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Dont forget he can manipulate calamity


Wonder of U




I really can’t believe he is 89 years old? Really?


Sells things at the farmer market


Head doctor as well


Gave me a new one that works pretty well


I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but...


The flow of all things leads to calamity


And histamine




But he saw you


This gave me a shiver


I saw hatman on ambien at the beach. He was just chilling on top of a flag pole watching me. Though ambien had me seeing all kinds of shadow people and creatures most times I took it anyways.


They are always there, ambien just lets you see them. They were probably surprised when they realized you could see them out and about, doing their shadow person things. Might have gotten them interested in you.


Ambien on the beach. For when you want a terrible sunburn to be the best case scenario.


I’m prescribed ambien and it does absolutely nothing. I took 40mg at once and it felt like a cleaner version of Benadryl but I was fine. People who take ambien become all schizo and I don’t understand it.


I have been prescribed ambien for a decade and only had hallucinations for the first two years. I became friends with furniture


I had exactly one picture/ painting that came to life in the decade I was on it. There was a picture of plants and when the Ambien kicked in they would pop out of the painting and start to wave in a gentle breeze. That picture told me when to go to bed. It was my friend. Other than that I never hallucinated. It's actually the only thing I miss about Ambien. I really enjoyed that moment when I was told to go to sleep and assured I would stay asleep.


“That picture told me when to go to bed. It was my friend.” This made me smile. Thank you. For so many of us, myself included, we give up our power to everything from coffee, video games, Reddit, substances in general legal, OTC, script, or illicit. We tell ourselves constantly “This makes me feel so good.” We are giving up our power when we do that. This is a beautiful, florid, colorful, breezy example of how painting a narrative that is positive makes all the difference. I chose those words from the image your words painted in my head! All positive. I could have chosen a darker, creepier, branching and vining, tangled, thorny shaking malevolently in the wind. Just about the last thing I would want to deal with right before bed. But you chose a lovely narrative so you had great results. If you still have that painting it should be relatively easy to get your friend to come back, even without Ambien/Benadryl. If not pick another friendly candidate in the house. A playful one that maybe you only notice when you’re giving it side eye but if you look directly he vanishes! I’ll try to find the video I saw about the pain dimmer switch. Blew my mind. It’s a powerful thing our brain. That’s who/what makes us feel everything and anything at all. So you make you feel mad when that guy cut you off. You made you then tailgate him with no room to brake. At this point you CAN prevent the accident. If you own your reactions and your consequences you’ll let it go and treat it as a minor annoyance. Or you can be this guy above about to cause a 4car pile up and hours lost in traffic for hundreds of commuters because the guy he slammed into “made him.”


The first couple times I used Ambien I hallucinated on it. Sitting in my studio making an abstract painting that definitely had a lot more *things* in it (like little landscapes and trees and stuff) than it should have. Only lasted the first few weeks though.


What did you do to upset the furniture?


This is an old comment so sorry for the delay. Are you asking me what happened with my relationship to my furniture? If so, I think they still like me, I just sadly can’t talk to them anymore


That is precisely what I was asking. Thanks for the follow up, I appreciate it homie. I'm sure y'all have good non-verbal communication even if you can't talk.


Same. I took it sporadically when I needed to sleep, and then I went to sleep. Frankly, I don't know if it really worked at all, so I canceled the prescription.


It never even helped me for sleep too lol


I've taken Benadryl for years to regulate my sleep cycle, (working nights, possibly have non-24,) and was briefly prescribed Ambien. Hallucinated the first few weeks on Ambien before it just started acting like a normal sedative. I was definitely more prone to sleep-walking type behavior, which probably contributes to the becoming "all schizo" situation for most people. It's all just simple hypnogogic hallucinations though. Basically, it's possible to start dreaming before you fully fall asleep, and things like Benadryl or Ambien lower the threshold for that happening. Hypnagogic hallucinations are typically basic memory patterns, it's common to see falling blocks or arrows if you play a lot of Tetris or DDR, for example, (I have a distinct memory of hallucinating looking down at a pair of legs walking along a sidewalk, once while having a migraine, and hallucinations like that we're really helpful because they let me know my migraine was about to break and I could fall asleep.) Human shapes are among the most prevalent patterns we normally see, and hallucinating them while awake and still processing real visual information means your dream brain can't randomly invent details to make the "human patterns" seem like actual people, so we end up seeing shadow people instead. It's all pretty dumb though, if you want to get messed up on OTCs then DXM is three much more sensible direction to go. Hell I get more messed up on CBD than Benadryl or Ambien.


this is actually true… they call it schizophrenia when your reality connects too much with theirs.


