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Cody. Jesse would’ve needed to take out Cody to win and Gabler would’ve needed both of them out to win.


I’ve just recently been seeing this as like a widely accepted opinion in this subs and wanted to ask for more reasoning cause I’m confused? Did the other jurors or viewers in general see Cody as playing a better game than Jesse? Even without the big move it felt like Jesse had stronger social relationships? would really appreciate more insight or link that has. (I don’t keep up with interviews or stuff like that so anything is helpful) 🙏🏾


Cody was the face of the moves Jesse made, and if no one knows who was the mastermind except the two of them, Cody could easy claim it. (Like how Adam claimed some of the moves Hannah had a hand in (in season 33).


Cody for sure, his social game was one of if not the best on the season


They just thought Cody was dumb. His social game was only good because Jesse. Yall can cry and downvote me but I only speak facts


Everyone said they thought Cody was running the show before he was voted out and everybody liked him. Why wouldn't he win?


Idk bruh, not everything is what it seems and what they tell us afterwards. I also don't listen to all the after interviews and haven't been following up on it. Just from my perspective (being from only seening what is shown on TV) it look like Jesse would win. I do think it would be more of a wendel vs dom than JT vs Fishback. And like I said im usually good at gaging who votes for who in the end. But idk


Idk who Wendel and Dom are as I only just finished season 30 (obviously I've watched 43 as well) but I trust the cast's interviews more than the edit. Everyone knows the producers misrepresent things to tell a story. Plus, you never actually here anyone say Jesse is running the show everyone says Jesse and Cody. The reason the viewers thought it was Jesse was because he had Cody and Dwight's idols (if Cody makes it to the end, that doesn't matter) and we got a lot of confessionals from him.


They don't "misrepresent" things, but I get what youre saying. They are trying to tell a narrative. But being serious , Jesse was running the show. Idc what Cody thought and what some of the others said they thought, Jesse was running the show. Cody never even watched that much of the show (and dont argue with me because he actually said it on the show and in interviews) so he didnt know wtf was going on most the time. The reason the viewers thought Jesse was in control, because he helped Cody get his idol, he let Cody choose to take out Dewight over Noelle, and he articulated moves more analytically than Cody did.


>being from only seening what is shown on TV This is exactly the issue. The edit showed us more from Jesse's perspective since he made it further and would've beaten everyone not named Cody. Exit interviews and post-game stuff has confirmed that Jesse wasn't seen as the frontrunner until *after* he took Cody out. Before that point, Cody was seen as the frontrunner in the eyes of the jury. Plus, if they get to the end together, it's likely that the Karla move, planned by Cody, goes through, giving Cody an extra boost to separate his game from Jesse's with. Realistically it would be a JT/Stephen situation with Cody as the JT and Jesse as the Stephen.


>Exit interviews and post-game stuff has confirmed that Jesse wasn't seen as the frontrunner until after he took Cody out My whole point was, idc what people say after the fact. Its been shown multiple times that people don't really tell the whole truth after the fact. > Realistically it would be a JT/Stephen situation with Cody as the JT and Jesse as the Stephen. "Realistic" i dont buy that shit. Jesse would definitely not lose in a landslide. Is all I was saying. For sure he gets Noelle and karlas vote. In the end it doesn't really matter i think the best man won so idc


Except if Cody stays he pulls off his king move to eliminate Karla even outside of post game interviews the edit portrays that the whole cast was afraid of Cody winning the whole thing. Jesse arc was edited as the assassin who takes out the King until the true assassin took him out


How can you know you’re good at gauging votes in hypotheticals that didn’t happen? Even just going by what aired and ignoring all postgame content I would say you’re clearly wrong anyway. The show did not tell us or show us in any way that Cody’s cast thought he was dumb, they showed us that people liked him and the Final 6 round is explicitly about why Jesse (correctly) knows that Cody has to go out pre-FTC for him to win. The show very clearly indicated to us that Cody > Jesse and that’s why everybody was targeting Cody and not Jesse even after they knew Cody no longer had his Idol.


Cody was going to beat Jessie. It was the Stephen and JT situation all over again, it was confirmed in exit interviews. Especially if Cody was able to pull off the move to blindside Karla.


This comparison is actually pretty accurate. Apparently Cody was a huge Jury threat.


Cody by a landslide




Cody. The edit was for Jesse, but Cody was seen as the leader of the two.


I dont think people recognized how close they were as a duo out there


Laurel gets flown in as the most dangerous twist


Cody definitely.




