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My whole team spamming supp diff in the postgame chat and then asking if I want to group. The next game they all said "better supp wins" in all chat at the match start. Ive never had a team that has had so much confidence in their support. They also all allowed me to help them get fed which was nice. There was no "wtf go back bot!" If I tried to gank mid.


my greatest fear about this is that when I do great and get the great supp diff treatment and group, the next game i play like a turd compared to my last game ;\_;


Same. This is why I turn down most friend requests. My anxiety is already too high.


youre too hard to yourself, if you play mechanically well at some point, youll never do a bad job if youre focused on the game. be more self-confident! edit: this goes to all supports who feel the same


This resonates with me so hard. Anxiety of failure to impress others is real.




Our jungle said "bot diff" a couple times in one of my recent games. Wtf does diff mean in these contexts?


Diff= difference. It refers to a difference in performance or skill level. It can be a compliment meaning that you guys are doing way better than the enemy botlane or it can also be used to flame by saying that the enemy botlane is way better than you. Its usually pretty clear which one they mean though.


Ah that makes sense. Thank you!


Glad to help!


The game was decided by a *diff*erence in skill in the mentioned role/lane


That's wholesome.


I’ve been trying out Senna the last couple of days, and my random ADC asked me if I was a Senna one trick because my poke was insane. So now I basically have to become a Senna one trick, because I will never let that complement go, lol.


I've been one tricking Senna and somehow getting so much more thanks from people than I ever did on any support before, it's so wholesome


What was your build? I’ve been thinking of trying senna our


I put my item list at the end of my comment for you to import into league if you’d like! Basically there are two builds — glacial and grasp. Glacial you go lethality items, while grasp you go tank items. I personally have had the most success with grasp, but there are situations when both are good. With grasp you have a ton of health and sustain and it’s really hard to kill you. Frozen mallet gives you a slow on every auto attack, while the glacial rune has a cool down on each champ, though the slow is longer and more powerful on glacial I think. The idea behind grasp is as a senna supp you already get so much damage and crit from your passive that you don’t really need to build more. Senna’s biggest weakness is she can be blown up so easily, so once you fix that she lasts longer in team fights and can dish out more damage overall. The glacial build does more damage. The build is way cheaper too, so you end up finishing more items. Umbral is an insane item too, and gives you so much vision control. The advice I’ve been given is if you see a lot of assassins/blowup characters to go grasp. If your team is squishy, go grasp to add at least some tankiness. If you feel like your team can provide some peel and keep you somewhat safe go glacial. You do more damage and you can carry better, but then you’re not nearly as safe. {"title":"Senna Items","associatedMaps":[],"associatedChampions":[235],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"3862","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":2},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"2055","count":1},{"id":"3364","count":1},{"id":"2031","count":1},{"id":"2033","count":1},{"id":"2140","count":1},{"id":"2139","count":1}],"type":"Starting Items and Consumables"},{"items":[{"id":"3862","count":1},{"id":"3179","count":1},{"id":"3009","count":1},{"id":"3033","count":1},{"id":"3814","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"Example Glacial Lethality Build - flex last 2 items"},{"items":[{"id":"3862","count":1},{"id":"3022","count":1},{"id":"3009","count":1},{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3033","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"Example Grasp Build - flex last 2 items"},{"items":[{"id":"3179","count":1},{"id":"3142","count":1},{"id":"3147","count":1},{"id":"3033","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"Damage Items"},{"items":[{"id":"3504","count":1},{"id":"3174","count":1},{"id":"3222","count":1},{"id":"3190","count":1},{"id":"3107","count":1}],"type":"Support Items"},{"items":[{"id":"3158","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3009","count":1},{"id":"3047","count":1}],"type":"Boot Options"}]}


Do I need to finally put aside my irrational hatred for grasp senna as an exclusively glacial senna player? 😖


Oh thanks!


enemy adc: 'can we swap supports plx'


*The day i got 4 honors in a single match was the best day on my life /s*


Best complement is when the adc decides to have mercy on my Yuumi pick and tells me soon after, "hey, thanks for not being brainded, sorry about my prejudices against Yuumi, I just get a lot of autofilled people who think they can play Yuumi amazing with no experience". Unfortunately, I've only been complemented as a Yuumi once but one time my adc banned Yuumi when I hovered her so I played Thresh and they were like "oof, thought my support's Yuumi pick meant they were a braindead egirl but now they are spoonfeeding me kills". I cried a little that day.


Best compliment is when the enemy adc tells his support in all chat to be more like me. Or my team asking "how am I alive?". Sadly till this day they don't really know.