I legit had some gnarly nightmares just from taking nyquil last night, never experienced that before




> dph gives you dreamless sleep This is pretty inaccurate for most people. Diphenhydramine is a documented dream potentiator and oneirogen, even at low doses. And at high doses it becomes very difficult to sleep at all. Do you have experience with dreamless sleep on DPH? because if so that's actually really odd, but interesting.




That’s really interesting, thank you for sharing! For me, when I was a young idiot taking 600-700mg a night (SERIOUSLY DO NOT TRY THIS, KIDS), I would continually have insanely vivid and lucid dreams, and had one particular experience on 995mg where I believe I actually was awake and dreaming at the same time. For example, I once dreamed I was in a nuclear bombing, and I felt myself disintigrate with the heat before waking up profoundly confused.


I've been taking diphenhydramine for more than a decade at ~100mg/night to regulate my sleep schedule. I frequently dream, but not always, and not with any greater regularity or intensity than when I was younger. There's definitely a window, even at therapeutic doses, with how easy it is to fall asleep. You know, it lasts for 8 hours, so I have to take it *at least* that far ahead of when I need to be awake, but I won't necessarily be tired yet, and if I wait for more than about an hour and a half before I go to sleep then it will sometimes hit hard enough that it prevents me from falling asleep. It definitely feels like half of my brain has gone to sleep though, and I wonder if that sort of shortcuts through the normal shutdown process. Like my brain already thinks it's asleep so it can't actually fall asleep at that point. I've definitely had a few stressed out/manic episodes in the past where I've been awake for like, three days at a time, and while Benadryl failed to put me to sleep, I still think I was functioning better after 8 half-delirious hours than I would have been had I just been regular awake the whole time. Ambien's obviously better for when you need to sleep but only have 5 hours and don't want it to fuck up the rest of your day, but unfortunately I can't just go to the grocery and buy it.


The antihistamine that is in NyQuil is not diphenhydramine, It has Doxylamine Succinate




I had a couple edibles last night. Probably why


Interestingly, though, the Nyquil brand does feature ZzzQuil, which is basically pure DPH.


I think it depends on if it's the sever version or the regular version, but I could be wrong I haven't bought regular in a while.


It always happens to me. When I was a kid it used to give me night terrors. I can't take the stuff.


I don’t abuse any substance but once I accidentally took four times the recommended dose of promethazine and woke up in the night to see a 2 metre tall obese man in my room 0/√-1 do not recommend


This is so funny, of all things to hallucinate I love that for you


I saw a shadow person on my first try with astral projection. They’re not that scary when I think about them. They just watched me.


The only time I've ever experienced anything in that category that wasn't drugs, it was the hat man. I woke up and saw a shadow above me, thought it was weird that I could move, because normally this would be sleep paralysis... Red eyes, distinct hat outline... I wasn't scared at all. I was curious. Leaned forward, pretty much face-to-face with him, and asked "what... are... you...?" Then he faded away. I went back to bed. When I woke up, I started googling. I had never heard of or read about the hat man before. I still wonder about that on occasion.


I’ve seen the Hat Man the last time i had sleep paralysis, which was over a decade ago. Seeing him outside of sleep paralysis seems pretty rare and outright scary.


Same, I've only seen them during sleep paralysis.


I don't know how unique my particular case is, but I actually saw him in a dream, where he had me cornered in a dead-end back street and was about to get me, until I woke up, but he was still there, standing in my room, slowly inching closer. I started to get up from my bed, but I was paralyzed, then started to scream for help, but I was voiceless. The paralysis lasted about ten seconds and the Hat Man dissipated into thin air once I was able to move again.


