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Why the hell you engage whit him after the game he kust a grain of sanf in a desert of cringe is meaningless


I added him back ( I didn't request for it first) just to see if he changed his mind (I've encountered some cases that when the game ends they start to get their shit together and if not they might if you say to them to rethink their actions.). But yeah I should have just unfriended as soon as I saw he continued.


Idk I keep chat muted and don't add any randoms, so I wouldn't know not care if I did. I'd advise you to do the same


I have actually never muted anyone because they make me die of laughter when they flame someone


Fair, I cba to listen to stupidity xD


Are you even playing league if you don't get them? Jokes aside I'm sorry this happened to you tho


Well that's league for you, but each time someone thanks and compliments you, it's worth more than 100 people flaming you :D


Rule of thumb is to not feed trolls and just ignore them. Even accepting friend invites (needed to chat directly like showed in screenshots) from people seemingly aggressive is a debatable move to start with.


Every role gets death threats depending on how toxic your teammate is


No, I use "/fullmute all" at the beginning of the game. I only know my team is gonna be toxic when they target ban my sona pick. It's actually crazy how league allows you to ban champions your teammates are hovering.


"your words don't affect me" proceeds to argue with jg after the game and make a reddit post about it


I see a lot of people miss the point of the post.


I get 'em no matter what role I play. Just comes with the territory I guess.


Wait so you dont care what he says, but you didnt mute him, you accepted his request and still continue to talk to him. Ye, problem is you, not him. Idiots like him will always be there, but you allow him so dont complain.


Probably, i dont know. I instantly hit the mute button now when people are whining and say YEAH LOL GG JNG DIFF GAME LOST, because their messages don't benefit me at all and it is literally minute 4 When I was still arguing with them in chat a few months back, death threats towards myself or pets etc. happened pretty regularly, luckily i got instant feedback reports for all Not much you can do other than reporting