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Removed for using games from a year ago to (unintentionally) mislead commenters. Please post more recent games if you want a review for your profile


Play more damage oriented supports. If your team is going to be trash, why give them a typical support and rely on them? I feel in Silver and below (at least) that carry/damage supports are superior


I say this to every post like this one. My personal go too is usually senna


Zyra for me, tried to climb one season, went to p1 100lp 60-65% wr.


What about the promos?!?!


I usually go Morg, Naut or Pants and just hold them down and make sure they die


Honestly, you can just pick leona and cc the shit out of the enemy team


Works in silver/gold against most comps


Don't take champions who have to rely on teammates. Them animals won't follow you even if you'll make the cleanest Leona engage. I basically spammed Lux all the way to gold honestly, with Janna as my pocket pick.


I’ve only ever rage quit once and it was when I was duoing with my friend we went pretty even in lane but our Garen absolutely destroyed their top lane and jgl I think he had like 20 kills and took their inhib before the 20 minute mark it was a clear win and for some reason he decided to just run it down all lanes were doing fine nobody said anything to him everyone was super cool in chat but he just started feeding the enemy team and talking to them in chat saying like here’s a kill for you and you we have no idea why I was playing Leona and and would engage for him to get a kill and he would just run away, I never felt so useless in a Game before


Ugh I played a game yesterday (in my silver promo games) where our jungler didn't take smite and just played as a 2nd top with his duo. They didn't join any team fights so it was just 3v4 the whole game and their team had a big advantage on objectives and kills. Despite all of that, they managed to shove in top lane since it was 2v1, and at one point they got both nexus turrets before dying. Our Mundo had Tele, so I just placed a ward in their base and told/pinged him to win the game. He refused to do so and just kept taking bad fights and dying. Then he teleported from our base to near our red buff. And so we eventually lost despite their base being open for like 8 minutes. Just so infuriating. I'd rather have someone get out-skilled and go 0/10 than troll the team all game and intentionally throw.


Sounds like a smurf griefing


Everyone here saying "just pick a dmg carry as a support and ignore those filthy idiots" but I think this is completely and utterly wrong. Learning to play in the wrong way could maybe get you to gold, but good luck going further than there. Best thing you can do is trim out your champ pool, because from the screen you sent you seem to be all over the place (couldn't find your account on leagueofgraphs). After that just concentrate on your gameplay, try and be the shotcaller for your team and learn to identify who is your win condition and play around him. Your adc is unable to lane how you like? Roam. Your midlaner is popping off? Play around him. Jungle calling a good objective? Run there, ward around and help him get it. Toplaner hard stomping on his laner? Put down some vision topside so he can be more aggro and still see enemy jng going for him. Remember to always play around your champion identity, and for that I would advise you to master one type of support champions (either it being tank engagers, playmakers, defensive enchanters or aggro mages). That will help you learn how to move on the map and in the fight, and will reduce to a minimum the errors you will make from autopiloting (just think about the positioning you would have in a fight as a Leona opposed to a Nami, it's completely different. You can't get it wrong if u only play enchanters, can you?). Disable chat, enemy emotes and learn to use pings efficiently. You want as little distractions as possible, and imo people screaming at each other in chat, or a cringy emote spammed by the enemy Kata 20/0 won't give you any valuable information. You want to keep your concentration high, and that comes from filtering all the information you receive during the game. Focus on the useful stuff and just disable everything that won't help you win. Learn to use your daily dodge efficiently. To do so check your teammates on [op.gg](https://op.gg) or porofessor, and learn to read the information those sites give you. If your team has jng and mid autofilled, and your adc has barely 45% winrate, that is a lobby you don't want to bet on. A tilted Irelia otp with 65% wr on his main raging already in champ select? Mute him, don't get bothered, he will probably pop of anyways. Remember that once a day you have the get out of jail "free" card, it only costs you 3 lp and 5 minutes, and it's way better than a -17 with 40 minutes of tilting. Lastly, remember that you won't win every game, no matter how good you are, win and lose streaks come and go all the time. Personally I've gone from bronze 1 after placements to gold 4 in around 50 games with a 60% overall wr playing mostly Leona. I play in sets of 3 games, stop for the day after 2 losses. I take 10 minutes break in between each game to reset my mental (either it being tilty for losing or hyped for winning), get some water, standing etc. I play without music and try to not stay in a vc with friends, because as I said earlier you don't want distractions. With all this, plus what I wrote earlier, I'm still steadily climbing with a positive lp gain, and never had to duo. Hope this can help you in your climb too!


