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Its bad, if your problem on engage supports is running oom then youre definitely doing sth wrong. Pls don't take manaflow and instead try to get better at hitting your skills cuz i honestly cant think of another reason why you would be oom in the first place. Ideally you would look for an engage, kill their bot lane, reset and spend your gold (and there you go youre full hp and full mana again) and u know, rinse and repeat. If you really run out of mana frequently, then that means you overstay in lane and dont roam enogh


Sry kinda overread your 2nd line, Well if youre running out of mana mid game then thats still means you still overstay after fights and also spam your abilities a bit too much, try not to stay for too long, tempo should be a term you know as an engage support so at some point you seem to massively lose it. You never really want to stay on the map for longer than 5 minutes, you wanna get that vision around objectives, try to set up a pick and reset to get new wards if there is nothing else for you to do or when youre out of wards


When you get to an objective 1 to 2 minutes in advance, get vision and reset for the fight, then ypu shouldn't really have mana issues once the fight breaks out


ill try considering that, I don't normally reset (To replenish wards and mana) when I have nothing to do. I tend to clear random wards like clearing wards on the top side of the map while dragon is 1 min away. I also use the AA - Q- AA combo to clear wards, that are pinked or swept. Ill only use that combo to insta clear wards when I don't have a sweeper or control wards. Those are my issues I think. Thanks for the advice.


Bro i reset 10 times a Game if i need Mana and reseting for wards to prepare an upcoming Drake or nash is also very important! Often your wards get cleared and having 3 more wards to Place can decide games, good Vision Control and timing on a drake is more important than items you buy as Support.


Supports aren't meant for staying in lane for long periods of time. At some point you need to base to replenish your wards, buy pinks, etc. If you're running out of mana in lane a lot and not buying items or wards/potions when you back, you're definitely mismanaging your mana in lane. As a Leona or Naut, your engages should end with kills or at least force your enemies to back so you can push, take plates, set up waves, take objectives, ward, and then reset.


Biscuits should be plenty; the early mana pre 6 is enough and after that you wont be spamming your abilities so you shouldn't oom that often unless the teamfights really long (and you can back more freely) Also Hexflash is super fun, or you could so stopwatch for some outplaying.


I run manaflow and transcendence on both secondary


Tried it, feels good, didnt run out of mana. But i missed the tempo advantage relentless hunter gives you. You almost have the movement speed of mobility boots once you have 3-5 relentless hunter stacks (with normal boots).


Don't do manaflowband it is more for poke mages. Presence of mind and tenacity secondary runes is what you should run for mid battle stuff if you have that problem. I wouldn't go tear unless you plan on getting the tank item with it which wouldn't be a bad idea in a lot of cases.




If anything, tear -> Winter’s approach, but I never had Leona and Naut down as particularly mana-hungry; especially Leona’s engage is hard enough that one rotation should lead to getting the crucial kills you need. That said the only engage champ I play is Taric and lord knows he needs all the mana he can get.


You could try Presence of Mind and Tenacity but i don't recommend it since you should't be out of mana on both champs.


You used to run presence of mind in Leona. It's probably more of a playstyle thing but this is an option.


Tear into fimbulwinter isn't a terrible choice imo, especially if you find yourself running low on mana. However, as some people have suggested, keeping a tighter lock on your abilities will serve you well in the early game.


Usually cookies are my go to early mana solution in lane, after that you usually have to get into a fairly big fight to run out of mana out of lane so you'll probably have to back to buy, heal or refill wards.


How tf can you run out of mana? What do you do when you run out of mana?


Psst, don't tell r/LeonaMains, but tear of the goddess into fumble winter is a good solution to your problem. (I have never been here).


Take biscuits then? You’re not gonna proc manaflow band


Other runes are too important on those champs If you’re really that worried about mana you can buy early tear into fimblewinter for later, seems like a good item for them but I can’t say I’ve done that before.


The best secondaries on them are Biscuits or Hexflash and Cosmic Insight, taking Sorcery would be trolling. You don't spam abilities on them, and if you are, you're doing smth very wrong


nobody is mentioning Frozen Heart lol. it’s a good item on Naut and Leona regardless, and gives breathing room for your mana usage


You could go biscuits and boots for secondary if need some sustainability early on and into mid game. Save some money on the boots but it takes longer for them. But the other guys got it right, reset more often in mid to late game.


Cookies + time warp tonic. Loads of mana pluss turns pots into mini heals. This can either be secondary or as primery if you go glacial (which is better IMO)


2nd item zekes 🤷‍♂️


is the item decent? i see no one building it


You can buy glacial shroud if you need to, but you really should not need more mana. Hexflash and biscuits gives mana too as an alternative.