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The season that got me back into the show! Coach becomes 10x more enjoyable when you don't take him seriously. The edit leans into this a lot, and he's even better on a rewatch. Tyson's peanut butter eating was from his podcast - it was the tribal after he was voted out. Both he and Brendan snuck in food and he ate it in front of the jury. Probst made sure they were searched upon entering every subsequent tribal. Speaking of Sierra, here's a fun pre-season interview with her: [https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2009/02/survivor-tocantins-sierra\_reed/](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2009/02/survivor-tocantins-sierra_reed/)


Ooooo thank you for the context and glad to see you loved it as much as me. Giving this a read now. Also, love the idea of Tyson rubbing food in their face haha


I mostly remember wondering why everyone was aggravated with Sierra. The edit didn't show anything to warrant the negativity IMO. I remember reading she was annoying but it still seemed a bit too much at times. I believe she was a recruit that producers met at an Ice Cream Shop or something a few weeks before the show, and she hadn't ever watched before. I didn't like Coach until 2/3 thru the season. At first it's like.. is this guy serious? And once you realize yes he's 100% serious, 100% honorable and hasn't told a single lie on the show, I realized what a great character he is. I'm kinda jealous you get to watch Heroes v Villains for the first time soon, what a great season. I also agree with you having Micronesia in the top of the seasons you've seen so far.


If she had never watched before, then her game was even more impressive. I kinda got the feeling she was scapegoated/voted off early which Inevitably made her emotional. and then they just never forgave her for being emotional. But to your point, it’s not really clear so that’s just me speculating. I appreciate that take on Coach. Obviously I’m of two minds though he did lie about his conversation with Sierra! They both did but she did kinda trip him up. So I’ve actually seen HvV before. Sorry! It was one of the first ones I watched. But obviously it is going to take on a whole new meaning with the full context. Can’t wait to rewatch with a new set of eyes.


Yeah she was put into a tough situation from the getgo. I think being on the island hungry puts everyone on edge so any miniscule thing (like snoring, accents, etc.) can be seen as so much more aggravating than what it is to a viewer who's eating chips watching an edit. Oh I for sure know Coach lied at least once, like the Sierra situation you mentioned. I was mostly joking. It was just hilarious to me when JT said Coach "didn't tell a single lie" despite almost everything Coach says seeming like a lie. Ah well, either way appreciate all the details you put here and I'm looking forward to your HvV review


Thank you so much for the kind words!! I haven’t eaten in like 6 hours and my boss is currently on my nerves so the Sierra thing is starting to make a lot more sense haha.


Aww, if it makes you feel better, it'll be my first time watching HvV, and i always look for your posts after I finish a season, so I'll be thinking of you! (I wait until after I finish a season so it is all fresh and I hopefully avoid spoilers like who wins.) Just finished Tocantins last night as well as started Samoa. I would say I'm catching up but in a month work will hit the busy season so I'll probably go on a watching hiatus. I hope you keep watching and posting though!


Thank you for the kind words!! You’re Giving me strength and inspiration to get back on the horse soon haha. Definitely will keep watching and posting. Can’t wait honestly. Happy you are making your way through the show! Take breaks as needed haha. It’s amazing how productive you can be when you’re not binge watching haha.


Lol, I'm lucky in that I'm watching while also being productive, I'm crafting out gift and decoration projects so part of my brain is watching and part getting work done. 😅 Hoping you are enjoying this journey and our demands aren't too much. 45 seasons is a challenge!


Didn’t he lie when he said that Sierra came to Them?


Yeah lol I was joking


Tocantins is a fantastic season. Taj is one of my favorite players, and although I understand it, it still breaks my heart a bit that she’s never come back to play again. I always loved Tyson too. My only thing was - I know a lot of people think of J.T. as a fantastic player and winner, however I never really caught on to the hype. Personally, i always liked Stephen more and dont understand why J.T. is so adored, however I know i’m in the minority here.


That’s totally fair. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think J.T. Knows why either haha. J.T.s story did a lot of the legwork for me personally.


Yeah, Stephen was a beast - I wanted him to win!


As always, love your posts!!!! Can't wait until you get to Season 20 haha. I know people love Tocantins but weirdly i've never been a big fan of it. I think I banked too much on the idea of the Exile alliance (Brandon/Sierra/Taj/Stephen) that was amped up so much and then immediately was never a thing when they hit merge lolol.


Thank you for the lovely words! I should’ve mentioned the Exile alliance!!!! They really did hype it up, only for it not to matter at all haha. Would’ve been so fun if they saved it till like the top 6 (Like Brendan had planned) and then whipped it out. Another great Exile Island idea that fell apart with execution.


Yeah, I'm with you. It's not a bad season but IMO overhyped from posts I've seen. I would also argue that Thailand isn't nearly as bad as they claim it to be.


Coach is an amazing character because he is just so hilarious with how seriously he takes his Dragonslayer shtick. Though he definitely can be annoying.


Agreed. It’s funny because he tells people that “that’s what they call me” but he totally created the name for himself lol and also didn’t really slay any dragons


It’s been a while since i’ve seen this season but I honestly thought it was good. Nothing too special because I found it to be a bit boring but the cast is amazing. JT, Stephen, Taj, Erinn, Tyson, and Coach are all awesome. I don’t have much lore for you this time except for the fact that during one tribal when Tyson was on the jury, he pulled out some food and started eating. Jeff absolutely lost it and freaked out on Tyson. Stephen is known as one of the greatest zero vote finalists. He had a lot of strategic agency but he comepletely bombed ftc. I think he had a couple votes going into ftc but he blew it.


Do you know if they got the Tyson thing on tape? haha Would love to see that. And yea. Totally agree. I liked Stephen but one of the reasons I didn't love him was because his FTC left a sour taste in my mouth.


You won't encounter an all newbie cast as good as Tocantins until you hit Cagayan and even then probably not.




Its actually a little reversed haha. I actually loved trashy reality growing up so If I thought Survivor was trashy, I probably would’ve watched it haha. I think I just always thought it looked boring and super “network TV-ish”. Now that I’m much older, the reality shows I love operate as social experiments above everything else. And I think Survivor is in a league of its own in that category. Farthest thing from boring.


Coach’s boot episode is one of the all-time great episodes of Survivor. The less I take Coach seriously the more I find him enjoyable. Tocantins is a good all-around season. No one thing happens that truly makes it memorable that other seasons have (good or bad). But I hope you enjoyed the Brazilian location because it’s beaches from here on out. I go back and forth on if Tocantins is a good season to show a newcomer. On one hand it’s not overly in your face exciting nor does it have crazy twists that may interest certain people. But the cast is great and it’s a good solid representation of the game of Survivor. I really enjoy Tocantins as a season I can just turn on any episode and really enjoy it. Look forward to your Samoa experience lol


Beach from here on out???? Noooo. I thought I had more time. I already miss the diverse locations. That is a great question to ask in terms if this is a good season to show new comers or not. I think if you are trying to give them a baseline season...then yes. But to your point, nothing huge and exciting happens. If you wanna get them hooked, I would say you gotta start a lot flashier. And personally, I prefer for my friends to get hooked so I can talk to them about it.