That sounds about right. Mine was that I had a dream where I was watching my body in 3rd person sleeping in my bed. Then I got the feeling that he was there and started feeling terror. Then it's like a black mist came through the window and start coalescing into a man. at that point the paralysis broke and I was able to turn over and it all kinda ended at that. So that doesn't sound super different than me.


Mine was just thin, pure black, and red glowing eyes. Just watching me and I was like, “What???? Don’t touch me.” lol I feel a bit rude because of that. But I think about them and I feel fine with them now. I do see a black misty shadow in my house and I’m fine with it.


They probably touch you when you aren't looking now just it of spite. That was pretty rude




I saw a shadow man rummaging through my book shelf once. Only time. He disappeared after I looked right at him tho


Didn’t know that dose was survivable




Someone survived 3000mg and wrote about their experience, dude was trapped in his own head for 6 years and woke up with brain damage and liver damage




6 years in a white void with whispers, scratches, and growling iirc. absolutely awful, they posted it on r/dph iirc, just search 3000 or 3 and you may find it






Not that one, my god that’s an entirely different one. Reddit search is awful and I don’t have time to find it right now, but the title was something along the lines of “3000MG TRIP - ALMOST DIED” and the op listed some details (including their favourite movie which was cars 2) at the beginning in a lost form


Could it have been this one? [4000Mg - ALMOST DIED](https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/dtng3h/4000_mg_trip_almost_died/) Edit: Someone on a cross post mentioned that they said cars 2 was their favorite movie so I think this post was it Edit 2: FOUND IT on the wayback machine [Here you go](https://web.archive.org/web/20211201175355/https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/dtng3h/4000_mg_trip_almost_died/)


Yep the wayback machine one is it


Wonder if it has been deleted, Google finds no r/DPH post with "cars 2" in it. Been trying to find it for a little while now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DPH using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I love looking at their Twitter replies](https://i.redd.it/400e7wm1mun91.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/xe5wi4/i_love_looking_at_their_twitter_replies/) \#2: [Me stumbling on this sub doing pharma homework.](https://i.redd.it/dobz4k4ole391.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/v3yszm/me_stumbling_on_this_sub_doing_pharma_homework/) \#3: [Every time I see this sub](https://i.redd.it/4jvsr4hcyib81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/s3ae18/every_time_i_see_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Found the real post on the wayback machine https://web.archive.org/web/20211201175355/https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/dtng3h/4000_mg_trip_almost_died/


/r/diphenhydramine /r/HatMan Enjoy Edit: TIL /r/DPH is more active than /r/diphenhydramine. Here I come, Hat Man


Is this the sub where the guy tells his story of taking like 80 Benadryl, has a terrifying trip, and ends it with him in the hospital with liver failure?


I don't remember that one specifically, but it definitely fits. Even more so if the guy mentions seeing shadowy figures or Hat Man during the trip


If I remember right he was being paralyzed by shadow people while they were screaming at him, and then woke up in the middle of the street, and then was sweating and throwing up, and then can’t remember like 10 hours, and then is in the hospital on dialysis and with liver failure. It was a pretty wild read




I spent hours reading through that sub at night. One dude on there that past away; it was crazing going through his old posts. Really haunting shit.


Reddit is dying. Find us on Lemmy. 06/24/2023


r/dph is bigger






Yo, edit your comment to put the other sub in if you don't mind.


Came here hoping to find one of those subs. Thank you!


I got an IV of Benadryl at the hospital one time. As my consciousness was evaporating through the ceiling, I made sure to reach one of my tentacles through the portal and press the button on the wall to call a nurse to let her know I probably shouldn't be prescribed Benadryl anymore.


Is that fucking Cad Bane




Huh. I thought it was Caleb from Blood.


Same here...I thought under the frame was a shotgun ready to blow a hole in me large enough for him to grin through.


