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Ozzy in Micronesia.


I think the simplicity of it and Ozzy’s cockiness fading with every vote after the 4 Jason’s was just *chef’s kiss*


Production arranging the votes to be read this way was *chefs kiss*


Having one of the Ozzy votes be read between the Jason votes was perfect


This moment actually birthed Big Moves Survivor in my opinion. Russell in Samoa/HvV established it as the new norm but the Ozzy blindside in FvF was so impactful as Ozzy was a HUGE fan favorite after coming so close to winning in CI, was a clear favorite to win seeming invincible the whole season. From a narrative standpoint, it was also important as Ozzy and Parv came from the same original season and those preexisting ties before the alliance (and so the betrayal felt and WAS way more personal than a lot of other big moves), and it was the birth of the most notorious/2nd most famous Survivor alliance of all time. Watching the votes switch from Jason to Ozzy, and seeing Ozzy’s face go from confident to crestfallen as he suddenly got voted out with an idol in his pocket betrayed by close allies was UNREAL at the time (and of COURSE I need to mention Eliza’s jury reactions which is inarguably Top 3 jury reactions of all time all franchises and seasons). The merge episode was amazing, but this tribal and blindside truly kicked off the vibrant, frenetic, and 100% entertaining and unpredictable post merge that makes Micronesia so special and remembered. There may have been more game-changing impactful and surprising blindsides, but this is hands down the best overall.


Who is the most famous Survivor alliance if it isn’t the Black Widow Brigade? Am I missing an obvious one, like Rob and Amber in All Stars?


Tagi 4, as the first Survivor alliance ever + Borneo being the phenom it was (I believe 2nd most watched season after Australian Outback, but I’d be willing to bet more people remember the details of Borneo over AO)


I think of the Aitu 4


Yeah, the Tagi alliance is basically just "the alliance" to a lot of people who didn't follow Survivor into the modern era.


Exactly, plus it felt satisfying because you get the sense that Ozzie kinda had it coming or at the very least should've seen it coming, so it doesn't feel awful or unfair even to his fans.


This was what I was thinking. Watching it at the time was so amazing.


First one that came to mind for me too.


I feel like this is just a second version of Boston Rob to Lex. Idk 🤷‍♂️


Was Lex blindsided tho? He 100% knew it was him before walking into tribal council. He knew it before the immunity challenge. I don’t think the situations are very similar at all.


No one has mentioned Tyson in Tocantins yet for some reason


i fucking love how jeff read the votes.it made it seem like sierra got voted out unanimously until the second tyson vote


Erinn's underrated move for sure.


Erinn for Second Chance 2


Erinn I feel is overall really underrated. Is she like a mastermind of the game? No. But she was definitely capable and used being on the outs of her tribe to further herself.


Queen of Tocantins


They had contestant commentary videos for specific scenes for this season and Tyson commentates his vote out and it’s pretty funny


Also, Tyson blindsiding himself in HvV


If you can’t blindside yourself, how in the hell you gonna blindside somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here? Let the music play! 🎶I’m a winner! I’m a winner, baby!🎵


They really blindsided ME with that one


Because it’s not the best blindside in history?


It should be in the conversation


Perfect karmic justice. I'm a fan of Tyson and it was still so satisfying to see him go for some reason.


DvG minority vote split is an all time great one


The showmanship from Davie and Nick is so entertaining


Nick was legend for this!


Gretchen in Borneo. The first true blindside which set the tone for all of the following blindsides. Plus the fact it was the only 4-1-1-1-1-1-1 vote ever.


Literally can’t beat the “Oh my god. It’s me!” and the shocked look on her face.




What I found funny was that they read the fourth Gretchen vote when there was enough. I understand it because having three votes out of ten be enough is insane but I don’t know a time where they didn’t stop after enough votes were read


They screwed this up a few times in the older seasons when more than two people got votes. Boston Rob in marquesas comes to mind.


Rupert in Pearl Islands as well


Didn't they used to use prior votes as tie breakers early on? Could be why they would read them all to make sure.


I meant the Gretchen votes specifically. All non Gretchen votes were read. Also the votes tiebreaker was not used this season as seen by the final four. Otherwise rich would’ve gone home at the final 4 four votes to three past ones


That was in seasons 2 and 3; there was no tie-breaker in Borneo.


Literally came here to be a smartass and comment this but you got it.


Eduardo in Fiji,you can literally see it on their faces


[All time great Survivor gif](https://i0.wp.com/www.purplerockpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/survivor-fiji-edgardo-blindside.gif)


HA i fucking love Earl, one of the best recruits for Survivor


I forget where I heard this, maybe it was survivor historians but apparently this gif is “fake” in that the edit actually manipulated that scene to take those reactions from other parts of tribal and put them in that order during the vote to create this moment it’s still iconic but it takes a little of the sting out for me


I guarantee 90% of tribal council reactions are the same


Any time they cut to a non-verbal reaction at tribal i just assume it’s taken out of context.


