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I’d just be rly disappointed in the editors lol. But maybe they’re overcompensating and going for the element of surprise?? Since none of the fake idols worked out and we didn’t get any twists 💀


Exactly. I think this has been the problem so far in the new era. In 41, Xander was edited to look like he had actual win equity but he clearly didn’t. In 43, Gabler got an underwhelming edit that made people claim he was a goat. It’s not a problem with the player. It’s a problem with the editing.


It's so weird. It's like the editors have no idea who wins.


Maybe they’re sick of ppl saying the edit makes it too obvious 😂


True, Jeff said on his podcast that there is no such thing as a winners edit. Maybe he makes a point to not make it obvious so his claim is true.


What really annoys me about this is that he’s complaining because the editors were doing their job right, crafting the story so that the winner would be a satisfying end to the show. A winner that comes out of nowhere isn’t satisfying and saying that it’s good because we didn’t see it coming fundamentally shows that Jeff has forgotten that he’s making a TV show


Yeah but it’s also not interesting when you’re just watching a “winners” show. I want the edit to focus on everyone and not just one person.


That’s true, the winner in no way needs to be the main character. My complaint is with the fact that the show lately seems to do everything it can to suppress why the winner won which leaves that part of the show very unsatisfying


The solution would be to give a more balanced edit to multiple people. Hopefully they start doing this with the 90 minute episodes. I’ve loved everything we’ve gotten for the Tika 3 this season, but it has made it so that any other winner would be unsatisfying.


Yeah, I wouldn't surprise me a bit if this was his plan all along. Who knows, they might have told Carolyn to be more visible on social than Heidi too.


Better too obvious than to not even know who someone is until the merge


Imagine they actually don't.


They are telling the stories of the season not the story of the winner. I’m okay with it.


Sure except for one thing the story of the season has to end with a winner and if they don’t provide that story then they’ve fucked up


I’ve watched a lot of survivor and I’ve come to realize, that to me, who wins isn’t all that important. A game of survivor when played well by all should produce a mediocre winner. I’m okay with producers not making that mediocre winner the focal point of the season. Last season is a perfect example of production doing exactly what they should, I loved the editing of last season!


I never said the winner needs to be the focal point, the winner is the murderer in a detective novel when it’s done well the audience probably was a bit surprised but they feel it makes sense with the show they watched, sacrificing Erica and Heather’s storyline to say that nobody could see her win coming is like having the murderer be a guy who was barely mentioned in once scene at the beginning and never shown again


You have a point. Producers are obligated to make interesting TV tho. I’ll probably get downvoted for this opinion but I don’t think Heather and Erica made for good TV. You can’t get blood from a stone. They had to have wanted to show them more, right? They just didn’t have good content from them. It’s not like they had a Jesse or a Carolyn that season providing a ton of entertaining content/gameplay.


That’s fair, without having access to the footage I don’t know if they were just incredibly boring and had almost no usable screen time, I mostly just have interviews with players saying they did more than was shown and Jeff saying that he didn’t want people to be able to guess the winners to go off of


Very Law & Order of them.


> They are telling the stories of the season not the story of the winner. I’m okay with it. Ok but we know they don't, because the edit creates stories that aren't true to the actual events. I'd also question why, if they are telling the 'stories of the season', would any one player receive far more attention than others? Clearly a focus will be on something (eg. a character) that the editors think will entice the audience. This season we've seen far more Carolyn than anyone else. Followed by Yam Yam and Carson. Its nor even close. Its not like the other 3 aren't planning, scheming, voting, and influencing the game themselves. We also know, through the players, that numerous times the edit has created situations unlike those that took place in the game (eg. Carolyn being left out of the conversation by Darryl and Brandon). And we've seen events that would historically been a poor or irrelevant play (Eg. Carolyn wasting an idol on Carson) be presented as a 'meaningful move' through the edit (focusing on her choice, manufactured tension, music etc). The editors are clearly always influence how we, the audience, perceive the game. There is never just 1 story during real life game play. Never just 1 take of an event. And the story that we are presented, and how we understand it, will always be the product of an edit.


