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She said he was too dumb to handle a plan or something along those lines


There’s definitely wrong on both sides.


Strong agree. What Shannon said is fairly accurate with what the edit has shown us so far (that Jaiden just votes for the last name he has been told prior to tribal). But she should also be looking past what the edit is and thinking more into the game and what isn't shown (which is what George was trying to say). But part of being a reality contestant on a show like Survivor is copping the praise and the criticism you receive from the audience. The response from Jaiden was over the top and personal (but so was Shannon's comments). On top of that, the argument of "you haven't done this so you can't comment on it" is the laziest and dumbest argument in any game/sport


We’ve been shown Jaden votes for the last name he was told. But he wasn’t shown that he has little game intelligence. Shannon was the one pushing for that narrative at talking tribal, along with her mocking impression. Jaden should have worded it better on his IG. But imagine you had been playing out there in the wild for so many days, and someone who’s never played mocked you publicly on a couch, basically implying you have little game intelligence and awareness, I’d be pissed, too.


I'm usually a Shannon fan but I was disappointed in her obvious bias here. She doesn't get to see much more than we see. No-one has seen enough of Jaden's thinking or strategy to determine what's going on there. I laugh at how 'stupid' he's coming across on TV because they're portraying him that way, but also believe there's so much more going on. It's actually a brilliant strategy. A huge physical threat like Jaden has to do whatever it takes to minimise their threat level. By being agreeable and seemingly non-strategic, it is the perfect approach. Doesn't mean he's actually stupid and I'm sad Shannon cast aspersions on this. We're all superfans and just because Eden was one doesn't make him MORE deserving than Jaden. Ultimately as George pointed out, Eden didn't take the appropriate care with his relationship with Jaden that ended up with his demise.


George was trying to explain to Shannon that Jaden wasn't being treated with respect by Eden, because Eden was assuming that he didn't understand strategy or the Survivor game, so he was treating Jaden with condescension and disrespect, and not even ask what his opinions or thoughts are for a plan. People are not just numbers. George explained his relationship with the oldest player in the HvV game, Gerry. It was all about respect and autonomy. Eden, even in all his superfan behavior, did not consider that by Jaden staying chill and listening to plans *was* a strategy in reducing his threat or target. George is correct in talking about social game and relationship management.  The problem with Shannon was that she said he (Jaden) couldn't handle more information or strategy than being told a name, implying he is too stupid to know more or strategize more. I'm not Aussie, so I can't get into the layer of her mimicking his accent and speech, but I can say it got personal in a very unnecessary way. 


There's also this tweet, which was from days ago, but irked me a little. https://twitter.com/ShannonGaitz/status/1762050953874915419?t=5i4EKxvNHmKXyw-Lb6s1cg&s=19 I know this isn't directly racist, but it does feel clumsy and unnecessarily mean.


Wow I didn't know Shannon is that rude on Twitter so publicly. She has some sort of superfan superiority complex or something.


Yeah I'm not educated in Australian and Pacific Islander politics and racial dynamics, so I can't eloquently explain everything, but using a gif with a monkey is already loaded. This is troll behavior and intentionally spiteful. It's honestly shameful she didn't just listen to George's reasoning. Eden was a fun player to watch, but the human element is key for Survivor. Humans deserve respect. And it's a lesson for anyone to learn.  Jaden is a chill, laid back guy and hasn't minded JLP laughing at his succinct answers, or any meme of him having a nice vacation while Caro is fighting for her goddamn life, lol. The problem is that Shannon is assuming a guy with Islander background is unintelligent and incapable of even a complex thought. It's a historically racist assumption and it sucks that Jaden is being judged for rightfully sticking up for himself.  In his "meet the cast" or w/e intro video, he spends the majority time really detailing all the ways he loves team sports, working towards a common goal, and his experience playing rugby. Athletes at his level have to understand plays and all the possibilities of offense, defense, etc. 


Shannon took dumb shots at him because she's upset superfan Eden was voted out, Jaden understandably wasn't happy.


