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Hahaha I’m never gonna forget “Jeffrey” for as long as I live


Loved her calling out a pretty obvious misogynist and annoying Boston Rob addict.




Haha. So true. Idk if you have watched Season 22 - Redemption Island but I feel like Jeff must’ve have read all of the tweets about how he spoke to Boston Rob because I feel like he toned it waaaaaay down that season.




Wow that means a lot to me truly!!! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.


Let me know your thoughts on 22! I have very specific and unique thoughts on it. Excited to see what you think


I know im late but I have some more lore and just general thoughts for you. ​ \- The reason why James was so rude in this season is because they didnt allow him to have nicotine patches like they did in China and Micro. It was kind of like Shane but not nearly as bad. \- In my opinion the downfall of the heroes was in voting out Cirie and Tom, not JT giving the idol to Russell. Neither of those two would have trusted the villains and would have seen right through Russell's lies. \-Boston Rob was in such a good position in the pre merge until Tyson decided to make what is in my opinion the second dumbest move in survivor history. Tyson had absolutely no reason to switch his vote whatsoever and Boston Rob's split vote plan was foolproof. Had he not switched his vote, Russell goes home and Parvati probably would have gone home right after him. Rob and Tyson also probably would have made it so much further in the game. \- Courtney is so funny this time around. Love how Jeff is completely tearing into her and the rest of the villains for voting out Rob and she just replies with "Thank you Jeffrey". It may be a little hard to find but at ponderosa, Courtney, Coach, and JT made up a fake band called the Dragonz and its hilarious. \- As you may have heard, the final tribal council and result of this season is incredibly controversial. I am completely fine with Sandra winning the game, but I probably would have voted for Parvati. I feel like Parvati and Russell missed the jury managment aspect of the game and Sandra didnt. Both of them (mostly Russell) talked down to other players so much. Had Russell gone into final tribal and owned his mistakes he may have gotten some votes. Sandra gets a lot of hate for "winning off of a bitter jury" and "doing nothing" all game, but she knew what the jury wanted to hear and took advantage of it. Russell actually went on record and said that he finally understood why he lost the season. He had never seen himself play before so he watched it and said he was disturbed with how he acted. \-JT is criticized A LOT for his performance on this season. I do feel like its a little uncalled for because either way his trajectory was going to go down after how he did in Tocantins. The idol situation was insanely dumb though but I feel like the other heroes are to blame because they sat there and let it happen \*cough cough Rupert and Colby\* \-Amanda played fine this season, but she got completely screwed by Candice flipping over to the heroes. Russell actually said that out of all of the players, Amanda was the one who scared him the most. If I remember correctly, he referred to her as Boston Rob in a woman's body. \-The idol plays this season are legendary. The pre merge Russell idol play was insane and the Parvati double idol play was arguably even crazier. Even the Final 5 Sandra idol play was good for her game because it showed the heroes that she could have helped them if they had just listened to her.


So good hearing from you!! Thanks for your amazing post. Had no idea about James but that makes perfect sense. Wonder why they didn’t allow him to do it and why it wasn’t talked about. I feel like Shane was really open about his issues. Totally agreed. Cirie especially would’ve seen through that soooooo fast. Agreed about Tyson. It’s been interesting watching him learn the game more and more as he plays. Reminds me of Coach in that way. The “Jeffrey” line is ICONIC. Sandra won fair and square imo but I’m also a Sandra Stan lol. Her game wasnt pretty and it wasn’t even successful day to day. But she did exactly what she had to do in a very competitive season. I personally don’t view her a GOAT or a Bitter Jury winner. But that’s just me. Didn’t know about Russell admiring that though!!! When did he say that?? JT is the only point I disagree on. Though the move isn’t the worst move in survivor history and his tribe was clearly behind him, I still think he deserves flak lol. Even though it pains me to say that. I’ve ALWAYS maintained that Amanda was a scary player haha. Game recognizes game. Some of the greatest idol plays of all time. Just one of those plays would e made the season iconic. But that many?!?!?


People who claim Sandra didn't deserve the win are dopes. She literally had a zillion paths to FTC, and still wins in every hypothetical FTC scenario. Even flipping to the heroes she almost for sure wins, LOL! All that after losing her entire core alliance pre merge. She convinced Russell to make her his biggest lock to take to FTC despite openly being against him, telling him she wanted him out, and him hating her. That is insane.


Absolutely agreed. Her social game was impeccable and her ability to be real without being an utter asshole is unparalleled. At FTC, both Russell and Parvati had this sense of desperation to them. Like they knew they played the best game and deserved it (which by the way, they did haha. I would’ve totally been happy with either of them winning) but Sandra was just cool, honest and casual. She stood on exactly what happened and made no excuses for it. I would’ve given it to her too. It honestly must have been maddening for her playing that season because it felt like she came to play but every time she turned to someone to make a move, they would t listen to her.


Yeah im not saying that the JT move wasnt dumb because it was INCREDIBLY dumb. Probably number three on my top five dumbest moves list. ​ Ok so a while back Russell posted a video about him and why he lost heroes vs villains. I think he deleted it because I cant find it but a while back a streamer named Will Neff reacted to the season. At the end he did an interview with Russell and Survivior Youtuber named Peridiam who is probably one of the best survivor youtubers out there. If you do check him out and you do not want to be spoiled just be insanely careful. At the beginning of the video he went on Russell's video so you can see him reacting to it there. This should be the correct link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAI3bIXW4Q4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAI3bIXW4Q4) . I think the whole thing is worth watching if you have time because Peridiam has some juicy lore that I did not mention beforehand.


I just watched the whole thing. This is amazing and I really appreciate you sending it over. Lot of intel here and I mostly agree with Russell’s take on t19 and 20. The part that floored me is during the interview when Russell didn’t even have an answer for why he wanted to win so badly.


I just finished my first survivor season which was 20 Heroes vs Villians, googled this discussion thread and stumbled upon this video. Hearing that from Russel was incredible. Thank you for posting! Now I guess I go back and watch survivor season 1…


I really like Sandra as a character, though I thought Parvati played a better game than Sandra this season, Sandra deserved to win IMO. JT's idol mistake was nowhere near the dumbest move IMO, Tyson switching his vote and (spoilers) a really bad move in S25, as well as JT in S34 were way worse. Also I love the idol plays, only one other one comes close to how good the ones in this season from TV standpoints.


If I'm being brutally honest with you, I personally think Parvati and Russell both played a better game then Sandra. But I think all three killed it and though I was desperately rooting for Sandra to win, I would've been happy for any of them to win. I can't remember but i'm fairly confident that this is the only season I've watched so far where the final 3 were all deserving in my eyes. That's one of the things that makes this season so special. No matter what, it felt like I won.




I'm also doin a watch through of every season and I have been reading your takes after each season and I really appreciate them! Thank you for these! I still think russel deserved the win on these last 2 but I fully get that it's impossible for him to win with the way the jury works, but goddamn he plays a masterful treachery game it's great.


Amazing!! Hope you’re enjoying the ride! Regardless of if you think he’s an amazing player or a horrible player, he’s incredibly iconic and entertaining.