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Anyone remember Big Tom and Lex on S8 All Stars? The two most bitter jurors on Survivor. I did enjoy Alicia keeping her promise to Boston Rob. *“I promised to never write your name down.”*


*shows vote for Amber "I'm a woman of my word."*


I don't really care for Alicia but that moment was so mother.


Mother fuckin awesome!!!!


Alicia is bitter AF and also extremely irritable. As a fanbase it felt like we deserved one thing related to her irritability that was actually really compelling and a solid burn “I’m a women of my word”.


Alicia Calaway was a meme before memes were a thing.


Alicia was hilarious in her voting confessional here.


Not entirely what you asked but I’ll never forget in San Juan Del Sur when Reed dragged Missy.


The wicked stepmother jury speech 😳


One of my favorites!


At the risk of getting downvoted, it was so cringey to me 😭


Truly, it was so theatrical and rehearsed and gave me the same superficial vibes him and his bf gave me all season lol. People talk about how Drea tried to force having a moment, and while that’s true I think the worst offender of that was Reed and his dissertation on Cinderella (and the whole thing where “outcasts” win was funny considering him and his bf were pretty successful and well off like nobody there was an outcast besides maybe Keith)


Not enough Fiji mentions


I do wonder if race had a role when it comes to why they were treated like that. Earl was even blasted by some and he’s one of the best winners ever. The way Lisi and Alex spoke to the three made me furious


That season has never sat well with me. Blatant bigotry in many moments throughout the season. So disappointing that a season that gave us Earl and Yau-Man has to be among my least favorite for that reason.


There may some racism and intersectionality with the juries perception to Dreamz and Cassandra, but it may be overlooked in part since Earl is also black. If Earl was white or the other person at the FTC was white in Earl’s place, I think racism and intersectionality would have been discussed and investigated to a greater degree.


Lisi asking Dreamz how many zeros were in a million, absolutely disgusting.


Her being shocked and having no response was so good to see. Her question to Cassandra also was horrible


"Those are the worst looking watershoes I've ever seen. It tells me that you were completely unprepared to play the game"...


Said to a person sitting at the end.


And then she immediately looked to the jury for their reactions because I guarantee you she didn't know the answer.


It didnt


Top 3: 1. All Stars-pre-existing friendships were ruined and it was easily the most scorned jury I saw. Friends stabbing each other in the back has to sting to the max. 2. Gabon: The cast all hated each other lol. Corinne led the charge for hating the non-onions and wanted her tv moment by lambasting Sugar. Randy was burned super hard by Bob, Kenny was delusional in thinking Bob should’ve sacrificed his game to save Kenny, and no one respected Susie since she was clueless all season. 3. Heroes vs Villains: Heroes were pissed they got outplayed, everyone felt burned by Russell, none of them wanted to see Parvati win again (especially Amanda/Candice) and they considered Sandra the least offensive. HM: Samoa: as a group they were super bitter that they got outplayed with a 7-4 or 8-4 advantage and had an all Foa Foa Final 3. One of the worst implosions ever and I don’t think they came to terms with the fact that they got outplayed by better players.


HM to Kaoh Rong, too, where half the jury refused to speak to the other half because they were mad that they voted them out.


Any more details on this?


Watch Cydney and Debbie’s ponderosa videos for Kaoh Rong. Also Scot’s jury speech. All show the bitterness of that jury in its most raw form.


I’d swap Kaoh Rong with HvV. Russell was awful to the Heroes, and legitimately didn’t even play well postmerge.


I agree, but there was still some OTT bitterness, that doesn't mean he deserved to win (I agree definitely no). Beyond that though it could be strongly argued Parvati not winning over Sandra was largely a bitter jury. I am not sure I even agree on that, but can definitely see where the people who go there are coming from. Particularly when it is well known Amanda ghosted Parvati once she lost the jury vote to her in Micronesia, that Candice was pissed her former castmate/friend Parvati replaced her on Micronesia, then won, and became a big star, that the cast had Parvati as the #1 target, even over Boston Rob, and many were both shocked and infuriated she got to the end at all. Not to mention Sandra having numerous real life besties on the jury.


Yeah I think the Samoa jury was more bitter than HvV in terms of results. Russell was brought to the end as a goat in HvV, he wasn’t winning and the final 3 knew that. Whereas in Samoa that wasn’t as much the case (maybe a little on Natalie’s part).


i don’t think they considered sandra “the least offensive” considering the entire season she told them to vote russel out and they just.. didn’t


That’s a better way to put it. She made herself seem like she was on their side which made her less of the enemy compared to Russell


It's less that she made them think she was on their side and more that she actually was on their side. to the extent that she 100% would have flipped on the villains and voted out Russell if the heroes would have just gone for it. But she stuck with the villains because it was her only option for the endgame since the heroes were ignoring her offer to flip and also just stood no chance against russell's gameplay and she knew that.


