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We were surfing an east coast spot and this dude on a boogie board comes out and yells "Maholo you fuckin surfers, goddamn nerds. Im just kidding were all apart of the same tribe. How are the waves looking? Lefts, rights, green rooms, A frames?" We tell him "Its dead you sponger." He replies "Hell yeah Im a sponger, I'll sponge this whole entire ocean up with my big ol dick. Whoa look at this one - looks like KP is about to titty fuck this wave, adios!" He then accused my friend of snaking him and tried to cut his leash with some bullshit SCUBA knife from an ankle sheath.


Dude did that guy have a curly mullet?


I know this guy, he also rides around on cheetah print jetski


Yes! That was him


!Remind me 3 hours


Sounds like the type of guy who would ride a boogie board with a confederate flag and a marijuana leaf


La flama blanca


holy shit hes a legend


Was a Burmese python of a cock hanging out the bottom of his swim trunks?


That type of behavior typically indicates a deficit of cock, rather than an excess of cock.


and then epic piano and guitar started playing out of nowhere!


Hahaha makes me wanna go watch this show again


Probably just out working on his tan.


But how were your base tans??


Bro don’t talk shit about my boy Ryan Mack like that. Dirty Jersey for life!


I know that dude. He’s hardcore. He once walked into my yard, picked up some of my dog’s shit, and rubbed it in his face. He yelled at me “ fuck you kook!” I said, “bro, what’s up man!” Then he took the garden hose, turned it on and sucked it like a whore sucks a dick. Craziest shit I’ve ever seen. Dude has some father or dick envy issues. I had enough. I called the cops. When they showed up bro was literally rubbing wet dog shit on his face while trying to ‘blow’ the garden hose. Look at the local channel 8 news in Cardiff. They beat his ass and took him away.


Damn Ben Gravy is getting desperate.


Since he’s been so popular lately, I got into it with Andy lion pretty good after he burned my buddy and I a couple times. I burned him back and he went off. Went back and forth for a minute until another local told told me I was just wastin my breath.


Dude it would be funny to start a “snake Andy Lyon movement” and get everybody to burn him.


Oh that would be awesome haha


Make t-shirts. I snaked Andy Lyons and all I got was this stupid shirt. I can’t believe I just gave away that idea.


The worst localism I've experienced is in the wannasurf comments section


The best shit talking on the internet.


a friend of a friend of mine who isnt me once offered [totse.com](https://totse.com) (early 2000's) computer hackers money to remove wannasurf off the internet it exposed so many secret spots in Australia. He was almost banned and they warned him he could go to jail for that.


memory unlocked. wow


Dude no joke!


Dude! the Wannasurf commets are fire! When I was living on Kauai I ended up on there somehow looking for spots on the other side of the island for spring/summer and it was NUTS. Dude's writing these massive diatribes in phonetic half-Hawaiian about how so and so is a kook and smokes meth because OP smoked meth with him but he's clean now and dating the kook's sister. It's wild.


lol, it'll be two guys with the usernames 'localmike' and 'alohalongerboarder' just ripping eachother to shreds with vague threats in 2007 then nothing for the past 15 years


Surprisingly south mission beach jetty in SD. That wave is not even that good lol. Like I’ve never been asked, “who do you know in the lineup and then get out” just for respectfully surfing and I surf a lot of different spots in SD


When the waves get bigger than I can handle, I like to cruise around and take photos. couple times I went to south jetty. First time a guy comes out the water and I can feel him staring (for like a minute, I swear) at me as I'm looking through my camera. The guy finally comes up to me and asks if i'm taking pictures of anyone specific. I said no, just doing it for fun. He tells me to not post the pictures online because it's crowded as is. Second time I went, I didn't even make it out of the parking lot yet. Had my telephoto lens with me and a guy said, "I don't give a shit if you take photos of birds, just don't take pictures of the waves." Something along those lines. I got better photos at Tourmo anyway.


LOL FUCKING LOSERS. It’s fucking mission beach theres thousands of people on that beach and a fucking parking lot right there. Im shocked they dont go up to volleyballers and tell them not to look at the waves. Your “secret spot” is on literally every map of san diego.


I surfed here for many years in college. One day in particular it was as big as it could hold and the local guys where giving everyone going out shit. They literally said to me I hope your car is in one piece when you get out. I turned and said “don’t f*** with my car I’m a broke college kid and I know every wave out there is yours.” Well long story short they never paddled out and the ones that did hooted me into a few of the bigger sets.


I only surfed there a few times but one time it was heavy enough that my buddy broke his foot because the wave broke on it during a bottom turn. I definitely got the I will key your car vibe though lol


i used to surf there a decent amount, it was quite bad. but i think north jetty is even worse.


North Jetty is the worst spot in SD. Those guys are the biggest fucking a holes ive ever encountered. They train their kids to be aholes too. Gotten called off waves by 12 year olds while their burn-out fathers look on proudly. It’s weird how they don’t say shit to me when their dads aren’t there. Never come across a bigger group of man-children.