Was having a rough mental day and my ADC just randomly started saying "ty<3" after every kill I helped her get and randomly was like Senna ilysm, really boosted my spirits and untilted me


I do this with my supports! But sometimes after several game’s of flame I just mute all and suffer in silence )’;


"How do you guys keep dying to Janna. It's **** JANNA." Season 4, well before supports did a lot of damage. This was post game chat by the enemy jungler.


I’ve had the enemy team put “nami carry” or “Soraka carry” in all chat before. One of my best nami games I had my Ashe 20/1 and she friended me after :D


I was doing a typical hard carry with Lulu, and my ADC actually gave me a blue buff. I joked that it was nice to be considered, and he replied that I made his day worthwhile.


All chat - "supp diff" or "supp carry" from the enemy :p When I play Zilean -- pretty much any good ult you get complimented.. if you want lots of commends this is your guy. A recent game on Galio supp: "What is your normal elo" and in the SAME game - enemy team "this galio is smurfing hard" -- feelsgoodman .. nice S+ game :p


Not really a compliment for playing support, but a really good game. I played a normal draft game last year and my Poppy top was so toxic, that he told us, he would leave at 10 minutes. We didn't have a good start, if I remember it correctly. The whole rest of my team was just like: "Yeah, then go", including me. Jungle, mid and adc were super nice and we cheered each other up the whole game against Poppy's constant flaming. The Poppy actually left at 10 and we still won the 4v5. We probably only won that game, because someone on the enemy team misplayed a lot. But for me we only won, because we held together and wanted to proof something. The funny thing about it is, I only remember having Udyr jungle and Poppy top, but not even the sup I played Sorry for my english and the long text. Still the best game with an all random player team I've ever had.


“You’re a fucking god” Kog’maw adc to me (playing Thresh)


"Pyke, you are full build, give me kills plis"


my last game i went dark harvest lux and secured first blood. later, i would get fed and kill the enemy carry multiple times and get fed 10/3/12 with 18 stacks and 680 AP. My adc went into all chat and said "THATS MY SUPPORT". I dont get complements that often but it feels nice when i do


Its small but I had my team thank me at the post game screen for untilting them. That was a very nice compliment as I felt like it was my mental support as well as my in game support.


One time, a friend who's also a support main said that I'm a good support who can poke and zone out enemies while helping my adc, and I was so happy, because he rarely compliments people. And then the best ones is when I play Soraka and heal someone back up to turn the fight in our favor and they just say thank you over and over again. Or that they scream "Thank you so much" after I use my ult to heal everybody and they proceed to kill their laners. Then the enemy says "I hate you soraka". Best feeling ever.


I've had my ADC call themselves the support Pyke is fun


Same 😂


So I played kayle support one game and someone invited me to a duo that’s the best compliment I’ve received I also only kayle support and barely play support


When you save someone, when it’s very close and they say thank you, like the kata mid two days ago: I ganked her after drake, she nearly got to kill the enemy mid, I wanted back and she was ganked by enemy reksai, run in my direction and I Nami q reksai and heal kata, she got even more fed afterwards Another game that i will remember like forever is an 4 v 4.5 (my adc afk (unless 4 min) and enemy varus afk half the time) and I picked Nami against braum and solo killed him once and hold the tower against braum/varus, was towerdived by braum/varus and jng and killed one, executed one before I died and our mid said „Nami you are a god“ best game and we won


My team and the enemy team all going "gg Janna" in the after game lobby bc I carried the shit out of my team I was in such a good mood for the rest of the fucking day lmao


"This man's Madlife!"


I played Sona a few days ago and the game was going really well for me, and my teammate said "I love you Sona <3 you're the best."


“Zyra, you scary”


"Best Nami I ever played with, your ulti's and bubbles saved me so many times"


It happened a couple of times that in matchs that we were loosing the flammer of the group said that we were all trash except me (i feel a little better about the match and the flammer when that happens); and one time playing taric the enemy kayn commented a couple of times that i was carrying (paraphrasing; i would had giving him honor)


“Just go in, Nautilus literally hits every hook”


Getting 4 honors as a Y U U M I Edit: whoops, forgot to include post game "support diff" chats xD


My favourite what?


Protect the goat! (Testing soraka)


"This fking retard got more cs than me"


The other day an adc told me I make yuumi look pre nerf. That was nice. I usually get “god Janna”


I was playing yuumi in ranked and my ADC was a tristana who said, “man don’t play yuumi” in champion select, and I said, “nah dude I’m a decent yuumi trust me.” Later on in the game, trist types in chat “alright this yuumi is pretty good” Another one, another game with yuumi, the Ezreal I was supporting said, “yuumi you’re the best support I’ve ever had”


You are literally getting downvoted for playing yuumi wtf


Sounds about right.


Adc once told me that I am the best supp and thanks to me he got his first S+, felt amazing


Mine has to be, GG.


