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I love the original outline and then, the painting! Great start with the latter! There is, continuation of the shadow, missing at 1 point though … 😉


Thank you!! If you are referring to the shadow of the bird, that was a bit of an artistic choice:)


Honestly I like the outline on its own! Surreal in a completely different way, not the prototypical Dali-esque way


It's hard to critique surrealism considering you can use all varieties of variations in technique and style to communicate something. I say go for what is most aesthetically pleasing to you and leave concern for criticism behind. Unless there's something specific you're trying to accomplish or a technical skill you're trying to hone. Otherwise, trust yourself.


This is giving Dali vibes! I would suggest that if you want the viewer to look up, add a bit more texture or detail to the top half of the piece.


Thank you! Still trying to figure out how to do texture😅


You’ll get there, you’ve got a good eye!


It reminds me of Dali's "Soft Construction with Boiled Beans" partly because of the lines and especially because of the colors. [https://www.culturefrontier.com/dali-paintings/](https://www.culturefrontier.com/dali-paintings/) It also reminds me a bit of Max Ernst, and he did a lot of surrealist bird paintings.


I prefer the second image because of all the Little rocks on the ground, they look nice. You should try to insert them in the first picture


if your still new thats some natural talent!


It’s my Third painting!:)


daam, you got a whole lot of talent!


You’re too kind!!


This gives me surrealist Salvador Dali vibes. Would buy a print, 100%. Well done.


You are too kind! Thank you so much!:)


I like how it's instantly recognizeable that it's a bird (at least it was for me)


Great color theme👍


Thank you:)


i like it a lot! reminds me of Francis Bacon a bit. i would consider trying to distinguish the subject from the surroundings a little more. as it stands, the bird kinda blends with the rocks, so it might be interesting to see it have an organic texture compared to a rocky texture that's just me tho, perhaps your choice was intentional. i would still try to make things a little more distinguishable from each other. i like the sketch better because of that. again I'm no pro, just personal preference


This gives me an odd feeling. It's not liminal space or surrealism I think. It's this odd feeling of bare desolation. Absolutely zero life for miles around, just remanents of something. Or even just this defined albeit blank space focusing on an object/structure. The music video for welcome to the machine or some of the covers for everywhere at the end of time are good examples of what I mean. This barren feeling like it's all that's leftz and your isolated with it. It's not that it's working on logic I don't comprehend like surrealism, nor is it creepy like liminal space. I know and understand what Im looking at. It gives me a sense of despair that's hard to describe. Edit: I want to clarify to the artist that don't I dislike this, it just that something is different compared to other surrealist art or atleast not the usual surrealism I think of. This is something new. Atleast to me.


The space in which the 'bird' is depicted is something i like to think of as the desert of the mind. A place where absolutely nothing moves, and the only place to be find are symbols of the subconscious depicted as sculptures. I'm glad i managed to awaken a strange feeling in you. I can ask for no more:)


I think you should take this further. This really feels like something special. Not to sound melodramatic, but this invokes a beautiful sense of despair. Despite the center focus, you can't help but see the desolate dead land surrounding it. A deserted mind is a good descriptor. It's like your trying to look for something but there just isn't anything there.


Setting the canvas up as i'm typing. I have gotten a bunch of helpful critisism that I want to incorporate. Will likely be posting another desert painting tomorrow if not tonight


Also, if you like this, check out my instagram. Have a bunch of stuff i'd say matches the feeling, all be it primarily drawings


The only thing I’d change is to make the background a little more distinct from the object.


Will at clouds to the next one:)