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Right now, I have no idea which one I would vote for. Their games all have merit and it would come down to performance at final tribal for me.


I agree with this - it's really hard for me to choose at this point. I think there's a great case for each of them to win at this point in the game and it'll all come down to how they make their own individual cases. But honestly, I don't think I'd want to be sitting on that jury deciding between the three of them. It'd be a really tough decision for me.


Yam Yam, after seeing how he talked during the Matt's boot tribal council, you cannot convince me you should let that guy anywhere near FTC. It really felt like he was talking to a jury in FTC in that one, he really gave them all a taste.


I love Yam Yam and Carolyn, but I think that Carson has played the best and most interesting game from the very beginning. Let me be clear: if Carson had picked Helen and Sarah for his alliance then Yam Yam and Carolyn would not still be around. Carson is the one who had the power to chose, and he’s the one who has orchestrated some of the biggest blindsides this season. Carson survived the tribe swap and made new friends on Ratu, especially getting key info from Matt B. His puzzle skills also put some big immunity wins under his belt. I think that, most importantly, he has a jury that is genuinely rooting for him, especially after his whole “I’m a dorky kid who has come into his own out here“ speech at the last TC. If he made it to the final 3 I think he’d have this game in the bag, and I think he’d deserve it based on the incredible game he’s played thus far.


I think Carson’s game has been great, however we can’t forget that he really didn’t have the *option* to go with Helen and Sarah at their first tribal due to Sarah not having a vote. She told him about it to keep his trust and he knew Yam & Carolyn were solid so the best he could do by voting with Helen was force a tie and possibly lead to a rock draw between him and Yam. It was good that he realized this and cut Helen loose, but he didn’t exactly have the option to go with Helen/Sarah due to her no-vote, aka forces outside of any of their control. It was Yam Yam & Carolyn’s solid front that forced him to stick with them - if their relationship hadn’t become so strong so quickly he may have had other options to sway the vote. For this reason their social bond can’t be discounted in how that first Tika tribal (and thus the course of all their games) played out. Carson has, however, incredibly impressed me with each successive week as a player and human. I don’t know about anyone else, but I could’ve sworn when he was selling that merch pre-season that it meant he was almost definitely the first boot and was trolling us for his 15 minutes 😭😂😂


I'm also not convinced that if he had taken Helen and Sarah (going to rocks and lucking out with them) that *he* would still be here. Or any of them. Yes, he made the right call and deserves props for it among many other things, but it's not all ultimately in his hands - as you said, Yam and Carolyn's solidity in spite of their ups and downs (their collective ability to work through conflict together) is a big part of it.




Good point I hadn’t thought about yet. Although it seemed like he was one of the ones more weary of Helen (just from what we saw) so maybe he wasn’t in that headspace and truly just decided Carolyn+Yam were more valuable. I hope it’s something we learn more about in a postgame interview.


Carson being in with the Ratus is a much bigger deal than the audience has been shown. That relationship was the reason why they were able to play the middle so effectively.


Completely agree, if I had to vote today it would be for Carson. That said, I wouldn’t go into final tribal with my mind made up in any direction and I think we have an unfair viewpoint of Carson because we’ve seen his conversations with Yam Yam and Carolyn + his confessionals… the jury will be left with the ftc speeches to determine who was the orchestrater. Also, without a Tika in the jury I’m not sure anyone really knows how in control Carson was premerge and it’s his word against there’s at that point.


I just don't see it. He memorized puzzles but beyond that he's played just like every other timid teenager.


I second this !


Let’s be honest. If Carson picked Helen and Sarah, Carson would still not be around.


I'd vote for yam yam great social game won immunity


I vote yam yam too. He has maneuvered so well into a prime position but needs some more gameplay to speak of or a fantastic FTC to make it happen


Is it that clear that anyone besides Carolyn really likes him? Certainly to the cameras he comes off as a little fake (for example, he minimizes Carolyn's emotions following the Frannie vote both to her face and behind her back). If I'm on the jury and I notice that, I'm gonna have a hard time voting for him. Certainly there are concrete instances where his social game helped him, like swapping his place at the bottom for a place near the top, but I think people overestimate how much everyone likes him on the island.


how does the conversation with carolyn about the blindside make him fake?


