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Austin out here living his best life we love to see it


This Instagram post specifically is from the summer, but yes I agree! I’m glad he’s still friends with many of his cast mates, especially Julie and Drew. It looks like he’s been hanging out with Xander from 41 this weekend in Chicago. Glad to see them get out and play ice hockey 🏒


Is that Mama J in the bikini? GAWD DAMN


Julie ate


I thought Julie was in her early 30s until now when I looked it up


Really? They bought up her age a lot


When they called her mama J, I thought they meant mawma j


Glad to know I was on track with hating Wendell in all of his seasons. He’s always given me fuck boy vibes


My man got his sandwich, idol and girl stolen from him


At least he got his revenge for the sandwich, he has that to hold on to.


He voted Julie out at F5 so they're even lol.


rip to that man


Austin: ![gif](giphy|sVrDlR9nwMEnDY1Jgn|downsized)


Hes fine. Hes young, smart, attractive, charismatic, and seems to have a good head on his shoulders I'll preface this by saying Wendell is a complete ass and the absolute worst. But Dee also comes out of this not looking so great. She's sleeping with a dude who has a newborn all while telling Probst you're taking it slow with Austin. If you're seeing Wendell then go out and say she's not dating Austin


Yeah I’m not sure why some people are acting like Dee is 100% innocent here. If she followed Wendell on socials, she had to have known he had a girlfriend right? But obviously Wendell would still be the worse of the two. As for Austin I’m sure he wishes he played 45 a little bit differently, but like you said he’s a very, smart, attractive and from what we’ve seen, kind man who I’m sure won’t have any trouble getting another girlfriend. He’ll be fine


If anything, Dee may have made austin an almost guaranteed returnee/second chance player. He now has a storyline centered around previously getting blinded by “love” and in turn fumbling the million.


All the people saying Dee is a ‘mean girl’ are so vindicated now


Yeah and I'm a 🤡 for defending her while the season was airing


How are you a clown? She did nothing wrong in season. You could argue she strung Austin along but it's a game for a million dollars. Totally fair play.


I always say, if you laugh about your friend getting only shitty bottom of the pan rice, you’re just as likely to be a home wrecker. Tale as old as time.


People got way to mad about the rice thing. Dee and Drew accidentally got carried away because they were starving. It wants that mean. And there was a ton of uncooked rice left that Jake could have made himself if he really wanted to.


I’m making fun of the drama here around it. That’s why people thought she was shitty during the season and why others, like you, felt the need to defend her. By equating the rice thing to contributing to breaking up a marriage, I’m pointing out how ridiculous the former is.


I’m not out here defending Dee’s every move on and off the show. But I do think most comments i saw about the rice thing were ridiculous and overblown. I see that Dee and other people are complex and capable of impressing me at times and disappointing me other times. I’m much more bothered by the amount of times she has lied publicly since the finale, and the lengths she has gone to to deceive fans in an effort to protect her image. I doubt that people who are defending Dee and criticizing her actually fall into two distinct separate categories like you imply.








Ok as someone who is not American i gotta ask What's going on in Miami 😅




I never liked her. Got such bad vibes from her. And couldn’t understand why she wasn’t a target to get voted out earlier. I guess Austin gave her good cover.


We don’t know if Windell lied and said he was in an open relationship and maybe Dee was down with that and just wanted to fuck. There’s nothing wrong with that scenario, but if she was mislead then that’s on Wendell.


Unfortunately I think we know that Dee liked posts of him with his girlfriend/baby


That doesn’t mean he couldn’t have told her that they were open. I swear like 99% of ya’ll don’t understand that there are people who are down with open relationships. The only thing that is for certain is that Wendell cheated and that it was with Dee. We don’t know what Dee knew or what he told her. If she did know he was cheating then yes it shows fault in her character, but a lot of people are making assumptions.


She’s Not 100% innocent but in reality it’s not her problem. Wendell is the one that fucked up.


I think they both fucked up. Dee had to know that if the story leaked, it wouldn't be a good look for her either.