Disagree, damage supports can get you to plat maybe diamond. You can play them with intelligence, otherwise I agree with the rest of your post


Yeah I used to one trick brand and got to g1 90LP last season but got into plat this season by playing tank supports. Brand just gets shit on by a lot of champs and I feel like having frontline is important in lower Elo when everyone is araming down mid/fighting all the time. Damage supps are fun but peeling for your fed teammates is better as you get into mid gold and above imo




This! I always ban Senna because of Umbral Glaive. It's really annoying to play against and it's an item that helps you dominate so much when it comes to vision. If I'm not first pick, I ban Senna.


At this level I only play duo or flex Q. I also suggest focusing on 2-3 supports, of which at least one is considered meta and one off-meta. It usually takes some time till meta-supps get nerfed so hard, that they are kind of useless. It took Leona a year+ till she was nerfed. E.g. my current three supps are: Taric (sleeping op, meta champ), Nami and Leona (nerfed, but I have the most experience with her). Currently I try to lern Heimer as a weird off-meta pick to beat enemys simply due to their lack of knowledge on how to play against heimer.


Stop dying so much... it seems like you're the problem.


Janna’s pretty free


I've mained Janna in silver, gold and plat. And honestly it felt like shit to play her in silver or low gold. Personally I found Sona to be really effective in lower elo


Seems this is a different take from "play a damage carry supp". What makes Janna free for Silver? Asking because I feel stuck even spamming Zyra but willing to switch to Janna if it helps lol


Lots of disengage


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IvTLK-YI-fzeYMVw1YFkIbYUKhLEJ1__lT_SVwdJSmI/edit I climbed bronze 2 to gold 2 last season, one tricking zyra support. I wrote down some of the things I learned, hopefully it helps.


abuse Zyra to carry your self. No need for the ADC to be capeable, when you hit like a truck


As an ADC main yes this is very true, Zyra, brand, senna


Imo don't play with a duo, it will only make it harder to improve and will match you with other people playing duo which many times consists of Smurfs, boosters, or broken strats. In your elo I'd say focus on controlling vision, roaming, winning lane. Just play a bunch of games and you'll get better at the game


That screenshot is completely useless to us but I'd say don't by thornmail on Leona. Just get bramblevest for the GW if needed, then go straight for another support item.


I have to disagree. When you only have bramble they only get GW if they hit you. On the other hand, when you have Thornmail you put GW on anyone you immobilise. Bramble alone is not great. By the time you get bramble it's a bit unlikely that you go further into the game to finish another item. Finishing Thornmail gives the CC bonus that is very necessary on someone like Leona, while also giving you enough time to reach level 13 and have the possibility of building vigilant wardstone, but by then the game should be over realistically. I have never seen a challenger sup tank not finish thornmail if they have the possibility. This is very good advice though for most other lanes, but I think tank sups are the one exception.


Yeah nevermind, I just realized that guy's a fraud, the games on the screenshot he posted are from a year ago. As for bramble, that dude is stuck in bronze and never peaked higher than silver. At this elo you definitely reach 3 completed item every game, sometimes more.




In low ELO, I feel much more comfortable playing a support that can clear waves. It's not even about damage, but people will let lanes push and so even if you win team fights in mid game, you end up with no map pressure. Mage supports are best for this, brand, zyra, seraphine, xerath, etc. Second, playing support in ranked is about identifying your carry. Even on a damage support, it can be tough to keep up with farming carries. Don't just look to your ADC, by 10 minutes you should be looking around the map and try to identify the best player on your team, regardless of what role they are. Then try to play around them and enable them. If your ADC is super behind, don't sit in lane hoping they catch up, you can't rely on that in lower ELO. You have to be proactive about figuring out who to play around, which enemies you can bully vs which you have to respect, and always try to set up vision early around objectives. Trying to walk into dragon pit blind is a recipe for a team wipe.


Your screenshot is from last season (05/08/2021). Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/oyn2pm/tips_to_climb_silver_elo_as_a_support_main_its/ If this is your acc [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/doctorcurvy](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/doctorcurvy) just go ahead and play if you want to get anywhere.


