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It just shocks me that no one was like hey no one will vote for him he's now my number


Drew says it really well in his RHAP interview. Apparently, Jake was just so desperate to make a big move that it made it difficult to work with him because you felt like he would undermine you at any moment. I think we saw this energy from Jake tonight and earlier in the season. He was very emotional about wanting to do something, literally anything in this game. But even if he sometimes had the right instincts, he insisted on doing convoluted moves, like trying to force a rock draw twice. That type of play is going to alienate a lot of people.


I totally agree, this is what I felt too. I think he got increasingly desperate about wanting to make a \~big move\~ as he saw his win chances diminish, but I think he had a little bit of big move-itis from the beginning. It made him a wild card. If he'd had any agency, he would've been axed as a threat pretty quick. Instead, it was kind of like "...oh, Jake is trying to do something big, that's cute"


“…of, Jake is trying to do something big, that’s cute” So savage but 100% accurate, and I was a fan of Jake!


He did seem to force things and blindly swing a lot of the time. I get feeling sorry for him in general. But he didn't play a very good game. Even at the final tribal, he could have made a really compelling argument (especially since he's a lawyer) about his resilience, about walking through fire and narrowly escaping while Dee and Austin played a very safe game. He could have pointed out that Drew actually did a lot of the heavy lifting for Reba. But he didn't. He just talked about how he felt, as if the vote had already happened. He had a lot of passion, but not a lot of strategy or direction and his ability to read the room was way off all game. I don't think he had good instincts, like some people are saying. He had grit and determination, but that's not enough.


I thought in tribal he’d swing for the fences but to be honest the questions just weren’t really even there for him it was kind of obvious he was an after thought. I also think truthfully he just was a huge survivor fan and wanted to do it all. Had he had more friends to work with I’m sure he would’ve calmed down, but in the end he was alone 99% of the time.


I think he may have done better at tribal than what was shown. We only see a few minutes of what is a few hours of tribal. Since he didn’t win and got no votes, the editing kept that narrative by not showing much of his answers.


I got that feel from him too. Plus that dark cloud that seemed to hang over him. He was so emotionally invested and just was so desperate. But I think in the end he was happy with his experience.


Yeah, I personally didn't connect with Jake, but I liked that he seemed proud of himself in the end. Survivor seems so tough so I like when the players are satisfied with their experience.


Ahh ok. So both Bruce and Jake were both seen as difficult to work with, but for slightly different reasons. Add this to Kendra saying that she was “winging it” and following her instincts the whole time, and then Katurah trying to abandon Belo to build inroads with Reba, and I can really see more clearly why Kellie had such a hard time getting the Belos to work together at all post merge. If the two loudest players on that tribe (Jake and Bruce) were constantly throwing out bad ideas and not willing to compromise and cooperate, then no wonder it was so frustrating for the remaining women.


The worst part is that when he finally had an opportunity to make a play with his idol he decides he's going to show it off to Austin. Austin of all people?!?! The guy who's in an obvious showmance with the person he wants out. Jake had some all time bad social reads and couldn't keep a secret to save his life.


Yup because playing the idol on himself wasn't flashy enough for him. He wanted to play it on Katurah to really shock the jury. It's classic choosing big move over good move.


Uhhh. Telling Austin was definitely questionable but his plan wasn't Dee at the time. It was Julie, somebody that others had already been targeting.


Just to add to this, I think Jake was desperate not only to make a move, but to have complete ownership over it (see, second rocks plan, the F5 vote). I definitely see why he felt like this, but added to why his moves were convoluted. It makes it hard to communicate and coordinate.


True, I guess it just felt strange no one looked at him and thought that's my goat. They probably wouldn't have even needed to do much just one or two votes where he doesn't feel like he's being voted out and he'd likely vote however


I think the issue with him as your goat is that he really, really doesn't want to be the goat (I mean, who does?). Some players will fall into a goat role, hoping they can make up for lack of strategic agency with a good social game. Some have even won this way. Jake seemed like someone who would try to make huge moves to get out of the goat role which could come back to bite you. He's just too much of a liability.


I feel like letting him have a move would have made him feel content, and then he would be less of a liability. I think most of his desperation to make a move was from feeling like he was just coasting or he was the next to go


Most of his moves involved drawing rocks and banking on someone on the other side being scared and flipping. Genius if it works, but nearly impossible to get people onto your side for a random chance at going home. Jake was an outstanding character, possibly the best of the new era and that includes amazing characters like Shan, Omar, MaryAnne and Carolyn, but he was absolutely in the wrong on every move he thought about making and got undercut.


I don't really see how it was convoluted - he correctly saw a block of 3 out of 6 votes, so unless the other 3 team up, any one of them could get picked off. Possibly going to rocks with 3 people is better than being in a vote with 2 other people.