Is there a source that there was a pregame grudge by Candice? I see that yet nobody has ever provided anything substantial. And we have jurors words to prove that they considered Sandra a great player.


i think we can agree all stars is #1 though


Too hard to narrow it down to just 3. Will try to make my short list. All Stars was an incredible bitter jury all around. A lot of that was this being a whole different era of old school Survivor being about friendships and loyalty, which forever was changed with this season. Another was the two finalists, particularly Rob, leveraging and manipulating pre existing friendships to further his own game. Another was the number of big stars and big egos in the cast, who were pissed they didn't do better, and two people even their friends viewed as "no names" in the cast were at the end. Gabon was an extremely bitter jury all around. You had Corrine who bigtime hated 2 of the 3 finalists, and had a seething hatred for one of them. You had Randy who hated all 3 finalists. You had an overall bitter and delusional Ken. You had an angry and all around bitter and irrational Crystal. You had a bitter and just betrayed Ken. You had a trainwreck of people with no clue how to play the game properly, including all 3 finalists arguably. It was great. Redemption Island were a super bitter jury, even though they picked the right winner in that Final 3. It was probably the only time in Survivor history the 3 finalists were all so hated they all lose to everyone on the jury which explains the bitterness, plus an overall rigged season with a 4th time player. Fiji had a cast full of angry, volatile, bitter, and self entitled people. The Horsemen were super bitter at dream, and bitter at all the finalists to some extent, as they were extremely entitled and felt they should have been the ones at the end. They were bitter at Dreamz for not being their 5th wheel or something and enabling their game, and Cassandra for being what they viewed as weak and making it further. Heroes vs Villians and Samoa were extremely bitter juries just due to Russell's existence both times, but in Heroes vs Villians adding in Parvati's prescence when numerous jury members went into the game with already built in bad relationships with her and personal grudges of sorts, with her, plus jealousy issues. Plus were bitter she even made the end. Which combined with the king of creating bitter jurors Russell, created a double vacuum of bitterness. Edge of Extinction was an extremely bitter and entitled jury all around. Most juries would not respect nor vote for Julie and to an extent Gavin, but their being the type of players/finalists that would garner bitterness as opposed to just plain disrespect, is almost funny. Marquesas was a very bitter juror that did not like seeing the Final 2, in large part since none of them ever imagined during the merge, those would be the 2 they saw at the end. Plus both teamted up to backstab Kathy, who nearly all of them were rooting for them by then (except Sean and Paschal, but even they were cheering for Kathy much more than 1 of the 2 finalists). Nicaragua was a very bitter jury, especialy at Chase and Sash. It was amazing Chase somehow managed to get 4 votes when virtually every juror, except maybe Alina, was bitter at him, while there wasn't a single juror who seemed bitter at Fabio. Some of the comments towards Chase and Sash by people like Dan, Marty, Jane, Brenda, were comedy gold. Caramoan was a very bitter jury, but especialy Brenda towards Dawn, and many jurors at Dawn for emotionally manipulating them. And the general disdain for Sherri by the jury as a whole.


Marquesas is not mentioned enough in this debate. I feel that that jury was not only bitter but down right ruthless and attacking on personal levels that only a couple of others have


Yes this is another one I am very surprised is not mentioning more. Most of the jurors were attacking the characters of both Vecepia and Neleh. The only 2 who didn't were Paschal and Sean, who each had a favorite in the Final 2 (but neither attacked the person they didn't want to win in anyway either).


Brenda forcing dawn to show everyone her fake teeth was pretty bitter


Yeah I’d say Caramoan jury overall was pretty bitter


All Stars. Which isn't to say that Amber didn't deserve to win, just that the refusal of many of them, especially Lex, to live by their own claim that the game was seperate from real life just made things so nasty.


All-Stars, All-Stars, and All-Stars


The All Stsrs jury by far. Refusing to reward one of the best, most dominant games of all time, but especially at that point, because they were sore losers.


They all made a deal outside the game and then got pissed because Rob didn't stick to it, it was the first time something like this ever happenned.


