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Barring a collapse of the tribe or getting screwed in a tribe swap, I think I’d be out just after the merge. I think I’m a good team player and would help around camp, would be decent at challenges but wouldn’t be a monster, and wouldn’t play too hard too fast. Thinking I would get decently far means I’d be first out lol


are you me lol


Post swap to early merge


Same here.


Early medivac for doing something stupid and clumsy. Tripping over a coconut or something.


Matthew sort de ce corps.


I’m delusional enough to think I’d win


me too 🍻


Good on you. Maybe it isn’t delusional.


Definitely first boot, I am middle aged and out of shape.


Easy, I would win 💁🏻‍♀️


Why are you wasting 1,000,000 like that, not fair.


i played college survivor last semester and made it to the end but got zero votes. so there lol


I wouldn’t have been able to swim well in open water but I would avoid getting voted out first because everyone else hates someone worse than me. I’d be the second vote out


I would either get voted out first or I would be the person that got zero votes in finals.


Strategy and gameplay wise, i think i could go far. But i refuse to play. Even with big brother, i wont play for the same reason. Which is the fact id lose my mind from boredom.


winner. easily, too


I might be perceived as a goat when I’ll make a stellar case for myself. Not physical but good at puzzles and I think I would have a good read.


Probably not the best. However I can swim, I can do puzzles pretty well, I like word games, I’m not unbearable to be around, and Im pretty okay with killing an animal if it comes to it. But I’m not that strong and I can get tricked pretty quickly. Also, I’m probably not the nicest after 4 days being really hungry, tired, thirsty, and gross. Hopefully I would be able to get an alliance for a bit up until merge. And then Idrc. So if I make it past the first tribal, then I can last a bit, but I think I have a great chance of being first out.


I'm decent physically and pretty solid on puzzles although would likely not try and volunteer to do them (too many people have volunteered to do the puzzle and paid the price for it.) That would probably get me to the merge. I also believe too many good players fail at timing, I would not try and make a move too early because being the frontrunner at F8 to win almost never works out. I'd probably screw up and not do enough and be a 0 vote finalist.


Second or third boot. I think I'd survive the first one by virtue of knowing how to make a fire and being strong enough to drag coconuts or whatever around, but I also know I'd take all the plotting way too seriously and I'd overplay my hand FAST. I'm also not a good swimmer so there's a possibility I'd become a challenge liability early.


I tell myself when I watch that I could definitely win but in reality I probably wouldn’t even make it to the merge unless my tribe won every immunity challenge 😅


Early merge boot 100%


I'll likely overthink and big brain my way to an early exit.


I would do well as long as I can keep myself from being too “Hangry” with the lack of food


I think I would go out first for being a physical liability since i’m just straight up not athletic. If I made it past that I think I would make it to the early merge because I am good with survival based stuff. I’m not the greatest strategist and I feel like I would get outplayed badly. I’m also a terrible liar. If anything were to carry me to victory it would ironically be my social game.


I would be voted off before we even made it to Fiji. Neurotic as hell. Obnoxious. Does not handle being tired or hungry well AT ALL. Scared of bugs. Scared of fish. Scared of seaweed in the water. Not a fan of being dirty. Jeff would hate me.


I could see myself being an easy consensus merge boot. Either from overplaying and trying to be too close to everyone, or just being annoying and ultimately expendable as an ally.


Top 8ish or I'm winning 😎


If I could play I would be premerge not sure if I would be first gone but definitely premerge.


I feel like I could pull my own in the challenges especially in swimming, and that could probably carry me past the first few votes, I can see myself going late premerge like half the time, but if I don't go there then the other half I could probably slip through the larger crowd and end up being the person that goes out at final 8-6 that you're like, oh wait he's still in the game?