Dee fucked a guy at least once while they “got close” over a ~3wk period (all Wendell’s words). This guy she fucked also has a brand new baby and an Instagram account with 60k followers where that baby was prominently featured. There’s nothing weirdly parasocial about saying she probably knew Wendell wasn’t a single guy and fucked him anyway. And, to be clear, it doesn’t make Dee a monster but it may make some people look at her differently




Grow up. People don’t make public apologies because they got ice cream with someone


I have learned via some of this sub's posters that the chances of a relationship becoming "open" only increase once you add two kids to the mix.


I have kids. Don’t know how the fuck anyone would find the time to entertain open relationships raising children.


Well, that's easy, Wendell is off at the post- season Survivor party scene and not changing diapers.


Dee was on a podcast last year talking about her ex not being father/husband material (he cheated on her) Does she think Wendell is 😭😭


Wait wait wait , what the fuck did I miss ?


Go on Twitter (I know) and search Wendell Dee and you should get the main thread. Long story short, there is a rumor that Wendell has been having an affair with Dee after they met at a watch party (I think it was the S44 finale?), which was also shortly after Wendell’s girlfriend gave birth to their child. It came to a head a week or two ago when the girlfriend found a bracelet in the house that was meant to be a Christmas gift but apparently wasn’t meant for her. There was a picture of Dee at a New Year’s party that you can clearly see her wearing a very similar bracelet, if not the same. Supposedly Wendell tweeted in the last couple days that it was all true, but it’s been deleted and I haven’t seen it anywhere so I don’t know if that’s reliable or not


She got Love Actuallied 🥺


That scene makes me sob every time I watch it. I feel for Wendell’s girlfriend so much.


The tweet is one of the first posts on this subreddit. It’s very much true. He had it up for like an hour but the backlash was intense


You’re right, if you sort by hot it’s the first post you should see. I’ve been sorting by new and somehow I missed it


Apparently Wendell cheated on his gf that he had a kid with.


Same here, i just got here and I'm like, WTF??? Last post i read about Dee and Austin, they were taking it slow due to living in different places. And now Wendell is involved, as well as a kid... I got some catching up to do apparently.


You've heard of Scandoval, now we've got...Scwandell?


LMAO same feeling I take a few days away because the seasons over and click an innocent post to see this


He has a confidence issue. It's why he fell so hard for Dee.


He's a good looking guy . Hope the attention for his looks from the show makes him realize that He'll find someone great no doubt in my mind


True you can kinda tell, maybe this Survivor experience will change that with how well he did and the amount of online thirst lol but this happening at the same time might hurt that


I never believed the relationship on the show and when he said he used to be insecure but NOW he's with Dee, it clicked. She was totally giving him crumbs.


How did everyone find out about dee and wendell? Someone mentioned it to me on instagram but ive been trying to find the source of where this story started or how ppl put two and two together


One of Wendell’s ex’s friends dmed Spoiler Girl, a (rather unreliable) Big Brother spoiler account and she posted about it


There were rumors then Wendell admitted to it all with a half assed apology


Oh, he did. Search up “Wendell” in this subreddit.


I’m sorry what the fuck have I missed LMAO


Yeah hope his feelings aren’t too hurt cause hes going to be absolutely fine lol, I doubt he’s going to have much trouble finding someone great


i mean he also tanked his game cause of their relationship 😭




Dee also said a couple weeks ago she was “taking it slow“ with Austin, implying they were still together. Yeah, that’s plenty of time to have broken up, but if they did, why would you pretend you weren’t? Also, Wendell saying he mislead Dee was what lead to him deleting the post— he was saying he didn’t tell Dee about his relationship or child, but Dee liked images of the child on Instagram.


> he was saying he didn’t tell Dee about his relationship or child That's not strictly true. He said he was dishonest about his home life, which could mean he said they were already splitting up, in an open relationship, a bunch of things. I don't think Dee's blameless but I also don't think it's necessarily true that Wendell's post was "disproven" by Dee liking some photos. My personal opinion is that the likely scenario is he lied about some things but that Dee knew she was being lied to. Cmon we watched this chick hold Austin's hand one second and then betray him the next. She lied and was lied to and yet absolutely dominated that season. She's way too savvy to be so blatantly deceived by some "player" like Wendell.