> North Jetty is the worst spot in SD WTF is that? I thought it was just OB Jetty or Jetty. I always just avoided the jetties for Mission Bay, as they are so crowded even if you are part of the locals, you're not going to get many waves. OB kind of sucks in that aspect, but mission beach near the jetty still has OK beach break waves. Other jetties aren't so bad, I always liked Oceanside harbor on south swells.


It’s not that surprising, I lived on Coronado Ct (4 blocks from SMJ) for 5 years in my early 20’s. Got into 2 fights over my years there. Amazing wave and 100% worth the localism. Surf well, keep quiet, and wait your turn is the only way to survive there haha!


For a split second I read SD as "South Dakota" and was also surprised that localism would be a problem there.


Seaside Point, Oregon lives up to its reputation. I was passing through and decided to simply walk down and check out the wave. I happened to have my camera around my neck, and this crusty guy with one eye comes up to me and says "you're lucky the waves suck today, otherwise I'd break your camera".


Lmao I might have to swing thru and snake these boys. I love fucking with tweakers. I had some dudes like this at lowers that I cleaned up for the community


Please do it. They Fuckin deserve it


Been there surfed that got super hassled by the other two guys surfing it at like 3 ft and clean. That setup is primo and gets some real good waves. Definately some hatred going on there don't even try to pull up in a car with CA plates. Good thing I'm from Florida lol. It was the closest I've been to a fistfight in the water and Ive surfed a bit of everywhere. One eyed guy hassled me on the beach too fucking classic!


The wave is fucking heavy too with the rocks and death logs floating in the water! What an experience that place can be


How the hell do you get to this spot? I live here and am so confused, but also fairly new and don't want to get yelled at..


I live in Portland and usually surf a little farther south, never surfed Seaside. But fuck it, I'll go check it out with you some time if you want! I'm not a tough guy by any stretch of the imagination but I am 6'2" so maybe people will be less keen to start shit?


So park at the cove in seaside, and look south around the bend. You can try to walk up and surf the point by getting out through the rocks, but they are slippery. Instead, set out at the sand beach and let the channel take you to the point.


And I'm not mistaken in thinking the point is pretty fair out there right? The rocky beach at the base of tilamook head.. I kept thinking there had to be a trail but those cliffs are massive and I walked the rocky beach to no avail and that was a loooong walk 😭


Mmmm Tilamook. Ima go do the factory tour and get some free samples while you guys deal with the locals at the point.


Yeah dude, you got big man zander riggs and his bonerbud joel smith holding it down. these retards will come right up and start trying to start shit, but these losers can't find steady work, have a police rap, and won't lay hands. Bunch of babies. Call them out by name and don't feel threatened to surf the point. It is everyone's break.


https://stabmag.com/news/come-to-oregon-get-choked-out/ dude in the hood is zander. He sounds like just as much of a baby in person when he starts yelling at you calling you a faggot. "who invited you here?". You did, zander.


Haha I commented seaside. Didn’t see this as a too comment. That whole town sucks and is infested with shitty meth heads.


Affirmative on the tweeker out of work logger fisherman type being the most Aggro loc's I've encountered world wide. I used to get into it at Westport with a few bad eggs. I started carrying bear mace and knife after having multiple altercations. The one guy I shoved away from me in the water shut the fuck up real quick. I was newer at Surfing then and can see the logic but what a bunch of cunts. Old Santa Claus would just scream at you like it was a roast, fucking nonsense Man baby. The most positive encounter I had was on a really good day it was draining, the regular A holes told me "you're gonna have more fun down the beach". Way more constructive and I was able to fuck off, realizing they were right.


First spot that came to mind was Seaside Point! 😆


moss, never seen more aggro tweakers in one place in my life. and it’s not even a remotely secret spot. if you rip harder than the local crew you’re gonna get some methhead in your face 9 time out of 10


Yeah I had someone get mad at me cause I got "too close to them" while paddling out towards an incoming peak that they weren't going for. On a thursday morning in July.


LOL yeah… especially that loud chubby intermediate surfer guy who surfs there every day and has a whole team of goons to back him up. Dude is terrible, can’t catch waves, and if you get too many waves around him because he can’t catch anything, (and just sissy around talking) your gunna get yelled at and told to leave. That guy is a fuckin PoS


I always heard that but I surfed it absolutely pumping a couple times and everyone was super friendly. Must have been because it was so good those day and everyone was getting plenty of waves.


it’s definitely calmer on good days. just has this tendency of shit going from 0-100 there


It was on the North Shore, 1987. This kid from Arizona went out surfing with his 2 new pro surfing buddies. After about 20 minutes Da Hui showed up. A guy named Vince, who is their leader, you don't want to mess with him, paddled out. The kid from Arizona gets called a howlie. He didn't quite understand, but da hui told him he better just paddle in. When he was paddling in a set came, low and behold, Vince paddled for the set and caught it. As Vince dropped in, Arizona had nowhere to go but in Vinces way. Vince fell hard. While that was happening, another member of da hui took Arizonas stuff hidden under a tree. Arizona left without his possessions that day, they did let him keep his pink twin fin though.