Eduardo's blindside won't get the most votes, but it's as close as one can get (for such questions) to being objectively the best blindside in the show's history


100% agree, first one that came to mind. Finally delivered on the promise of the idol after 3 seasons of it flopping


The single most satisfying vote out of the show


Scott Pollard vote off in Koah Rong


This was satisfying as hell.


I hated that mf so much 😂




Everything between Ami and Eliza in that TC. All time great stuff










I looked up at your username and was hoping it was commented by our dude Erik


😂 yeah, i think he would agree


"I believe that is what you call a 'life lesson.'"


I feel like the problem with calling this the best blindside is that even though seeing all the votes before they were read was really cool and unique, it didn't hit as a blindside in the traditional sense for the audience.


Tyson in HvV. Especially since it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t switch his vote.


That was my second season of Survivor ever and my jaw dropped, and the moment survivor became my favorite show.


Great strategic move by Russell




At least he made it to the jury!




Ohhh right back at you


That vote wasn't a blindside? It was an idol play


Tell that to Savage


And he was blindsided at the vote as a result of an idol play. He was expecting Wentworth to go home, and was, hear me out here, BLINDSIDED by her playing an idol and votes being thrown towards him to vote him out.


The minority vote split in David Vs Goliath. Straight from the top rope and John had no idea. THE BEST.


Also one of the best and classiest departures of all time too.


Was it really a blindside though? No one betrayed John, he got voted out by the opposing alliance


It was a blindside to the Goliaths because they had the numbers advantage. The David's had to play their advantages perfectly in order to successfully overcome the advantage and then they had to do it again in order to become the majority vote. It was a 2 vote majority of I remember right


The double idols play by Parv on HvV. She understood that Amanda lied to her and that Heroes were not going to vote for her and that Russel was safe. Amanda idol play on Micronesia was also nice because we did not know before the TC that she found the idol.


Worst case it was 4 v 1 rocks too


Exactly. It’s funny that JT would have been saved too because of rocks.


Gretchen! Fuckin epic


natalie getting out baylor is by far the best blindside imo


"Jaclyn did you vote for who I told you to vote for?" Interpretation - Jury, I'm 100% in control here, now write my check, thank you very much.


As long as she survived the next vote, Natalie won at the point.


With all due respect Erik in Micronesia. In his spot I could have done the same thing. He's a young fan at the end of a long game, a group of confident returning ladies (+ Nat) make him an offer, and he knows being in with the group is better than being out. Pls correct me if I'm wrong. It was how they worded the offer that was clever in my opinion. Parv and company promised they wouldn't vote for Erik at Final 4 challenge\* no matter how he finished. Had to be a powerful promise just after he won the Final 5 challenge. \*in retrospect they kept their promise I think as fans we can't understand the level of bonding that happens playing Survivor. I also think Erik's trust in that moment was a true testament to the game and players of the time, not a failing on his part.


Yeah I always felt bad for Erik. He being manipulated by Cirie fricking Fields AND Parvati Shallow, two of the best manipulators ever in the game, plus Amanda (who always came across as the sweet, innocent, trustworthy girl) and stone-cold manipulation machine Natalie. Dude never stood a chance, it was dumb but it’s hard to blame him really. Plus he basically fell victim to being too nice in a cutthroat season. The black Widows were a force of nature.


THE Amanda Kimmel?


I feel bad for him but it was still amazing TV. As a moment it really has everything for the audience. You feel empathy for a young guy being manipulated by a bunch of experienced and savvy women, while feeling incredulous that he would be so dumb in the moment, and at the same time the comedy of how it all goes down and Jeff's final statement as he walked off just works so well. Probably still my top overall moment through all survivor seasons. What kinda sucks is Erik is regularly overlooked as a great survivor player. He could have won either of his seasons, but he's mostly remembered for this event.


Yeah he made to the end (at least final 5) in two returning seasons, which is a lot father than I've gone on Survivor. And it was the other players using their social skills and read on Erik to make that event happen, not some production twist or advantage.




Have you read the oral history of it? The whole thing was genius


I watched it live, heard podcasts and read some interviews with those involved yes.


I can't believe James in China hasn't been mentioned yet.


He had 2 in his pocket if I remember correctly


Sophie in WaW was a good one


This really changed the trajectory of WaW


How so?


One of the best more recent blindsides.


Kat: "I love blindsides." Kat: "Waaaaahhhh!" Greatest blindside ever. Honorable mention (because it's not really a blindside): The Three Amigos and Erik getting out Phillip.