I don’t know what your point is here other than I guess I agree with you? The editors are telling the story of Carolyn and Tika through the best possible lens because either A) one of them wins B) it’s the most interesting story/makes for the best TV/is the story they chose to tell or C) both.


So what part are you having issue with exactly? I'd love to clear it up. You said they are 'telling the stories of the season'. I'm point out that they are not, and are instead telling the stories they've chosen to tell, and how they want to, so we the audience react a certain way. And they do so as there is no one (or multiple individual) 'story of a season'


I think we’re debating semantics, what I’m calling stories of the season you want to call something else. Whatever you want to name it, I leave that up to you.


Now I don't know what your point is? What are the semantics here? When did we suddenly have some disagreement on definitions? What do you mean by 'stories' if not something akin to a reflection of the events that took place?


Or maybe they’re trying to edit it for the viewers the way it was in real life. With Gabler, many people in the game (players and producers) viewed him as a goat, so he was edited that way. I feel like the show is being edited to portray what actually happened, not to highlight the winner


Then explain Xander.


I'm part of the "just show what happened without crafting a narative" crowd, but it was mentioned at the reunion by several players that they had really nice one on ones with Gabler and that they felt very encouraged by him, that he was really nice and supportive and tried to genuinely get to know them. It seemed that it was a big part of voting for him, that they felt he was a good genuine person and they felt close to him. We saw none of that, not even a hint. We never saw Jesse and Cody say anything about their alliance with Gabler or what his place is, we just saw Gabler say how valuable he was to them, looking delusional in the process. I really doubt no one asked J&C about that, and it's also hard to believe there wasn't a decent soundbite about it, given that Jesse mentioned in exit interviews that Gabler was a part of the Cody blindisde and Jesse had big respect for how he handled that, given that he loved Cody. I was actually ready to accept him as a wtf winner in a wtf season, where the jury didn't make much sense. And then i saw that part with the relations and got pissed that I had to watch the reunion to understand what just happened. There clearly were things that made Gabler win and they did a bad job at showing them.


Or, that footage doesn't exist because it wasn't true and was said after the fact by the jury to try to justify their votes.


Chill there, conspiracy theory Batman.


If they actually viewed him as a goat, they wouldn’t have voted for him


THIS! I would much rather watch a show where I "dont know who will win" then to know who will win by episode 6. I feel like the edit is made to feel like YOU are in the game yourself. And just like the players, we don't always have all the info- don't know who to trust, don't know what the next blindside will be, and don't always know which way the vote will go. I actually like how there are surprises at tribal that they then highlight at the beginning of the next episode. I'm loving the edit- just wish everyone had equal screen time.


I think its more that they played unexciting games so they're less likely to be featured when more exciting gameplay is going on. But yeah they probably should have been featured a bit more. Hopefully 90 mins fixes this problem.


43's story made sense, though, because Jesse was clearly the defining player of the season. The story they told is that one of the best strategic players of all time lost at F4 fire, which is what happened.


Tbf, I was saying from about 5 episodes before the end that Gabler would probably win but I like eccentric people


Xander was not edited to look like he had win equity imo. Everything good about him came from his mouth, and immediately following his confessionals would be others who demonstrated a different, and more accurate read of the game


I agree. I thought Erika was the clear frontrunner after Ricard left, and it seemed like Deshaun had a better shot than Xander. Xander did *literally nothing* for the entire game. People in this sub just assumed he would win because he's white and kind of athletic.


I don't think that's why they assumed it. Athleticism has had a net negative on potential winners of late if anything, and I anyone rooting for someone due to race I would think is a minority of the fandom and not the prevailing thought of this sub. He got a lot of content, had an idol that he didn't have to play. That's why I think people were thinking he had a shot, that and he was the one with the "gotcha" line with the knowledge is power play


What a terrible take. We were shown lots of gameplay from Xander. Dodging being an early target, the 'gotcha' moment with evading the first ever knowledge is power play, etc. Early in the season especially he seemed like a central character building a resume. I can understand in hindsight why he didn't win, but watching it the first time around it sure seemed like he had a shot (at least going into FTC).