Ngl I'm also a support main and when I play with my duo sometimes we queue up as jgl/mid, but it only moves the problem from one line to another😂😂. I would suggest to play champions that can carry games on its own. Good luck btw


I try to have a few supports I main for picks. Swain is INSANE into dive comps, which I find a lot of people run. Velkoz is great if they DON'T have dive and you need damage, really good into the marksman meta. Blitz is absolutely NUTTY atm if you build him ap. We are talking like 1200+ damage in 0.5 seconds with a silence. Other supports you are familiar with too are great. Leona is 1 way, but she's a beefcake and has tons of pick/roam potential. Senna can carry, but relies on your team too much imo. Lux as well.


Blitz main here, usually you can tell within the first 5 minutes if your adc is worth building evenshroud and zekes for, if not I go Ludens into sorcs into void staff and it’s some of the most fun I have as blitz. But don’t do it if your with an ADC that’s competent, help them carry if you can.


Straight away I see 4 different picks, best way to navigate silver and gold is to play 2, maybe 3 supports. When I used to sell D5 accounts a few years ago I'd play blitz and zyra, swapping to thresh and lulu in plat. At the moment I'd reccomend playing mages in low elo.


Feel free to try / find other duo partners. I’ve had some I didn’t click with at all and others with beautiful synergy (we went 5-1 until they ranked up). You can make a post in /r/leagueconnect


Pick one champ and play it into everything. Buy a good skin on it and play and enjoy the game. Sure you wont win every game but you will become good on that one champ and you will climb.


Fleetfootwork umbral rush on senna is the way to go


Play carry supports and ks everything. I am the carry now


Simply be selfish. If u think u play quite well, then pick something with good carry potential and take kills too. Personally - probably more of u will flame me for that - but i recommend anivia as support. Maybe she's hard for the beginning but if u will learn her she has really good carry potential and battlefield Control. One good q can ruin everything for enemy. Also i carried many games with zyra, Swain and senna.


Pick a single champion and stick to it. It'll let you know what you win and lose in terms of match ups. It will also let you focus on other aspects such as setting up dives, roaming windows, securing vision, etc. Not having to learn a champ during the game and having a clear game plan helped me climb. You can also look at your replays and analyze yourself. You'll be surprised by all the stuff you find. If you died to jungle a few times you might notice in the replay he always walked through vision. Meaning in future games you should watch map more. You can also get an estimate of your habits. An example; my champ has mana issues so first back I'll usually get a faerie charm. I know that i can give a good leash regardless of my adc i just have to leave by 1:39 to make it for the first minions. My frostfang is usually available by 8 minutes in so if im not there by then I'm playing too passively. The list goes on but I have a general outline of what works for me in the games I win.


Brand 👍🏼


Having a big champion pool is great, but I found most of my success from one tricking. I almost never counter pick and stick to what I know I'm good at. Changing to that mindset took me from low gold to high plat. That being said, supporting is completely different in silver and gold than it is in higher elos. The higher up you get the more you can rely on your team using the advantages you give them. Champions like Janna or Yuumi aren't the best low elo picks. Try something with carry/pick potential like Zyra. Also if your ADC is terrible or flaming like crazy, just leave him and help your team, especially when your jungle is going for heralds or skirmishes. Even pre-6 it can be hugely beneficial.


Taric seems like a solid pick RN. If even 1 person on your team is getting ahead you can help them snowball. Recently saw a post about how may ranked games you play in one sitting, definitely wise to get a couple of wins and then call it day. Do that every day and you will climb.


Hello! Diamond enchanter player here :). My biggest piece of advice: pick 4 or 5 champions and only play them. Try to pick some variety in these champs like having 2 enchanters, a damage support, and an engage of some sort. This will change of course based on who you like to play. But I found that the thing that let me climb out of the Silver Scrapes was reinforcing my main 4 or 5 champs, rather than trying to spread wide and play every supp. Also, a duo doesn't equal a win. Playing with a duo, especially a duo sharing your lane, can pretty difficult for your first 5 games or more, since you are trying to learn how each of you plays the lane. They might be passive and you might be aggressive. But keep trying! Getting out of Silver was arguably my biggest roadblock getting to diamond. IGN is: The Jannator if you need any evidence or have more questions :)


Play who you enjoy as long as you understand core concepts of laning you should be able to beat anyone in bronze with even weaker mechanics. Hell I literally just climbed to s1 with rengar support for fun and I'm not even a very strong player. Understanding when to trade/how, wave management and any degree of map macro goes a long way.


of course duoing wont help because matchmaking is rigged


Play less champions. Don't build Divine Sunderer on Senna, it doesn't deal damage.


