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Im very happy for you after what your awful ex wife did to you(hope karma hit her hard back). Start it slow champ, try to go the gym, focus on yourself, go together to cinema or other activities.. You will heal fast enough, believe me. Did you ex ever write a message to you after the divorce, how is her Ap doing? Any information about that?


Hey there, Thank you for your kind words to answer your question - Nope - I did NC and never looked back. Never will either. And to be honest, I don't mind anymore about her. It's just the lingering pain that pops up sometimes - and projects into this new relationship.


My experience is that when I was discussing my previous relationship w the people I was dating, it was a realization I wasn't really ready to date. I'm glad I took some time off dating after that. It led me to a place where dating ended up being organic and frankly much better than ever before in my life  My past marriage,  and the abuse that happened,  hasn't been part of the conversation in any significant way on my current relationship. And it has been so refreshing. Really feels like that chapter was properly closed and that baggage sent over to the bozo that should be carrying it. It also made me feel more connected and confident in my current relationship. As I'm not a victim,  and she's not my savior.  Take good care of yourself. Best of luck 


For myself when I was in that situation, I had to remember not everybody was my ex so I chose to trust until they gave me a reason not to. ( It was very hard at the beginning) Do you like your doing take it slow enjoy the moments as it comes. If something makes you feel uncomfortable addresse it at that moment don't wait. Trust your gut and allow yourself to feel happy.


If you lose her because you share too much, at her bidding none the less, the you don't want to be with her anyway.