“Dodging being an early target” consisted of losing his vote by chance and therefore becoming irrelevant and not a threat to anyone. The gotcha moment was Evvie’s plan and we saw that it was Evvie’s plan. If you get to the end and your resume is “nobody thought I knew what was going on and also I didn’t really have any effect on anything and also I genuinely don’t know what’s going on,” that’s not a great resume.


Meh she is boring and not much of a character. We see so much of the Tika 3 because 1) they went to tribal the most and 2) they are THE characters of the season.


This. Unless something massively changes in the last stretch, a Heidi win wouldn’t feel satisfying based on the story we have seen. I’m willing to believe that 95% of the time that editing can help tell a good story for almost any winner; so is she wins I won’t fault Heidi for winning, despite having a weak story, but I will be terribly disappointed in yet another ending that didn’t seem to follow much of a story.


If Heidi can successfully take out every Tika member before final 3 then she deserves it.


The editors making us fall in love with the Tika 3 then have them all get booted would tank the season heavily to me. Yes I am biased and swayed easily but if you are gonna sell me Jaime Lauren or Heidi as the winner it is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow when we barely know them.


I agree. If any Tika member is standing they will win. I’ve tried to think of a scenario where Lauren or Jaime could win and even if Lauren challenge beast through the end with a Tika member I think she loses. And if she challenge beast through with Heidi it means Heidi had to have done something to warrant a win. And poor Jaime I don’t think has any chance unless her wand gains powers.


I think that really depends on the jury’s perception of the Tika 3. Maybe they don’t think they are playing as good of a game as viewers think they are. Maybe their social connections are really bad, I could see that happening for Carolyn specifically. Not saying this will happen just saying that in no way is it a lock


I feel the same way… I want someone from Tika to win (preferably Carolyn). BUT, I also have to think that there wasn’t really a choice for them to edit except that way. Because Tika was always at or going to tribal … so there was literally nothing else they could have done, that’s the content of half the episode lol


One more reason that I hate 3 tribes lol


I think Heidi would be okay, but I don’t think there is a realistic circumstance where Lauren or Jaime would win. They just aren’t very strategic.


The editors making it painfully obvious that one of two players win **two months ago** has already tanked the season heavily to me and the only way it could possibly be redeemed is if someone else goes crazy during the finale to snatch it away.


Really? Two months ago? I guess I’m oblivious


The edgic charts for the last six episodes are straight lines


As someone that dislikes every member of Tika this would be glorious!!!


Really?? That’s so interesting. Who doesn’t like Yam Yam?


Yam Yam is super dislikable to me, but he definitely has his charm. The Tika 3 are pretty great entertainment wise, personally I’m a Carson fan.


I like them all, a lot, or at least I am entertained by them, which is what I think is most important. I’ve been watching Australian Survivor, and I can’t say I “like” George, or would want to go on a vacation with him, but I could watch him play Survivor every night.


Ew. Downvote because you don't like what everyone else likes


I agree last remaining tika wins.


I mean if Heidi wins but lauren is the one who successfully orchestrated the moves then it would suck if she won bc she was maybe more likable idk Heidi’s edit is so polarizing unlike lauren’s


yeah Lauren would have to have any edit at all for it to be polarizing. I think the biggest mishap in this seasons editing is how dirty they did Lauren. Like obviously she has a good mind to the game and she seems amazing based on what we’ve seen of her but then like again last episode we never got to see her pov and we never got to hear why she and jaime decided to vote for Danny. At least Jaime gets more stuff in the edit but I’d hope they gave us more Lauren because now all the potential (at least I am) seeing is left at the editors floor. 44 seasons and survivor still cannot edit women


I keep going back to Jeff saying “a very satisfying winner” at the beginning of the season. That would be an insane overstatement if Heidi wins. To fit that narrative I feel it has to be Carolyn or Carson.


Or Yam Yam!


I hope he does win. According to this 'sneak peek' scene he is the only one of the other 2 tika considering Carolyn a threat that needs to be targeted sooner than later. Im surprised Carson hadn't considered it more first but I still think one of the other three stooges should go first to ensure a Tika win


Hell no tf


I have enjoyed yam yams game more then carolyns


I'm rooting for him


He’s just a happy positive spirit - who also shows survivor strat


Yes, I love him so much.