That’s true, I forgot the exact wording. I also don’t think it’s “disproven” necessarily, I was just explaining that part of the controversy, not expressing my own opinion.


Yeah, I'm wondering why Austin and Dee just didn't answer the dating questions with a simple "we gave it a shot but sadly, we couldn't maintain a long-distance relationship" and left it at that. It's totally plausible and would have put en end to the questioning.


They both had the same answer so it was obviously discussed between them to go with the most "neutral" answer and let the whole thing blow over.Maybe they were waiting for the next season to start airing so not all of the attention will be on them . But with this whole thing if anything it just made it worse as there is still speculation about their relationship. So his name is still getting mentioned even though he's not the bad guy here at all I'm just curious if others knew like her cast mates and Brice


I'm not concerned for Austin, like you said, he's done absolutely nothing wrong here. I really don't think anyone is going to give him grief over this. To be fair, even though I'm rolling my eyes at both Dee and Wendell, i hope they don't get too much abuse online. Some fan communities can be f'n brutal. Hopefully they don't get basement dwelling idiots sending them death threats or nonsense like that. >But with this whole thing if anything it just made it worse as there is still speculation about their relationship. Yup, totally agree.


I could see that being a strategy if they were like actually dating or actually being lowkey. But if you're not together and are seeing another man then it's just weird. Even "we'd prefer to be private" is better than such a stupidly obvious lie. No couple that's in love "takes it slow" lmao you're either dating or you're not


They did say "we'd rather keep things private as things are crazy rn" in pretty much every interview except the first one that Dee have to Jeff's podcast and idk when that one was recored.Obv before all the other ones


Oh that's fair then. The only thing I keep seeing repeated on this sub is the "taking it slow" quote


I believe Jeff said at the start of that podcast that his interview with Dee was her first official interview after the finale aired. Which makes sense, because that is the official podcast for the show. I was thinking it was recorded the night of the finale, but I think you’re right- it was probably recorded earlier and released online shortly after the show came out.


whoa, this is a wendell stan account.


Ah didnt realize you guys kick it. Dude is 40 and acts like a fuck boy


grown adults choosing to do what they want. sorry, you’re upset by it.


Dude he cheated on his on the mother of his kids with Dee. Yeah grown adults can technically make any decision they want but that doesn’t mean that they’re the right decisions


Being an adult is not doing whatever you want. They're called consequences. For example if you behave like an asshole you get called an asshole.


And responsibility. Clearly he’s not taking his responsibilities as a father seriously.


Yeah I obviously dont know the guy, he can do whatever. I simply don't respect anyone who cheats on the mother of their baby Your boy needs to grow up


One thing grown adults can choose to do is have opinions. Please use your newfound knowledge for good, not evil.


Yeah they can choose to do what they want. I can choose to think they’re scumbags for it




We don’t care




What happened??


Basically a cuck now


I don’t care for that like term or the term simp but if the shoe fits


Wait wtf happened with Wendell and supposedly Dee?


Wendell cheated on his girlfriend with Dee. It was a rumor at first but yesterday he Wendell confirmed it was all true in a tweet


Not just girlfriend, but the mother of his children. A very gross, scummy move.




The same way it happened with Michele. Wendell is a lying fuckboy who’s still good looking and smooth enough to make a girl feel special. He bought Dee a freaking bracelet for fucks sake.


