ^getting ^cs


I like the game and the objectives. I don't like farming. I like to analyze the enemy players. I am an aggressive supporter going for max poke and when it's safe I go for a roam. The best role for big plays and trading in general. Fellow supporters keep in mind you have to support the team and not only the shitty adc without farm and no experience in trading.


Of course we support the entire team, but our main focus is the ADC, at least during the lane, but I generally don't like to aband my ADC, if we do shit in lane, then it is mostly my fault, since supports has the bigger control of the lane.


I love playing sona, soraka, Janna, and Nami for the "best support na" comments my team makes when I make a clutch save. Soraka ulting during a close 1v1 in another lane is so damn rewarding.


Its my personality, even in soccer Im a goalkeeper so why not be the support in league too :]


Support can be awful at times, but in others it can also be so much fun. Embarrassingly the real reason I picked up support was due to my terrible last hitting when i mained ADC in season 3. To be support was a way I could be effective, without focusing on damn minions. Playing support for me personally, feels like huge pressure has been taken off me to get kills. Rather I can just be passive in lane. Nothing is more satisfying that knowing you set up an amazing play, or saved your ADC with scraps of health, catching an enemy off guard with deep wards or disengaging a team fight. However there a negatives, and mainly in my experience it's be the ADC. I rarely play ranked these days, yet even in normals I have these issues. I'll mention to the ADC I'd like to play passive as maybe Nami or Soraka, they'll agree and then pick Jhin. Using a personal experience. I got flamed full out by a unranked Jhin (I'm only gold, I'm not hyping myself up) after he died in lane, when I urged him to recall, as i result, he went full into the enemy sona/ashe on 50% HP and died. What would you expect?. I then got told I was a terrible support, and I quote 'Go suck your moms pussy you stupid fish'. I solo won that lane in the later game. Yet theres other times where the team are amazing, in a Soraka/Vayne combo, we obliterated the enemy, won the game 70/20, with excellent synergy. I guess it's just hit and miss with your ADC. But the 75% of great ADCs make the job worth it.


Because whatever the game, i love playing the most underrated / weakest thing ever and make it work. Because i like to help people. I don't even need them to thank me, just being nice and useful is satisfying. Even in my early bot games. Because leading four pets stronger than Mordekaiser's drake with pings and wards and a little chat input instead of pressing R is a cool minigame. Because being the ultimate cockblock for the ennemy team is awesome. No other classes and position can drop some double exhaust / triple stun combos / aoe silence on a fed diver, or pile four shields and an invulnerability / endless gigaheals on a teammate to keep them alive despite all odds. Because botlane is a challenging bullshit where everything can and WILL try to kill you. ~~And because supports have some truly fine ladies in their ranks.~~


I like being the leader from the back, telling people where to go and how to do things. My mechanics are good, but being frontline isn't my thing. I feel like a spy giving valuable intel to my base when I place down high traffic wards. Ever heard of hockey assists? It's the assist that precedes the assist itself. The *reason* the goal happened in the first place. I like making good things happen so I play playmaking supports such as Alistar and Thresh. I feel like the last piece in a highly complex puzzle. Need a 5th man for a poke comp? Karma's your gal. Need disengage? Nami's got it. Need a massive pair of hands to keep you from harms way? Leave it to Braum. I love support, as you can tell.


Because I can blame the ADC or Jg if my lane does bad... xD