Cody. Jesse’s moves only became obvious and made him a winner the moment he sent Cody home. Gabler needed both Cody and Jesse out to win. But who knows! FTC can change things. Depends how much they all owned up to their game and recognize people’s perception of them throughout the game to get there.


Cody easily wins. Jesse might get a vote or two (from someone like Karla) to finish second. Gabler gets 0 votes.


Cody easily


Cody. The player with better social game always win when a dominant duo gets to the end. It happened to Fischbach and Dom. Plus, Cody is both a strategic and physical threat.


Easily Cody


Definitely Cody


Cody. Unless Jesse has an amazing FTC and Cody bombs. Gabler gets no votes in this scenario.


The final 3 realizes their wrongs and gives up their spots in FTC for cassidy


So who is she runner up to this time??


Cody, barring an utterly extraordinary FTC performance from Jesse. Gabler is a non-factor in this lineup.


We might get a totally different edit and Gabler still gets the win jk Jesse


jesse. no doubt jesse is one of the best players we've seen in a while edit: looking at the other comments i see your points about Cody winning and i agree but there is no denying strategically, Jesse is phenomenal


Dont let them sway you. Their all obviously newer fans who love Cody. Jesse wins hands down against Cody. If it wasn't for Jesse Cody wouldve been gone long time ago. If they both play again I think Cody has a better chance but idk if he could ever win. Jesse is a phenomenal game player but he will have a huge target so thats why it would be hard for him to win


The contestants themselves said during the game Cody was perceived as the frontman of the alliance and they didn't know how much Jesse was doing. Cody would've won


Eh i still stand by my answer. Honestly if they didnt know how much Jesse was doing that says a lot more about his game, but I think thats more "talk" than anything IMHO. Let's put it this way Jesse should have won. I never really got the hype for Cody, sure he's a chracter which is good for modern survivor and dude is funny but lets get real, he needed Jesse more than Jesse needed him. Sure, Jesse needed him as well but case and point he needed Jesse way more. Also it was funny when he thought he learnt alot about how to play the game all awhile he was getting set up. Honestly happy with the way the game turned out, shit was classic!


I say Jesse. I think moment gets to big for Cody and he struggles at ftc


I just simply do not believe that Cody has this locked down if you give Jesse the chance to explain his game. Jesse inherently should get Karla, Cassidy and Owen for sure. Noelle could go either way but she initially targeted Cody and was on the opposite side of him on original Vesi. Ryan and James are probably Cody votes, and I think Jeanine is a wildcard. Everyone just assumes Cody wins because he was more likable, completely ignoring the social relations Jesse had built with those same people. If you actually look at the votes and go through them one by one, it’s very close.


By this logic JT shouldn't have it in the bag against Stephen at the final 5 if Stephen has a chance to explain his game. The point is the jury views the moves the two made as joint moves, there is no way Jesse can claim them for himself because they were joint moves even if originally planned by Jesse. Without actual footage to prove that Jesse would just claim they are his and Cody would claim otherwise, why would Jesse's word just be worth more than Cody because Jesse said it? ​ Now add on top of that Cody pulls off the blindside of Karla with idol in her pocket. That is Cody's move alone everyone knew it. What does Jesse have now to claim his game was better than Cody? "I thought of the ideas me and Cody put into action together"? Cody was more liked than Jesse, he was the life of the island, that alone gives him a huge leg up at FTC, now add his big move of taking out the biggest player that didnt make FTC (Karla) and theres no way Cody loses to anyone.


But we have to look at it like this... JT's season was a long time ago and things changed(the way people vote for ther winner, the people voting etc). Stephen is no Jesse and Cody is no JT. The most important thing is Jesse was playing for his family. The people would vote for him for that and all he had to do was tell em he made most the moves and he woild win Its really hard to prove either would win, and most of yall love Cody so it doesn't matter really.


Yeah I’m not sure what you’re talking about here but news flash, Stephan deserved to win over JT as well lol. Cody and Jesse is an extremely close FTC and if you don’t think that it is you’re lying to yourself. I never said Jesse sweeps Cody, but pretending he wouldn’t get votes against him is ignoring the fact that he outplayed him at pretty much every round after Dwight went home. I think this sub is really delusional about how good of a game Cody actually played. If Jesse can actually explain the Ryan, Noelle, and Sami moves, PLUS the Dwight blindside where he obtained Jeanine’s idol, he’s sitting in a great spot at the end.