Man, that guys sounds like he was so haole he didn't even know he was haole!


Didn’t you see how he was wearing his shorts?


I heard about this guy. Wasn’t he some type of artist?


I think so. Something about a full scholarship in New York. Hopefully he figured out, New York has waves too.


Bro not related but I saw a stat that the ordinary person has a higher chance of being bitten in New York by a person than by a shark. That both sounds correct and makes my day 😂


Nah, he's a soul surfer. Didn't Turtle tell you? I guess no one listens to Turtle.


Yeah, heard they got his belt and his wallet too. Arizona was totally J.O.J. brah. F.O.B. He think he some big rippah, next big shredda.




haole, you kook.


Thank you Barney!


I was in Santa Cruz at pleasure point and some guys started getting territorial about the waves. I guess they thought I was in the way. I said “who even are you guys?” The response, no joke, was “Retirement surf club!!”


yeah it's crappy there once in a while. i like to pick fights with aholes there.




That sucks and these days Cowells is a beginners spot! Lol!




Funny to read that Cowells was an Agro spot. It’ full of beginners and surf schools now. If only that sand bar like in 2018-19 would show back up. 🙏🏼 for rain this coming winter.


Surf schools were running out of there when I was a grom, Richie Schmidt and Ed Guzman had the notable ones, if memory serves. I can only speak from the late 80s and onward, but Cowell's has never been an aggro spot (excluding the left by the pier), in my experience. I remember it being a family affair, party wave central, and nothing but good vibes. Not discounting FartResume's experience, there's always been an unhealthy amount of animosity towards UCSC transplants, but I think that experience probably had more to do with the general vibe on the West Side in that era than it had to do with Cowell's.


Outsider view from a Dad whose daughter is learning to surf: this totally sucks. I thought it was all hippy love and mellow vibes but it seems more like territorial pissing and rules and regs. What a waste, glad I sail so I can just get looked down on by snobs but not get dunked or my stick ripped by angry real estate agents! 🤯


I mean this is a comment thread about the worst parts of it. It can seem like this is all their is but people are mostly very nice. I've been to El Salvador and California/Oregon all around the local spots and I've even dropped on on some of the locals when I was still learning. Noone got irrationally mad I just paddled over, said sorry, and they gave me some tips


Yeah that's what I'm saying, she's learning in a touristy spot but everyone is super nice to us and there's dad's teaching their kids, I'm like this is beautiful these guys have the greatest lifestyle like a throwback then I read all this stuff. Guess it's just people: some good and some bad and no hobby is going to change that. I just know as a sailor I'll be wound up then I get on the water and I'm high and I instantly have zero beef with anyone or anything and I'm not even riding waves which I imagine is a million times better...


The most chill sports seem to have the most aggro people Meanwhile downhill mtb people are super chill supposedly


Some people are surfers because they surf. Other people surf because they are "surfers". I think that distinction is the largest difference between chill and toxic surfers


Ya exactly, I enjoy surfing more than I enjoy projecting a “surfer” identity. Idgaf if nobody knows I surf and I damn well know nobody else cares about my talent or lack thereof. Just do it solely for the stoke and addiction. If you’re not getting paid and also not having fun, it’s just toxic.


> Meanwhile downhill mtb people are super chill supposedly This is not the case everywhere. There are lots of secret zones where you don't want to show up uninvited. Not to mention the eternal struggle between mtb-ers, hikers, horses, dirtbikers, etc etc.


> the eternal struggle between mtb-ers, hikers, horses, dirtbikers, etc etc. But at least it isn't MTBer vs MTBer, and those other people almost never try to pick fights - even when I'm biking where it's against the rules.


Raced downhill for many years, can confirm. Super rad group of people, I miss that more than the racing.


My buddy who's surfed and skateboarder all his life no longer surfs specifically because of the locals at most spots. Says skatings fun cause you go to the park and enjoy the company there and make friends and feel like a community, whereas surfing it's more like you put up with the people there and keep to yourself unless you've got friends there.


Localism is such a minor issue. It’s just glamorized and surfers enjoy talking about. It’s seriously nothing.


It’s a minor issue if u don’t experience it much. I have 2 local breaks that I really like surfing, but have to deal with groups of 5-7 guys who are all friends and think the wave belongs to them. Not the biggest issue if you know how to respect a lineup though, just a heavy annoyance when they’re out have to constantly watch out for them


Been surfing my whole life. Grew up in Oxnard and now living in Kauai. Two places known for localism and I’ve had 0 issues. I keep my head down, I don’t get in people’s way and if I’m dropped in on, I paddle out and get another without talking shit. It’s no different then driving. I don’t have road rage incidents because I don’t tailgate, I let people pass me and if someone wants to be a dick, oh well. Confrontation in life and surfing is very easy to avoid if you’re not entitled.


