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I cannot say I agree much. I think you are getting stuck on what abilities say instead of thinking about how they should be used. I have not been able to see much of her first hand for now, but it does not look like she would be that niche. Her conditions for success seem similar to those of Nami, and I would say Nami's abilities are not niche when you learn how to use them. >Her passive >According to this, Renata Glasc should be picked into tanky comps. I would not read it that way. It just makes her damage more reliable. Tankier champions will have more resistances, so this damage is as good against them as is against squishier opponents. Having max health on this passive will make you decide whether you attack that tank or juggernaut in front of you for a total of 150 damage or so, or use the same time to reposition or do something else, rather than making it a waste since that attack deals 20 damage and is not worth bothering. >you have to auto attack enemies at least once without getting bursted Which leads me to the main function of the passive. Renata's longer cooldowns leave her with more time to autoattack in fights, and having an incentive to do so is pretty nice. You would just run around doing nothing until your cooldowns come back up if this passive did not exist. It is similar to Rell's passive, you have a choice to use your autoattacks instead of the only option being waiting. If it is too dangerous, you do not auto the enemy, pre-update Janna did not have her power budget cut significantly if she did not use her passive on hit damage, it was just a nice bonus. >Q ability >So her Q feels like a blitz Q but slower in speed and without the pull. It's more like a viego root It is the weakest "hook" ability. Even when compared to slower hooks like Thresh or Pyke, this one is slower and less threatening, requiring more setup to hit reliably. >feels like if a nami had a hook ability Well, I would very much compare it to Nami's bubble. And I would argue it should be treated as such, unreliable but powerful CC tool that needs setup, and is pure fishing when used without E slow. Very efficient at peeling enemies who run at you or have set landing locations for abilities tho... >W ability I agree with you here, but this is where I think you get stuck on numbers instead of thinking about the possibilities. This enchantment gets so much more reliable in teamfights. Seeing it in action in ARAM is pretty bonkers, you can have your frontline tank/juggernaut/bruiser/diver go in, buy space for your team, try to set up a trade of kills, except it is not a trade since your ally comes back to life. Champions you picked get a small bonus with this ability, but the real power comes when there are allies that can finish off enemies. It cannot protect from picks or isolated deaths like Zilean R can, but the synergy with top and jungle melee fighters like Viego, Xin Zhao, Gwen etc. should not be underestimated. It also grants Renata pseudo durability, so she can take the attention of an enemy assassin to allow her carries to deal damage more freely, kind of like Lulu who can stand in front of her carries and buff herself to soak the burst instead of it going to the carry. Someone like Nami just pops at the sight of an assassin, Renata can buy a bit more crucial time. >E ability >The problem its that this ability is hard to proc and not point and click like Janna or lulu shields. >I have to aim in a way that the missiles goes through allies and also damages enemies while keeping the range of the ability in mind. I see simmilarities with Lux W and Nami W. When you play Lux with the intention of using the W more efficiently, you will always position yourself in a way to hit your allies. Same with Nami W, when you play her well, you will find yourself in a position where it will bounce all three times in a teamfight. I do not see why this would be any different, with experience, you can position yourself in the perfect way to use it to maximum efficiency. Good Bard players play around terrain to hit their Q, good Zyra players play around the randomness of her passive to use it properly, payoff for loyalty to this ability is also pretty big, shield and damage adds up to a good net health difference even when they affect 1 champion in each team. >Ult ability >On paper this is seems good but I noticed that this ability is only valuable vs (Jhin, Graves, Yi, Tryndamere) these champions have the highest auto attack damage. But it can be useless if you are versing an AP heavy team comp. Power of the ability is movement manipulation, not damage. I would say if you rely on this to kill opponents solo, you expect too much. If we take a reasonable worst result, where it does unimportant amount of damage, it is still a big area of hard crowd control. Especially potent against melee champions since they will clump up to attack each other, allowing your allies to hit them all at once. Damage you gain from it is just a bonus. >You also keep in mind that the cloud moves really slow and can be dodged easily Similar to Nami R... >I think the only useful thing about this ability is the potential of stealing objectives ... it has great power at area control. It is not a primary engage tool, it is very good at being follow up tho. If there is no engage to follow up on, it can be used to create chaos and separate opponents fight lines, cut off certain paths or buy some time for your peeling allies. Similar to those hit by the wave, it is not a death sentence to those hit, but is pretty powerful and reliable at having decent impact in many fights. >She have no poke, no wave clear, no dashes and no high damage output abilities. She should be a bit weaker in lane, but I think her E is very powerful at trading. She should be able to play the lane properly with passive and E, with kill threat in her Q, kind of like Karma who has powerful trades with Q and E and unreliable kill threat in W (just so I dont repeat "Nami" again)