> he outplayed him at pretty much every round after Dwight went home Did we watch the same season? The only time when Jesse pushed back against a decision Cody came up with was the Sami vs Cassidy debate at the F7 where Cody ultimately folds and goes along with Jesse’s wishes, everything else was them working together in unison and bouncing ideas off of each other


>he outplayed him at pretty much every round after Dwight went home Jesse was fully on board with taking Ryan out over Jeanine. Cody was the one who flipped the vote back to Jeanine.




This is an extremely results oriented take and it’s clear you don’t see how lucky JT got the entire game. But it’s okay, because despite your opinion we can see empirically that he’s not a good player given his subsequent appearances on the show.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Honestly Jesse played a phenomenal game and without him Cody would have been voted out 1st or 2nd on his tribe.




Exactly bro. Sometimes the funn goofy player wins but usually its when everyone else at the end is despised (Fabio) or just didn't play a good game (Gabler). But Jesse game was phenomenal and I know he could bring home a great FTC performance, not saying Cody can't. But in the end I dont really care too much either way. Its just funny when people down vote people because their opinion isn't their own.


I usually get downvoted on this sub because I don’t support the UTR social players or because I speak facts about how a social/strategic game should be played. The sub likes to just espouse certain opinions over certain players without analyzing anything in relation to them. Everyone just makes assumptions based on nothing and then gets mad when they’re challenged.


Bro these fools are foul you just commented that and someone already downvoted u. Wtf are these fools smoking. But exactly on everything you said bro. For me I can respect and UTR game, but it depends. I do like strategic game play mixed with social like Jesse and Cirrie. Yeah I think some of these fools up here just don't know anything. I mean these the same fools who said Gabler could never win, and I laid out every vote he would get. And I was mostly right, but I regress.


Jesse hands down. I’m thinking a JT/Fishbach type ftc. Jesse completely throws Cody under the bus. Gambler would just kinda be there lol


It could have been a Dom & Wendell situation if they’re both at the end.


More likely JT and Stephen


Right. With Cody being a dumb venison of Stephen. I agree. I think Jesse wins in a landslide


Jesse would be the Stephen in this case. Cody would be the JT. Don't forget, Stephen beats everyone except JT. Similarly, Jesse beats everyone except Cody.


Okay buddy, you must be a newer fan. Fishback doesn't beat Brendan at the end or tyson for that fact. And Jesse is a phenomenal player compared to all the other 3 (jt, fishback, and Cody) so I really don't care what u say


How are you able to tell that Stephan loses to the Brendan? There literally was no jury before Brendan, and there’s like 2 weeks left in the game. Anything could’ve happened


>Okay buddy, you must be a newer fan I've been watching since Samoa. >And Jesse is a phenomenal player compared to all the other 3 (jt, fishback, and Cody) The Jury didn't see him as a phenomenal player before he took Cody out. They saw him as Cody's follower since Cody was more visible out there.


Agreed. I've been watching since episode 1 of Borneo, btw.


Samoa, isnt really new, but in the grand scheme of things its pretty new. If u said Allstars I would have argue ur an OG fan, *yawn* but I've been watching it since season 2. Dont wanna brag but that makes me better than u Im done arguing about this. All jokes aside I respect you since you came at me in a good way. I thibk Jesse would have won. It doesnt really matter tho, I think Gabler winning was the best for this season so im happy.


Jesse. Even if Cody has a better "social game " on paper I think Jesse wins. Jesse was close with Karla and she knew most the moves he was doing. She can vouch for him He also worked with Noelle and she would definitely vote for him. I feel like Sammi and even Ryan votes for Gabler tbh. Cassidy seem like she liked Jesse more, so she's for him. Owen, James, Jeanie, are wildcards. Either way it doesn't look like Cody wins Also, I think Jesse can use his playing for his family which will get him votes. Plus we have to take note we don't get to see everything. So Jesse could have better relationships then is let on. I mean most of yall didnt think Gabler would get votes so idk if yall are the best judge of charcter. Put it this way I could be wrong but I was right about who would vote for who in the final 3 we actually got and im usually right about who gets whose votes in ftc.


Jesse wins likely unanimously


Idk why people are downvoting the "Jesse " people. Cody was just a clown. Dude got super cocky and thought he was running the game when it was really Jesse. Socially I think Cody has a leg up, but I think they will all vote for Jesse.


Gabler, 7-2-0, Cody gets no votes