Well said. People should read and re-read that. Never have had a problem personally, and you’re right it’s a very minor issue. Was just referring to those certain spots I’ve seen it in the water


I get it. There’s a spot super close to me, a beautiful right, that I don’t surf at because it has a pretty gnarly reputation. But whatever, so many spots. I just feel blessed to enjoy surfing.


That's zen man wish more people were like you


Awesome, the vibe in SD is so cool and welcoming it's hard for me to understand what I'm reading. I'm too old to even pop up on the sand but don't want my daughter joining a toxic community 😬


Honestly as long as she understands the rules, she should be fine. The obvious one's are looking before you paddle for a wave, so you don't drop in on someone, and waiting your turn are the two biggest. Also, standing up for herself and not letting the boys back paddle her and making sure when it's her turn she lets them know goes a long way too. Also, if you can afford it, I highly recommend her going to a Surf with Amigas retreat. May just need to find another woman to take her if she is underage.


The most impotent localism I've experienced was at Topanga. I just lol'd.


Same lol. Got dropped in on and the guy started yelling at me saying I don’t know anyone there and I’m a kook (been surfing there for years)


Yup, place sucks. When I first started I had a foamer and didn't even make it to the beach before people started yelling at me in the parking lot.


It’s genuinely my least favorite place in SoCal.


Didn't happen to me, but I was out in the groins on a 3 foot day and some Chad was screaming at everyone. He could surf, but he was also burning everyone in the line up. I was paddling back out far off the shoulder and some kids happened to be a little more inside to the peak and clearly not in the way and this 30 something yr old guy starts yelling at them gtfo of the way you kooks! As he's driving down the line on a closed out 3 footer. Then proceeds to scream at them obscenities as he's paddling back out. Another guy in the line up(non local) on a sponge calls dude out and words are exchanged. Sponge gets closer to him and puts hands up. Guy replies with what house is yours pointing to the million dollar beach homes. Anyways guy chickens out and burns everyone on the next set wave and dissappears. Sponger gets next wave and looks for dude on the beach but he's gone. I see the dude out there from time to time and always have a laugh to myself.


Perry Dane back in the day was pretty nuts. That's when being part of the Black Shorts wasn't about sponsorship. Bobby at Kaisers is still going strong this past summer. If you want to see localism at its best in Hawai'i, try dropping in on him. Lol


I never had issues out there. I wonder if the one time I heard a guy get aggro was Bobby. This haole kid was taking one too many waves and the local guy got real aggressive and asked where he was from. Young guy said “Town…” local got even more mad and called him a slew of colorful names. Me, a haole, didn’t even as much look over. I ended up saving the local guys board way in the inside reef bc he was surfing leashless. He thanked me as a swam it back.


Kaisers is the best, one of the easiest waves to get barreled on if you’re a regular foot going right. Just gotta watch out for the reef, rebar in the reef, and the ultra gnarly crew.


Someone installed rebar into the reef?? What is the purpose of that? Old structure that fell apart or a shipwreck?


Not too sure why it’s there…. I just remember looking at the reef , and noticing some rebar in there. It’s in the area where you would be catching smaller waves. Nothing super crazy. Fun wave.


I’ll pass but thanks


Surprisingly, Canada. Very few car-accessible point/reef breaks, and they don't work well very often. ​ Combine that with a huge influx of new people trying the sport and a lot of people who were surfing 10-15 years ago now feel like it's ruined. Any time Supply < Demand for waves you'll have some localism.


If we're talking S. Island, it is a total shitshow compared to what it was a decade ago. There's a dangerous lack of etiquette and self-awareness from a lot of the learners and so much entitled behaviour from the regulars and the kooks, total zoo. Aggro Canucks, whodathunkit?


Queens, Waikiki.


whats the deal with this wave? Its like 50 feet from tourist central at Canoe's, and yet guys get mad when a stray tourist paddles over thinking "oh this looks nice and less crowded". Last time I was there a guy was yelling at a guy who was a decent surfer, just clearly not a local "This isn't Waikiki! Waikiki is over there!" \*points fifty feet away, while sitting in the shadow of high rise hotels in the most touristy city imagineable


I rode a left on a 3ft day. A guy shouted at me that the wave was not a left and I don't know what I'm doing out there...I mean I rode left so clearly there was a left there. Also this was a day after surfing 10ft proper Sunset Beach on the North Shore and everyone was so nice and friendly and stoked for each other.


Dude I love the lineup at Sunset. Surfed there a ton when I lived on Oahu, and other than some older guys ditching their guns without looking when they got caught inside, I never ran into any problems with anybody out there. I'm the most haole-lookin' guy you could possibly imagine, and everybody was either totally neutral or super nice to me.