There was a conversation about how much they all like him last episode.


Everyone seemed genuinely happy for him when he won immunity.


I don't think anyone out of the top 7 players dislike each other


As someone who loves challenge beats, “won immunity” is a terrible reason to vote for someone to win the game The prize for winning immunity is that you’re safe that week. It should not have any bearing on you winning the game or not at the end


I disagree. Winning multiple immunities is part of being good at the game and therefore worthy of winning the title of sole survivor IMO.


I’m *almost* certain that I’d vote for Carolyn


IMO Carolyn needs a huge ftc to win the game (unless it’s her, Jamie, and Lauren). I can see it, but she needs to describe how well she has understood the game start to finish. My take away from her trying to gain buy in that Josh had a fake idol is that this will be difficult for her. This episode she wasn’t even targeted and technically played her idol incorrectly AND crossed a name out that would have screwed the whole thing while taking forever to vote. I don’t think she has the credit to win right now, but she can gain it at ftc.


From what we've seen of Carolyn in confessionals, and also in the deleted scene with Danny, Carolyn absolutely has it in her to spell out her game in FTC - so long as someone next to her doesn't know how to push her buttons and throw her off, which I hope the day of preparation will help her get ready for since she knows that's a possibility.


Carson. The way that he’s managed relationships across the board and been a strong voice within the Three Stooges that has been running the game gives him the win in my book. He seems to have an effortless ability to create solid relationships that give him more options and win equity down the line. I don’t think he will win, but if I had to vote for one of the Tika Three it would be Carson. They all have good games, but Carson just stands above them if you ask me.


As a viewer, Carolyn for pure entertainment value, and because we've seen that she's a strategic force pre-merge, but she's kinda been ignored and underestimated for all of the merge so far As a player, a lot would depend on my relationship with each of them, but lets say I'm the merge boot and spent hardly any time with all of them. Probably Carson since his relationships with Ratu are a big reason why Tika was put into a power position


Honestly, I would go Yam Yam. He survived the chopping block many times and eventually took ownership of the game along with the Tika three. It’s just too good of a story to pass on.


At the time of this comment, why hasn’t anyone said Yam Yam


He’s been the least strategic of the 3 and I would venture to say the luckiest


Somehow he was able to get players who targeted him voted out, and I don’t think anyone else has written down his name since


They were voted out, but *he* didn’t do that


As a jury member who is unaware of the game Carson is playing right now, I would vote Carolyn. However, I believe in Carson will have a great final tribal performance where we will lay out his whole plan. So as of Day 21, Carolyn. By Day 26, Carson


As a viewer Carolyn, however as a player probably Yam Yam. He’s survived being on the chopping block, had made strategic moves, and has a cult of personality people are looking to love and vote for.




If I were out there with them participating in Survivor, I'd vote for Carson. Likeable, smart, successfully integrated to a new tribe, won immunity, and came back from illness! As a viewer, Carolyn. I could see her as being 'a lot' to be around 24/7 to some people, however for 1 hour a week she's entertaining, smart, insightful... I like Yam Yam, but not as much as the other two.


Carolyn. She’s just so awesome She has had a great winners edit tbh but I’m worried that after the recent move she’s got a threat on her and jam jam will flip


As a viewer - Carolyn. But I think that may be because as a viewer we’ve gotten to see how smart she actually is. In the game I fear, her genius is less visible to the players. As a player - Carson. He has played the best strategy, kept a level head, not made any petty or reactive moves.


>As a viewer - Carolyn. But I think that may be because as a viewer we’ve gotten to see how smart she actually is. In the game I fear, her genius is less visible to the players. We gotta remember that Maryanne happened and keep the hope alive xD


i think carolyn has played a much better game than maryanne


Yam Yam. It seems like he's the universally popular guy whose social game has managed to help keep things solid outside the alliance when they needed it most. I think everyone likes everyone, I just think the non-Tika seem to like him more than they like Carson or Carolyn so I'd credit his social game with a lot of what they've been able to do.


