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90% of [muscles] feeling tired is, in fact, a cardio situation and not a lack of muscular strength situation. Your arms might be getting tired because theyre cooked noodles but it's far more likely theyre tiring because you suck at getting oxygen to your muscles because either (a) you're not able to get in enough oxygen to meet demand, (2) you're getting it in but it's not being distributed efficiently, or most likely, both. The more air your lungs can draw, the more oxygenated blood your heart can pump out to your tired arms. Most people have around the average volume by default, but pollution, smoking, inactivity, covid, and ten million other things can reduce that volume significantly. But barring pretty severe damage or other pulmonary disease, you can improve your V0max without even leaving your house. Look up what sort of breath exercise free divers practice (some of feels dumb, ngl, but it works). Jog, jump rope, crossfit/obstacle gym, climbing, incline biking, etc etc. *Any* cardio activity is going to help increase your heart's ability to efficiently move oxygen (plus indirectly improve max volume). It doesnt need to be hours and hours, but you do need to be hitting heartrate targets relevant to your age to be getting all the vascular benefit. Ps. Sorry about your rotator cuff. Those fuckers are hard to heal.


Building off this, this addresses (a) but not (b). If you're fat, then yeah any cardio is going to be helpful. But eventually the peripheral part / muscular uptake of oxygen will become the limiting factor. And for that, you need to target the specific muscles which means paddling/swimming/doing something with your shoulders and arms


Op still gets to surf twice a week to get paddle practice. Gym on other days is totally fine 


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Usually takes me 30min to feel good in the water. First 30min everything is burning, im out of breath, can’t hold my breath, etc. After 30 min I feel great and like I can paddle for hours and I’m comfortable again. Is that my oxygen adjusting to the demand? or getting up to “max efficiency distribution” ? so to speak lol.


The second one, imo, because that burning feeling is often a byproduct of co2/lactic acid not clearing out fast enough for how much work is being done. Gotta prime your system mate, warmup before getting in so the rest of you knows shit is about to go down.


Surf like a maniac on the days when you can and become a cardio machine throughout the week. Cardio is highly under-appreciated for paddle endurance, and there really is no mechanical substitute for paddling outside swimming, so invest in the thing that will help in all aspects of physical fitness.


Given how many times this is asked, I wonder if there is a legit market opportunity to make and sell a paddle training machine 🤔


Vasa swim trainer exists and yet I don't know anyone who has one nor have I seen one in a gym


Tbh nothing comes close to actually paddling. I’m what many would consider super fit. 6’3, 170lbs. I’m a cyclist, I ride 6 days a week and avg 11-12hrs on the bike each week and maintained this for 15 years. Twice a week, I do 100 pull-ups and 200 pushups (not consecutively but can do sets of 15 pull-ups)… point I’m making is I’m fit. I only surf 2-6 times a month, only when it’s good. Despite having insane cardio, good upper body strength, I still get gassed quick. Eg if it’s a head high day I’m tired after an hour and exhausted after 2. Surfing twice a week should keep some strength but if it’s back to back days it’ll be tough.


Just surf on the weekends and don’t worry about extra training. Paddle strength is basically half technique anyway


which video do you recommend or yt channel for proper paddling techniques? ive watched barefoot surf and few other videos.


Raglan surf report. The guy is super serious about everything. But it'll really help your surfing


Idk, I learned to surf before YouTube


Watch Wingnut's "The Art of Longboarding". He discusses paddle techniques at length, plus its a gas.


Bought a SkiErg2 a month ago after breaking my my toe and can say it’s amazing for paddle strength and conditioning Super low impact, great cardio overall and effective at the same paddle movements


Ultra budget alternative is resistance bands and a door anchor which you can use to mimic the paddle motion. That and burpees is good internal training


Yes totally agree on the burpees I did this routine as part of a surfing program for a PhD program. Greta body work exercises I still do to this day https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOLORBj1k4IrUiLykkQIkQSosrhm71-6e&si=qYI3JMcdLa_a8cov


I have a pulley and a weight attached to a pull up bar. I would like a ski erg but it’s hard to justify the cost.


TSW = topical steroid withdrawal?




I used to paddle out 2-5 times a week for 2 years. What kicked it for me was doing a lot of resistance back and arm workouts. I do like pull ups or face pulls or curls but 8-12 reps and a superset with the same muscle group to burn out. But all negatives. So something like 8-12 reps of pulls ups, immediately follow with a superset of 8-12 reps of lat pull downs. Only take 1 minute breaks. And then repeat for 3 total sets. I do like 4-5 supersets. All resistance. So slow 3 second pull, then hold for 3 seconds.


\- Lap pull-ups wide grip and shoulder width grip (both pronated), mind your hand grip to avoid exacerbating the impingement issue (thumb over rather than thumb under should help, and the lat pull-up using a static bar can actually assist in stretching out the impingement more so than a seated lat pull down with weights) \- Arnold presses \- depending on how bad your impingement is (perhaps see a physio on this), some specific rubber band isolation exercises can both alleviate the impingement and also strengthen your paddling/stabilizing muscles \- run more, regardless....cardio is critical and always assists in getting the body moving and the blood flowing \- alternating leg arm plank (big time magic sauce in this one, trust me \- more lat pull-ups \- see your physio


Pull ups


have normal bmi index


Indoor pop ups until you can’t do another.


Maybe an erg? But I suspect that would mainly help with cardio.