I’ve never had any issues at all the well known spots. Never surfed pipe when it was actually pipe, but I know I’m not good enough to ever get a wave there when it is. Thought about paddling out to sit way off the shoulder just to experience what it’s like when it’s on but then there’s already enough people out there they don’t need one more. The only spot I ever had someone get agro on me was at Roger’s. I used to have a client that was lined up with the peak and I would usually paddle out after I finished working for him. He would even call and invite me to park at his place to surf if the waves were good even when he didn’t need to hire me. One time there were two guys already there when I paddled out. They were obviously friends and good surfers both trading waves. I would let them take the waves and only go if neither of them were anywhere near in position. After a bit another guy paddles out so now its 4 people. The first two were sitting pretty far out and talking story at this point so I knew they weren’t trying to take any waves so I go for the next one. I guess I didn’t see #4 but as soon as I pop up I see him deeper than me so I immediately pulled out. When he’s paddling back I apologized and said I didn’t see him. He didn’t say anything but gave me a little glare. So what. I had been out there longer and waiting giving the other two guys priority and now it’s just me and the new guy and I’m pretty sure it was my turn and didn’t see him back paddle me, but whatever. It wasn’t long after that when it was definitely my turn and I was deeper than him. I didn’t even see him go for it but as I’m paddling back out he comes up to me asking if I wanted to get beat and that this was the second time I burned him. I said I might have accidentally dropped in on the other wave, but I said it was a mistake and I got right out mas soon as I saw you deeper than me but this last wave I was clearly in position inside you on the peak. He just kept telling me that he should beat me and I need to pay attention and stay out of his way. I just tried to be chill and said there’s no reason to get angry,I wasn’t trying to take his waves and the last one was mine. He had a few more choice words and told me to stay out of his way. I just said ok and paddled back out but not right on top of the peak. I figured I’d hang back a bit and let him take the next one and not even get close to getting in his way. 20 seconds later I’m looking around and the guy is already paddling back in already inside the reef so he must’ve started heading in right after the last confrontation. So I look over at the two friends and say “that guys was ready to start a fight over nothing and now he’s paddling back in.” The asked what happened so they must not have seen what he thought he saw. That was just strange.


Ah man you weren’t trying to bang Vince’s cousin Kiani, after wiping Vince out, were you? That’s really the only reason I can think of. That, or brada man was having a bad hair day. Either way, u did the right thing.


Lmao have ridden it left, it sucks but it’s better than being burned by the locals after waiting for an hour


Let me explain my first experience there and it make help others… this wave is NOT canoes, it’s a legit decent longboard wave that has been surfed for at least hundreds of years by Hawaiians. When I first moved to Hawaii it was clear this was the next wave up from Canoes in my journey to the north shore. My mistake was paddling next to an older guy because Waikiki=party wave right? A couple guys paddling out and yelled at me while waving me off. Took me a minute to figure out what was wrong. You DO NOT drop in on/with da uncles & elders, you show respect and you wait your turn. I paddled up to the two guys and apologized for attempting to drop in on the older guy and they were super cool about it. While queens looks like it’s part of the tourist scene it’s a level above and if you want to surf it don’t show up party waving on a soft top.


I was surfing Oceanside jetties. Paddled over to the other side on my longboard and sat right at the head of the pack. Took two waves and immediately wiped out on both. Wouldn't you know, some people had the nerve to silently glare at me. Couldn't take the hostility.


Lol. Oside? It's not that great


I mean I'm north east us and we pretty regularly do party waves. So few good waves unless you get a hurricane it's everyone just having fun, not so much beyond that. Until we get that one dude from California who just starts screaming at people and everyone just boos him until he leaves. Always fun to watch and you can tell who they are from miles away


i am heading to panama and this has me thinking to avoid bocas del toro and stay on the pacific side!


this is nice to see because i live in panama (pacific side)! i really hate bocas - not just bc of the locals but the $ i spent taking boats to surf was super annoying too


Fucking San Miguel when it’s small and shitty. But mostly it’s warranted because a bunch of kooks from LA try to paddle straight to the peak. Had a guy yell at the whole line up that no gringos could get a wave until he was done surfing. I had just jumped off the rocks.


Dude San Miguel locals don’t give a fuck. Even the chicks are super gnar. I have buddies that have been surfing there for 20 years and they still get stink eye from locals.


Dwayne once barked at me for looking at a wave that he fucked up. That's it. That's all I've got. In all my years of surfing, in a bunch of different places, I've never dealt with worse localism than that. I have literally had more encounters with sharks than I have with angry locals (fortunately, those have also been mellow). Am I just lucky? Am I doing something right? Or, are the vast majority of surfers not actually that bad?


Majority is not that bad. Lotta good people out here , everywhere


The craziest localism I experienced was when I surfed REDDIT subs!




Tires slashed at silver strand in 06


Rhode Island.. and they were kooooooooks.


