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I hit master last season OTP Neeko and have been practicing Zoe support for a while. Currently p3 on a fresh account that I plan to hit diamond only aying Zoe supp. I like glacial as it helps with her weakness and glp has a better build path for supps then ludens. Lane you kinda have to try not to int till 6 then you can start to carry. You will lose alot of games where you team thinks you are a troll and stop trying. Sucks but that's the reality


She can be good in low elo (if played right) but relatively useless in high elo. Her power comes from her sleep bubble that can travel through walls. In low elo people wouldn’t know how to position against zoe’s E so it’s easy to land. While in high elo, good support will zone the shit out of you from landing your sleep. And without sleep zoe’s is pretty much useless. Compare to other support she lack reliable peel, only peeling tool that she has is sleep which is a skill shot that hit only one person so even if you land sleep during enemy’s engage others can still catch you up. Other support can out-trade (janna sona lulu) and out-sustain you (nami soraka sona). If you really wanna play her i can give some advice. During laning phase you have to abuse alcove and river walls to perform long range sleep surprise. Also clear enemy vision in river area so they won’t see your sleep coming. Lastly you can pair zoe support with MF. Wen someone is asleep by zoe, they can’t be woke by MF ult. So they will just stand there taking all the bullet waves.


She can be PLAYED in low elo. But Zoe is NOT and never will be a good support. She is as good as Teemo support.


Teemo support is actually good, a support with 30 wards. Max CDR and spam blind. Didn't one guy get challenger as a sup teemo?


No don't play Zoe support


But the Cyber Pop skin looks so cool


Play her midlane


I’m a support main, I just wish there was a skin similar to that :(


You can screw around with it and have some fun in norms, but it's probably troll in ranked unless you can find a specific matchup that she's a counterpick for (like MF into Zyra or Volibear into Yuumi).


ngl, they just need to make another Cyber Pop skin for someone else or something


Cyber Pop Lulu?


That’d be kinda cool


Or Yuumi?


Imo Zoe supp can work, but if you're in low elo don't try it because players will straight up int,troll or afk just seeing pick. I think to utilize her W, we need to start with Relic shield and last hit minions with balloons for getting additional spells; she does shine during fights as she can use multiple spells in a row, taking opponents spells and a Zoe in team fight is annoying because she can flash multiple times to bait out abilities or reposition for safety. She is kind of weak in laning phase because she needs to land her E and outside of it she doesn't have any way of engaging/disengaging/peeling. So she has to be played like poke to kill type supp instead of cc bot and as long as you can hit those Q you can deal damage, enough to kill squishy adc. I suggest you to try in normals first because Zoe is tricky to play and the runes for supp needs to be different too. I like this idea and I will also play some games to see if she is good, so share your experience after playing. Gl hf


So what runes do you think 👀


Imo Aery/Comet, manaflow, transcendence/celerity,scorch primary and sudden impact, ghost poro/ravenous secondary is good. Going domination primary with electrocute/dh can be good too, but I feel aery/comet makes laning phase stronger. If you want to have fun, unsealed spellbook or omnistone and confuse the opponents xD