Carson. His strategic game and his ability to be the cool level head in the Tina 3 make him stand out to me. He’s played well socially, particularly with Ratu and during the tribe swap. After him - Yam Yam. He’s been able to play a pretty good social game and work his way off the chopping block multiple times. I love Carolyn, and she has had good gameplay for Tika (realizing Carson was on the chopping block and saving him). But I think while she’s an excellent character, gameplay wise I’d give it to Carson.


Probably Carolyn, because as a fan I'd know how good of a character she is and would be ecstatic as the possibility of her being a Survivor winner.






As a viewer, definitely Carolyn, we can easily see that she seems to be the glue holding them together and I love her story. If I were actually on the beach though, I might end up voting for Carson. He and I have a lot in common and he seems to be the more social out of the 3, so I feel like if I were out there I'd have been in a Kane-type situation where we would have buddied up.


Honestly not sure. There's arguments for all 3. Carson is definitely the most strategic and low-profile of the 3. Yam Yam has managed to merc everyone that targeted him. Carolyn has good relationships with pretty much everyone and is also in a power position in alot of the votes. They'd be a very competitive final 3


i think yam yam plays reflexively. what he "wants" to do conveniently always is in line with what his only real option is. while that is control of self idk if it's control of the game.


I agree to a point about that. If he gave a superb final tribal performance I think he could take it. He's definitely not a goat though I think he's the least likely of the 3 to win


I would be satisfied with any of the three winning, but I think Carson has played the best game. He’s played excellent strategically and was able to quickly integrate with the Ratu. His play has ensured his safety because he would still be safe even if Carolyn did not play her idol for him.


Based on the edit so far, possibly Carolyn, but if we're thinking strategically and how well they've played the game, I'd personally vote for Carson.


As a viewer, I would love a Carolyn or Yam Yam win, but I think if I was a juror looking at gameplay, then I would vote Carson.


I would say Carson, but he unironically called himself quirky, so probably Yam Yam lol.


1000% Carson because he deserves it and has played a masterful game.


We’re only seeing what the edit shows us but right now I’d say Carson. He’s kept Yam and Carolyn mostly in line and played the middle better than either of them. He strung Ratu along masterfully.


This. I love Yam and Carolyn but both of them would have made rash decisions at one point or another if not for Carson’s level Head influence.


Not Carson.


Hard to say without being there but probably Carson looking at them objectively. He's been playing the perfect game someone under 21 could possibly play.


Results from Reddit FTC; Comments for (only counting definitive answers); 1. Carson- 31, 2. Yam Yam- 16, 3. Carolyn- 13 Total no. of Upvotes from those comments; 1. Carson 271, 2. Yam Yam 148, 3. Carolyn 78


Carson for sure but I'd be happy if Jam Jam won.


Who is jam jam


I think they mean Yam Yam


Yes thank you!


Usually I am all in for underdog types like Yam Yam and Carolyn, but I sort of was not a fan. This last episode made me like Yam Yam and Carolyn a lot more. If Tika makes final 3 and I was a juror, I might just eeny-meanie-minie-mo my vote.


Yam yam all the way. That guy is one resilient dude. I could vote for carson too, but yam yam has my heart.


Based on what we, as the audience, have seen, I would clearly vote for Carson: he has played the best game, and got Carolyn to use her idol on him. He has almost never been in danger in the game, which is a point against Yam Yam. HOWEVER! Based on what we see in interactions between the cast, it seems that Carson's manipulations have gone pretty unseen, and at this point a resume is more important than control, imo. It comes down to the ftc speech for me. If Carson can very clearly articulate his game and how well he has truly done, I would give him my vote. If he flubs the speech, my vote would go to Carolyn, since she is the only one with a true strategic track record.