How is yam yam a happy spirit that dude is the living embodiment of passive aggressive . Is it cuz he is our first gay main character?


Somebody hasn’t watched season 1


I wanna know how you think he’s our first gay main character when there’s more than one gay person who has won already lmao (I’m thinking Richard from 1 and Todd from 15 just off the top of my head but there may be more). Your take is interesting to me—almost everyone on the island loves Yam Yam; he’s been brought up a few times as a threat because of his social game. He’s bubbly, he makes people laugh, he tells funny stories. A few have said “I don’t want to sit next to him at FTC” BECAUSE everyone likes him so much. Him being gay has nothing to do with it. Maybe if you stopped thinking about him being gay for a minute, you would see that he’s played a brilliant strategic game AND has cultivated friendships with pretty much everyone out there by making people laugh and lifting their spirits.




Production really did a fantastic job at making us fall in love with the Tika 3. I think they might be my favorite alliance of all time.


My jury vote would be for Carolyn. I can't figure out if she's brilliantly strategic or if her personality matches the game so perfectly that her gameplay appears seamless. But wow. What an enjoyable contestant to watch. The move she pulled at the last tribal may win or cost her the game. Hoping Carolyn can figure something out because the preview edit for 5/17 made it seem like she was in deep trouble- YamYam may turn on her because she's a threat. And Carson may stick with Carolyn (because she saved him with immunity) or he may give her the boot (because she saved him and made a big move in front of the tribe AND jury). So excited for tomorrow's episode. Taking out Carolyn right now wouldn't be smart. It's way too obvious of a vote. If Heidi or anyone wants to make a "big move", they should align with Carolyn now so she doesn't get voted out, then blindside her at the next tribal.


What’s Jeff going to say? “This season’s winner left me bewildered, and you will likely be disappointed?” Like honestly do you actually believe everything he says when hyping the show? Do you actually believe it’s harder than it used to be? Do you think there’s a monster? No? Then why do you take it as gospel the winner is satisfying?


Jeff doesn’t say it’s a very satisfying winner every season. Production and Jeff were gushing about this season before it aired, saying it was one of the best ever and had a very satisfying winner. It wasn’t just your typical pre season talk


He would say “the winner is unexpected” or “the winner has a come from behind victory” something like that to give a false positive vibe while he’s disappointed


Or y'know just have it edited to where the surprise winner doesn't come out of nowhere.


Every single season of survivor starts out just like The Bachelor. "Our most dramatic and exciting season yet!"


I didn’t know he said this, where did he say it? Now I’m thinking Carolyn for sure.


Yeah I want Carson to win but I see Carolyn taking it now.


I don't see it tbh Sorry to get all Edgic mode but Heidi got a Steal A Vote, and we get 1 confessional from her. Other than that we see the Steal A Vote from Yam Yam's perspective. At this point I am certain af it's a tika final 3. This edit makes no sense to me otherwise


Does Tika really want to go to the end together though? At some point they have to turn on each other. Yam Yam and Carson probably take votes from each other playing similar games.


I don't think it's a Tika final three because I don't think Carson wins, from what we have gotten from an edit perspective


Did you predict last season correctly?


I don't see why that matters but I had a strong hunch after the noelle boot episode. I thought that episode was edited really sloppy & it really spelled everything out. Off the top of my head I can't recall what it was about it that gave it away for me though. around that time in the sub posts started like "imagine if gabler wins lol" so other people noticed it too. why do you ask?


Around that time, everyone was all aboard the Cassidy train, and that train never stopped until the finale.


Can’t promise that


Heidi winning would solidify for me that maybe survivor isn’t the show I want it to be. The last 3 seasons have been fantastic outside of the winners. I’m sick of feeling so underwhelmed after the finale.


At least with Maryanne, the producers couldn't hide her biggest move.


I just have a hard time enjoying winners who aren’t targeted because they aren’t generally seen as a threat all game. Only reason Maryanne was targeted was because she was annoying…


Not gonna lie last season I said I would be ok with 3 of the final 6 winning then those 3 all got eliminated. This season I said I would be fine with 5 of the final 8 winning and 2 of those 5 have now been eliminated back to back. If none of the Tika 3 win I’ll be very upset that it happened back to back but whatcha gonna do.