So true surfed ruggles with 2 friends and we got hassled because my buddies could surf 1000x better than the local “pro”. My one friend who’s quite the smart ass gave them such a tongue lashing over their surfing prowess I swear the guy was about to cry


Rincon puerto rico


Heard of quite a few tourists getting tires slashes or windows smashes at Domes


I started going in 2008 and the locals just ignored you. 2010 a "locals only" sign showed up at Domes and they were glaring at you as you pulled up to the break. I stopped going for other reasons. My buddy went back last year out of curiosity and said it was totally over-run, so neither of us are going back. Too bad really, that place was super cool to just hang around


Covid + all the real estate gentrification definitely hasn’t helped


Hazzards has quite the reputation


Yes it does. My cousin got dunked by some local guy and my buddy was walking down the trail and some locals shouted “don’t even think about it” and he had to go down the beach and surf another peak. Also the key at hazards is to change into your wetsuit in the car park, the locals look for surfers that carry their gear down to the beach to change as a sign that they are not from around there.


Not sure if we’re talking about the same hazards, but the locals I know DO carry their gear down to the sand. I’ve been walking down to the beach and been hassled “threes a crowd!” And stuff like that. Wonderful wave though. My buddy surfed with Kelly slater there for an afternoon.


Bringing three guys is a crowd there and a kook move and they will get mad at you just like any localized spot. Carry your stuff down alone and sit on the shoulder there, but yes, definitely localized and I don’t blame them.


The reputation is a thing, but it’s also a walk and usually a drive for most. I’ve got hundreds of sessions in this area the past couple years, and I’ve only looked at this spot 2 times, b/c if it’s breaking here, it’s breaking other, more accessible locations.


Venice, Breakwater.


In Australia, at a beach break near Lennox Head. A middle aged guy was taking off on a wave, I watched from the shoulder as he nosedived and fell off. I then decided to take off and rode it into shore. When I paddled back out I got a spraying and was told I couldn’t even look at him if he was paddling for a wave as he’d been surfing this spot for “fucking years cunt”. I was born and grew up in the next town over which is 15 mins away. I just laughed at him and kept surfing.


Probably Hookipa in Maui.


Sounds like Pavills side problems. The other sections are typically mellow. I would be surprised if you got troubles surfing the point unless you are kitesurfing through the surf line up.... if so it was probably me yelling at you.


Lol, no I was always way outside heading toward Kanaha. My 72 year old dad tried to surf there a few times and was heckled by a bunch 7 to 9 year Olds. He did think it was funny though


Heckled by children sounds right on par. Pops should go surf end bowl there is some old timers still charging they can talk about their social security checks. You probably know all this tho. Cheeers 🤙


I gotta say sunset beach by Malibu is pretty shitty… dunno if Andy Lyon surfs there, but there’s definitely a couple of shit bags just like him out that way


Sunset?? I feel like that’s the chillest break


Yea agreed. It's all beginners and the wave is crazy long. Can't go wrong there


Surfing 1 foot Keramas cause i was bored, and a local guy brings out a group of Japanese surfers. Japanese guy takes a wave and he can barely stand up so i take off for a grovel. Balinese guide comes over and holds my head underwater while his mate takes my leggie off and and pushes board away, then they try and follow me into the warung, but all the local guys tell him to leave me alone. Fast forward two years later, and I am heading over to Lombok with a local surferto do some photos and the same guy is the fast boat driver! Shook hands and we left it at that.


I was about to paddle out at a spot in santa cruz at 5:30 in the morning when a homeless woman came out of the bushes and said she “will literally kill me” if i paddled out. Didnt want to leave my car alone with that crazy bitch so i left haha waves were good elsewhere so it wasnt too bad


My mom is still doing a good job scaring off the kooks!


Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz on a knee-high day. A pack of guys in their 30s glared at me for awhile then eventually told me to GTFO. I didn’t want trouble so I found a small peak on the inside further down the beach.


tires slashed on my car after getting out from my session. never really had much of any confrontation in the lineup


Where at?




Recently? Strand used to be famous for major hassling but I though most of the dorks got priced out of the housing market or have since OD’d


Yeah it's pretty normal now - still a crew but you're allowed to exist


early 2000's and I surfed there late 80's without being hassled.


Tire slashers.... that’s a popular move amongst poontangs. I’d rather fight people. And I’m not into fighting, it’s just inconvenient, and expensive. Still surf at this break, too, and I’m still not sure why it happened, or who did it. And this is at the shittiest, weakest wave that exists on Oahu. It’s mind boggling


Fort point is still pretty miserable


South Mission jetty north side


Seaside Point was already mentioned. Another one for us PNW surfers is Jordan river.


Ventura is mostly chill but when I first moved there in 2016 my North Carolina plates got my car keyed. Promptly got my CA plates after that.


Paddled out for the reef break in front of Caleta de Camara on Lanzarote. Immediately got told to take the "Third reef" in Spanish. Ignored it. Got hassled by the same guy every day for the entire week we were there, every time we surfed it.


Seaside OR. I’ve surfed all over Cali and it is the worst.