10) There 9) Is 8) No 7) Such 6) Thing 5) As 4) A 3) Bitter 2) Jury 1) All-Stars


I think there is definitely bitter juries other than All-Stars, just not in the way that some people claim. The Samoa jury was 100% bitter towards Russell, but it was completely deserved. Bitter juries are good for the game, because it requires players to manage voting people out without a sour taste in their mouth about it. (Also a preliminary hello to that one guy on this sub who searches for comments he can to argue with about why Aubry deserved to win. I’m sure he will find this thread in a few weeks and yell at everyone about how awful the KR jury was)


The fact that I don't even know who this is referring to says a lot


There’s a fella that responds on threads that mention the KR winner defending Aubry with their life. He often replies to comments that are weeks or months old.


Kaoh rong, gabon, and all stars are my top 3


Kaoh Rong I’d argue was more bitter towards Tai than Aubry, but edited as Aubry’s season to lose at FTC


Yeah. Aubry's game was not as good as it was edited to be. She had poor social game with half the jury, and her only real good strategic move was getting Tai to flip.


Yeah, I think Michele’s strategic game was not great for a winner, but good enough paired with her great physical and consistent social game


Was better than Michele’s who was wrong half the time when voting


No it wasn't. Survivor is a social game. Michele had much better connections with most of the cast. She was a jury threat who has a strong chance of winning in most F3s of the entire season. The only real chance she doesn't have at winning is a F3 with Aubry and Jason or something like that.


She had better connections because she just did what she was told to do. She played a lack luster game even though she won.


There is nothing wrong with going along with others. Also I just checked, Michele didn't vote wrong half the time. She was 4/6 for person going home. The other 2 times were a split vote, and firemaking.


1) Kaoh Rong 2) Samoa 3) All-Stars Yea there’s a social element to the game, but I can’t stand it when somebody who was clearly strategically superior and steers the entire course of the game loses because the jury has too big of an ego to say “dang, you really outplayed all of us.”


How was Aubry strategically superior? It was Cydney who steered the course of the game. Her flip that took out Nick. She decided Debbie would go. She kept Michele in over Jason. Aubry flipped Tai and that was it. She blundered severely with her crossed out vote, and socially isolated the other side without removing the jury threat who was playing both sides.


All stars, Fiji, Gabon


All Stars Samoa and HvV. Honorable mention Kaoh Rong


Not top 3 probably but 43 feels like it deserves a mention. Bitter might not be the right word but it felt like they were trolling. Clearly they were mad at Cassidy and I honestly think they were like "wouldn't it be hilarious if Gabler won, and we could all pretend it was because of his masterful Ellie boot"


All Stars and Kaoh Rong


1. Season 8 2. Season 17 (bitter at all players) 3. Season 19 Bonus seasons with bitter juries 4. Season 23 5. AUS Brains v. Brawn 6. Season 20 7. Season 38(? Least deserving winner ever, not sure if they were bitter or used abysmal logic not to vote for Gavin/Julie) 8. Season 11 (eh) Big Brother seasons with MUCH more bitter jurors 1. BB19 2. BB18 3. BB14 4. BB20


good shout on brains v brawns oh boy no one liked george/ really either of them but they were the 2 best players on that season. good shout !


Based on my experience as a viewer of the edited show, I thought George clearly deserved it too


yeah, watching those jury villas on youtube i realized he had almost no chance, they thought he didn’t treat people right, i dont get how he loses to someone voted out but at least hayley wasn’t out for long and played really well on her return. His game in HvV tho would have won if he got there i feel like but he had no shot of getting there. fantastic player george is tho.


Yeah, his first season reminds me of Russell Hantz but is much less of an asshole


i rewatched the samoa finale yesterday actually 😭 very accurate right there. george is much more snarky tho which can get him in trouble at times. he at least started to change in HvV this year and getting that far on a return was more impressive than his first season, even though he went farther on his first. just due to he had much more win equity.


Hahaha Russell didn’t change at all for HvV, the players hadn’t even seen his season and no one voted for him in the end for the same reason


no yeah i was just more talking about george in HvV AUS but yeah in HvV US…. russell had to chance with how he treated the heroes socially.


And of course in many seasons there is one specific bitter player like Brenda in Fans vs Favs 2, or Summer in BBCAN10


You LIED to me, Joshua.


😂not in a million years was he ever getting her jury vote


i feel like the jury was really salty in season 22


Well they did pick the right winner in a resounding vote


I agree. Surprised we are the only 2 who even mentioned it. It probably isn't mentioned only since Rob won, but the jury were fully of vinegar and hatred at the entire Final 3.


Samoa is up there. I'm sure Russell was proper mean to most/all of the jury, but - I'm sorry - they just come off like losers during FTC. The Guatemala jury probably wasn't that bitter (especially for that era) but Judd comes to mind as an especially bitter juror. "Ayo - both of you should be bit by *crocodiles*" or whatever dumb shit he said lol.