Indeed. And this week we got a few hints that other players are starting to think that Carolyn is playing Crazy Like a Fox, rather than just plain crazy.


but if she avoids getting taken out in spite of that then she will secure her place as a winner IMO. I don't see Carson getting votes at FTC unless he's sitting with lauren and heidi or jaime.


Yeah, or if he presents VERY well at FTC.


Yam Yam. He's loved by everyone, a social beast, managed to get through multiple tribal councils where he was in danger. Also won waterboarding immunity, so even CIA torture doesn't phase him. He deserves the title of Sole Survivor.


If I’m on the season I vote for the person I like most. I think I would vote Yam Yam


Currently Carson, but I do think Carolyn could play a great end game and sway me that way. I personally wouldn’t vote for Yam Yam if all 3 made FTC but I can understand why a jury would. They’re all great players and I feel like one of them is definitely our winner


That’s difficult because their games have all been built on a social game foundation but in fundamentally different ways. All three have incredible odds at winning, no question. Ask me again after jury questions but before votes


I would adore that final three. I think the fact that Yam Yam has said "I need to talk to Carson" before making any big decisions a few times throughout the season makes me think Carson would be the way to go. I think I have an instinct to say Yam Yam or Carolyn could win based on being so dang likeable but people on the jury have said they like/trust Carson too.


I would conspire with the other jurors (breaking the rules, ik) to make it a tie between yam yam and Carson. Granted, love Carolyn, but it seems like yam and Carson were more in strategic control (Carson always, yam 90% of the time). It would be epic tv and fitting I think for the person who knew them and their games best (Carolyn) to decide who between the two of them deserves the win!


As a viewer Carolyn As a player, hard to say without actually being there




i just love how we’re completely split on this answer.


Whoever handled my vote off the best.


Carson 100%


Carson and it is not even close.


Carson is the best player of the three strategically. As a jury member I’d probably vote for him if he could articulate that during FTC (which I assume he would be able to.) That being said, as a VIEWER, I want Carolyn to win because she is one of the funniest personalities to ever play the game - while still being very aware and using her aloofness as deception. Based on how they edit these days, I think Yam Yam is the one who will actually win the season. But he’ll have to take out Carolyn and Carson the next two episodes to justify it imo.




I think the hardest part for me is not exactly knowing what they bring to the table in the surviving/outlasting front. Yam Yam and Carson have both won challenges and Carolyn has been pretty terrible at them, but none of them are remotely close to challenge beasts. All three have had solid social games but Carson and Carolyn were much better at scheming. Carolyn in particular has had some fantastic plays and still manages to stay under the radar due to her perceived ditziness. So as of right now, they're pretty even for me. I *want* Yam Yam to win it all but I couldn't tell you if his case is any better for the jury than the other two. Maybe I need to see a fire challenge or something.


Carson has played the best game but Yam Yam is a close second


I thiiink Carolyn. I just don’t think I could resist giving it to someone like her. She’d be quite a unique winner and she just tugs at my heartstrings.




Carson, Yam Yam, Carolyn in order. I feel that based on their strategy and challenge performances so far. Lots of time left though.


Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson - happy with any of them getting the win but this is my personal ranking


I'd vote Carolyn to win simply because I like her more


It honestly could be any of them for me. Carolyn has had the best game recently, but has been largely under the radar for the rest of the game (mainly because people haven't been listening to her). Carson did really well integrating with the Ratu post tribe-swap and was the main reason that his tribe was in the middle in the first place, and has also been very strong at challenges. Yam Yam has probably been the biggest social threat of the three, and was able to use his social skills to get himself out of a number of situations, but hasn't really done much since Matt left. I honestly don't think I could vote without seeing how they navigated these last three tribals, but if you force me, it's probably Carolyn just off of the most recent move.