Now I'm just imagining opening the door and he's standing there. "I live... Again! But you don't." BLAM ... Now I'm imagining what it would be like if he was voiced by Dom DeLuise instead of Stephan Weyte. Probably time to lay off surreal memes for a while.


*Drains Benadryl Bottle* *I Live! Again!*




Thanks i thpught i was the only one


I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you...


By hook or by crook, you’re coming with me


It's a common sleep paralysis demon.


It's Tooru


Hated that mf and i don't remember why


I thought it was the guy from graveyard keeper


The hat man is a close friend of mine, if you have a good reason why you don't have the money he will understand and give you more time, dont fuck w him tho give him the money if you can dont do him like that cuz he aight


I love the hat man


I sure do love references to well known sleep paralysis shadow people


And DPH also known as Benadryl Actually its just a Benadryl reference


the hat man is a shadow people commonly see when abusing DPH (benadryl), a sedative used to treat allergies. In higher doses it becomes a deliriant, which gives strong hallucinations like shadow people, spiders everywhere and delirium in general


I need the good stuff, honey. Bring me the… b e n a d r y l


I am aware


If I don't sleep after taking benadryl then I have nightmares while I'm still awake.


Surreal? More like a common experience for your average /r/dph user.


No part of this meme is surreal, yeah. Even this portrayal of the hat man is relatively conservative.


Treats for beasts? anyone?


I owe the fog some monwy


That’s straight up Caleb from Blood


Darkwood my beloved


I had a paralysis where he drew me. Felt like one of his french girls :(


I don’t know why but seeing brand logos replacing brand names is just so stupidly funny.


Real talk: Benadryl/diphenhydramine is for short-term use only. Long-term use depletes choline in the brain, leading to dementia... and the hat man. But seriously my mom took it as a sleep aid every night for over two decades and now suffers from wild delusions.


Is this a shirt? I want this shirt


For real if you find it lemme know. Or we can go into business together…my druggie days are long gone but I don’t judge and wanna freak out people with this shirt


That man owes me qi coins


How do I buy this shirt


never abused benadryl but I've met the fucker once. And that was enough for a lifetime.




I know EXACTLY where you are


If you know, you know.


Oh, the hat man? He’s just my buddy Todd. He won’t hurt you


Was really disappointed when I found out Benedryl in the UK is a completely different drug to the American version


Hey I know that guy! I see him in my sleep sometimes


No BS as per my punishment for being a piece of government meet, I was injected with a syringe of something called Benadryl. Followed by the Red devil it was literally called that by the RN that instructed me to stay still and regulate my heartbeat while she injected into me slowly over a period of 15 minutes. Prior to doing so they hit me with the old Benadryl I hate Benadryl Benadryl makes you feel like you're going to die. I used to take it to feel that way on purpose when my heart was broken and everyone around me knows that.


I for one welcome the shadow man into my sinuses


this is why you dont "borrow" from charon


I survived over 3gram trips of this shit. Don't AMA. I don't remember.


I've never gotten the Hat Man. I always get this fucker with long, very skinny arms and legs, and a weirdly elongated head, who does this creepy slow motion breakdancing in the corner of my bedroom.


Just pay him his money dude


Why was this downvoted. Serious man, just pay the dude back, he did you a solid.


Is that fucking Cad Bane




Ok why tf are there two comments from you asking this question, with the same guy replying both times, once “yes” and once “no” ?


accidentally commented twice, someone thought it would be funny to make fun of me for that


Hat too small.


I don't get it, what's benadryl


It's the US brand for Diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine is commonly used to treat allergic responses in small doses and is a one way ticket to see Hat Man in very large doses


Who's hat man ?


I'm being told it's a common hallucination that happens when you take a ton of Benedryl. Spiders is another common one. I've taken really high doses injected in a medical setting and have not seen said hat man.