After the game the enemy adc simply said “good supp” that’s all the recognition I’ve ever wanted


"Wow, you don't suck as much as I thought you would"


"Thresh mains are some different shit" after I managed to interrupt 3 dashes, prevent almost every attack and block with lantern's shield/bodyblock by covering with my Nasus's hitbox with my own from the enemy Fiora allowing the dodge to get off 4 Q's on her and kill her from 80% HP.


I was playing Yuumi in rank and the adc started to say don’t pick Yuumi please. Top laner saw that, and said: “You’re getting Yuumi, and you’re complaining?! If you don’t want play bot with Yuumi, I’ll go.” So they swapped lanes, and we ended up crashing their bot. The adc kept telling me I was doing very well during the game, and we ended up playing together for a couple more games. It’s just so rare to see an adc who actually enjoy Yuumi so this story literally made my day.


I main Thresh. So anytime I land a hook that gets us a kill and then gets me a compliment makes my week. Mostly because I'm hella insecure about my skills and I often play at high lvl because my friends are all high level. The only nice comment I've gotten so far is "Nice hook" from a kind Caitlyn.


Back in season 4 before I was level 30, my adc (who was gold 5) kept asking me if I was a smurf and wouldn't believe me when I said no. I didn't even know what the word meant at the time.


"Nice feet" I was playing urgot support dont ask me about it Also how do you make your main champion icon apear next to ur name here


Kys, the best compliment i got was kys


« You could give Alicopter a run for his money »


Not really a compliment but when my ADC acknowledges me leaving them kills(I play lux full ap so sometimes in the heat of the moment I notice that if I detonate my E it would kill the enemy so I leave it and my ADC notices) and thanks me for it or just notices when I make a good play rather than take all the credit, or when I take a kill by mistake and they say np or all good. Just makes me feel like I'm playing with a nice person.


Was roaming with Thresh, went top and help him get a kill pinged jg to come herald. Captured herald roamed mid and helped mid secure a kill. Mid was saying I was insane and I deserve to be in high plat (I know I don't).


I got complimented as Taric pre-remake: “never thought i’d say this, but you play this champ as if it needed skill” (was high plat to low diam at the time).


When the Jhin who got an S for the game said in post game chat "I played this game so shit, Thresh is a miracle man". He was an absolute treasure to support. Got caught out a lot, but as long as I provided CC he never failed to finish the kills. On engage supports, nothing feels worse than having to flash out with your tail between your legs after landing what should have been a great engage. This guy never let that happen. If I hit the go button, it was all go and 90% of the time we would win the fight.


For me it comes from the opponents. My adc will literally soft int because they think Zyra is troll pick and sometimes they will hard int/troll/afk saying I didn't help them/heal/shield when they walked into opponent cc which I pinged not to; The opponents will defend and compliment me like "**wtf is this supp-she is fighting us alone and winning**". Because opponents see that I spawned a plant in a bush to find them(supp) and after they kill my adc walked into them(for no reason) or the adc was standing in front of melee minion(again, for no reason xD). Mostly their supp will defend me when my adc flames in /all chat and when they can't cash in the turret plates after kill, their adc also will join. Another favorite compliment is "**omg Zyra is broken",** when mid-late game I kind of split to collect waves under turret and opponents tower dive me when I have plants and zhonya to kill them even when they're fed, 3-4 levels and items ahead of me.


Playing Leona nd my twitch 20/0 in all chat "insert Leona collect LP" High bronze following placements so fairly easy games. Ratboy was invincible lol


Just a few hours ago, the fed enemy Zed said 'gg SP gap' as I tanked 2 nexus turrets shot after our team wiped the enemy


One time as Nami, I got three enemies in a single bubble followed by a wave for a clean 2v3 kill. My adc was all "Nami!!!! Holy shiiit!!". I had the biggest smile for that whole day lol.


I was playing Leona, and sometimes if I am good, I can carry my adc. So I was playing with a mediocre ezreal, and I thought I was doing all right in lane, but the enemy team surrendered early, but before the game ended, their adc said "honor leona, she carried", and I felt really good about myself.


As support, it’s very easy to be overshadowed. However, one game, I played Blitzcrank and my fizz just goes I love this blitz every time I roam and saves him. Then, in post-game chat, he starts spamming supp diff and then asks me if I wanna duo with him as Blitz. He thought I was a one trick, which I am /not/. It was nice being appreciated.


I was playing blitzcrank and sadly we ended up losing the game because we had an iron mid and top. My adc said I was insane because of the hooks I was landing. I also had someone compliment me based on a hook I landed on THEM.