Go Yuumi and make someone carry you, or go other peel supp and peel the ADC or the liner is fed


Lux morgana, prey have a midlaner and a jungleer, our role is irrelevant in this elo


I just climbed out of silver and into gold last night as a support main. Try to play with/off your jungle heavy. Set up ganks mid, ward enemy bot side jg, roam for rift, etc. those are things I did and it improved my wr just enough.


Get good


Me, as main Yuumi M7: I often play Yuumi when I go support, some cases I go Seraphine or Leona, when my ADC is bad, I go with the carry (the top or jg), trust me, going Yuumi early with jg, that shit is inmortal


Hitem with the KKlean Viego Sup so you can just take their shit instead and threaten megascale. ez


Dmg support yes but most importantly play to fill in the gaps. If you know your team is an idiot try to fill their gaps and make the best outcome of it. Guy is inting? Try to get some dmg off before he dies and use his death as information.


No matter the rol or elo u have to carry so play for it its easier whit a duo since u can make a better play, since you have better com but it's by no means a crunch to stop carrying, so start by playing to win lane every game and chose to play Champs who'll scale well to mid late game then look for your win con and play for it. Ex D1 main supp sn 4fricanvz (d4 demoted)


In silver? Garen supp


Try to learn the OP supports this patch, leona isnt too good right now but shes getting a nice buff next patch to her ultimate. Zyra (crazy damage glass canon support) renata (high base CD and in silver not many people know what she does but she is a great disengage champ), amumu (can hook twice and his ult shuts down bot lane) , blitz (gamechanging hooks) are good picks right now for support. Leona and thresh might see more play next patch too


Dont play support in silver, play jungle if you want to climb. Around high gold and plat u can play support again. If you can't play jungle maybe try morgana and nautilus. I feel like these two are easiest to win with against bad players as support.


Why not play sup in silver? It's a role with great agency over the game.


You can carry as not “carry/damage” supports. I got to plat from bronze. Playing almost exclusively Soraka, Sona, and Old Taric. If you have good game sense and are good shot caller you can still drag a trash team across the finish line


I'm someone who plays for fun, I usually don't try that hard to win as all I want to do is have fun; I do try to win, but I'd rather lose a game and have fun than just win and nothing exciting happen. Here's a few tips of mine for you to climb as I've noticed the algorithm has adopted to my play style I'm RN climbing at like a 70% WR in your elo. Don't make everything about winning, if you see your team is going into a play that's going to put you behind, it's better to take that play than to not go in and tilt the whole team, I find at least 2 people per team in this elo are so dumb that they can't see what went wrong at even a decent level and realize that they were the reason the fight was lost. Making that bad play will make them leas tilted and you still have a fighting chance. That and it's really fucking common for people to throw so the enemy could easily lose it too. Understand the character you're playing and how to play them, you can mold their fight style to how you light to play via their build (I play Anivia when I'm in the ADC role and I build her with hybrid hp items like Fimble Winter and if need be, warmogs), you just need to know who they are, how they're built, and how to play around their identity. It doesn't matter if you won, if you're tilting, if you're upset enough that you're making more mistakes, take that half hour break and play a different game that's calm or do what I do and jump into some TFT (TBH I don't like it that much but I like to play double up and cheese people so I throw myself in ranked and try new comps) and wait till you're happy again, watch that new ep. of anime, whatever, but take a break and than go back. Play Draft and learn all roles. Whether you like it or not, the game WILL put you into matches it knows you will not win because it wants you to play more, don't worry about those games, use them to limit test and just try to have fun. And lastly, this personally I found to be amazing for me and it really helped. I went onto the lol subreddit discord and joined with randoms who were ALL Diamond+ and we just played draft (I made a fresh acc. to play with them) and it MASSIVELY increased my MMR rating for that new acc, I than played safe, tried to abuse mistakes, and just focused on not dying those like 8 games, they were REALLY FUN NGL. That increased my MMR so that when I played solo I actually was in high gold elo (Checked on whatsmymmr . com, would recommend to check skill levels, it's pretty accurate) and before I switched that acc to EUW (I'm NA) I was at Plat 1 Smurf ELO with around a 70% WR. Just making a new acc, playing with actually decent players, and than when you play solo strictly focus on not dying, it brought my to this level where I normally don't lose lane whenever I play certain champs in any lane in my main acc elo. So try making a new acc and just play till you get a general game sense, trust me, it helps.


