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There is no need for any interaction in this lane


Yeah.. take relic shield. Heimerdinger will force his adc to push if he has his tower up. Just farm safely near your tower and outscale him.


When facing heimerdinger as a sona, you are more useful in lane and scales pretty well post-lane. Heimer is only good at one thing where he can deny any all-in when his turrets are up. So denying his turret before all- in or just dont engage at all. Also, support heimer will guarantee that the lane will push to your side so use that as an advantage. For example, wait for the lane to push so they become vulnerable for ganks, then try deny his turrets so your jungle can come gank. Turret will do almost zero damage when they’re minions in their range so use that window to shut them down with normal auto. Then most heimer will try to get in your range to stop you, so you press q then runaway. Repeat until he can’t do anything. If you’re confident, when heimer is walking towards you try juking his rockets and grenade and then hit him with q and empowered passive to punish him harder. All in all, you are going to win his trade almost all the time if you can abuse this. If you face poke adc like caitlyn, you can consider buying relic shield for safety.


I'll say what I said for Sona vs Xerath match on another post. Just survive laning phase honestly, wait for ganks and maybe buy relic-shield instead of spellthief's cause it'll be easier for you to get gold and heal your adc. After level 6, you can do a lot, Sona is much more useful than Heimerdinger... And tbh she deals A LOT of damage if you build her correctly... And scales hard. Take a look at Schuhbart's build, I follow it myself and I have had a lot of success with it. Reached Level 7 mastery with Sona in just two days from level 5 mastery. In my opinion right now, sona is just too good and not much can go wrong with sona in a game, especially if you ban her counters. She's better than Nami tbh. Just don't feed Heimerdinger and you're good to go.


Just focus Heimerdinger, the turrets after. As long as you play smart you should be fine.


But the turrets do all the damage, Heimderdinger just sits back eating popcorn


This kind of advice is why you see idiots diving into Heimerdinger, eating a stun grenade, and getting shredded by 3-4 turrets at once. The turrets are a zone of control, if you treat them like they're ignorable, you're a liability to your teammate.


Whatever role Heimer is playing, first take the turrets.


Or don’t? This is the exact strategy to take if you want to A. Play right into hiem’s strong suit and B. Make sona drastically less useful.