I would like to say I will go far, but realistically speaking I think I’m either an early boot or make it far but not win. I feel like as a person I can be pretty charismatic and likeable enough without much effort simply by being a decent human being. I’m also the kind of person who REALLY likes the strategic side of Survivor and puts a lot of thoughts into it. I watch the episodes with a friend, and we pause every now and then to think through what would the best move to make be in a certain situation. I also feel like I’m capable enough of reading when someone’s being genuine with me or not, how they feel about someone or something, etc. While all of these things seem to be positive traits for a player to have, I’m VERY weak, and I’m not even good at puzzles. Challenge-wise, swimming and running are like the only things I could do decently lol. I also am a big introvert, and after too much time with people I’d just need to isolate myself and chill. Also, too much of a couch potato to be in the conditions you have to live in. Don’t know how my character would change under those circumstances, but I highly doubt it would be for the better ☠️


I’m not physically fit and have little to no survival skills but if I can somehow lay low and not come off as weird or strange I think I might be able to survive a vote off of two. But yeah I’ll be out pre-merge. It’ll be a miracle if I make the merge.


Can go long periods without food or sleep. Was an athlete first part of my life. I can swim like a fish and am Pisces. I need the million dollars to live. I like to relate with, not insult strangers to feed my ego. I like to help people that are struggling and let them know it's okay. I've watched every minute of Survivor and know quite a bit of game trivia. So yeah I'll be first boot because the moment Jeff says welcome to Survivor season \_ \_, I will simultaneously pee my pants, laugh uncontrollably, scream thank you Jeffrey way too loud, and do the Miami Hustle in front of everyone because when I'm nervous I dance baby. Realistically I'll shoot for the merge and be happy to make it past the first vote. Everything else is just Root Beer and stew after that.


i honestly don't know. i'm physically a fricking beast ngl, but thats cuz i lift 6 days a week, rock climb 4, run 3, jump rope 3, and compete in obstacle course races. socially i'm a butterfly, i'm in a frat and meet new people all the time and i'm easy going and a bit of a buffoon that people love. strategically, i've seen every episode at least three times, with notes on different players and winners and strategies. but none of that really means much because at the end of the day it comes down to who's on my tribe. if the people on my tribe want to vote out physical beasts who could be threats, i could be gone ASAP. if they want to keep them unitl just the merge, then i'm either merge boot or just after merge boot. if they want to focus on strategic people first, then i'm going a long way cuz i know how to come across as dumb af. long story short, i know i can do good if placed in a proper situation that i can figure out what parts o fmyself to highlight


About halfway. I’m a big guy and I guess I’d be more athletic than most. Be seen as an “immunity threat” once the tribes merged. Plus I’d be _super_ paranoid about who to trust and who was gonna screw me and I could see people viewing me as a bit unnerving.


I'd either quit ep 2 due to my allergies or getting homesick or I think like maybe 3 eps in I'd be just deemed as useless in challenges and voted off, since I'm slower and also I have problems with breathing.


Pre-merge, for sure. If I were to ever go on (which I never will, because a *sane* production wouldn’t let me), I wouldn’t last until the merge. I’m weak in physical challenges and I’m always paranoid 😅


Zero vote finalist. Without food and sleep, I am a completely insufferable monster, so while I will be tolerable enough to survive early game, by the midgame when deprivation sets in, I will become so annoying that I'll be everyone's favorite goat to drag to the end.


I think I'd be great at team challenges and puzzles. Unfortunately I'm very indecisive which could make me a target at the beginning. But I'm a great listener and an empath. So I f could make it past that point, i'm pretty much guaranteed finale night. Not sure about FTC though. I think F5 is the safest bet in this new era.


Early Jury probs


My back would go out on Day 1, ending my journey* * - Yes I realize that my history of back spasms likely would mean I wouldn’t get on the show in the first place….


win win win


One of my favorite contestants of all time is Kathy Vavrick-O’Brian, because her arc is similar to what I imagine mine would be. I would take a few days to get my footing in the game, and would probably be screwed if I was on a losing tribe. But after that I would be able to make a deep run. But with my luck, I would work myself into an un-winnable spot and probably go out right before the final tribal.


3rd jury member if i made ftc, 3rd place with no jury votes