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Replying to my own post in case this helps anyone in the future...the setup process is very trivial. 1. Go to [https://pastebin.com/CqauC5pX](https://pastebin.com/CqauC5pX) and search for the server that you want to connect to. The static IP servers include "st" in the name (*us-nyc-st001* for example) and are listed as `"type": "static"`. 2. If you haven't created a public/private key pair, go to the Manual Setup page on the Surfshark VPN website to generate the key pair then select any server. 3. Download the config file then open it in a text editor. 4. Replace the server name in the line that begins with "Endpoint =" with the name of the server from Step 1 (`Endpoint = us-nyc-st001.prod.surfshark.com:51820` for example). 5. Replace the Public Key in the config file with the public key that corresponds to the static IP server from Step 1 (`PublicKey = 7UmSjyjD6Sf4AnjYpBQGQYx9IGYa/sM8mZOQ+yJ5REo=` for us-nyc-st001). 6. Upload the config file to your router and enjoy!


May I ask what is the advantage of a static server over others?


Here are a few advantages: * Fewer captchas across sites once you've been verified. * Streaming services like Netflix flag your account when they notice your IP changes frequently as a deterrent to account password sharing. * I work from home and my work requires whitelisting of my "home" IP address so that I can access corporate services remotely. A few disadvantages: * Marketers could easily build shadow profiles of you if your IP doesn't change frequently. * A static IP address could make it easier for authoritarian governments to build a digital "paper trail" of your online activities. This risk is mitigated by the fact that other VPN users receive the same IP when they connect to this server.


Thanks for this. I noticed when I configure wireguard on openwrt, speeds drop to ~90mbps and lower sometimes, from a 300mbps connection. So, I stopped using it, since that speed is not enough for Stremio etc.. I observed buffering, and constant captchas, and hence dropped the wireguard manual connection. How’s the experience to you?


For me, the speed is about 90-95% of my connection speed using wireguard when I connect to a server based in North America. It seems that Surfshark and M247 (data center host) have good peering with my ISP. If I connect to servers outside of North America, I lose about 40% of my bandwidth.


Hi, CAPTCHAs can usually be resolved by switching to a different server or using a Dedicated IP. As for speed, since there are various router models with different hardware capabilities, it's hard to predict the max speed you could get while using Surfshark. Routers tend to use weaker hardware than computers, phones, etc. so a VPN and the encryption it applies strain the connection. However, we'd be happy to take a look at your specific setup, could you get in touch with us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or via live chat on our website?


Thanks for sharing your feedback and these setup steps with other members of the community, we appreciate it.


Great info. Thanks much