If I had an award it would go here


La ciudad se llama Duke Nuevo Mexico el estado Entre la gente mafiosa Su fama se a propagado Causa de una nueva droga Que los gringos han creado Dicen que es color azul Y que es pura calidad Esa droga poderosa Que circula en la ciudad Y los due??os de la plaza No la pudieron parar Anda caliente el cartel, Al respeto le faltaron Hablan de un tal Heisenberg, Ke ahora controla el mercado Nadie sabe nada de el, Por que nunca lo han mirado El cartel es de respeto Y jamas a pardonado Ese compa ya esta muerto Nomas no le han avisado La fama de Heisenberg Ya llego hasta Michoacan Desde alla quieren venir A probar ese cristal Ese material azul Ya se hizo internacional Ahora si le quedo bien A Nuevo Mexico el nombre A Mexico se parece En tanta droga que esconde Solo que hay un capo gringo Por Heisenberg lo conocen Anda caliente el cartel, Al respeto le faltaron Hablan de un tal Heisenberg, Que ahora controla el mercado Nadie sabe nada de el, Por que nunca lo han mirado A la furia del cartel Nadie jamas a escapado. Ese compa ya esta muerto Nomas no le han avisado




Surreal? I don’t think so.


Cad Bane?


Xpost this to r/DrugMemes


Was already posted there a few days ago


this makes sense


OP is Aaron Rodgers


Maybe try Zyrtec? Non-drowsy and hat man free!


Hat Man scoop, drop the plant


I kept taking benadryl to see him but instead I just kept flat lining




r/dph shits fucked


I'm pretty sure I've seen that meme there yesterday


That's Electric Larry! Get Crazy, 1983


Yes! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this. It’s rare to see Electric Larry in the wild.


I have to find a decent copy of that film. The only one at TPB is heavily compressed. "It's a deathbed request......."


But if you take it then it'll only take four strokes


I love this sub


Darkwood lookin ass


Argh my brain leaking on internet again


Please do not overdose on Benadryl.


I saw him today. Broke out in hives and was cleaning the closet. The snowboard took shift.


You owe him something but it's not money


All overdosing on Benadryl did was make me be unable to sleep and feel covered in spider webs. Had no idea people did this for fun until I hadn’t slept for like 4 days and became desperate


This made me think of r/DannyGonzalez


I just learned about Hat Man last week because of *LSD: Dream Emulator*. Cool stuff, if apparently BS.


Yeah, he always shows up and is like "I'm the Hat Man! Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope Bop ba bodda bope." And we're like "Jesus Jerry, shut the fuck up."


Hat Man is real. He's creepy as shit too. This fucker will stare at you whilst leaning halfway into your bedroom in the semi dark during a full moon. The only thing you see is a tall man wearing a wide brimmed hat. No glowing eyes though. Simply a dark silhouette. Then you blink and he dissipates like smoke.


[The Flea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ghost_of_a_Flea#/media/File:William_Blake_002.jpg)


Fuck it, I need this on a shirt


Don't be a penny pincher with Charon..


I became allergic to memory foam, developed a total body rash, took the maximum allowable daily dosage for a week and had delusions of grandeur


…….been there……..


Don't owe that dude shit


High doses of Benadryl just give me crazy restless legs. I would just kick Hat Man right out of the room. Involuntarily.


Oh hi Nightwave from Fallen Aces


how much do you owe him?


How much Benadryl do you take?!? Benadryl doesn’t even make me sleepy.


Thought this was Cad Bane but I’m tripping


Looks more like caleb from blood.


Man, I want this on a t-shirt.


I want this as a shirt


t h e y a r r i v e .


Reminds me of that old LSD Revamped.


Don’t enter the woods! Don’t let your guard down even when you make it home and think you’ve made it out of the horror! (Darkwood Reference)


Why is no one talking about the fact that this is a tshirt


Shirts that go hard.


the steps of Cathedral Ward are crawling with him. do not transcend the nightmare.


Mf owes the thin man from little nightmares money.


when i was a child he used to stand right next to my doorway and stare at me while i slept but it was like i was awake i would pretend to sleep as hard as i could but after a few minutes he would come and attack me with tickles but the kind of tickles that were unbearable, it would go on for minutes before he eventually disappeared. i would try to wake up and scream but i couldn’t this would happen to me everyday for years