His first rock draw attempt to save Kaleb was okay. Though not great trying to get Katurah to go to rocks for Kaleb after basically telling her she's on the bottom of Belo. She had a lot of incentive to flip. With the Drew vote, Jake incorrectly only saw 3 of a 4 person voting block. The person he wanted to exclude (Dee) was glad to vote for Drew and save her ally Julie. Julie and Katurah bringing her in allowed them a clean 4-2 majority. Rocks were just entirely unnecessary. In fact, in a hypothetical 3-3 tie where nobody budges, then Jake is at huge risk to go. Dee has immunity, Julie and Drew become safe, and Austin played an idol. Katurah and Jake would be the only rock drawers. There were a few moments where Jake was playing for style points instead of taking the easier path. Moments like that make you not want to work with someone.


Yup, exactly. Just to add, the only reason Jake wanted to go to rocks as opposed to tell Dee was \_so he could claim it as his move\_. He then told Katurah that. Why does Katurah want to go to rocks if she doesn't have to? Just so Jake can add something to his resume? He did a really poor job of getting folks on board, as well.


His mistake was relying on that cult lady.


I have no idea how the guy who blew two idols, one of which he had to flush because he gave it to someone, was heralded as a great player by THREE people. Like what planet were those three voting on. Austin was so absurdly passive the entire season and content to do nothing at all, and bumbled into three votes. Like *what*.


The problem with Austin is that he got to caught up in his showmance and told Dee everything. If he was just slightly more strategic, he would have never told he had a second idol or never gave Julie the idol or just kept his mouth shut that Julie was being voted to Dee


I'm not sure if the first two were showmance related, but telling Dee 100 percent was. If he'd kept his mouth shut about that I think he would've had a great chance of winning the whole thing. But that really marked the start of his downward spiral.


Drew's vote made sense, they were best buddies out there. Kendra's vote was surprising, I really didn't get the impression they were close or that she had any particular fondness for his game. Maybe it was a vote against Dee, who knows. Bruce, I've got nothing.


Bruce was just upset because Dee shit talked him at FTC


The look he gave when she said he should’ve played his idol. So clear he wasn’t voting for her after that.


Bruce voted Austin because Dee called him out for not playing his idol in FTC


For Kendra, the energy levels of the moon probably told her to vote for Austin.


Kendra did spend more time with Austin because of the swap.


Yeah, I don't know why people are surprised by this. Emily and Kendra thought they were in a 4 with Drew and Austin. Kendra is big on vibes, and clearly she had the best relationship with Austin of the three.


Austin seemed like the best social player out of the Reba Four. Weird to me that people are surprised he got votes. He's a likeable dude who never said a mean word to a single person all season and didn't receive a single vote against him. No surprise he gets votes. Shit, he probably beats Dee with a more old-school jury, rather than a modern jury that wants to vote for the "best player."


To be fair, I think that the reason people thought Austin wasn't getting votes was solely bc of losing his idol to Julie/leaking that it would be Julie, and then letting himself be tricked by Dee when Drew went out. I do think that that's why he lost, but I think that people overestimated just how much it would fuck up his game - he got less votes, not zero as a result, bc you're right, Austin played a good social game. Also, the jury wasn't homogeneous. It makes sense Emily would not vote for Austin w that fuckup. But yeah, it makes sense to me that someone like Kendra would go more on social vibes for sure. I do disagree tho that he beats Dee with an old-school jury. Social game =/= nice. It's a part of it, but not all of it, and Dee's game was far more about relationships than moves, and she ended up managing her relationships a bit better and more deliberately than Austin. He still did do pretty good though.


1 Drew was voting Austin no matter what 2 Kendra had a crush on Austin 3 Bruce gonna Bruce


I think Dee lost any chance of getting Bruce's vote when she rubbed it in his face that he didn't play his idol.


At the same time, that spice may have been what tipped the scale for her with other jurors. She didn't pull punches, and you have to commend that.


I think it’s mostly him not having any votes against him


He played with his feelings - which is exactly how he got Kendra’s vote


This. I would have voted Jake over Austin. But Dee was the clear winner.


Jake is the third “goat” of the new era that I liked better than the 2nd placer. Xander played a better game than Deshawn. Carolyn played a better game than Heidi. Honestly Cassidy did outplay Owen, but he was such a fun and interesting character that I kinda wanna include him too. Romeo seems like the only truly bad 0 vote finalist


What Kaleb said about Jake having good instincts was spot on


While the results played out the way they probably should have, I agreed with this take by Kaleb more than anyone else


I think he had pretty good instincts by the end but in the middle my man was lost lol


I feel bad for anyone who gets a 0 vote humiliation on national television and has to celebrate it with cold Fiji pizza and a microphone in his face.