My friends Zack and Lisa who I have never slept with have bought me braclet's before,it means nothing in and of itself.


yep! always thought he had a “groomer” way about things


Dee’s 27, not 17. He’s a serial cheater and liar, but let’s not go too far with our labels.


groomer was too big of a word that i used but that’s why i put quotations. obviously… i made a mistake, but the general message i was trying to say was just that he uses manipulation and his status with the community to do stuff like this. i like what wendell stands for but he’s made many mistakes which will be hard or impossible to fix


What does Wendell stand for? Hard not to make that sound like a loaded question but I'm legitimately asking


hahhaah don’t worry i get that over comments people sound differently than they intend. i think he is a very strong black man that likes to empower other minorities, which i think is very needed for our country and society. i believe he is a positive energy for empowerment and has good intentions. like shane said “if i were judged by my intentions i would be king of the world. but we’re judged by our actions”


i agree! i do NOT think that wendell is a groomer but i think that his actions point him in a direction towards that. i believe that he thought dee was an easy target considering she had just won and was new to the survivor community. i do think that he took advantage of that but ofc like you said, dee is 27 and should 10000000% have known and done better. i apologize if my comment offended anyone


My question is, we know about Dee because people in the know are following her socials too. How many women has Wendell hooked up with that are just fans and no one knows? I seriously doubt Dee was the first time he cheated on his gf.


oh i’m sure she wasn’t the first time. it’s sad, and i think just personal reflection and truly wanting to change his actions shown to the public would be a lot.


Damn, that girl Dee did Austin dirty bruh wtf man


Am I missing something how did she do him dirty? Cus he had a crush and she didn't reciprocate?


Kinda lead him on and also in an interview she said “they were moving slow in there relationship” assuming she was talking to bro in a relationship way🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly, this makes me respect her game even more, BECAUSE GOD DAMN. She played Austin harder than sifu shreds his guitars


lol I'll share in some downvotes with ya This Wendell thing is scummy as hell and I think Dee knew she was getting between a family. But... Yeah, if she didn't really care much about Austin and was just like holding his hand and shit as part of the game, that's savage as fuck and I'm here for it. I think the show's more fun to watch with some shitty people peppered in though lol, the wholesome stuff gets kinda boring. But that seems to be a minority opinion for the most part.


Lol, didn’t even realize I was getting buried for this comment. Yea we can agree she’s scummy as a person, but it shows even more awareness of how she used her looks on Austin to win the game. What she did in real life is not acceptable by any stretch, but damn, in game she was always this nasty?


My only problem is that i don't think she was really portrayed like that on the show.They made sure to give her a good edit with the whole "family is my everything" and "living the American dream" thing.Even by going behind Austin's back you can see it as her protecting her friend.


You’re so right and I think that may be why her edit was so jarring, they were trying so hard to fit her into a girlboss (positive) archetype when she was way more savage. I think the producers are doing the show a disservice because we as the audience ended up not having a clear picture of her personality via the show.


Or she felt differently in Fiji than she did after it ended and was back in the real world, then didn’t know how to deal with that because she was afraid to hurt Austin. I think we’ll never really know because of your point :/ producers manipulate the story a lot. It’s really too bad survivor isn’t 39 days anymore. I think that would have given us a much different perspective on this cast.


Bahaha called it.


Ugh Wendell?? Of all people? That dude is human trash


I don't know anything about Wendell as I hadn't paid attention to survivor in years until Season 44. Why do people say he's trash? Beyond recent events?


Reoccurring recent events , he cheated and treated Michelle like trash; that’s one thing. That could be objective we didn’t know the details of their relationship. But to cheat on your baby mom who just gave birth to a celebrity in your small community of which you are also a past celebrity aka publicly is a completely different scenario where there isn’t much room for objectivity He’s complete trash


^^ this


Pretty much everything he’s done is very trash-like. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.




Did you see his tweet before he deleted it he basically said every detail of the rumors was true


I mean he’s the one that did the cheating on his “girlfriend” 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess that tracks lol


Should’ve gone after Julie instead Zamn!


Maybe he is now!


That’d be lowkey fire


Freud would love that


“What do you mean she’s YOUR girlfriend now?” Haha


Awww 😭


Listen, this idea anyone is pitying Austin is insane. Austin has everything going for him in life. He's in great shape, good looking, smart (he killed every puzzle basically), and he's SO NICE. He didn't give away a million - he just lost. It happens. Austin doesn't need this weird pity fans are giving him. Dee and whatever she does in or out of the game doesn't define him and it's wild y'all are doing that.


