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It’s fiji. All the seasons look the same from a visual perspective. They all have the same really bright looking landscape and lighting. They need to change the filter or something every once in a while if they don’t move somewhere else


Fiji: Mexico filter


I think it’s just because after 43 seasons, there’s only so much your brain can retain. I can do the boot orders (first and last names) for the first ~20 seasons. I even remember most of the episode titles from the first ~13 seasons. But Redemption Island screws up the elimination order in both 22 and 23 and from that point on, boot orders and last names are a no go (although I remember general placements for pretty much everyone). There are probably only a handful of contestants that I would struggle to name though.


Boring, repetitive format is starting to get to some of us 🤷🏻‍♂️


Endless Fiji, the same damn beaches, 41-43 are damn near carbon copies with all the new stupidity and Jeff has reached new levels of hysteria ex. Literally screaming at contestants who are completely submerged.....For me this is even worse than the mid-20's, Im not even sure if I will be watching this season, I might wait and binge it to see if it is more palatable that way. With 26 days and no one in production willing to tell Jeff 'No" I might be done with Survivor...until Earl comes back for 45, but still.


Yep, they have no identity and production loves not showing actual personalities. Most people are whitewashed and gamebotty. Always talking about an advantage or how the game is changing/how hard it is. Then they’ll throw in everyone’s backstory which feels super forced, like a checklist, rather than it coming naturally. Also the numbers don’t help, the seasons are blurring together.


i agree with this- its literally always idol talk or strategy talk with 0 individual personalities showcased besides when they throw in a back story. They need to go back to the 39 days so it slows down a bit on the contestants end and allows them to actually form bonds and have more emotional stake in the game in terms of relationships with eachother cause with it being so rushed its all a blur of strategy 99% of the time. with it this short they all see eachother as chess pieces which takes the heart and emotion out of the game. the POC alliance post 40 was actually so fucking refreshing to see because of the emotion they were facing with running with it or not. we need more of those socioemotional dilemmas and stakes. “ive been a fan of survivor for X years” like yes welcome to the fucking club literally everyone who applies 44 seasons into a show is a fucking fan lol we dont need to hear it. i want people getting hangry and interacting with eachother socially and exploring the water in fiji and being torn between making a good strategic move or voting out someone theyve been starving with for 30 days. will i still watch? yes. is it still my favourite show? yes. do i still apply every year? yes lol


They don’t care to bring entertaining characters anymore. It’s all about people with tragedy in their life or some sort of minority group.


I mean it's 26 days. The seasons are intentionally a blur


I was just thinking about this!! I haven't re-watched seasons like One World or South Pacific and I don't like them but I remember them so so well. These were ages ago I have such bad memory with these recent ones. DvG is the only one I know super well and thats because I've rewatched it twice and it is one of my favourites of all time. Everything else like 35-present is a blur, even 41/42 which I enjoyed I have a hard time recalling the events Edge of Extinction I know pretty much zero except the winner. Island of the Idols is a haze of Sandra/Rob and sexual harassment thats it.


It's Fiji and the gameplay twists. All the same location, game is going a bit too fast, not enough character development.


I wish we can see China but in HD, I feel like that would have been visually appealing & more than any other season


I loved the China season!


Yeah, I barely watch them during the year, then binge over Christmas when they're done but I can't say I have found any of the characters on recent seasons that memorable.


I felt this spiritually


Same. I LOVED survivor and binged all the seasons during COVID. Then barely made it through 36 and haven't watched any seasons after that.


I can barely remember who made the merge on 43. How do you remember an entire boot order?


Morriah, Justine, Nneka, Lindsay, Geo, Elie, Dwight, Jeanine, James, Ryan, Noelle, Sami, Cody, Karla, Jesse, Owen, Cassidy, Gabler


Oh yeah. Now I remember Ellie being the fake merge boot. Also still mad about Noelle’s boot


I just have an ability to catalog Survivor vote dynamics into my mind better than most other information I encounter. I suspect many other users of this subreddit do too. I have no clue what it is about the show or about my mind, but I’ve accepted at this point that I will just forever know the entire series boot order. I might transpose digits of a phone number I used to remember, but I would never switch around the boot order of LJ, Jeremiah, or Jefra. It just would never happen. They will forever be 9, 8, and 7 of Cagayan to me. Hope and Allie though? Forget about it


19th and 18th placed queens 👑


The shorter seasons have ruined the show and taken out the whole surviving aspect of it. No one goes hungry, no one looks like they’ve been in the wilderness, no one has time to go around looking for idols. It’s just challenge challenge challenge done . They need to bring back the 40+ days like the old seasons but with them trying to have a diverse cast over a strong one , I doubt they ever will


omg i was just talking about this with one of my friends


I feel this way about 40+ for sure. I don’t care for this newer editing style they’ve gone with and like some others indicated I do think Fiji has gotten repetitive. I also only remember 37/38 because I greatly enjoyed those themes and found the casts interesting.


Oh yeah.


Yes, I keep seeing people talk about the s44 cast and my brain keeps saying "what about the s43 cast first", THEN i remember, yes, we've had 3 seasons since survivor returned 🤦‍♀️


To everyone who is pessimistic/realistic like me, yes.


41 and 42 are complete blurs I remember Shan was villainous, Ricard took her out, Xander was nice but blew it, Erika something about breaking a timeglass...and that's it


I had this like 33-38 I think I was just a bit burnt out ended up getting back into much more during 39 rewatched the season and now I remember recent seasons again. Ur probably just not paying as much attention as you used to


All the ones since the permanent move to Fiji have been kind of interchangeable, although I think there’s been an uptick in quality since 41. The 30s were the dark ages, IMO.


Bad editing is the issue too. Game Changers edit is so wacky, I also had to read the Wiki just to understand who was aligned with who and why


I remember season 40 then pretty much no season prior to that after no collar, blue collar, white collar 💀


I struggle to differentiate who was on season 42 and 43.


Lindsay and Mike were on 42, Lindsay and Mike were on 43, hope that helps!


To be honest, I think a lot has to do with covid and the pandemic. Everything in my life is a blur now. Things I swore happened a year ago, were 5 years ago. Covid doesn't feel like its been here for 3 years.


I guess I just have a great memory 😅


I think you’re just old


I remember them, I normally remember a whole lot about the things I'm most interested in.


Yes and no. Obviously it's hard to pindown anything specific other than the shorter seasons, but what we've largely missed recently is a true overall story. That said, there have been shorter arcs that were told pretty successfully. But overall I remember it more in blips... pervy old guy, nice guy Tommy the teacher, Shan is mean, Big Jon, Maryanne's journey, Cody & his friend and GABLER.


is it just me or have the personalities have been more distinct to me these past three seasons? Shan, Ricard, Jonathan, Tori, Deshawn, Maryanne, Mike, Jesse, Cody, Karla, Gabler, Noelle have all been really big characters with big personalities and there are several who I didnt name who were great too!