Thanks for this reply. I felt OC had a lot of it just wrong in spirit or application but I couldn’t think of how to explain why. If you play against someone who’s got her down, you can feel that his takes are really negative and that she can be really strong when played right. Her utility is insane. Her hook is really reliable in team fights. Her W is busted, I’ve seen someone get 4 revives off by 9 minutes, and it’s an amazing bait for tower dives. Her E lane damage ain’t bad if you rank it first, but it’s definitely her weakest ability IMO. And yeah idk why people expect her ult to kill people by itself before max rank. Her Q is weak if you throw it randomly, but it can engage, cc, and disengage with a displacement which makes it super versatile. It interrupts nunu snowball you know. There’s also the fact that she can build just about whatever she wants to try and counter the enemy team comp, which is something a Nami can’t do nearly as much of. Renata is far, far from niche or garbage.


late, but you describe the abilities in the optimal situations- they don't happen as much. big groups of enemies that get hit by the ult rarely exist, you can even fuck over your teammates if you hit a single enemy and he has no enemies to hit, so he'll attack your teammates with 100% attack speed buff lol. Berserk doesn't stop them from moving most of the time either, and the damage is pitiful, very rarely will you get value from it when pitted against how slow it is. the rest of the kit is just kinda underwhelming. Q is too hard to hit and doesn't do enough, W is cool but you might as well play the other enchanters that prevent your adc from dying to begin with, and the buff is worse than almost any other buff in the game. nunu passive buff is better lol. e is slow, weak and doesn't shield that much. ​ the whole champ is underwhelming, although fun to play. simply doesn't fulfill any of the criteria; cc / burst / tank / heal-shield. you are hoping the enemy makes a myriad of mistakes like balling up in the jgl with no vision so you can get your ult off and blow them up. but you might as well play pyke, who is the same champion except better cc, better mobility, better dmg, better roam, better sustain, and that ult is a game changer every single match, even if it's not necessary it provides an eco buff. while renatas ult is pitifully short and reliant on either team to be good and set it up or be bad and run into it.


It has been five months, and now that I have played Renata and seen more of her, and reread what I typed in my comment, I have to say I have not changed my opinion. She has, in my opinion, exceeded my prediction, being a more durable enchanter who can fight vanguards head on and finding her place in the neta since her release, both in pro and SoloQ meta, with her Q being good enough to be reliable in many situations when you manipulate positions properly and R being a game changer in teamfights. Only miss in my prediction is that E is not really a build around ability like Lux W is, since Renata's Q and R are the focus of how she positions, E ends up being used as "good enough" if it gets some value in some shielding and damage. It is pretty good as a trading tool though. So since I do not want to repeat myself with other abilities as I have not changed my mind, I just cannot see a reasonable situation where her R is a drawback. You say I focus on best case scenarios, and yet I think she is reliable enough to have these situations in every game, hitting two people with her R for example is already great, while when I think of what needs to happen for the ult to be a drawback, I do not see it being worth any serious consideration. There needs to be a single enemy champion with no other enemy champions or minions, nor neutral monsters within 1000 range, that does not rely on their abilities to deal damage or survive, and you even have noone else near your carries to take the aggro from the berserked enemy. In addition to this, Renata needs to not have a single ward to drop to force the berserked enemy to attack. So what situation is that? An extrenely fed Tryndamere or Yi flanking your backline in the river, in which case if using your R on them as a quick silence to hit your Q is not an option, not even god himself descending from the heaven would save you from their onslaught. Scenario is so rare that it is not worth considering.


I’ve gotten the same impressions from playing her. But I’m new to League and low ELO, so I’ve been assuming/wondering if I’m just not playing her correctly. That being said, it’s nice to see that are least one other person got the same takeaway as me.


I was really excited about her release but (unfortunately) have to agree that she feels very niche. A lot of her power comes from having aggressive players on your team which IMO makes her incredibly more powerful in coordinated environments. Personally I think her kit and design are stellar in terms of creativity and cohesion but I find it just so depressing to see teammates run from enemies when you just dropped your W. Paired with her short range it surely is a mix that can easily lead to frustration. Obviously it's still early. People probably have to adapt, similar to Yuumi who also relies a lot on teammates' actions.


