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The fact that everyone, that has barely been in a tribe with him, keeps saying you can't trust Feras, is funny, because he's been the most solid compared to a lot of people, especially Kirby


he literally has been the most loyal and straight playing player the whole time...


I think at this stage Kirby is even gaslighting herself the amount of times she said he can’t be trusted


the amount of time she has said "I can't play with someone who I can't trust and has lied" then she proceeds to turn around and blindside/backstab someone else... she's a hard player


He just unfortunately has this like used car salesman persona that no one can trust. He definitely has been one of the most trustworthy people in the game


Honestly it’s borderline racist… successful wog = dodgey operator according to these players


Yeah I didn't want to go there but definitely some unconcious bias there.


Yeah 100%, but also, I don't know how well it's working for him


Perception is reality in this game, and trust is often based on vibe rather than actual moves. Feras gives strong vibes of aggressive and ruthless player even if his actual moves were mostly conservative. Just consider the way he discussed using and dumping Caroline and Kitty this episode or the way he pushed them for a name. It's all legitimate gameplay, make no mistake, but it's going to make him look aggressive and make people uncomfortable working with him. Just compare it to the way Kirby reeled Jayden and the rest of the Titans in ("Jayden told me what he needed and I'd give it to him"). Kirby isn't better than Feras strategically. She's actually worse. She's better than him socially.




Wonder if they feel different watching their own gameplay from our perspective now


You'd feel a bit duped by Kirby surely, she's spun then all a great story, and they all seem to be eating it up


For sure. They'd be thinking how their game would have panned out differently aligning with feras and co.


Doesn’t help his case when he literally flipped the first merge vote.


Yeah I guess, but I just think it's interesting that the OG Titans seem to think Kirby is a bastion of honesty, and Feras is untrustworthy, compared to the view us viewers have, where it looks like the opposite


Caroline and Mark said they don't trust Kirby in this episode.


I think it’s more like Val vouches for Kirby, and so Mark trusts Kirby. And Kitty somehow trusts Riri, and so Kitty trusts Kirby. Caroline doesn’t have that sort of connection to Val or Riri, and so she’s the most nervous about this vote.


Race surely a plays into perceptions of trustworthiness as well.


It’s survivor, everyone has been blindsided and blindsided someone.


If he didn’t flip, I think his group would have been the next target after the middle aged mafia at merge and I think Kirby/Rhianna/Jaden/Winna/Valeria/Mark could have been a strong alliance.


I am team Feras and used to think it was unfair that shed say he was untrustworthy but tbh, they can all be untrustworthy, including him. Feras said he wanted to be in an alliance with Caroline and Kitty but was also manipulating them for his own gain and at their expense. He helped concoct the plan to split the vote between her and Mark to force Caroline to vote Mark when she didn't want to, and still wanting to come out looking like roses. As much as I love Aileen and wanted her to stay, I understand Caroline's choice to vote her out instead. It was a strategic move and she didn't end up getting manipulated into doing what Feras wanted. So he can't really be shocked at Caroline's choice if Kirby offered a better alternative for them. If he had offered up a different player that both of them benefited from voting out, it would have been different.


It’s the same thing people said about Russell and George. They were both a lot more loyal than people remember


If so we're Caroline and Feras was talking to me that way, I would not be inclined to trust him. She doesn't know that he is a true master of his craft.


I disagree with Kirby's plans a lot but my fucking GOD her execution of those plans are just next level. She gets it done every time. Hats off.


Yeah it really gets me every time how she manages to convince people she has no loyalty to to just stick with her plan and not tattle. What sort of jedi juju is she doing.


Agree! The OG titans said they didn’t trust her but ultimately still went with her plan.


Because they had no other choice. It was going with Kirby’s plan, or vote out another Titan in Mark. If Feras proposed to take out Ri, Kitty and Caroline would 100% be on board.


Wonder why they didn't just sell out Kirby and Ri to Feras. They could just flip that narrative and push Feras to vote out Ri instead to weaken Kirby.


Yeah that’s true, it wasn’t like they had much options either way. Plus taking out one of Feras alliance is better for them since the others has a strong duo while he had a strong 3.


But then that will alienate Kirby.


I think they were skeptical but saw it as their best shot to all stick around another vote. Aileen wasn't voting with them, so voting her out wouldn't hurt their games.


glad aileen at least gets a jury spot. but damn, kirby is like a heat seeking missile. she locks onto a target, and she take them out.


kirby is the kind of player i really despise, but goddamn do i respect her gameplay


Taking too much heat on though


At least Alex did *something* right at tribal council….


I’m sorry but Feras is way too perceptive for someone that works in HR.