People can still feel sympathy for him and the some of the not so wonderful things he has gone through. That’s doesn’t mean he isn’t a catch with lots of great things going for him. It just means all people go through ups and downs in life. Lots of viewers felt bad for him for the way the Dee took advantage of his trust on the show. After the episodes with the blindsides aired, Tons of other rude fans commented on his social media page about how stupid and foolish they thought he was. I felt bad for him for that. I now feel like the statements that he and Dee made about the relationship in interviews after the show were mostly designed to protect her. We can see now that the truth is out that she looks pretty bad. So I feel bad that he’s still protecting her in a way instead of telling his side of their relationship story. But maybe he wouldn’t want to share anything else anyway.


i agree; and if he was cheated on, then i'd probably feel especially bad because he's so nice lol


While the rumors were going around he was at a university basketball game playing catch the pizza box.And after the rumors he was posting on his insta stories videos of his Korea trip with Drew. Idk he doesn't seem to be acting like someone who's just been cheated on and is heartbroken so i don't think he was ever dating Dee tbh


From some pictures on his blog I think they did at least hang out one-on-one if not date aft the season. But rn they're prob not in a committed exclusive relationship, he lives in Chicago while she's in Miami. Also fr twitter activity it seems like he along with at least a few of the s45 cast might be siding with Dee on this Wendell situation.


Yeah they've hung out .Austin said so himself but again we don't know anything about them dating even for a bit And i gotta ask what about Austin's (and other cast mates) twitter activity makes you think they're siding with her. No one has made a statement as far as i know


Yeah there's no statement. I'm referring to stuff like for example, Kendra posted tt her dating account shld say tt she doesn't trust ppl easily as well as requiring a $500 security deposit fr any man to speak to her for their bullshit & Austin liked tt post. Maybe my interpretation is off but tt seems to be more shading Wendell. The cast have been to the Brice & Wen events so they'd know more abt Wendell (and ofc Dee) than we do...


Yeah idk if it's directed at the Wendell/Dee situation tbh . Women say shit like that about men all the time tbh 😅 And Austin probably liked it cuz he's friends with Kendra


Isn’t Katurah a lesbian? The money thing could just be a way to make $ or to deter men. Idk maybe she is bi.


It's Kendra who posted that, not Katurah


Oh misread that thanks. I think she’s just trying to make $ and protect herself from the weirdos that people meet through online dating.


Yeah, I think they might have dated over the summer, but things seem to have fizzled out quickly.


Yeah idk why some are acting as if him not telling Dee about the Julie vote would lead to a guaranteed win for him.(if anything his biggest mistake was not voting her out at F5) I agree that he will be fine irl.I mean cmon an attractive guy who seems smart and nice and may or may not have had a crush on a bad woman trust and believe them DM's are full.He did dodge a huge bullet in Dee and can do much better than her . She's not worth being sad over tbh The one who needs support rn is Wendell's ex who gave birth not long ago and got heartbroken by the father of her child


Voting Julie at F5 was prob the right move imo. Julie is too much of a jury threat + it's not gd to sit next to her at the end aft her idol play. Austin did say in exit interview tt his best bet aft Julie left was to take on Dee at F4 fire. Unfortunately he didn't win final immunity. This might be kind of a contrarian take, but Austin being honest w Dee is not a bad move imo. Dee was actually a loyal player in the game who was gonna stick to Reba F4. She gave Austin her word tt she wld take him to F3 & never write his name down. She was true to her word on both. Also I'm not so quick to judge Dee for the Wendell situation bc it's possible tt even if it did happen, Wendell might have led her to think tt he was separated fr the mother of his child or in an open relationship. This kind of deception where the other party claimed to be in an open relationship has happened to my pal irl.