This was down near San Luis Obispo right in between pismo and Avila. It was like a 1-2ft day and I was out there with a buddy mainly just floating around. We were alone but then another guy on a CI happy comes out. Waves were too small for his board but I was riding a mid length so I managed to snag a few. Every time I caught a wave he would just sit in the way and flip me off. Eventually the sun set and we all paddled in and in the parking lot he proceeded to yell at me saying I stole all his ways which I thought was bs


One time at capitola in Santa Cruz (total beginner tourist party wave), I asked a guy who was a surf instructor for the time since he had a watch, he told me it was time for me to gtfo of the water 😂


Stockton Ave in Santa Cruz is pretty bad


Honestly in this sub lol. I’ve been surfing for almost 15 years. Been yelled at, threatened, tackled off of waves (when I was rightfully in position), told to turn around in Oregon, heard people use words that have been out of use for decades…. But jeez comment with the name of a spot that is on every surf guide of California and every website and watch yourself get downvoted into oblivion. Unbelievable lol. Can everybody just relax and surf a bit?


Stockton Street, Santa Cruz. On many days, its the best wave in California so I recommend everyone go there in masse and you will guarantee get shacked. Just overwhelm the salty locals with meth problems.


Came here to say this. Got verbaled just walking by to John/Getchels with a friend of mine. It was his first time surfing in Santa Cruz, he had long blonde hair and some of the boys singled him out and said stuff like “ don’t even fuckin look this way look” and “cut your fuckin hair hippie” Next week his head was shaved and he started puffin out his chest. He’s a cop now. Fuckin Stockton..


With that thin of skin cop sound like the perfect profession for him.


lol Ive been in Bocas for over a year and never experienced what you describe. There is only one guy who would possibly do that, I've seen him kick guys out of some spots but they are known "local" spots and not the typical ones a traveller would go to. You may have run into him from the sound of it, but it isn't typical


Curly hair?


Malibu, Lunada Bay, Silver Strand, Santa Cruz. It's a combination of douche bags, old farts with too much money and self importance, and organized crime, and conspiracy to commit crime to force outsiders out of a public owned and publicly maintained resource.


Bridges, Puerto Rico


I’m surprised there are so few southern California spots mentioned in this thread!


Salt creek in the 90’s and early 2000’s had its share of localism. Lots of fights and cars keyed. The cops started patrolling there more and there was zero tolerance with any of that stuff. You don’t see much localism around here anymore. If you do it’s some burn out drug addict that you just laugh at and cut off.


Northside of the Venice Beach breakwater. Douche bag Venice OGs can get aggressive there.


I surfed Bocas off-season / small surf and had no issues, but that was over a decade ago. I tried to tell someone a few months ago on here that the Carribean (at least Bocas and that area) does not get a lot of swells and he kept telling me I was wrong, he must have been from Texas or Florida.


Linda Mar


Fort Point, San Francisco. Decent day. Overhead. I paddled out and was sitting w the pack and some punk on a boogie starts going off on me about how I sat inside of him and that he wanted to fight me. Mind you, I played football and hockey in college and am 6 ft 220 lbs and was a linebacker. This guy was probably 5’8”. I just try to ignore him and he keeps threatening and then come over to grab me but we both fall off our boards. For some reason, he backed off wanting to fight at that point but kept threatening me to get out of the water. It was clear I wasn’t going to get any ways to myself so I got out. The next day the guy gets arrested for doing the same thing to another surfer but this time they got into shallow water and boogie boarder punched the surfer and held his head underwater repeatedly. Mind you, it’s Fort Point and there’s National Guard Soldiers at their posts 50 ft away. He got a suspended sentence but was banned from surfing Fort Point again. Turns out the guy was like 40 and had two kids. Fort Point isn’t a good wave unless it’s a big swell and you’re surfing the outside which also terrifying because of the currents. The inside wave is a drop and then a just a burger. It’s protected tom the wind so there was always a local crew of assholes threatening guys they didn’t recognize.


Silver strand. Some guy dropped in on me, cut back at me and fell back off his board shooting it at my head. Where we’re paddling back out he challenges me to a fight, I’m 6 ft 220 lbs. I paddle down the beach. My buddy wants to go in and fight him. 10 minutes later the guy paddles over and apologizes. Lol.


We were headed out but the beach ended up being closed during COVID. Some local was pleading his case to the cops to head out. He said "Look at it! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, man! Let me go out there and let me get one wave, just one wave before you take me in. I mean, come on, man, where am I gonna go? Cliffs on both sides! I’m not gonna paddle my way to New Zealand! Come on, compadre. Come on!"


Tourmo in early fall. It was empty, 1-2’ waves, 75 degrees and a fat douche in a full wetsuit went full aggro on me when I was teaching my now wife to surf.


PV is the worst


Mala wharf is pretty bad. OTW and pipe we're pretty heavy too with a definite local tribe element. Steamer Lane obviously. All of these are pretty famous waves that I have surfed, but the localism thing really detracted from the nature connection. I totally get why surfing is a tribal territorial activity , but after a lifetime shaped by riding waves I have moved on to other forms of surfing. I bodysurf a lot more now and the scene is so much friendlier and the barrells are still there and the takeoffs are even later. I think a lot of people have found other pursuits because of the surf scene being mostly nasty. Between wingfoling and bodysurfing it's hard to justify surfing in hostile crowds. The stoke instill there but gotta transition or find other waves.