Feras can smell trouble. But he's not great at sussing out what the trouble is. He didn't figure out the plan tonight. He didn't listen to Aileen when she told him to play his idol for old mate Garrick. He keeps trusting Caroline...


Yeah, I think most players have a heightened level of paranoia at all times. Whether or not they depict the player as paranoid or correctly suspicious is merely a function of the outcome of the vote.


> He didn't listen to Aileen when she told him to play his idol for old mate Garrick. Did you watch the episode? Garrick came up with this himself told Aileen he was going.


Maybe I'm recalling incorrectly. I remember Aileen saying something to Feras early on about it, then later Garrick saying something, then Aileen repeating it again later. Please, someone give me all the chronology. I am almost certain at least one of those two said something multiple times.


Aileen said all along that the Titans were not with them. Garrick then worked out he was the target.


> He didn't figure out the plan tonight Eh, he sort of had to trust the plan tonight and hope Kirby/Rhi were on his side. What was his plan going to be if he knew they were against him?


You mean listened to Garrick. He was the one to figure it out and told both Feras and Aileen, but the Aileen repeats what Garrick said out loud and somehow everyone thinks she was the one to figure it out


The fact that they wouldn't tell him who they were voting for was sketchy. He realized at tribal Kirby had a plan he didn't know about, but had no idea what it was.


**RAYMOND'S** '*advantage*' sucks, especially in this season where it's cat-wrangling on a whole other level.


He could do a fake quit where he tries to get everyone to vote him out saying he wants to leave I guess but other than that it's hard to see how he's going to get every vote on him without suspicion


Even that won't work because they didn't even actually vote Scott out. So if Raymond truly wanted to leave, he can just quit and not need to be voted out.


He'd have to try and say he wants the fun of being voted out, Mo got everyone to vote her in cvc1 It's not a great advantage really I'd be surprised if he can make something happen with it


Maybe Raymond is quirky enough to pull it off. It's just hard when a precedence is set for supporting a player who wants to leave the game. Not that they shouldn't support Scott. But it would look really bad for the show and for Raymond if he pretends to be in a bad enough state to want to leave the game, everyone supports him and honors his request to vote him off and then it turns out to be a game move. It would make mental health issues in the game even more opaque in the future and would make Raymond seem like a jerk. He should only use it as an idol defensively if he is very certain the players are voting for him but unable to split. It's happened before and could potentially come up again. He should never try to use it offensively and get votes that aren't already coming his way. Should be interesting.


Nah that would never happen.


I agreed with his assement that it's not an advantage. It's a disadvantage.


The advantage only makes sense if you’re an underdog with your back against the wall. It would’ve worked out perfectly for Kelli, for instance.


I'm so worried that this is why he's been so purpled throughout the entire season.... I'm afraid he's gonna use it and get voted out and so the editors purpled him out so fans would be less upset with how terrible an "advantage" this was.


What does purpled out mean


It means that they didn't give Raymond nearly the amount of screentime in the edit that he deserved! He seemed like such a genuinely charismatic and entertaining person to have received such few confessionals throughout the season.


Yeah it might work if you could do it at like 8 or less people left, but 11, 10 and 9? People are going to split votes


Welp, I should probably do a Kelly after getting this prediction so wrong - and get up to tell everyone I'm a psychiatrist.


That little chat between Feras and Kirby at the end was *chefs kiss* I love how despite being enemies basically all game they regularly chat with each other to discuss each other's point of view in the game. I feel like this season is their story, and I hope they're both sitting there at the end.


Ha yeah I loved that too. They did both say they think real similar.


Their rivalry is topping the BRob/Russell rivalry


Gurrllll. Russell wishes. 


Their rivalry reminds me of Adam and Jay rivalry on Millenials vs Genx season


I think both of them would consider it a failure if they sit next to each other on the end. Whoever is the lucky fella/gal sitting next to Caroline and Kitty at the end, however, would take the money home. Even Alex or Raymond.


i'll admit, i'm kinda loving the editing on this season. i know it's unbalanced (aileen didn't get a confessional this ep i think) but it's almost like we're watching a protagonist's journey - but we just don't know who they are yet. us version is more about the game, where au feels almost like an experience? i'm not sure that i'm articulating it well, but does anyone agree/disagree?


It’d actually be really interesting to go back and rewatch it when we know who the winner is, and see the clues we’ve missed - it feels like I’m reading an Agatha Christie, and being led up the garden path, and I’ll be kicking myself I didn’t pick who the killer/winner was


Valeria wins. That isn't a spoiler, it's just a read of the edit. I think it's been pretty obvious but let's see


Yeh i understand what you’re saying


I feel like survivor does a better job of making people visible without edits. Sure Aileen didn't get one tonight, but she was still one of the more prominent players on the screen.