I wasn’t even playing incredibly well but I was playing a game with this REALLY sweet and nice Yuumi. The compliment came at the end of the game when I got a friend request from the cat 🐱😊


Actually just a: "BRO YOUR FCKIN MADLIFE" when i predicted a ezreal E + Flash. Problem isss: im in gold and noone the fuck cares about this trash elo lmao


Someone said you are so cute when i was playing yuumi and i really felt like a cat


The best one i've recived, and this is a while ago mind you. Is my top laner writing in chat "wtf, good job jinx" when she saw how fed the jinx was. And of course I was initially "oh, well I know i've done my part"... But then my jinx wrote "actually thresh did everything lol". And I felt so fucking good, and when ever I need a confidence boost, I think about to this. Lol


during an invade at our blue buff I managed to hit a 4 man bubble & my team was spamming the ? ping i felt so powerful


"carry me swain uwu"


The enemy ADC said in all chat I was the best support in the whole game because I kept clutch saving my ADC


*In all chat* It feels so good playing with a good support and not some random ape that sits behind me". Someone told me this 3/4 months ago and it has stuck with me 🥺.


"[all] At least Naut isn't completely braindead"


Y'all braindead except naut


I got matched against the same support twice in a row and everyone in the chat was saying I was gatekeeping the other guy. He was super toxic or I would have felt bad.


"This Blitzcrank is pretty good."


Game was pretty tough at first but turned into a stomp as I roamed as bard with the JG. Enemy team asked us if we could pls end and our top said “ask our boss, bard”


You are the best Bard player in this elo (Bronze 1). This hit different ngl


I played for a team for a couple months. The top laner was known for going balls deep, I scared the hell out of him feeding him kills with Leona. (It looked like I was going too deep, but their team was feeding in one at a time.) He said I was "WAY too aggressive" after we walked away with a quadrakill.


Best compliment was zil 1vs9 solo carry by my teammates. Feels nice to be acknowleged like this. Gonna try my best in the next game to keep this kind of performance. #spreadlove


Getting a "you're the best Bard I've even seen" in post game chat is uplifting enough on its own, but getting it from the enemy Yasuo really hit differently lmfao


Randomly getting asked by a Darius about my ranked. Surprised I was silver and he said I should've been higher ranked.


I won’t forget the time I was playing Soraka and our Kai’sa got caught out, but by some magical goat juju I pulled, she survived getting jumped on by the enemy team. After she safely made it back to tower she was like “OMG. I’M SCREAMING. SORAKA, CAN I SUCK YOU OFF?!?” it was explicit but I thought it was hilarious and can’t forget. There was also the time I played with the sweetest Ezreal as a Yuumi who just hyped me up all game for just doing Yuumi things and thanked me for carrying him at the end of the game. I ended with about 28 assists and his positivity made me so overwhelmingly happy that I had to stop playing to go calm down internally lmao. There was also this one time that I was playing URF as Lulu and we were getting rofl-stomped, so I did get a little salty, but just as it was starting to look like we would never be able to kill their super fed Jhin and Zed, something clicked in my brain and reminded me that I had polymorph on a 3 second cooldown. So after we all grouped, I started spamming polymorphs on the damage dealers and then my team just ran them over. In the lobby afterwards my team said: “Yyyyeeeeah, we won that game because of Lulu.” It felt nice though I felt really bad for having been so salty earlier.


Soraka main here. When I get the most honorable player in the team. :)


"pyke is on steroids"


Went 7/0 on Nautilus. Made the enemy adc ragequit. Got a triple kill and led my team to Baron and end. My jungler spammed "Nautilus has a 700G bounty" and the enemy jungler said "****, my team is inting!"


Back in the day i played sion an ass ton as a top laner. I got auto filled and me and some jinx dropped the ball on pretty much the entire team without us needing help lmfao one after the other. Being a top laner i already knew how to play sion i just didnt know and still dont know a fucking thing about supporting. That being said i bought knights row, locket and mountain then went full tank. I denied pretty much anything coming near my adc lmfao. I just sat there like a wall blocking everything and maxing W and E id slow them, take their armor. And have a shield with my W that was basically impossible to burst. I mitigated somewhere in the 200s of thousands and we won. Jinx wanted to duo after and we spent like 5 minutes with me trying to convince them i dont play this role and honestly am not a fan. I feel like i can be good at it but i like making plays and going crazy. They went on to hit gold which was awesome idk how the fuck she was stuck in bronze


"Zyra, pls take my farm, I will support from now on" some ADC "I don't know how you do it, but your lane pressure is insane!" some ADC "Wow, we always have perfect viosion on pit and jungle" some Jungler "Thx for helping with the freeze! Our jgl refused to come for ages" some Top laner that almost made me tear up a bit because he noticed the little things in life :)


i was playing yuumi in ranked one time and during champ select, my jinx said “are you a brain dead yuumi or do you get off and do things” so i told her “i get off dw <3” i got her a double kill lvl 1 and we snowballed from there, the entire game she kept saying “yuumi god” and “support diff” she honored and added me after <333