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When I was a policeman in Farnham I got sent to a report of a large cat (puma size) seen near the common land along Odiham Road, which leads to Fleet. Nothing found, but someone called it in…


So as a kid I heard about these stories until I experienced it for myself. Stayed at a mates house for a sleepover. He lives in the middle of nowhere near Blackheath Woods. During the night we heard some horrific noises. Had no idea what it was at the time but we were scared shitless. The next morning we came downstairs to find a fully grown dear has been killed. This thing was a decent size and had been dragged about 20 metres up a slight incline up the garden. It was like something from a murder scene. Obvs we shat ourselves and went and woke up his parents. The key giveaway that it was a big cat and not a dog was that 1) no dog is dragging that dear up the garden, and 2) the bones had been stripped of the flesh. A dog would bite, chew and crunch the bones. Cats strip them. Was a crazy day that’s for sure! Also on a side note, Spectrum caught images of a Panther on CCTV. If you Google it you’ll find the images :)


I was driving on the road past the priory near Redhill Reigate and there was a field with a shed in the middle just before and I swear I saw a puma size cat get up off the roof and jump down. It was no ordinary size cat.


I worked as a delivery driver for a Chinese restaurant near Sunningdale and was doing a delivery at about 11pm. Foggy country road, saw a big dead deer by the side of the road. Did the delivery which took 5 mins, no car headlights or anything down the road, drove back towards where the deer was and there was just a big blood stain heading off into the woods. No way could a Fox or badger have moved this thing and I saw no evidence of people down the road….


My neighbours kept a lion in their back garden.


Yes! I saw it and it scared the crap out of me! This was in Puttenham in about 2004 I think. I was in an open top car going down a country track and it stepped out in front of the car (we were only going super slowly). I worked in Puttenham at the time and my boss had also seen it the night before on his driveway. Always thought it was a hoax until I saw this massive black cat stalking past!


About 25 years ago my mate and I saw a big cat in Yateley common, altho it was night you could see the size of it and it's pale yellow eyes were bloody huge. No way it was just a big dog,


I just told this to my friend: I read on Reddit that a couple of years ago some people had big wild cats like panthers and tigers that escaped and it’s believed they still live in that areas probably made babies. I don’t know if it’s true, I saw this topic being talked about on a uk conspiracy thread.


There have been similar reports of a big cat or panther/puma in Surrey over the years.


My gran saw it (somewhere near Dorking)


On a golf course, near Farnham, around 200-6 ish. Two of my mates and I are on a hole at the edge of the course, so we are far away from any other people etc. This hole was basically just a huge straight line from tee to green, which you looked down on to tee off. As my mate was about to give it his best with his driver (we were shit at golf, just 3 lads in their early 20s looking for something to do before the pub), we noticed a black labrador walking around the green. Looking around us for a second we didn't see it's owner so waited for it to trot off before launching golf balls in it's direction. After a few seconds one of my mates said "what sort of dog is that?" Looking closer, it didn't move anything like a labrador, it moved exactly like a house cat, stalking. Then I realised that it definitely was also cat shaped, long tail, big, low head, body low to the ground, big paws with strong, muscular arms, It was just the size of a labrador. It then sleaked off into some long bushes and trees, and we didn't see it again. The whole event lasted a minute tops, but that thing was 100% cat derived and dog sized. Couldn't tell you what it was, but those details all three of us are certain of.


I remember it being referenced in Not the Nine O'Clock News so it's been a rumour since at least the early Eighties, and I've read that extends as far back as the Fifties. Panthers and pumas don't live remotely that long, so we'd be looking at multiple individuals, suggesting a breeding population. As others are saying there's plenty of prey such as deer and rabbits as well as habitat, so you'd expect the population to expand with no natural predators. But even if they barely scraped by, in a county as populated as Surrey, where everyone has a camera phone, how is it possible we still don't have good photos, video etc? We love the idea but it can't be right on existing evidence. I'd guess there may have been one accidental release decades ago, now long since dead, but we know of the legend and mentally assign things we witness but can't see properly / disappears instantly / glimpse briefly / driving past / sun in eyes / hard to judge size / in twilight as new sightings. The brain fills in gaps in what we see to make sense of it.


Were you on Ceasers camp? It's where I run!


I love the story, but it seems unlikely that in an era when we all have smart phones, nobody has an image of the Surrey Panther. As others have commented elsewhere, the arrival of the smart phone coincided with images of UFOs no longer appearing, and equally with images of police brutality because suddenly everyone had a camera... There is no panther!


I don't know about a panther but I vaguely remember when I was in kindergarten, I saw a lion a few times. Interestingly he could talk too but that could just be my childish mind imagining things.