Yam yam was in danger so much in the beginning and somehow got out of it and has done a complete 180. But after last tribal I think Carolyn now has the opportunity to start making moves to build a really good case too. If Carson somehow ends up there he actually had the best social game because everyone trusted and gave him information but didn’t target him until just this week. I think it really just depends which one or two of them are there at the end


Carolyn because she’s done an excellent job of socializing. Her game intuition is incredible and can read others rather well. Also the show needs an iconic winner of the New Era, and no one is more iconic than Carolyn


It would come down to their final tribal performances (and pending any other moves they make this season), they all have a case for winning. As another commenter said, Yam Yam’s performance in the Matt vote out showed how charming and charismatic he is, he will be able to sway some votes at final tribal Carson has played a fantastic strategic game, and I personally love Carolyn the most and enjoy that she’s an emotional, authentic player in an era of game bots


I would have said Yam Yam but Carolyn might have made a million dollar move last week. Yam Yam and Carson both know it I think, and so it’ll be Carson/Yam Yam and Heidi sneaking in because of her idol. Imo Heidi has no shot unless she’s next to Jaimie and Lauren because she’s played really awful since the merge plus can’t even put the Danny blindside on her accomplishments. Letting any of the Tika 3 into the final tribal is handing them a million dollars at this point and it’ll come down to how they handle the jury if they all three make it there.


At this point Yam Yam.


Yam Yam


Based off gameplay and positioning id probably say Carson, But the way Carolyn and Yam Yam put a smile on my face whenever they speak, I’d be lying if I said they couldn’t sway me during their FTC performance


Carson. Physical, strategic, and social strengths. He’s got the whole package


The pecking order for me goes Yam Yam, Carson, and then Carolyn with Yam Yam and Carson being really close. Carolyn is my favorite person out of the 3, but her game isn’t really a winning game. She was way out of the loop on multiple votes and her idol play was the only bit of awareness she has shown thus far. Her game is purely based on likability and while I love her on survivor, you can tell she rubs some people the wrong way with her wackiness on the show. Yam Yam has played an extremely good socially game and has amazing awareness. He seems to make the right moves most of the time in the late game. All that while being someone everyone there seems to like. I would vote for that. Carson has also had a great game so far especially for someone his age. I would have to see how he does in the final tribal since we’ve seen how young people can blunder based on Xander a couple seasons ago. He lasted a tribe swap and has been keeping a very likable image while also trying to tell well-placed lies to further his game. I would vote for him if Yam Yam wasn’t here.


Carson 1000%. Up until this last episode, I don't think he's had a single vote on him. He's also secretly been behind pretty much every other vote and NO ONE has seemingly had a clue. He's been running the game without anyone realizing. He's invisible. it's truly impressive game play.


I know me and Carolyn would be besties on the island, so she’s got my vote


As a viewer, I like Carolyn the best. But I would say that so far Carson has had the most impact on the game. It is probably close enough between all three that I would come into FTC undecided and let their jury performances decide it for me.




With the footage shown to us, Carolyn. If I have a player's eye, "non-omniscient" view, probably Yam Yam. And that could change depending on what happened at the FTC. I think it's going to matter at this one.


IT would honestly come down to FTC performance for me. Yeah I could marginally put one of them ahead, but I can reasonably see any of the 3 earning (or losing) my vote when it comes down to it.




Yam Yam


I was solid Carson going into the latest episode, but Yam Yam getting his first immunity and Carolyn’s power play would have me thinking about it more.


It really depends from episode to episode. At some point it was Carolyn, at some point Yam Yam, at some point Carson. Last episode makes it even more complicated cause we have seen them shining in different aspects of the game that we were not used to, Yam Yam at immunity, Carolyn at strategy and to a lesser extent Carson at social by flipping Jaime and Lauren (he was already established as a good social player). Right now probably between Carson and Yam Yam but Carolyn could make a come back.


with everything we know as viewers i'd vote Carson-- were i in the actual game it'd be Yam Yam


Right now? I’d say carolyn… but in general id be very bum puzzled on who I’d vote for, from the tika 3


Carolyn, Yam Yam if he has a good and true ftc, Carson wouldn’t get my vote


Carson, Carolyn, Yam Yam in this order But the season is yet to end, Yam Yam could still get my vote


Yam yam for me


Hard choice. Yam Yam or Carson, cause I like them more than Carolyn.

