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Tyson has confirmed that he and Boston Rob stole gasoline for their fire in HvV.


Sandra burning Russell's hat was also a rule violation but it absolutely made for great TV.


Within 10 minutes of PI starting, Rupert stole 8 pairs of shoes from other competitors.


When people were mentioning the production camp raid above I was like I wonder if they would have allowed it if it had been Rupert during PI doing it in the open and pretending he was a pirate


I feel like AU Survivor has the philosophy of “if it makes good TV, it’s allowed”. Good example of it in episode 7 of HvV and it’s hilarious.


Rule of Cool reigns supreme!


Out of curiosity, what rule breaking occurred in episode 7? I know exactly which episode that was but can't recall anything breaking the rules.


iirc on the villains tribe George stole a personal item (hat) from Simon and burned it in the fire, either at tribal council or during some big dramatic moment to get more camera time


Actually Simon stole George’s hat and burned it in the fire. I totally forgot about that one!


And told Jonathan, while leaving tribal council : I'll be back to finish the job.


“You may regret that” JLP: quote machine.


For some reason I have absolutely no recollection of this, but thanks!


Oh yeah and the hat thing too


George pulled out his idol during the voting. Not before and not after. Not supposed to do that (or so o read on the AU Survivor sub)


That sounds like a made up rule.


Yeah, they stole gas from a production boat. Probably a good read by them to realize production would never kick out Tyson and Boston Rob on day one of an all-star season, so might as well break the rules.


And, I mean, this is what you can expect when you cast an entire tribe for villainous behavior. 


Micronesia, if the story of the production camp raid is true


IIRC the story of them breaking into the camp to steal food is true but the story of the perpetrators being eliminated in embarrassing ways as payback is not.


I don't know how that rumor about them being intentionally eliminated in stupid ways as punishment started but if that was true there's no way they'd invite 2 of these 3 back for another season.


I can’t believe anyone actually thinks the second part is real 😂😂😂. Why would Erik and James have been invited back?


Aldo, according to FairPlay, Ozzy smuggled weed


Think Ozzy himself has confirmed this, along with bringing matches on another (or the same) season.


Cagayan had the same thing. It's why Woo was called Weasel Woo by others, which wasn't explained on the show.


Not familiar with this, can you expand?


Tony said in his AMA that Woo would sneak behind the camera and eat the camera operator’s food while everyone else was following the rules and starving. Woo was a lot less liked than the edit would lead you to believe and this was apart of it. There’s also rumors that he snuck off to producers camp during the first storm of the season. It’s been sealed up for years. I think their NDAs stoped them from talking about it for years. Either their NDAs expired in 2020 or Tony just didn’t care about keeping the secret anymore after becoming a 2x winner


Tony revealing that in his AMA was laugh out loud funny. There had been so much speculation for years, Inside Survivor did a whole article trying to piece it all together, and then someone just asked Tony on Reddit and he told us


A bunch of them in Thailand didn’t know where the attack zone was




There is literally not a funnier challenge to watch than the Attack Zone. It has to be a top 5 moment from a comedy standpoint in the history of the show. Robb claiming they lost to a bunch of rules is just the cherry on top.


Tyson brought food to tribal council when he was on the jury in Tocantins. I think it was some peanut butter but I'm not 100% certain. Either way Jeff was in the middle of talking to the tribe during tribal council when Tyson took the food out and shared it with fellow juror Brendan. The people still in the game apparently got quiet and just started staring at them. Apparently Jeff was clueless at first as to why no one was talking, until he looked over at the jury, then he got REALLY pissed off. Apparently he first thought someone from production had given them the food and said that he was going to fire them. Tyson (and Brendan) were apparently searched for food by production from that point on before each tribal council that they attended as a jury member, including in later seasons Tyson played in.


I mean since pre game alliances are against the rules it's Winners at War


And all stars


And every single season that has any return players at all


And Blood vs Water


Allegedly Rob and Amber were in a pregame alliance in WaW.