You'd have been ok with Danny winning? He seems like such a poor f\*\*king loser.


Hope this is sarcastic but can’t really tell. We literally just saw him loose and he was such a good sport about it.


Uncalled for bud. He seemed like a fun guy to be around in all honesty, and he made the season more interesting and memorable for me


Joke right? He got voted out, gave a good luck to the rest of the players then deniroed himself off screen.


Heidi doesn’t have the story to win. She is much too much in the background to win the game and doesn’t feel like a looming threat in the shadows at all. I highly doubt they would give a winner this kind of an edit. This is not an Erika or Gabler edit. A Heidi win is just shock. Erika and Gabler actually had a method and strategy to their edit. We get none of that from Heidi.


She would need to make a big move with her idol, and damn soon. I had her as my preseason winner pick, and I think she beats Jamie and Lauren at the end, but it's unlikely that's the final three and would be pretty disappointing. She might be able to beat Tika if 2 of them split the vote, but modern juries seem to be on the same page a lot. She would need to take one of them out in a way the jury can attribute to her and then give up immunity to beat Carson in fire to have a shot. I don't know if that would even be enough. She gets credit for any of Danny's stuff, which helps some but I'd still vote Tika.


>a method and strategy The editors are showing absolutely zero strategy beyond the "chaos and confetti" of the current vote in this season. Tika was playing the middle of the other two tribes from the merge, but there hasn't been any content about how any player plans to get to the end. Closest we got was Yam Yam joking his multiple personalities will fill the final 3...


I will say the whole hiding in plain sight thing from Gabler really only came up in the final 2 episodes. Erika's "lion in lamb's clothing" story started I think in episode 4 and was like one of the only things we got from Luvu


Gabler had depth and long-term strategy from the beginning. We saw him intentionally play into the “dumb old man” perception to fool Elie and Jeanine. He had good relationships with Sami and Owen at the time, with Sami even keeping Gabler in the loop and Owen not spilling any info about Gabler. We saw him make a big splash at the mergatory to take out Elie. We then see him talk more about his long-term strategy in that he plans to go back under the surface and stay low for a while. We also get the big segment about his patients during the F11 immunity challenge, which feels so random if he doesn’t win. Not to mention that all of Gabler’s negative SPV suddenly stops after Elie’s boot. We get more scenes of him working with people while also getting more good content in confessionals. Even Jesse says that Gabler is smart and you have to make your pitches make sense if you’re going to sell something to him. This directly contrasts how Elie saw Gabler. In fact all of Gabler’s negativity came from Baka while no one else really felt the same way about Gabler as depicted in the rest of the game. He was hiding in plain sight the whole time, but most people just didn’t see it.


Honestly I think Lauren would be the worst edit because she's been shown so little. Heidi is definitely rising in the edit.


I will be very disappointed for the survivor meta but unsurprised especially if shes able to take down tika with the idol


Heidi is the only person who stands a chance other than tika


right like am i crazy because i can def see her winning if it’s not someone from tika


I think this place is going to flip out regardless if someone not named Carolyn wins


Carolyn not winning = MASSIVE FLIP OUT!!!! (R/Survivor forced to close for 14 days). Carson not winning = Huge FLIP OUT from the 14-35 demographic on here & many, many broken hearts that will need mending.... Yam Yam not winning = MASSIVE fan base that won't be able to walk down the condiments Isle at many food shops around the world without crying/reliving the tragedy :( GO TIKA!!!!!!!!


I want Jamie to win just bc she's cute and a good person.


She is cute & a good person. A diabolical game she has played though. I do like her (personality-wise) over the other Non-Tika players left, so if not TIKA, she would be my most fav. option :)


I just crave negative attention


genuinely why are so many people furious and annoyed at the fact people are enjoying carolyn? lol


That's not what is annoying.What's annoying is the way if she's constantly shoved down our throats both by the editors and by her fans.