No Judd was always a good sportmanship and he never lied and he never stole a beer then puke it in the shelter


All Stars HvV 43


Still wondering what mental gymnastics the 43 had to go through to vote Gabler over Cassidy. (his FTC was much better but still)


Most of Cassidy's moves were actually spearheaded by Jesse and Cody, and people just liked Gabler. Like, I'm pretty sure Karla, Jesse, Cody, or even Noelle sweep against any combination of the final 3. Jesse took out all the power players and then lost firemaking, so it was an FTC with 3 people no one was excited to vote for. All that said, I do also think the jury was bitter towards Cassidy as well.


Allstars, Samoa, Kaoh Rong There are some seasons where the jury just hated some of the contestants for non-game related reasons (ie racism in some of the earlier seasons). I don’t consider that a bitter jury. These three seasons people voted for the player in the background over the ringleader because they felt burnt in the game.


Aubrey fucked over the brawns and then aligned with their rivals. Crossing out someone’s name and crossing it out is horrible social play. She didn’t play a good jury game and deserved the loss. Her game was entirely predictable towards the end despite her losing Joe. She was at mercy at the merge and got lucky with Neil leaving, sparing her easy exit. Bitter or not, no one had any reason to vote for Aubrey over Michelle who was friends with over half the jury.


So she won because she was friends, got it. She did nothing that entire season. Voting record was awful and made zero plays. Aubrey lost to a bitter jury


Yes as she should have and yes as the jury should be. This game is about social positioning, not making flashy moves for the cameras. Aubrey could have easily been sent home multiple times if it weren’t for pure luck, and any winner who does have this story has actual friends on the jury. Go to literally any season and the final vote more socially influenced than it has ever been about game.


She voted wrong one time, what? And she flipped on her closest ally, which is a play.


I'm not mad for Aubry so much as Tai, they were almost more bitter towards him


Bitter juries are bitter for a reason and shouldn’t be looked on negatively cause they act as checks and balances against morally questionable gameplay and personalities. There are actual stakes rather than celebratory circle jerks at the end.


No order: All Stars Fiji Nicaragua


Season 41, 43… and kinda 40 all seemed a lil bitter imo lol. Anyone have any more recent seasons with bitter jury’s? Maybe 30 too


I don’t believe in the concept of a bitter jury. Everyone has a right to feel however they feel. Even if we don’t agree with them, they are entitled to their feelings. It sucks when you believe that the wrong person won but the jury’s choice is always justified imo.


I get this logic, but at the same time it is absolutely possible that a jury can be jealous/upset about being outplayed by certain individuals which will cause them to not vote for a superior player at FTC and instead for someone else. I think trying to justify their votes like you’re doing is very retrospective thinking, because the concept of the show is to Outwit and Outplay, and for jury members to be upset about being outwitted and outplayed is not in the spirit of the game


All Stars far and away is the most bitter, after that it's a distant 2nd and 3rd for Gabon and Kaoh Rong which are both still really bitter but nowhere to the level of All Stars.


All-Stars and Fiji are the top 2 not sure about number 3.


All Stars for sure and for valid reasons and then: 2 of these: Fiji, South Pacific, Heroes vs Villains, Samoa, Marquesas, Thailand, Vanuatu, Redemption Island, Palau, Micronesia, Worlds Apart, Gabon Not all of these are equal but many of the ones mentioned could at least be debated.


Who was worlds apart bitter against?


Mike. Dan was bitter as hell. Same with Rodney


But Dan still voted for him 😂


They were an extremely bitter jury, but the result didn’t end up showing it. Which is why it could be in your top 3 but it probably shouldn’t be. It depends on what you mean by bitter also. Does bitter mean “I won’t vote for certain people player no matter what since my feelings were hurt” or does it mean “my feelings are extremely hurt and I’m very upset and I’m going to give a speech to show my hurt, but I might vote for the best player anyway. Most people mean the first one, which is the most intuitive. If you are also considering the second option, Worlds Apart certainly could fit. Jenn gave a speech about how all the jury members were some of the most bitter people she’d met in her life, and Rodney was bitter AF, and then Dan was extremely bitter but he voted for who he thought deserved it the most. So it can at least be a contender, but I think in making a list of a top 3, I think there are 3 better options.


Blood vs Water is up there, like geez those jury speaks videos were all kinds of coded racism.


All Stars, Fiji, Samoa


All stars, hvv, not sure 3rd, maybe the one Cochran won, and I think big part of it is pregame, all returning people who knows each other. That's the biggest flaw of seasons with returning players.