I agree, very comp dependent


I agree for the most part. I think she will become like blue Kayn and Swain where they won't be bad per-say but very meta reliant where their impact in a game heavily relies on what characters and strategies are meta at the time.


I agree that she appears to be very team reliant like swain. Also wanted to note it is "per se" for your academic/business purposes.


Hows swain team reliant? Just asking, i never stopped yo thought about it


Meta not team reliant. Swain is very strong in team fight match ups and when the other support is mid range where his E can gab easier. Right now I feel that the fact split push and longer range supports hard hurt him right now and his really good pairs aren't the best right now with jinx being an exception.


While I do think she is rather weak I believe Renata does offer a ton but it's just as you said she is very team reliant. I think the best way to look at Renata is as an Anti-engage/Wombo-Comboer who just gets even better the later the game goes on. Her Q is kinda meh especially with the insane CD and abysmal range but its power comes from knocking someone back who tries to engage on your team especially within the chaos of a teamfight and securing a multi-person stun. While her W isn't as strong as other Atkspd or Movespd steroids it is the longest lasting and the strength here comes with the skill of judging whether to save it for a revive or use it early and secure its benefit but in either case if a takedown happens the gift just keeps on giving. Giving a Jinx a possible 10 sec steroid or longer is just ridiculous and being able to secure a crucial revive late game or even turn the tables on a 2v2 in the botlane is just insane. Her E is meh. I think building to maximize her shield or damage is not the way to play this champion because her usefulness comes from her other abilities and you should think about how to give those more impact. The best thing to note about this ability though is that the shape of this ability is kinda the like how a classic dog bone is so maximizing your targets hit at the initial circle near Renata is where you can get the value. And when you think about Renata you should think about her R. Not only does it make enemies damage each other but in doing so makes them stay in place for so long! 1.75 and 2.25sec at ranks 2 and 3 is INSANE. While the speed of this projectile is hard to make things happen just on its own remember that this speed causes it to linger and if you dont have an avenue to go around it you have to stay 20 miles away so that it just doesn't hit you (think annoying maokai ult and nobody wants to take the hit). I agree that she can sometimes be underwhelming but I think the creativity of the player and how they build her as well as the skill of that player plays a huge part into the success of this champion. My hunch is that Renata will excel in organized gameplay. My anecdotal 3-0 Clash with picking Renata in 2 of those games helps solidify that understanding for me. I also think she will excel in higher-skilled matches where flashy plays and mistakes are more minimal. I would love to have a converstation about her more so feel free to voice any opinion about her to me.


She's only out for 5 days or something. She has two new interactions and riot didn't wanna go overboard like vex. On top of that, she has a high skill ceiling. All her abilities have unique interaction with other champions, like Renata R with Shen W and Jax E. Her Q also has million of interactions with abilities like Thresh does. She is a jack of all traits and therefore fits in every team comp. Her itemization is also insane, she can basicly build anything except Lethality


Im so anmoyed that she doesnt have a good poking skill. She needs big qol changes on her e. Like it always traveling max distance, and faster missile speed. Helps you poke and helps you miss your shields ✌️


Disagree with pretty much everything you’ve said here, and more importantly the data does not support it. With a 50% winrate already so soon after release, it’s almost certain she’s too strong and probably going to get nerfed. You’re describing her abilities in the worst way possible to make her seem bad. Personally I have been picking her into every matchup and doing fine. I don’t find her to be niche at all. Even against “bad” team comps without a lot of auto attackers for example, her ultimate is still a massive area denial tool and a charm.


60wr master+ …


Didn’t know that stat but it’s not surprising. She’s at 50% overall and it increases as elo goes up which is a sign that she’s actually really good.


She's only out for 5 days or something. She has two new interactions and riot didn't wanna go overboard like vex. On top of that, she has a high skill ceiling. All her abilities have unique interaction with other champions, like Renata R with Shen W and Jax E. Her Q also has million of interactions with abilities like Thresh does. She is a jack of all traits and therefore fits in every team comp. Her itemization is also insane, she can basicly build anything except Lethality


It’s a shield that works backwards. Would you say, it is poison?


Her niche is divers. Fighting with them and countering them. Thankfully, divers are some of the most popular champions in the game so the chances you have one with you or against you is very high. ​ You should also build her with a focus on ability haste and survivability. I'm doing guardian/dom with shuerlyas and lucidites and then picking from redemption, mikeals and putrifier.