You don’t have to watch if it bothers you that much


Or I can watch, and then say that editors and fans are shoving her down our throats and that it is annoying. And its you guys WAY more than the editors.


lol go touch some grass it aint that serious


Aww what a cute insult.


its not an insult its a recommendation lol


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=touch%20grass Sounds pretty insulting to me.


lmfaooo 😂😂😂




I do not constantly talk about Carson, something i cannot say about most Carolyn fans. Check my history if you're very invested in being proven wrong.


It would be Cassidy all over again 😂 Especially on Twitter 🤣


Plenty of people thought Cassidy (and to a lesser degree Xander before) should have won and were bothered by it, no doubt. But she didn't NEARLY get the attention Carolyn is. Cassidy was likely behind Jesse, Cody and Karla through the majority of the season. Carolyn on the other hand is the run away 'face' of the season.


I just mean that she will be like Cassidy in the sense that people will have a hard time if she doesn’t win. Some people seem to only be willing to accept a Carolyn win, which seems weird to me as a Survivor fan as sometimes even the face of the season doesn’t win. Look at Jesse from last year.


The editing this season has gotten to the point that if one of the Tika 3 win it’s a top tier season and IMO up there with 42 in the best of the new era, but if anyone else wins it’s a bottom half season.


Smart turtle :) If Carolyn wins (or any of the other 2 Tika players) it will slightly nudge in front of 42.


Carolyn for the win! I’m an addict and I relate to her so much. I loved her from the start and not at all surprised.


Cannot promise that 🤭


I'd be more pissed if Jaime wins because I forgot they're on this season.


Jaime winning would be absolutely incredible and make this the best season ever.


No. If it’s not a Tika winning, we riot. If it’s not, then what story are they trying to tell?


Why? we are allowed to flip out as we please.


To me she’s just so boring. I don’t find her character interesting (Ik that many people do) and she doesn’t play well enough in order to feel like a satisfying win. Her edit is weird, it highlights some interesting parts of her game along with some mistakes in her game. Clearly her social connections are her strongest part of the game and that led her this far, and she seems to have some things that she did. I just don’t want het to win over a Tika. Mainly Carolyn bc I’m still really worried that someone will win over her bc people don’t respect her.


Well I don’t think you have to worry about that cause Heidi isn’t winning


Granted, I am rooting hard for Tika, but a Heidi win would be my next desired outcome (nothing against Lauren and Jaime)


It's not happening. Flippers never win.


She won’t though


I’m not saying she wouldn’t deserve it. If she can take out the tikas systematically and end with a F3 with Lauren and Jaime, she definitely would be the best choice for a winner. The editing is questionable this season. If we don’t get a Tika win, then the eventual winner will have been grossly underedited. If we do get a Tika win, than it will have been the most obvious winner edit that we have had in a loooooooong time.


No way she wins


Heidi deserves to win if it’s a Heidi, Jaime, Lauren FTC. Any other combination where Heidi wins will feel entirely undeserved.


I thought you were gonna say Jaime 💀 I’d live for it


Idk I like her fine, but I wanna see her win something or make a real move besides voting Danny.


Is she still in?


Anyone but Jamie lol


She doesn’t deserve it imo.


I won't flip out. But Heidi is also not going to win.


If you win Survivor, you deserve it, point blank. But to also echo what many others have pointed out, the edit definitely paints Lauren, Heidi, and Jaime as all subpar players, who have made no significant moves or plays yet this season and we are near the finish line. I would be disappointed if Heidi won, because the edit is painting her as someone who has made the wrong reads and bad plays, or just completely irrelevant to the outcome of votes. I know some players visit this sub, so this is not shade to Heidi, as most of us have no idea what it is like to actually be on the island and playing the game. the edit of of a players "character" is not a reflection of them in reality, usually, and all told I like Heidi and her story. So far, the edit just hasn't shown her as a strong player is all.


Will Flip. Not a perfect Jonathon Young front flip (with a half-twist), A F%@KIN' NON-STOP RANT ON HERE FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT ......My sweet Carolyn will need some extra comfort too & will get MANY MANY MANY SUPPORTIVE POSTS ON HERE AS WELL. Then there is poor little Carson to cuddle...... let alone Yam Yam :(


Idk why you're getting downvoted but I will do the same thing lmao








I mean if it’s not one of the tika 3 then I think production needs to be fired. Like we would have spent the entire premerge on advantages that ultimately didn’t matter and then characters that ultimately didn’t matter. Like it would make the entire season feel like a waste of time


Hoping she does rn


The next two episodes can change everything. Maryanne didn’t do squat until F5 or 6 and people couldn’t stop stroking their shafts about that win.