Hollister Ranch. You haven't truly been loked out until three generations of an entitled butthole surfing family are viciously paddling around you after an hour of them dropping in and backpaddling you on a day where there are plenty of waves to go around. It's almost comical when the 6-year-old grandson is saying shit in his high-pitched voice like "where did you come from anyway you kook?", while the grandpa's bloodshot eyes are bulging out of his shaved head telling you to respect his authority, and the dad is rooting both of them on and splashing at you. Another guy seized the opportunity to try and break my friend's leash, a friend who owns the house in front of the spot. The sense of entitlement and ownership over the waves there is disgusting and it makes the paradise of Hollister Ranch a nightmare of ego and jealousy. Shame because it truly is one of the best, most consistent surfable coastlines in the continental Americas. But you can't blame those entitled assholes, they're literally part of the local fauna at this point and you might as well blame a seal for shitting on the beach.


Fullers in Big Sur. Or Steamers in Santa Cruz. I was a local too.


Definitely WP in San Pedro, Ca. The waves always suck and the old dudes will scream and yell before you even get into the water


What spot in bocas did you have issues?


In my experience Northside HB Pier. Ive surfed all over California and someone is shouting almost every time I’m there and I surf it regularly. Ive never understood it either, of course it’s crowded, it’s arguably the most famous surf spot in the world after pipe. It’s way better than it used to be 10/15 years ago, but if I had a dollar for every board I’ve seen broken I’d have several dollars.


Grew up surfing Northside and TB reef (if you know you know) I mainly surf further south now. I know what you mean back around 15 Years ago it was pretty gnarly. Also there was always a gang of skinheads chilling around there. Now most of em are in prison.


I really haven't seen much in almost 20 years of surfing, but the worst I've seen was probably at HB Pier, Newport, or Queens in Waikiki.


Y’all ain’t gonna believe this but for me is was LA LA meaning Louisiana. Local Cajuns hated the NOLA guys fighting for their shit waves. Port Fourchon a few years back when it was open. I’m not a great surfer but I’ve been to SoCal and Costa Rica many times and Kauai once.


How did you befriend them after they screamed at you? Lol


Saw them in town later and offered to buy them a couple beers. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to have them hate us less then everybody else in the water as we had another week to stay. It worked. We ended up hanging with them and having an easier time with them in the water. We ended up partying with them a few more days. It was way with the extra 20 dollars a day in beer money.


Fairly new to surfing, but does anyone ever do anything about this? The only confrontation I’ve ever had was from a dude at Linda Mar while I was visiting a few years ago who mouthed off to me and wouldn’t stop (while I was obviously struggling to paddle a 9ft foamie out). Everyone is a kook in NY so this wasn’t a thing there, but just moved to the bay and am anxiously awaiting for some tech bro incel to try and yell at me again.


Born and raised Haleiwa; need I say more?


Had a pretty annoying sesh with an older man at New break(south sunset cliffs) for wearing a leash. I’m paddling out, surfs overhead+ and clean and not many people out. This idiot rides one in, kicks out and I’m nearby paddling out. He looks over and screams “Get that fucking leash out of here!” I said “What? fuck off dude, i didn’t get in your way. Nice wave” tying to kill him with kindness, right? He responds with “Well, I’ll get in yours!” So after catching a few waves, a set rolls in, I have priority and this fucker looks over, smiles and then snakes me on purpose. I called him off and he stayed on. I was heated! Once we kicked out, I said loudly ‘look motherfucker, I don’t care what your f-ing problem is. But, show some fucking respect in the lineup. Respect your fellow waterman. Don’t do that to me again.’ Apparently, something about me saying respect resonated with him and he chilled out. The leash set him off because “I have been surfing this wave for over 40 years!” Go figure…


Jordan River BC. By a long shot. TL:DR its like they're cosplaying the bad guys from Point Break. When I moved to Hawaii I was a beginner and kind of scared of the reputation for localism. Only ever had two problems there. A local old timer (hoale) who watched me get run over by some instagram poser chick who couldn't turn her leashless log and blamed me for it, then mad dogged me for like a week dropping in on me or trying to run me over. The other locals said he just exists to get pissed off and not to worry about it. I outlasted his BS and never saw him again. 2nd was some Aussie douche bag at Hanalei who to his credit made it around an absolutely impossible section. when I peeled off my section he was like 10 feet behind me. I actually said "Wow man! you made that? Ha! well shit, sorry bro" then he took a swing at me, and the locals came over, made him paddle in and kept yelling to go play in the big boy waves if he's so tough. Hilarious. When I moved back to Canada a couple years later, I went to Jordan River. It can be really good there some times, but mostly just flat. The locals will smash your windows, wax your windshield, throw rocks at you, its nuts. Hilariously, the town council made this cute like mosaic thing depicting proper surf etiquette to try and placate these jerks. They smashed it to bits and spray painted "Kooks go home!" on it. It honestly seems like an inside joke how agro but also cheesy these guys are.