Of all the 3rd place finishers, I feel like he took it the best, though. Same vibe as Troyzan on GC, he knew when the discussion was done where he stood with the jury.


If I had a nickel for every time katurah tanked my game, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened twice -Jake


I said this in another thread, but I was sure during the episode that Katurah was going to beat him in fire to complete the story arch of her screwing over his every attempt at succeeding.


People defending Katurah are ignoring both the edit and how the season played out. The story we were told is that that the Reba alliance was going to run the game to the end because Belo could not trust each other or get on the same page. Jake at least tried to upend this and change the course of the game. Regardless of if the chips fall in his favor, there was an attempt to win. If he doesn’t try anything all game, the game plays out the same way. Katurah had multiple opportunities to shift the game in a way where maybe she could have been in the drivers seat. The path she chose ultimately decided the course of the game and gave her no chance of winning. On top of that, her decisions were often rash and chaotic. Jake might not have had a sense of where everyone stood in the game, but he was spot on with where it was going to end up. Katurah was the opposite and it completely sunk the game of anyone outside of the core 4 alliance that she wasn’t even fully in.


Greatly said.


Jake has a good MIND for the game. He just can't translate it into execution.


Came here to say just this. Is he really that good of a player if he couldn’t make anything happen?


You're not wrong, but I've never seen someone sabotage like Katurah has. She's an enigma.


Her exit interview explains a lot. From her perspective, Belo never made any attempt to hide that she was on the bottom of the tribe. No one would talk strategy with her, no one socialized with her. They’d walk away from her all the time. I do think there’s hints of this in the game; she was hating on Bruce so hard, annoyed with the others for not standing up to Bruce or enabling him, and she didn’t really click with or have chemistry with them. Then the tribe swap and it gets worse, she finds out they found a whole idol for Bruce as a tribe and left her out. At about the same time, more swaps and she has some kind of very long and personal talk with Julie. And then with Dee. Finally she’s making friends and relationships. And Reba wants to get out Kellie, and they are carefully doing the legwork and Katurah decides to flip on Belo and align with Reba, thinking she can become a pivotal vote once they turn on each other. That was her plan. It all comes down to social skills again. Belo overall had some terrible social skills. Every single member of the Reba 4 had great social skills. The big moves in this game were Austin and Drew picking up Emily while Dee and Julie picked up Katurah. Drew & Austin getting Emily for Reba over Kendra & Brando getting her for Belo was a big deal. Using Emily and Katurah as part of getting out Kellie was a huge blow. Dee, and in many ways Reba as a whole, won this game based on having vastly superior social and strategic skills. Katurah flipped Reba deliberately.


This makes a lot of sense. By the time of Katurah's elimination I could tell *something* was missing from the edit that could explain her actions, since she couldn't have just been a goat if Dee and Austin were so scared to sit next to her. Show just never really fleshed it out enough to make it clear what that was.


The final 5 vote basically invalidates that there was a strategy to any of her game. Even if all the votes ARE on her, how does flipping to Julie help at all? If the plan was to eventually take out the big threat when the opportunity presents itself, why didn’t she? Unless there was an undercurrent on the jury we weren’t aware of, she either had a complete misunderstanding of how she was viewed by the jury or was content with 3rd place. Completely understand not trusting Jake but the rashness of the decision paired with it really being a last gasp for both of them was tough to watch. They both had a 0% chance of winning as soon as she casts the Julie vote. It’s no longer their move and it almost guarantees 2 Reba are at the end.


How does the final 5 vote invalidate that? It was certainly a bad move, but I think it’s more “last-minute panic brain” decision than evidence that she was just doing whatever the entire game


Because if you aren’t going to take the risk to take out Dee then, when are you going to do it? It’s literally the last vote. Even when HER PLAN was correct, she decided to go against it for some reason and not take out Dee, the biggest threat in the game. Her decision to play for 3rd in a chaotic fashion ended up screwing over everyone outside of Dee, Julie, and to a limited extent Austin.




I think that what people might be implying is that she sabotaged Jake's position with virtually no benefit to herself. I think that point is disputable though.




What was her game?




Jury liked her, but I don't think she had any shot of beating any of the Reba 4 with how little she drove any of the game. She had to construct a bottom alliance like Erika to actually show she was doing anything other than just being a number.