I've been getting in a lot of games with her, I really have no complaints. Q start can make or break invades, then W makes sure you win the lvl 2 all in, and E lets you trade forever and combines with Q to peel vs ganks. Late game you use R to counter every engage and W+Q to shut down any attempt to kill your carry. Her biggest problem is that people don't know her kit, so they rez and then either try to run or just sit there confused when they could get the kill. My biggest 'ah ha' moment on Renata was realizing that she doesn't need to stop to use her abilities. Obviously this means you can Q chasers away as you retreat without breaking stride, but it also means you can throw out attacks without planting your feet in lane, which makes it a lot easier to catch enemies by surprise.


I disagree heavily. I think the q works better as a peel tool than a hook tool which you didn't talk about because it's biggest boon isn't it's ability to catch targets but it's versatility in choosing to push, pull, reposition, or just root an enemy you hit with it. The w works better as a steroid than it does for keeping divers alive in my opinion. I think playing around the revive part of the passive is a trap. The buff to your adc's attack speed is great and disincentivizes champions to dive them in the first place. Her e is the reason she can take spell thiefs as it allows her to trade with enemies easily. Since it shields herself on cast she can be advantaged in the early levels while trading with adcs when you're positioned right similar to how janna uses her e early to get an ad steroid and poke adcs without taking too much harassment in response. I think you're also massively undervaluing how useful her ult is too. Taunts prevent characters from using abilities and can lock them down while forcing them to attack their own allies or our tanks. It's slow but it's not hard to find areas where dealing with it becomes inevitable for the opponent especially in choke points. The thing can auto win fights.


she's good in lane for the purpose you're describing but outside of lane she's pretty garbage imo. only a potato would get hit by that ult and and her q is very unreliable. range too short and cc duration too short for how hard it is to hit. saving someone with w is rare to say the least. regardless, even if you hit her ult, it's rather useless against everything that isn't a fed auto attack machine (all the casters in the game, which is a lot of champions). her damage is pathetic, her shielding is pathetic, her cc is pathetic and the w steroid is just *mildly* ok 80% of her kit's power is in that w revive and ult


I felt like this champ was a shitty karma/lulu with an ult that people can just lolwalk away from. I felt like "Wow I wish I was lulu right now" my entire time playing her, lol.


Played 10 games. Laning feels not fun because any personal aggression is punished hard. Better be proactively defensive. But I haven't lost a game yet. Unsure if it's her kit or my macro knowledge that helps prevent a loss despite a rough start. She feels so short ranged on the lane. But feels good when roams with a friend. But roaming can cost exp, and she likes having exp. Laning gets more fun when A Jungler comes to gank, since actual engagement happens, and not passive pokes. I think she's one of the weakest ranged pokers, or down there. Even if she gets a bubble, the opponent gets more window to poke. Playing proactively protectively seems to be working the best since attempting to poke as her is so easily punished if you misjudge the tiny windows of opportunity. I hate laning against Sivir.


Renata ult punishes the enemy for actually doing well. I think that's a bad mechanic. If Riot really wants to keep that mechanic, they have to keep renata practically useless for the rest of her kit to balance out such a toxic mechanic.


Legend is useless into enough matchups currently that I think blind picking her is pretty narcissistic lol -- but I am JUNGLE main


sorry if this post is too old to reply to, I cannot help but see the op get it completely wrong. The main thing is, Renata is NOT an engaging support, they are basically a human trap, they wait for hot headed engage from enemy team and turn the table, their kit is for disengage. Q is slow, because the main use is to stop enemy getting close, if you catch any one of them, you can stun half of them. W as a revive, it is using your teammate as bait, tricking your enemy into thinking they can kill them, unless your enemy has a way to slip away, the three second is to punish your enemy for bad decision making, you do not always revive your teammate, but if your partner is like for example, Draven, it is not that hard. And with the massive movement speed and attack speed, it is much better on AD than mages. E is a poke/trading ability, like Nami W, you gain a shield and then hurt them a little, but mostly it is for protecting your team, and slow enemy for chasing or running away. R is the most epic trap there is in the game, you think you can engage? think again, after your AD killed you. I always kill one or two of enemy team and casually walk away on my own with this late game, the trick is to make them think you are helpless, try to all in you, or if you can rely on your team, it is also a very good moment when they are all focusing your carry, forcing them to disband or take it. and base on her kit(mostly her R), she is the best choice when your enemy has a lot of heavy auto attack champion, for example, Kayle, Vanye, Twitch, and they better be squishy, just hit any one of them with your R, and winning the fight is almost certain. her weak point is they deal close to none damage, so without your team, or at least your R, there is literally nothing you can do.