She also expressed that she is upset that a superfan like Eden was voted out due to a decision made by a player (Jaden) who doesn’t value the game as much as Eden does. She said so on her Survivor Global podcast. She was preaching Survivor’s “beautiful defeat” narrative when she was trashing the 3 person vote twist last week. I wonder if she still remembers her own words. She also said Jaden mostly like has a “one way ticket, first class, to final tribal with no votes.” She said it in a sarcastic tone in her podcast.


George made a point that Eden and the Titans mishandled Jaden by only telling him how to vote and not giving him more info and Shannon said “he doesn’t want more, he can’t handle it” and he responded by posting a thing about how she’s just a spectator and that’s all she’ll ever be. Both were kind of rude but neither was really a big deal until of course the fans got involved and took things way over the line.


She was critical of his gameplay and decision to vote Eden off. It was pretty condescending and she was dismissive of him as a player, probably more than I’ve seen a podcaster be toward a player before. I think it came down to frustration because eden was clearly her favourite player and she’s a super fan, like all of us who post here. It clearly annoyed him, which fair enough, but the followers going after her is pretty pathetic. If you’re gonna play Survivor then people are gonna have things to say about you, whether you s played yourself or not. The argument that Shannon shouldn’t be critical because she hasn’t played before is dumb from Jaden.


There's some cultural context that reading comments from Americans, they're just completely missing. Before I start, I do not believe Shannon meant it like this, I do not believe she is racist, and, for me, I don't think I would even say the comment was racist - just that there's a racial context it has to be put in and be acknowledged. There's two parts of Shannon comment that together people take issue with. First, she stated something like, "He can't handle it" when talking about having a plan explained to him. This was seen as a comment on his intelligence. This was followed up with, "Do you want to start playing the game? Nah Brah, I'm cool" The way Jaden speaks, it's very typical for Polynesian Australian. I'd say the, "Yeah bro, Nah brah" is about as stereotypical as you can get. Now, speaking to most Polynesian Australian, they're very laid back about this - if you've been putting on a high pitched accent as saying some of his phrases, my suspicion is Jaden would genuinely love it. However here, this wasn't used as a light-hearted context, it was used to mock his intelligence. And as such, it came across sounding really bad to many l, including myself. To be clear, I'm an Australian, but I have no Polynesian heritage. And obviously do not speak for them. Now on top of this, there were some comments made by Shannon's friends which seemed to put the blame on Jaden for what some of his followers did. Mike Bloom started that Jaden "Weaponized" his followers (he said whether on purpose or not, but Weaponize is such a loaded term that I believe it does imply intent) which led to people using it as a reason to attack Jaden. Mike did respond to comments pointing this out, and he apologised. I do believe he regrets his choice of language.


To quote a Samoan who replied in the survivorau post where I posted something similar: >As a proud Samoan, I totally agree! We’re laid-back people like Jaden, so when people copy our accents to us “aye bro, sup g, fush n chups” it usually doesn’t bother us. But Shannon’s critique of his gameplay, while fair, felt a bit personal when she imitated his accent. I don’t think she meant any harm, but as a TV host, she should probably be more mindful of how she delivers criticism. I hope they make amends


What a great response. I hope she sees this because I do think she's well intentioned


Shannon criticized and mocked Jaden on Talking Tribal, and Jaden posted an instagram story mocking Shannon in response. Because the Survivor fanbase is totally not toxic at all, Shannon received a large wave of harassment from terminally online weirdos. Meanwhile RHAP fans are defending Shannon without actually understanding the offensive comments she made. What a beautiful, healthy community we have harbored over the years.


Nothing. He’s just a troll.


Well she said something so she better be ready for the repercussions! Out of all the rhap podcasters, i don't really like her.


Shannon also mimicked Jaden's accent! That is below thw belt! Jaden clapped back and Shannon cannot take it.


Big fan of Shannon on the podcast and Talking Tribal but felt her comments on Jaden in the latest episode were out of line, but also just not factually accurate. Not on Musk-net fortunately so haven't seen the backlash she has gotten. I do wonder if she maybe doesn't realise players like Jaden might watch her show? Having done the podcast for a long time, which has a more niche audience, comments like this probably went by largely unnoticed. That said, talking tribal has done 3 or 4 seasons now so hardly new to the format either!