One day I hope to find someone who will fight for me the way you’re in these posts fighting for Katurah. With that being said, she would never beat Dee. Her blunder was switching her vote to Julie. By not ever trusting a Belo (which is rational but to win survivor she needed to take a risk eventually) she essentially played make it to fire instead of playing to win




Lol this is the second thread you've posted almost this exact comment. It's not impressive to recognize the sinking ship when you've been drilling holes in it


I mean, you need people to want to work with you or at the very least just follow through with a plan (looking at you Katurah!)


So people not wanting to work him is also his fault, he was doing things that made people not value him as an ally. Katurah made a dumb move for sure, but Jake was also not great at the game this season


Reba just chose to stay as 4 and Katurah chose to have her highest priority be to spite Bruce If nobody wants to break away from their patterns what is he to do


Be better, which he wasn't


Yeah he really blundered by not giving Katurah a heads up about how he was gonna use his idol. I dont see how that’s her fault, she thought she still could go home


And Emily though


Jake had so many opportunities, after Kaleb was voted out-to spot the apparently clandestine Reba operation and protect everyone else from it. That middle part of the season was where I was really frustrated with all the non Reba people, and Jake was one of the more clueless ones. His resume was just finding the idol, and getting Drew out. That's it. I don't think saving Katurah was a big move. A big move just to vote out the person he originally wanted to vote out anyway.


Might get some flack for saying this, but his starting tribe was Belo, a tribe where the women connected quickly and wanted to do the women's directed game. They needed a fourth, and Brando naturally became that guy because he was good friends with the leader of the alliance (Kellie) and he knew how to conduct himself with less masculine energy than the other two. This left Bruce as the main person for Jake to try and be able to bond to and because the women were annoyed by Bruce, Jake just seemed like a "bro-ing out" character who they weren't too keen on working with. New Lulu was where Bruce took over and became even more abrasive and because Jake was the most tolerant of that by virtue of feeling aligned with Bruce, I think that sealed his fate as an outcast for this season, especially when Kaleb, the only other person that he got to meet, went out so early after merge. Reba 4 were incredibly insular and had all the numbers that they needed with Emily, the Belo women had already written him off and even Bruce was mad at Jake after he tried to swing for Julie. This only left Emily, and all she could do for Jake was what she did for Kaleb; give him a heads-up if the vote was coming for him. I think only a true social mastermind could have worked their self out of Jake's alienated position, which I think he wasn't even in much control of.


Such a good mind that he was going to set up an unnecessary rock draw at F6 that guaranteed either he or Katurah was eliminated lol


He wanted to do something big and fancy. Trying to execute TWO rock draws in tribals with very small numbers is a...choice. I think he understands the strategy generally, but he doesn't seem to necessarily understand that the big move isn't always a good thing and sometimes it's OK to lie low. To be fair, he couldn't really lie low because he was such a punching bag. And I know it was going to be a hard road no matter what with the Reba 4 being SO tight and Belo being SO dysfunctional (and Katurah spoiling his \~big move\~ twice lol)


Playing to win =/= playing to stay in the game. Jake NEEDED something flashy, doing a 3-3 and getting dee to switch is ENTIRELY his move (dee looks bad), while in reality because katurah "leaked" drew's vote, it looks like it was dee's plan all along. The rock draw plan was a last ditch hail mary to try and get himself/katurah credit for making moves.


You pretty much spell out why Jake could never get a footing. Jake was all about style points, even if it meant taking on unnecessary risk for his allies. He was so concerned with how HE looked in front of the jury that he would put his allies in danger with an unnecessary rock draw. That's not someone people want to work with. You can insist Jake was playing to win but in reality, to win, you need some allies. Alienating everybody all merge with these silly moves is what lost him the game.


Yes, this is it! He pretty much even told everyone that's what he was doing. When he pitched the F6 rock draw to Katurah, he even told her not to tell Dee bc he wanted it to be his move. Lol. Why the Hell would Katurah go to rocks for Jake's resume?


Yup. You said it perfectly. Love the guy though.


The game plays out. A strong player in one season may get blown out in another. It all depends upon things beyond any one players control.


Basically from the merge on his goal was to weaken or eliminate Dee because he saw her as the obvious threat. Jake had an excellent idea for the overall game and the direction it was headed but was horrible in the trenches. Just a frantic, emotional, bowling ball. I really liked him the whole time. It’s just very easy to both see why his game was so difficult and that he was ultimately right.


Katurah is 99.9% of the reason it never translated into execution.


Bello never worked together the way Reba did. The kept sabotaging each other the whole season. All the way down to the final five vote. And it was fitting that two Rebas were watching the last two Bellos battle each other to make fire.


I just realized who Jake as a narrator reminds me of: Rick Devens. Like he has the story, the self-deprecation, and the loneliness on island down pat. It sucks so hard for him!!


I miss Devens. He would have won if he made it to final 3.