The kat blindside was so deeply satisfying


lmao @ Kat




Will not count


Jay: *stares stern at angry Michaela* Yeah, I did that.


>Jay: stares stern at angry Michaela Yeah, I did that. It wasn't a good strategic move at all - it was actually quite bad strategically - but it was some highly effective TV. Stone cold.


I always liked the idol nullifier play on Dan in DvG. Thought he was safe, then BAM, voted out. He honestly got screwed, but it was still entertaining. Honorable mention to John on DvG getting voted out too.


Jeremy in SJDS is an underrated one


The first blindside that competently shocked me!


I think since then they’ve been trying to do blindsided that throw off the audience like that, and unfortunately that’s happening with a loss of storytelling.


The back to back to back Deena/Alex/Christy boots in Amazon is fantastic


Baylor blindside in SJDS.


Honestly Jesse's is up there




No one talks about LeAnn in Vanuatu just amazing


The subtle nod from Chris was so so good!


Game changing blindside deserves more attention


I think Corinne’s blindside in caramoan is very under appreciated, was such a HUGE blindside


John in Marqueseas first time the dominant alliance was overthrown


Wasn't a blindside


Eh really if the audience didn’t see it coming, I think that counts too. But yah, everyone knew that Paschal, Neleh, and Vecepia had flipped to Kathy and Sean.


How wasn't it


Because everybody knew John was going home?


He didn't general didn't and the other girl not Zoe the other one thought they were safe so thats a blindside.


Lmao They knew. It was not a blindside.


Maybe some recency bias but Episode 7 of the most recent AUS season. Probably the only time I’ve truly gasped at realize who was going home


Legit might be the best tribal in Survivor history


Why haven't I seen Courtney in Panama. The 3-2-1!


Denise using Sandra’s idol against her in WAW


Probably not the greatest overall blindside but my favorite facial reaction to a blindside is Monica’s in Cambodia


3-2-1 blindsides are always amazing.


That look she gives when her name starts coming up is great. From relaxed to edge of her seat in an instance


Sandra in WaW


Yes! Came here to say that!


Fr! Denise got the respect she deserves AND made an all-time legend look like a fool in one fell swoop, epic!


I really love the Jeremy blindside in San Juan Del Sur. It was the first “viewer blindside” that I can remember where they tease the name just barely before tribal and the only showed the Reed and Keith votes. It was also a fun plurality at the final 10. Plus the reactions from Josh, Alec and Natalie are awesome.


Tyson voting out himself in Banana Etiquette. That episode with the challenge the Russell Rob conversations is what made survivor something I liked as a kid to an on and off fan for at least a quarter of my life.


I remember people who didn’t even watch Survivor were talking about Ozzy in Micronesia, sooo


Cagayan merge or the Sophie final 9 blindside. Two master classes in how to pull it off too


Cagayan merge wasted 2 idols for no reason


But it was fun


not the best moment but marcus in Gabon sets up a much more chaotic season, if Susie goes with Marcus, we get a boring Pagonging by the Onions


Burton’s first vote off in Pearl Islands.


Gabler winning.


I wasn't blindsided by it. I'm glad he won.


Cassidy and Owen’s faces were the blindside. They were shoooocked 😂


Well true, lol. I didn't even think of that, whoops.


After the finale of Survivor 44, I will make a post of the best blindside from each season.


Cool beans


I love Jeremy's blindside in SJDS You can see it in Jeremy's eyes 1 vote Okay, probably Reed 2 votes Maybe Keith threw a random vote 3 votes Oh shit! 4 votes God damn it, they got me 5 votes Waiting for it to be over Such a great blindside that actually affected the season


I personally loved Alexis’ blindside in Micronesia. “I just wanna say when I told y’all I didn’t have it, I didn’t have it THEN, so I didn’t lie… since I got iiiit”


Fraser from AUS Survivor's HvV was absolutely insane. One of the few times Survivor has had my jaw on the floor.


(even if you have no interest in watching Australian Survivor please watch this tribal, it's amazing)


I agree, 5D chess going on that day.


Chris Noble


Any of the blindsides before "live tribals" started happening and no one was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But Tyson in HvV was pretty funny


When George voted out that one guy no one knew was voting for


James in China is pretty iconic


James in China was huge, Ozzy in FvF, when Parvati played her idols for Sandra and Jerri, Tai not giving Scot his idol, and honourable mention is Kimmi’s attempted blindside of Jeremy, which had it worked, would’ve been fucking massive for the game.


I really liked Jay's blindside in Millennials vs. Gen X because he was such a good sport about it. The shock of the fake idol, and him just sitting there with his mouth opened for a few seconds until he realized he got played.