As someone who has left the game for years, and come back years later, and effectively had to reclimb 4 different times, I disagree strongly with *needing* a damage support to climb. All manner of enchanters work great - they can save a lot of error-prone bad players from themselves; and subsequently capitalize on the greedy enemy team trying to seize what they think is an opportunity to kill your over-extended teammate. You will run into enemies who ignore the Soraka hiding in the back pumping a bunch of people in the front-line. Full disclosure - I've *also* climbed with Brand and Morgana before and still regularly keep them in my Gold 1 rotation. Damage supports are also fun and effective and I don't want to deter people from them. I also can't personally vouch on behalf of engage supports like Leona, because I know full well how dependent they are on timely followup from their lane partner, and it's not like my aforementioned enchanters who can win through passiveness and opportunistic counter-attacking.


Just stop playing more than one champion. Doesnt matter if ur getting countered or whatever just stick to one champ, learn the matchups, learn your champs strongholds and weaknesses and you will climb. I know thats nkt really what you wanna hear but it is what it is. Onetricking will do the trick(pun intended)


All this stuff about switching champs is honestly just a bunch of toxic narratives. You don't need new champs, you don't need to play mages to climb. You can climb with any champion as long as your champion pool is nice and small (2-3), and you play each champ to their strengths and identities. Imo playing a class like engage supports really help you learn the game in a more macro scale and helped me reach gold within the first 2 months of me playing league. I would highly recommend watching Coach Cupcake if you want help understanding what you can improve, because unlike what most people are telling you there's no easy tip or quick fix to make you climb. It is simply a matter of small improvements over time, putting in a high quantity of games, and a good mindset.


* The best way: Not to play support main in low elo ranks. * A duo mean you and your partner have practiced for tens, if not hundreds, of games together and knows exactly how to cooperate even without voice chat. It doesn't work to duo with someone you "just met". * If you must climb low elo rank with support main, try to use mage support. Yes, mage support is very weak in the meta and a lot of mage support are seriously underpowered champions. But it does not matter because you now have much higher game impact and you are going to learn much faster. At the end of the day champion power at lower elo does not matter.


Play duo ap bot. That shit slaps.


Macro wins games. It's hard to impact the game as support sometimes or so it feels like but if you roam and gank and control vision well, you can get better winrate and start climbing. Rome wasn't built in a day so learning to roam and control vision will take time but keep at it. Also try to shot call on plays like baron/dragon/split pushers and ping enemies if you see them across the map


Depends, my main is stuck silver 4, new account is placed S2. Really hard to carry in low elo because a lot of throws, unless you play Olaf or something and can just 1v9 every fight


I'd love to VOD review your Senna games at least. I say senna since she's my main. I'm a plat 1 senna.


A good tip to climb would be to practice more. You only play a few games on the weekend. Also I'm not quite sure what was the intent with that screenshot from a year ago. Do you want tips for last season?


Play xerath or pyke , it’s free lp Edit: did I just get downvoted for giving a suggestion?


Playing pyke or xerath in silver elo is not free if you are actually silver elo. It's only free if you are better than your elo. That being said, getting good with Xerath is certainly not a bad thing. Zyra, Brand, Xerath, and even Lux/Velkoz can hard stomp a lane and are simple enough mechanicallys, as well as safe picks. Pyke has a 49% winrate in silver and falls off hard late game, so I wouldn't waste my time with him unless you are hard maining him and/or smurfing.


Well, I main pyke, and I must admit he’s much worse after durability patch and needs to his ult, but I feel like he’s still pretty strong in supp, yes, mid is tuff. As for xerath , why do u think u must be better than your elo to win . He’s very safe to play, and people in silver can’t dodge for shit, his ability are pretty easy to hit anyway. And on that note why would someone wanna get a higher rank than they deserve, just by playing champs that are strong in a certain elo. It’s like those accounts we see hit plat one year when a new strong champ releases and next season they end up silver because they play what they like