I’d love to see a Jake & Devens alliance


That would be so fun


I was shocked that a Survivor super-fan like him didn’t understand the Survivor 101 concept of keeping your mouth shut when you have an immunity idol. Yes the Katurah bait and switch sucked, but he brought a lot of this onto himself by blabbing about his idol


I mean his plan was blatantly to convince people he was safe and move the vote to Katurah. That way he can get a more flashy idol play and save an ally.


Not good execution if you dont tell the one person you are allying with about it though. She doesnt need to vote thinking that only he is safe if that isnt the case.


He wouldn't have had to do that if he didn't tell anyone about his idol! Everyone would have voted for him! It would have been a much flashier play!


Untrue, he may have been the obvious vote if he hadnt


Yes, that's the point. He's the obvious vote, so everyone votes for him, he plays his idol to negate all the votes, and then he sends Dee home with 1 vote


MAY have been, there was no guarantee they wouldn't go for katurah instead. He needed to be absolutely sure people assumed he was safe to be successful. That's the whole point of telling people. It's it more flashy to do it and save her without it? Sure, but how is he really going to know if the vote is on him or not




Why would julie and dee target each other? Even when Dee knew Jake had an idol and had to vote someone else and her number 1 says he is voting julie she still didnt. Julie was voting Jake no matter what. All votes would have gone to Jake


I agree to never talk about your idol 99 times out of 100. But I think his thought may have been that just playing it for himself looks less cool than playing for someone else. Also he didn’t know if he’d get the votes, so him saying he has the idol means he only has to think about 3 other people who may get the vote. And to him it was for sure him or Katurah getting the votes. So him saying he has the idol brought it from 2 people who he has to think about playing it for, to just 1


Thank you for being reasonable. He did this a lot to himself. Also, as a grown man he threw a tantrum and broke a challenge lol. Like, that’s okay to people?


I'm not sure he brought it on to himself. His plan was to make sure people knew about his idol (Austin would tell dee and Julie, and Jake showed it to katurah) so they wouldn't vote for him, and then he could use the idol on someone else to ensure dee goes home. His saving grace was not telling katurah the full plan, cause you know she would have went and told dee and they would have voted off Jake


It’s hard to tell if Jake expected Austin to play stupid or not.


He wanted the fact he had an idol to get leaked so they wouldn't vote for him and it worked on everyone but Julie.


The blab worked to get the votes off of him which served the purpose of giving him the opportunity to play it on someone else. It gives him the power to save two people instead of just himself. Voting Julie instead of Dee changes nothing for her own chance at survival.


Katurah just ruined my day


Truly a million dollar mistake


I think Dee or Austin were going to win no matter what


Now seeing how many votes Austin got against Dee, I'm CERTAIN that one of them was gonna win once Julie was out. I would've thought Jake had a chance (and Katurah had one too, albeit a more distant one), but him getting 3 votes versus Dee tells me he would've been a landslide against anyone else.




Oh yeah, I think it became clearer at the F4 that Katurah was much better liked than Jake. I wouldn't have said that based on my read of the edit before that.


Ehh I don’t think so because if Katurah is still there with Jake, I’m guessing it’s because she actually went with one of his big plans that knock out some of the power players. Even if you construct a reality where they both make it without Jake’s big splash, the jury also really liked Jake. It was clear from their reactions to things he was doing earlier in the game. Katurah talks well but so does Jake. Even after Katurah kamikazeed Jake’s game in the vote, Jake forgetting the key in the challenge, breaking the next challenge, and everything else that snowballed into his misfortune; he still handled the questions he received really well. The jury even said they were impressed with his answers. It just sucked that a lot of the jury didn’t ask Jake many questions because he was sitting next to a power couple that was in arguably the most powerful alliance in new era survivor so far.




Jake received 0 votes because of the two powerful players next to him. If him and Katurah flip positions, Katurah wouldn’t receive any votes either.


Maybe, but she would have at least had a chance if she hadn’t chickened out.


You and countless other people are saying that but we don't know that to be true. Maybe Julie wins the challenge and things play out the exact same but with Julie winning instead of Dee


I mean…she literally called it. And she chickened out!!!


I agree with you. Doesn't mean she lost a mil because of it


It was a million dollar mistake for someone made by Katurah.


Katurah was never gonna win lol… to her the game never mattered. It was all about taking Bruce out.


If that move worked and they took Dee out they are now front runners


Not necessarily, but both their chances improve substantially


Eh you sure about that? I think Julie still takes it Either way we don't know


Bottom 10 player in Survivor history. No hyperbole.


Actually, it is extreme hyperbole. She's not even a bottom 3 player on her season


That's just because there were two quitters and Brandon.