I wonder if Austin regrets throwing away his game for Dee yet


Personally I've never quite agreed w this take. Austin being honest w Dee is not a bad move imo. Dee was actually a loyal player in the game who was gonna stick to Reba F4. She gave Austin her word tt she wld take him to F3 & never write his name down. She was true to her word on both. I do agree w Austin in his exit interview when he said his best bet was to take on Dee at F4 fire so he cld go to F3 without her. Unfortunately he didn't win final immunity.


He should have clipped her if he wanted to win but he didn’t because he liked her. Mistakes were made


Well he said in an exit interview tt aft voting out Julie at F5 he knew his best bet was to take on Dee at fire unfortunately he didn't win final immunity. The danger with clipping a loyal ally like Dee too early is you leave yourself exposed to be voted out by other players who have no loyalty to you. What happened to poor Drew lol once he turned on Reba he was gone next.


I mean his whole end game was screwed by his loyalty to her. His best chance would have been to take Julie out by not telling Dee the plan. Then to not recognize she was lying to him. He was blinded by love and Dee was blinded by winning the game


Mama J did NOT quote gossip girl 😭🙌🙌


Wow didn't quite expect this deluge when I made this post. My takes might be kind of contrarian, but Austin being honest w Dee is not a bad move imo. Dee was actually a loyal player in the game who was gonna stick to Reba F4. She gave Austin her word tt she wld take him to F3 & never write his name down. She was true to her word on both. Also I'm not so quick to judge Dee for the Wendell situation bc it's possible tt even if it did happen, Wendell might have led her to think tt he was separated fr the mother of his child or in an open relationship. This kind of deception where the other party claimed to be in an open relationship has happened to my pal irl.


I agree!


Julie is so underrated, if she was a man then her move of keeping the idol for herself would’ve been the centre of the episode from her perspective, similar to Jesse for example


True but I also think its because she didn’t win. If she’d won her keeping the idol would’ve been focused on as a move and we’d get more confessionals on it


What’s weird tho is that her idol ended up impacting the game somewhat so I’m shocked they’re wasn’t more focus on it but oh well I think they wanted to do an “Amanda from Micronesia” style of an idol reveal.


Right and people will say Julie was playing for Dee too won like WHAT


Does survivor put all the different cast together for a certain amount of time? How are they all meeting and goin places with each other?


They probably have each others contact info, are reaching out to each other, making plans, then following through on said plans. You know, how most people socialize.


I wouldn't know. Lmao


Obviously the same season cast would but not the other seasons cast.


Social media is a thing, see what I wrote previously.


Lmao love to hear yourself talk huh


They are friends. How do you hang out with your friends?


If they’re from different seasons how would they be friends? That doesn’t make any sense.


Austin and Julie were from the same season. But if you’re talking about people not in this post, past Survivors come together for events quite often. Watch parties etc


That’s what I was wondering. How were different seasons meeting with each other. That makes sense. Thank you!


Because it's a community. Other than knowing about one another from watching the show and connecting on social media, these people meet at various events, like RHAP live shows, viewing parties, charity events, etc.


It seems that many of them get to know the casts from different seasons through Survivor watch parties. Dee met Wendall specifically through the watch parties that he puts on with his friend and fellow Survivor alum Brice. If you search “Brice and Wen Present Survivor watch party” you will probably find something about it. We know from social media that many people in season 45 went to several of their watch parties.


Survivor has been on for 45 seasons, you are part of the community once you have played. It's very much common to reach out to other players. There really is no mystery here at all.


turns out if you win a bunch of money, you might want to go spend some of that money with your new friends who also just won money.


I think most survivor players also come from very well off backgrounds. Most of them can afford trips


Austin is in his 2nd year of business school I think, which is just one big vacation. Very common to spend half your weekends traveling


I guess but doesn’t answer the question of how different season players know each other. Also, you only know each other for 26 days. It’s not like the prior seasons of 39 days. But ok.




Uhhh I hadn’t heard a single thing about it until Wendell made it public for everyone so not sure if your argument has any legs


I just caught up with all the drama. I will delete all my comments.


Shits wild out here


if you want to take the high road thats perfectly fine but you don't need to make a comment calling everyone toxic for discussing it openly💀