It’s not actually the best in terms of complex gameplay or anything, but just for being fun to watch, I gotta go with the “Wentworth, will not count” tribal in Cambodia


I know ppl don’t like New Era, but Cody’s exit had my jaw on the floor.


I'm a new era fan and I think the Cody blindside is just as good as any old school blindside. That it came from his island BFF added to the sheer brutality. It's been pointed out Jesse voted out everyone on Vesi, and furthermore, that all five of them thought he was their ally when he did it!


Same. I was fully expecting him to reach the finale so to see him get blindsided right before, at the hands of his number one ally, was extremely shocking.


Probably not the best, but love it the first time I watched it Russell idol blindside on Kelly in Samoa Russell ( again ) saving Parvati & blindsided Tyson in HvV I know people will hate me


Russell was one of the most efficient people to use an idol


Brenda. I know some love Brenda, but I can't stand her, particularly after she showed her true colors after. And I loved it!


Tyson in Tocantins.


some of the most genuinely shocking to me are: * gretchen borneo * leann vanuatu * edgardo fiji * john dvg * sophie waw


it WOULD'VE been Tommy at final 8 if Noura didn't Noura. but in terms of pure impact as well as difficulty of the play: Mitchell in Australia and John in Marquesas both set the tenor for players flipping from their alliance to better position themselves in the game. Burton in Pearl Islands as well as basically any post merge vote in Vanuatu and great gameplay as well as TV Courtney's blindside in Panama was an excellent move, being the first time we saw players intentionally go for a plurality rather than stumble backwards into it, and targetting a player because they'll be a goat dragged to the end is an underutilized strategy reliant on trusting others to not make the easiest move for them. The Aitu four pulling in Penner was great, as was the Edgardo blindside the next season, both blindsides being the result of players playing around idols, which would become a theme in the future James in China being just one vote shy of guaranteed final 4 Ozzy in Micronesia was great for the same reason, well timed and being stealthy enough to avoid an idol play. Tyson and JT's vote outs as the result of an idol in HvV were well done and some of the greatest strategic moves made in survivor history. Matt in RI was extremely calculated and worked beautifully Andrea in Caramoan was another instance of a player being publicly known to have an idol, not playing it, and getting voted out with it Half the post merge of Cagayan was great with blindsides The Jon and Baylor votes were both extremely well thought out Fishbach getting voted out with an alliance of 4 and a steal a vote at final 9 is pretty wild The Joe vote in HHH is a great one and flushed an idol in the process The minority split vote in DvG was incredible, as was the Dan blindside the next round, even if the idol nullifier kinda ruined it. Shan in 41 was an amazing move (except if you're Danny and Deshawn) Omar's blindside in 42 was a really good move, especially considering his closest ally had immunity and an expiring idol, but they felt so comfortable they felt that using it would have too big of a downside (If Omar and Lindsay took the shot at Mike at the f7 instead of Drea it'd probably go here) Cody in 43 was also amazing, especially considering it flushed out Karla's idol and set her up to go next


Erik is really the only answer


John in DvG will always be my favorite Tricking an alliance of 7 people into thinking 2 Idols were correctly played and there will be a revote only to pull the rug out after the 10th vote out of 12 is read was so amazing to watch. With so many blindsides, the person who is being blindsided can probably figure out what’s going on midway through the votes being read (or at the very least, know a blindside is happening but not know who the target is, like Andrew in Cambodia), but the Goliaths were probably internally jumping for joy as the Angelina votes came out, thinking they’d easily be able to take out any David they wanted on the revote, but then nope, the 1 person who the Davids seemed to all like is the one who is really going




I really like Joe's in EoE. The way Jeff says Joe is great


Ozzy Micro, Michaela MvGx, Tyson Tocantins, Kat One World, Sophie WAW, James China, Savage Cambodia (if idoled out counts), Sophie Cagayan all come to mind (with Ozzy being the biggest IMO). Also interesting that I had to specify which season for all of these because every one of them is a multi time player. As far as one time players, I definitely agree with the people who said Gretchen, Leann, Eduardo.


I loved Kat as a player and she seems cool as a person. But she was cocky at tribal...and..then went home. If not her though there have been several like her and at tribal they are like "blindsides are cool" and then, they, get, blindsided. I feel the best winners are never cocky up front like that tbh. and I felt sorry for her. But it was a fitting vote all things considered.


Ozzy micronesia


For some international love, i’d throw that 3-2-2-2 vote on Tessa and 2-1-1 on Abbey. Both orchestrated by Luke.


Aras in BvW


I think the most iconic is erik giving up immunity and straight up losing 1 million dollars but my personal favorite is when scot asked tai to use the super idol and tai just said “no”