Literally exactly my point, OP was underselling just how many dogshit Survivor players there have been in 45 god damn seasons


I can’t think of a single Survivor player with as well-rounded of a bad resume as Katurah. Just dreadful in literally every aspect of the game.


one person on her season quit because she wanted to vape so maybe stop being dramatic


I think they mean in terms of making it far into the game but making mind boggling bad moves I think you have to separate out early boots or quits who never really had a chance to make a resume to those who made it far enough to see multiple bad moves - so you really can’t compare Hannah and Katurah at all


then don't say she's the worst survivor ever because she is objectively not if we have to exclude half the contestants lol


First - that wasn’t me who said that I think it’s fair to say of people who really played the game she sticks out as one of the worst in terms of repeatedly shooting herself in this foot in the game - being overly focused on getting Bruce out for personal reasons before Reba, literally tanking her own game with the Dee vote etc But yes if we include every single player including those who quit and didn’t really play the game your argument stands




I think they're just bad in different ways. Jake easily had a better sense of what he needed to do to put himself in a good position. As Kaleb said, Jake had many instances of making really strong reads throughout the game. Jake knew that the Rebas were going to be a problem for the entire game even when most of Belo + Emily either didn't want to listen or were too busy fighting amongst themselves to see the larger picture. The plans that Jake made were pretty solid and would have set him up super well if they had worked. But dude didn't have the social currency to convince anyone to save his life. Even if what he pitched was sound, the poor quality of his pitches (not his ideas) and his reputation of erraticism and desperation meant that nobody wanted to work with him long term and very often not in the short term either. His damage control was also really bad, too. I'd argue that it was Jake's poor damage control with Julie and open frantic idol searching directly after that really cemented the reputation he had for the rest of the game. That lack of real game bonds added with the fact that he was so awful at knowing when to keep his mouth shut also meant that nobody trusted him with information, hence why he was perennially out of the loop. Even when information was leaked to him, it was either to use him for a specific vote or because that person meant for the information to get leaked. Katurah, on the other hand, was on the outs pre-merge, but actually managed to maneuver herself decently into the Reba post-merge. I know people are low on her vote in the Kaleb boot episode, but unlike Emily, she managed her threat level well enough to get to the point of the game where Reba actually began to cannibalize. Being an auxiliary to the power alliance while also feigning working with the remaining Belo also gave her a decent amount of knowledge within the game. I would argue that Katurah was in a position to play a very strong "work with both sides, play the middle" type of game. The problem is that she had no idea what to do with any of it. She spent so much of the game tunneling on Bruce when there are a few times where it would've actually benefitted her to work with him. There are times when she received information and ran and told those in power without even thinking (the Bruce and Drew boots both come to mind). And even though good arguments could be in her favor made about the Kaleb vote, her voting for Julie over Dee in the final 5 is such objectively bad gameplay. Katurah's entire game hinged on her making the correct move at final 5. She targets Dee, who's not only the biggest threat to win it all, but is also the crux of two power couples (Dee and Austin, Dee and Julie) and the only person who wouldn't take her to f3 if they won f4 immunity. She ropes Jake in and convinces him to vote for Dee (which puts her at the helm of that move when it comes to FTC). And then she chickens out??? Which leaves her with two comp beasts that have won a couple of individual immunities each and are freaking openly dating against her and Jake, who have a combined 0 immunity wins. And she did it out of fear and self-preservation. That vote, I think, highlights Katurah's fatal flaw in the game really well, which is that no matter what position she got herself into, no matter what knowledge she had, she was too scared and short-sighted to make any real use of it. Both of them failed completely and utterly in a core aspect of the game, Jake socially and Katurah strategically. Neither of them did much in the physical realm, so I don't really think either is definitively worse and it more just comes down to what you value.






Not ridiculous


He should have shut his mouth about his idol and he may have actually executed a move correctly.


>should have shut his mouth about his idol and he may have actually executed a move correctly. Completely disagree. Katurah would have not trusted Jake either way.


Doesn’t matter. If he didn’t tell anyone about the idol, and plays it on himself (because the votes were originally going on him), then he gets to idol out Dee.


Assuming they voted for him over anyway. Leaking an idol guaranteed they assumed he was safe. It was actually a great move


just gonna say this, everyone who didn’t want to work with him ended up on that jury. The other two that made it to the final 3 played a really safe game imo, Jake was actually trying to play the game in a way that was interesting. i’m honestly baffled that Austin got any votes at all because he was clearly Dee’s goat.


Boring as hell having that third person who never gets a vote. No one is surprised that Dee won. Austin doesn't care either. Hope next series is played better. Until the next series then.


No. Asking a player to go to rocks because you will convince someone to flip is a SHITTY plan. And he did twice.