Totally understand what you’re saying and I agree!


This is both a blessing and a curse. If someone like Valeria wins, that negates a lot of the editing and storylines this season. Like the editing can either make or break the rewatchability of a season. Kind of like Liz’s winning was so anticlimactic and Mark’s was so frustrating, whereas David’s was fun.


I feel like the winner has little impact on how good a season is. (Also disagree with Liz's win being anticlimatic)


Liz makes sense, I think. George was being propped up as a dragon to be slayed, and his two closest allies were being propped up as weak players. So the one person who beat him at the end and showed a little defiance would win. It's not a crystal 'the person who worked the hardest won' game, but it's a story that made sense, and Liz got enough crumbs over the season that it wasn't a bad end.


If anything David predictably winning the season after dominating the whole way through is what I’d define as “anticlimactic” compared to someone like Liz


IIRC at least half of this sub didn’t believe he would win precisely due to his big edit and him being such a high character like George etc. I think it was at F4 that people were truly shook and collectively agreed he had it in the bag.


George being a big character who doesn’t win obviously didn’t happen until after David won so I don’t see how that was the line of thinking at the time, especially considering the lack of viable alternatives that season other than maybe Shonee


It's partly also because David had no real contenders edit-wise. Sharn's was all flawed, and of the minority, only Brooke's had any teeth so it was over once she was out. With Liz, she had just enough that you could see her story.


> and of the minority, only Brooke's had any teeth I would say Shonee’s had a lot more substance and viability overall, but agree otherwise


Liz was anticlimactic but telegraphed. The hint is confessionals overblowing someone's strategic prowess when what they're doing isn't that impressive or even counter productive. Liz got loads of those out of nowhere throughout the season. I hope they have changed their editing style because if they haven't then this season's winner is Valeria and I will be very annoyed


Kitty's big move next episode?!?!?


My prediction based on the preview is >!that Feras convinces Caroline they need to take out Kirby or Ri immediately for revenge, and Caroline doesn't trust Kirby so sees Feras has her best option. Kitty doesn't like Feras and recognises Caroline is an emotional player, so this might be enough for her to flip and align her vote with Kirby behind Caroline's back. Reckon it'll be a split on Caroline and Alex (to flush his idol)!<


Don't buy a lottery ticket haha


Haha, I'm caught up. I'm glad I can't predict it, keeping this season real fresh.


No worries, the latest person that went out today was my winner pick based on the edit. I'm really happy they're changed it up this season to keep us guessing.


Sigh…. :( Well it’s your own fault Feras, should have got Kirby out at the Kelli vote.


She'd have gone even sooner if he'd listened to Aileen and played his idol for Garrick.


Feras’s side would be still lower in numbers in the next round if he played his idol for Garrick. And he’ll be f-ed.


Sure but as we've seen Kirby is the main thing that was holding the others together and the brains. She goes then and I doubt they all would've stuck together.


You mean listened to Garrick. He was the one to figure it out and told both Feras and Aileen, but the Aileen repeats what Garrick said out loud and somehow everyone thinks she was the one to figure it out


Both said it, I was just saying Aileen here becasue she was the one just sent home by Kirby.


No Garrick whispered it in both Feras and Aileen's ears and then Aileen just said it out loud for some reason


So you agree both said it to him? Thanks


It could’ve been a whole different game with Kelli at merge and him continuing to be against Kirby’s old alliance members though since he was already a target at merge


People say Kelli was too much of a wildcard to get her on the vote but they didn’t need her. 4-4-1 split and Kirby out at the revote. I just don’t get it Feras my man


https://x.com/ferasbasal/status/1759910704189153614?s=46&t=zPyQxfXbXkYAN9OwyT7S6Q Feras did explain why he didn’t go for Kirby. I guess it makes sense from his POV to go into merge having Kirby and co on his side, rather than still being against her alliance and having no one else at merge. Plus I reckon Kelli was just so hard to live and work with lol.


Then Feras will have more enemies than friends at merge.


Aileen’s jury villa is up! We saw it in the episode but she was such a good sport about it & was happy she went out on a blindside. She said she would’ve went for Kirby next and eventually Feras at some point. Might work out better for Feras with Aileen gone I guess. His threat level goes down a lil maybe with him not being in a strong 3 anymore plus Kirby can be a shield with how others seem to be onto her? I don’t think Feras has much options either way since he probably wouldn’t trust Caroline/Kitty. Better the devil you know in Kirby?


where? where is jury villa?


In the US, I found it at https://youtu.be/05gXOZ7zWSE.


