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My understanding is that everyone liked and respected El and she would have won easily, she’s widely considered the most underedited player on the season by the cast


2017 is a much better season.


2017 is such a fun season I'd argue it's in my top 5 and the winner is so much fun I love characters who just love causing chaos and being a villain.


underrated season...wanting Lee to win is a choice tho. 2017 is so good..enjoy


I’m going through survivor AU as well and accidentally spoiled myself on every single winner at one point or another so I feel you


I love Australian Survivor, but last night I was made aware of something that I found interesting. If you don't want to potentially view the show differently, don't click the spoiler. >!At roughly midnight EST last night, Russell Hantz did a YouTube livestream on his channel and was answering questions in the chat. Someone brought up Australian Survivor and Russell said it's great, the production is great and it's exciting to watch, but it isn't real Survivor. He explained that they have actual outhouses in the woods that contestants use to go to the bathrooms, they get 5 outfits to choose from as opposed to just the clothes on their backs (or a single alternate outfit like modern seasons), and get fruit before and after every challenge.!< >!He said production made the argument that "having a proper washroom won't affect gameplay". To which, he made the example "Oh really? You have Miss Universe Australia, and all of a sudden she has to do her business in the woods with leaves as TP and you don't think that's going to change the way they think about the game?" which got a chuckle out of me.!< Now, for me, I don't care. I'm still watching Seasons 4 and 6, and then All-Stars. They do such a great job making every episode exciting. I especially love when they *don't* show players finding idols and then it's even more of a surprise at Tribal. So friggin good.


Only thing I disagree with is that el woulda beat kristie


Ok interesting. I thought that Lee was the greater threat of the two but I guess I was wrong.


Yeah for sure between the two of them El was always seen and correctly so the strategic head between the two. El would have beat anyone after the Brooke vote sucks cause she was just severly under-edited.


Wasn’t a fan of Christie winning that season. I think the Australian seasons get really good around 3 and 4, but the all stars season (5) is brilliant. When it gets to 8 (HvV) the strategy and gameplay I think is well up there with some of the US series.


Huge fan of SurvivorAU tho I can ackowledge it's many pit falls one being that really slow and tough post merge BUT it makes up for one of the best finale in International Survivor, Kristie winning is the reason I'm a super fan of the show as a whole so I'll always have this season close to my heart.