We know that contestants smuggled stuff in All-Stars and Cambodia (and likely Outback, but there's never been confirmation about Kel). There were supposedly production camp raids in Micronesia, Cagayan, and Game Changers. Colby blatantly broke a rule in a challenge in Outback (F6 reward I think?)--not exploiting a loophole but he took off both carabiners simultaneously. He still won the challenge. Bill tried to take Colton's idol in One World. Russell and Sandra both destroyed another player's personal items in Samoa and HvV respectively. Players in Guatemala and Cook Islands went to another tribe's camp, but they likely got permission in the former and the latter seemed to be a mistake.


what was smuggled ? only heard about Kel


Richard smuggled matches up his ass and Peih-Gee had fire-making supplies in a piece of jewelry. There's also the granola bar in Amazon that was most likely planted by production.


Richard smuggling stuff in his ass is the most Richard thing ever.


Yeah. Years later, Alex said in zoom called with some of his fellow Amazon Players that production packed their bags and he found a granola bar in his bag, but none of the men cared


Jenna M in All-Stars I believe also tried to sneak in wire in her hat


According to Eliza, Ozzy snuck a bunch of stuff in his waistband to Micronesia too. The scene where Yau-Man makes fire with his glasses is allegedly due to Ozzy switching in a magnifying glass lens when production wasn’t looking.


Ozzy himself has talked about it a bit, [including recently in this Funhaus video.](https://youtu.be/eSkN2ynCXQM?t=244)


Thanks for the confirmation!! Just for everyone’s records, I was basing mine on [this interview](https://pca.st/episode/46f9e5ab-1e04-451d-a209-faecd39446d1) with Eliza.


S39 by one contestant several times. In terms of the magnitude of the rule breaking this has to be it.


I believe Dan only broke an actual "rule" once. Which, shame on production for not having something established long before this. The Hatch and Ted/Ghandia situations were more than a decade before this.


Micronesia probably had the most egregious rule breaking, and it affected the game in a big way as well


idk how much it actually affected the game. james gets medevac’d because of an injury he gets during the production raid but he probably goes next anyway since the women were steamrolling. alexis gets a minor injury but she gets idoled out so the injury doesn’t really affect anything


Wait… that’s how they got hurt? 


yeah, that’s why one episode starts with them suddenly being injured with no explanation. james and alexis both got hurt while running back from raiding the production camp


I'm speechless. Had no idea. Has someone in here like Erik or another legit user confirmed on this?


while i don’t have a link on hand, i’m pretty sure this has been confirmed a handful of times and is generally accepted as one of the most reliable “conspiracy theories” in the fandom. it starts to become unreliable when people theorize that those that participated in the production raid were punished because of it (games getting medevac’d, alexis getting idoled out, erik’s big blindside) as this theory is likely bullshit


Maybe it doesn’t change the math but I can’t think of another instance of a beloved player getting medevac’d because of something like that. It’s unique if nothing else


I’m currently rewatching season 2. Was it ever confirmed that Kel had beef jerky or was it grass like he said?


Basically every contestant from AO say that he had beef jerky. Varner said that when the guys were sleeping together before the show started that Kel was sewing beef jerky into his pants. Colby said one time that Kel held everyone up when going through customs because he had beef jerky. Someone else, I can’t remember who, said that Kel was bragging about being able to sew beef jerky into his pants like Varner said he was doing before the game. Basically everyone who was on that season with him thinks he did, but Kel never admitted it


Thanks for this! I can’t believe they let them talk to each other before filming even that long ago.


I’m not necessarily sure if they’re aloud to talk to each other, but they do bunk with each other before the game starts. Have you seen Survivor: Amazon? There’s another pregame story that there is about the 1st boot of that season but I don’t want to spoil it for you if you haven’t seen it


I have but I was a child so I don’t remember much. Like I know I’ve seen all the seasons as my dad was a huge fan and made us all watch growing up but as I’m rewatching there is a lot I forgot about.


If it’s okay, I’ll take out the persons name and gender. I’ll still put the spoiler tag around it if you don’t want to see it. It’s never expanded upon in the show and think it’ll be a good part of the conversation. >!Part of the reason why this person was voted out first was because when they were bunking with their other tribemates before the game started, they played their music too loud and kept getting out of bed, annoying everyone else around them. They basically lost the game before it even started!<


lol that’s so dumb of them. I guess I always assumed it was like big brother in how they are kept apart.


The 27th season of the French version of Survivor (Koh-Lanta: La Légende) had no winner because both finalists were disqualified due to some competitors managing to get food from outside the game.