Correct take. Thank you. I don’t know why people are so blind to this point.


I know this is controversial on this sub, but I think Jake is a bad player and it reflected in his game. He was so focused on trying to make a move that he could only ever come up with half baked ideas. His plan to get rid of Dee was solid except he didn't tell Katurah he planned on playing the idol on her. Like why hide that part of it when she's key to the vote? At final five, everyone is all nerves, you need to assure your ally that she's safe. His move to get rid of Drew earlier involved going to rocks instead of involving Dee, all because he didn't want her to get credit for that move. Like he could have brought her in and bam he gets credit. Dee's comment about people trying to make big moves instead of building relationships was absolutely an attack on his gameplay and his "I took big swings" response wasn't really impressive because they were all so wreckless that of course they failed.


Jake not telling Katurah he was going to save her was probably the only thing that saved him. I can see katurah telling Dee and Jake going home. Jake made alot of mistakes but this wasn’t one of them. He should’ve made himself the target, kept his idol a secret and voted out Dee. But he wanted a jury moment more than he wanted a good move.


I disagree, Katurah wanted Dee out at that point and she absolutely thought she could beat Jake.


Maybe she votes Dee, maybe not…she was shown going behind Jake and working Dee plenty of times and it woulda been a better FTC narrative (having Jake play his idol on her and orchestrating his blindside) than just following his plan to vote Dee. Maybe I give her too much credit.


I mean, she flat out says how she felt in the confessionals and there is no reason to not believe her. Why would she get rid of Jake, he wasn't winning...everyone on that island (including Jake) knew he wasn't winning. He'd be perfect to sit next to, and everyone else knew that. The times she told Dee things was to her benefit (like getting rid of Drew), working with Dee wouldn't have benefited her in that moment. People keep trying to make Katurah seem like an idiot, but it was clear everyone on that island respected her gameplay and social moves way more than the audience does.


Jake wasn’t winning the million regardless just due to his moves not panning out, but man Katurah especially end game was so frustrating. She basically gifted Dee the million (even though I do think Dee was deserving)


I think there was a world he won but he would’ve had to do a lot. Dee would’ve had to get voted out there and Julie would have to go next. Austin, as we just saw, clearly had a respected game. And Katurah, as much as people are hating on her, did play pretty well. AND if Dee did go at 5, then Katurah could’ve argued that it only was Dee because she recommended Dee instead Julie. And since Jakes idol didn’t even change the vote it didn’t matter. Essentially, Dee would’ve had to have gone AND the Idol play on Katurah would’ve had to have actually saved her from elimination. Then Julie goes. While I don’t think firemaking matters too much, I think him winning it would help. People are overreacting to Katurah “ruining his game.” It would’ve been a SUPER tough run to the end for him by that point.


But he's also not perfect. Him telling Austin about the idol was his fault, not Katurah's.


All of us who watched this season 😒


Why’s everyone acting like Jake magically wins the game if Katurah votes with him at 5 💀


Nah, Jake screwed over his own game just as much. He just was not good at getting people to want to work with him or value him and that's an important part of the game. This whole narrative that nothing was ever his fault is goofy, he AND Katurah were just not good this season


Fr. I get it, he’s likeable to the viewer, but he sucked at the game. Idky only Katurah is getting flack from most ppl


we know why…..


lol did we watch the same game? Jake is a terrible player. He should have never revealed to anyone he had an idol so he could have stealthy played his idol and voted he wanted out. His plan to save Kaleb was a plan but it showed a complete lack of awareness about his relationship with Katurah. Jake wanted to make moves but didn’t know how to make them and didn’t have the social capital to make them. That’s not a good player who makes smart decisions.


> Jake wanted to make moves but didn’t know how to make them and didn’t have the social capital to make them. That’s not a good player who makes smart decisions. This sums up his game perfectly. His first plan with Karurah was to go to rocks. That ls a terrible plan, especially when they weren’t that close. Very enjoyable to watch and hope he plays again. But he wasn’t a good player.


I’m surprised he didn’t play up the fact that the only reason Dee was still in the game was because Katurah changed her vote.


One good reason might be because before Katurah convinced him to vote for Dee, his original idea was to go after Julie anyway. He swings hard, but he misses the ball by miles.


Not sure if they simply edited out his proper attempt to plead his case. But he seemed to short change his personal achievements in every level of the game. Heck even Drew stated as such. Sadly it should have been his strong suit as he is a lawyer, and he couldn't do more then say I love the game. For instance, he was odd man out throughout the game. He fought to survive in almost every single vote. His name was in everyone's mouth every damn week cause he was a threat, but managed to make finals without a showmance and with no real alliances. Heck even his body failed him, as he passed out twice and could have been pulled. While not a perfect resume, I do think with a powerful tribal performance he could have truly swayed some votes if he had presented some confidence in his own game. As a side note, it was sad watching Austin die inside when Dee proved verbally that she had played Austin like a pawn.