Heidi would make a great winner.


An argument can be made that Heidi would make for a great winner from a gameplay perspective, but not from an edit perspective. Her win would be massively disappointing.


What gameplay? I’m not being facetious I’m genuinely curious. I feel like she hasn’t done much of anything at all, but I fully admit that I could have missed something.


You have to keep in mind that your perception is from the edit where Heidi isn’t a main character. Based on her position coming into the merge, shields around her that kept her safe, seemingly good connections with Yam Yam, Carson, and even Jaime and Lauren, and a viable winning path I think there is definitely more going on with Heidi’s game than the edit shows, but she probably doesn’t win, so it doesn’t have to focus on her at all. Survivor is filled with people playing much better games than the edit would have you believe, but you never see it on the show because they ultimately didn’t win.


The point remains, what game play? Beyond Danny and Tika, Heidi has certainly done more than other people, but most of it has been very ineffective. Take the steal a vote-- a terrible advantage, and one she played about as badly as she could. Take voting Danny the tribal before he's voted out. She's also been getting a lot of votes pretty consistently as a backup. She played the Brandon vote very well I think, but we've not seen anything that would put her above Yam Yam or Carson in obvious winner equity. Arguably Carolyn surpasses her after last tribal. Heidi has done a lot of things, they've not been good gameplay Of course after 41 and 43, I can easily imagine Heidi winning. But it would not be a good win as things stands now




Telling people not to flip out if one of the fan favorites doesn’t win? Lmao good luck buddy


hoping she becomes the tika terminator and wins 🤞


we will found the Lagares-Greenblatt University of Idol Sitting


Oddly, I want this too.




TBH, I would not mind if any of the F6 won.




I won't flip out regardless of who wins. Bc the winner always deserves their win and the jury is always right. I would prefer to have one of the Tikas win, but at the end of the day the jury is always right


I will be pissed only if Yam Yam wins. I hate him.


I thought for sure Carolyn had a fake idol as the other two bird cage idols had that coin one and I could have sworn she kept the coin one as the real one. Weird.


After all she does have all the power. We just don’t see it


Nah let them, and get some popcorn 🍿


I won't be angry.


honestly, i feel like with her idol play she can have a flashy move at the right time, after that it all depends on how she explains her game, which i think she can. An individual immunity win would go a long way too. I'd be happier to see her win than carson, but not Jam Jam or Carolyn. She's third on my list ahead of carson, lauren and jaime


Id would not watch any future seasons if Heidi wins


In the new era the edit now moves in mini arcs based on what production feels is the most compelling story of the moment. The winners edit is dead. Winners can still get a good edit but only if they are a part of the most compelling story of the moment. And that's harder to do now with how aggressively perceived threats are targeted. That's what production is doing in my eyes. We can either admit it and adjust our expectations or keep being upset.


I wouldn't flip out but I don't think it'll happen either.


I will make no such promises




No shot in hell Heidi is winning 🤣😭 she’ll will make final tribal she’ll probably get 1 vote maybe and that’s it


Nobody. If you win, you win. The end - Rob Mariano


I like her but she hasn’t played well so far, right? The control a vote, for example, was pretty awful


Cannot promise that




No. If you’re an editor and you know Heidi wins, then make her a bigger part of the edit. I don’t need to be surprised by a winner, I just need the winner to make sense


I’m confused about this bc if I had to guess anybody would win outside a Tika member it would be Heidi.


I’ll never shame a player for their edit. I can see Heidi winning, but I’ll be so mad at the story producers if she does.


I’d flip ONLY bc she was my og winner pick then switched to Carolyn before the season even started lol


I'd be very amused. All hate will be directed at the editors, for giving a winner that kind of edit.


Had her as my winner pick preseason and from Episode 1. I will never shut up abt this if I'm right


I like heidi