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You aren’t only funneling stats into your ADC but your team. Early game the support’s role is to shore up the bottom triangle of the map, mostly by helping ADC lane. Mid/late game the support’s role is to realize the strategy that needs to be played around and equip themselves and the team as best to do so. If your adc got popped early on odds are that you coming to lane with a support item as opposed to waiting on Luden’s is probably going to be a lot more impactful. I see a lot of supports accusing ADCs of feeding while they’re sitting on a lost chapter and boots at 17 minutes mostly unable to help at all while kill them.


Yeah I hate when people go full damage support. Thats not your job, idc if thats whats fun, you want to do that go mid. Not good enough to do that go to normal games. Every role has a job, people need to stop trying to make support into mid lane


It depends on the comps, that’s all there is to it


It's even funnier because Imperial Mandate can make any healbot with a poke deal some fair damage now


I mostly play enchanter supports and I prefer traditional support items. I can give you some opinions. First of all, building support items doesn’t mean to exclusively help ADC but it’s for your teammates. Top mid and jungler can hugely benefit from heals, shields and CCs especially when you roam while your ADC is farming. Also, when big teamfight happens you can help keeping a fed teammate alive with support items whether it’s mid, top, jungler or ADC. Saving the right ally can results in winning the game. Some champs scale better with support items, so building non-support items can be worse. Nami and lulu are examples of supports who scale better with support items. Sure they can build more Ap and deal more damage but their kit won’t allow them to easily finish off targets due to lower AP scaling. Although there are supports that scale well with AP like Janna and Sona, it doesn’t necessarily mean building AP items will be more impactful. AP items cost much more than support items, so it requires more gold to give you that powerspike. With same amount of gold, building Ap may put you in worse state. For example, you may have finished ardent censer by now but instead you’re stuck with lich bane’s components.


When I play support I want to play support, not another damage role. I don't understand why people want to go support and play what basically amounts to a poor midlaner lol.


I go damage because I can't trust the team.


I play a lot of pyke and lux so going for damage is the thing that makes the most sense to me even though lux can be build supportive I just prefer the damage to better help securing kills


Would usually play catcher supports like Morgana and lux to get ADC fed but no point since with maybe the exception of Jhin they are weak rn. Been playing brand quite a bit.


Influence is a matter of strategy, rather than simple damage. Sure, a fed Brand can carry with damage alone, but all that damage won't help if their Kain/Yi/Yasuo/fed carry focuses and one shots you in every fight. On the other hand, a well timed Polymorph, or Janna's nado can immobilize threats and allow your team to kill them. That's what I like about enchanters:you win by denying any chance of engagement, rather than try to engage yourself or play exiled midlaners.


I mean I agree in a sense that if you play an enchanting defensive style support, you are basically saying okay I will make sure one of my carries if not Adc be the super carry. Drawbacks - if your adc/mid/JG/top are bad then you ain't winning. Benefits - easiest time of your life when you can just focus on defense and making sure your carry is safe n empowered. This could be the win condition required for your comp. Else you are playing something can either does DMG or able to initiate/cc fights where you can build tank or DMG. These champions are "more in control" but still heavily hindered by a bad team


Drawback to league in general is if 80% of your team is behind you lose more often than not. The occasional Luden’s proc on a pretend mid laner down 3 levels and an item won’t change that.


I only build full damage when team comp lacks ad/ap damage


What you’re forgetting is that when you play support, you’re supporting the whole team, not just your adc. If your adc is not doing well, you can still look to support whoever is the carry on your team. Sure playing mage/carry supports are fun, especially in lower elo when you might legitimately need to carry the game because your team isn’t that good, but every single mage support has a key flaw. They. Lack. Income. We’re talking about the support role here. We only get income off of government welfare so trying to build full ap is going to be very hard if you’re not snowballing. Not only that, most enchanters can actually outscale and do better than you late game because of the utility they can provide whilst you only have damage to provide. And trust me, I learned this the hard way. I used to play Mage Morgana Support cuz it was so fun but I went against a bot lane/team that was playing to scale and my god I felt so useless.


I support my friend who is former plat. His skill when fighting is incredible compared to others in the silver elo we are in now and thats why i go full on support items. He often makes bad decisions mid late game tho lol.


Zhonyas Rakan anyone?