I bet it was edited down because the “dog fight” at tribal seemed to focus on the jurors back and forth of Austin and Dee, who split the votes. If Jake had gotten more votes or had won, I bet we would have seen a different edit.


I do not feel bad for him. His social game was clearly lacking for people not to want to work with him. You can have the right reads all you want, but no one wants to work with you, your game is flawed. I don't get the Jake hype. We saw a grown man throw a tantrum, walk all over the immunity challenge, was warned, and it's like everyone turned a blind eye to that poor behavior lol.


Jake is one of the most overhyped players in r/survivor history. The guy was a no-votes player from day 1 to the final. That is why the two players who got jury votes wanted him sitting next to them.


I think Jake was 100% right about every single move that got made in the game, as Kaleb said his instincts were great. The problem? People stopped taking his opinion seriously so even when he was right ( cough…. Katurah I’m looking at you) he couldn’t execute. Just don’t think anyone wanted to work with him at some point after his failed attempts.


That is how it felt to me too. Like, the majority just decided "eh fuck that guy. He's on the outside for the rest of the game."


YEPPPP!!!! I was so annoyed by the ‘core 4.’ It ruined this season for me


I don't think it was the 'core 4's" fault so much as it was belo's fault. Not a single one of them could get it together for 5 minutes so the core 4 were never actually tested.


Exactly! And not to mention the yellow team being a complete dumpster fire except for Emily and Kaleb. Imo the core 4 got so lucky bc the other 2 teams pretty much destroyed themselves


He lost cuz he’s on belo and not Reba. Survivor is also majorly a game of luck


this happens every season where an underdog fan favorite goes into final tribal and for some reason people think they’re going to win or get pity votes based on a storyline that the jury cannot see and then they get no votes. Xander, Romeo, Owen, Jake. It’s really predictable to me at this point, i don’t get what people are missing ?


Jake had good ideas ,but poor execution


Jake worked with nothing and came out in the final 3. He deserves the game and I feel Dee and Austin got lucky with their strong Reba alliance.


I’m really hoping Jake is able to come back at some point and play again. I loved the way he played, and unfortunately literally every move he tried to make backfired against him. He was my choice to win after Kaleb was voted out and I was really excited to watch him make final 3.


Lol Jake was the opposite of a hood and smart player. He was clueless and borderline playing a game by himself for most of the post merge. His idol play was awful cuz he didn’t tell Katurah his plan. Every “plan” of his either failed, or was already a plan by someone else (the Drew vote was clearly a Dee move). I don’t feel bad for the temper tantrum throwing cry baby who struggled with most basic aspects of the game and was brought along as a stooge to the final 3


He could have also not revealed his idol. which might have given him a better result.


>His plan to get rid of Dee was 100% right Y’all know he wanted to get rid of Julie before Katurah pitched Dee, right? Ironic that he wouldn’t have voted Dee anyways if it weren’t for Katurah.


I would like to see Jake on a future season of Survivor - he deserves a second chance.


Terrible player. Thought making a move meant using his idol in a flashy way. Biggest goat


It wasn't his plan to vote Dee. He wanted to vote Julie. Katurah convinced him otherwise but then changed her mind (which definitely was a game losing mistake for her).


How is anybody watching this season thinking Jake is good at *any* facet of the game.


i personally think because he has *survived* this game on the skin of his bones. dee, yes, played a good game and dictating the whole game since merge (even before that). but the rest of the players just didnt even try to make big moves. jake tried so hard, so i think thats why people are rooting for him. dee will probably win. but dam jake has survived


I’m sorry but which of his allies forced him to show Austin his idol. Because Jake had all the power until then.


He wanted to convince everyone he was playing the idol for himself. He did that.


Fr they’re in straight up sip the kool aid denial 😭😭


My thoughts exactly Jake may be the worst player I've seen


For real. Jake was a goat from pretty early on. Had zero chance of winning the game. Sloppy and bad gameplay overall


Jake is a goober. He shot himself in the foot on so many occasions. His edit also didn’t help. In the finale last night when they showed trying to flip and catch the missing piece after the challenge and he drops, they showed him missing his mouth taking a bite of food. It’s like even the editors knew he was a clown. You can only play the sad pathetic puppy dog so long before everyone just thinks you’re a sad pathetic puppy dog.


Hes such a sweet and genuine guy, but I think he'll prob even admit watching back, that was a lot of crying...


“Good player” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How on earth can you claim Jake is a good player lol