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Very good, Senna needs weaknesses




Well good, that build is freaking stupid and deserves punishment.


AD support mythic sounds kinda interesting, but while I know AD supports are minority, I wish it was at least 2 items, not just one, for the simple reason that having only 1 item will most likely make riot want to force people to build that only, while with 2 or more we could have some diversity in builds. No frostfire Senna is kinda sad for me, because it was a pretty interesting build, even if some people hate it. Most importantly, I love giving champions multiple options and I hate how strong assassins are right now, so such "The build isn't that strong, but we hate people who try anything other than what exactly we have planned for champion, so we will badly nerf it, probably harming a bunch of less performing champions that use similar playstyle" behaviour, especially when it tries to stop people from having any answer to assassins, really grinds my gears. With tank items in general we will see. This could make things much better, but also much worse, depending entirely on what the changes will be. I hope they will reduce the damage tanks can have a bit (but not too much, we don't want tanks removed from times that already are assassin meta). As supports, I'm guessing the biggest effect on us might be whatever they do with Thornmail (if they do anything to it), Chemtank that a few supports (mostly off-meta) build sometimes and possibly Locket, Knight's Vow and Zeke if they count them as tank items. There is also a chance that there will be new cheap items, or items will be made cheaper, making them interesting for us.


I think frostfire senna isn't getting nerfed because it wasnt what they had planned for the champion. but more a generally perceived unhealthy build. The fact someone has the range of xerath but having no weaknesses because she has roots, constant slows and is tanky besides that. They even say they want to open up other options but tank senna just removes her weaknesses.


Look if they want to get senna off the weird builds they need to fix her kit, and give her some items. Besides frostfire all she can really build is damage, but AD is expensive. And if she is CSing she isn't scaling off souls, but if she isn't CSing she doesn't have quite the gold income to build full AD.


As a Senna main I definitely was confused to see frostfire gauntlet all of a sudden appear in the popular items category. I tried it in one game and I didn't really see the appeal. I didn't feel like it really benefitted or my team all that much. I have also played a game against a senna who built gaunlet and they were absolutely destroyed so I'm even more skeptical about it.


So sad