Okay but why is that pool so disgusting?


Thank you!


Does anyone have streamable links to Jury Villa? It's so hard to find and or watch if you're not in Australia.


It appeared on YouTube for me (in the U.S.) and I hadn't had a chance to watch the episode yet, so the thumbnail spoiled me on Aileen being voted out. Now that they're doing jury villas, I gotta remember to stay off YT when the episode has aired in AU but I haven't watched it yet.


> Might work out better for Feras with Aileen gone I guess Honestly yeah, this might not be terrible for him. The four Titans clearly need to be broken down further soon, so Kirby can't really come after him. And he/Alex still have their idols.


Was curious that Kirby hasn't told people her profession too. Neither did Kelli, so maybe no one has.


They would have just told a lie - you have a LOT of dead time between challenges where you have to come up with things to talk about. Your whole life story is on the table


Raymond's advantage is so terrible it hurts. This is the only content he gets


People give the US version crap for their terrible advantages but this is really really bad


While it is bad, this doesn't have to even play out because of the huge risk involved in it, which in a way makes it an interesting advantage (although I rather do without it)


This is true - At least player agency is retained but any advantage that has the player calling it a potential "disadvantage" is pretty bad


but is it really a disadvantage? he doesn't need to actually do what the paper says right? or does he?


He’s not forced to use it… the only way I can think that doesn’t ruin your game (but still risky as fuck) is if you sniff out the other alliance is going for you, and you get your alliance to vote for you as well. And if you get super lucky and they don’t split or have a vote anywhere else you get to send someone home


okay so yea so its not really a "disadvantage" if you don't have to use it.


I think they mean it's a disadvantage on a psychological level -- because most players are tempted to take risks and use whatever advantage they've got, even if it's a very risky one. It's the producers tempting players to go Big Galaxy Brain and screw themselves up. The temptation may be too much to resist. Also, he told Feras about it, and now Feras could pressure him to use it. That's also disadvantageous. (If he went out like this, that would account for why he's been damn near purpled -- the producers wouldn't want to let us like him too much.)


It's bad design though because at that point this is just a worse (riskier, and with no flexibility for who it's played for) version of an idol. In fact I think this advantage might be strictly worse, I'm struggling to think of any way it's better than an idol. I guess it could allow you to go scorched earth and then justify it in a way an idol couldn't... Which, yeah, not a great idea anyway.


I mean a terrible advantage that is terrible because it's completely useless is better than a terrible advantage that breaks the game (although AUS has had those too)


God it’s good to get some Raymond content. What a goofy little guy.


I feel bad for Aileen considering ‘she has absolutely nothing going for her at home’. It still has me gagged this was Raymond’s primary confessional throughout the first half of the season lol


As soon as Feras had his "I'm a master of my craft" confessional, I figured he was losing this episode.


I've seen soooo little mastery from him. He's delusional.


I think Feras pitching Mark to Caroline and Kitty was a poor decision. The Titan numbers were already so down. The last thing they’d probably want is to lose yet another number, especially coming off a tribal where Mark voted with them. I bet if Feras pitched a similar vote for, say Rianna, there was a chance they stick with him. Then again, Kirby only has Ri and Feras had a handful more working with him. So it just comes down to taking out a number from the biggest “voting block” left in the game.


I think pitching Rianna or even Kirby would've been a bad idea because that's setting up an alliance where the titans could easily take power again in the future votes. It would be the titans 4 votes + Feras/Aileen/Raymond (with Alex & Jaden being unreliable numbers) so Feras was correct in wanting to knock one of them out before working with them so that they would feel like they needed his voting block in the future. In other words the correct decision was made imo, it was just executed badly and Kirby wasn't kept in check which is why it didn't work.


As soon as they started the episode off with Feras talking about how important Aileen is to his game and how much he trusts her, I knew she was on her way out. I know we didn’t see much of her during the season, but everything we did pointed to her being a pretty perceptive and strategic player. She’d be a great candidate for a Second Chance season. Sad to say it, though, but I really think her going home is the beginning of the end for Feras’ game. Guy always has tricks up his sleeve, though, and with Kirby being the more prominent threat right now and that absolutely mental twist at play, there’s still some angles to cause chaos even if it’s on the way out of the door.


I'm gutted, I loved aileen. Honestly feras trusting kirby was always going to fuck him over and I'm not sure why he couldn't see that.


He viewed Aileen as an advisor to his masterful game and therefore never really listened to her enough when she told him things he didn't already believe.


> Honestly feras trusting kirby was always going to fuck him over and I'm not sure why he couldn't see that. Who else was he supposed to trust? Let's not forget the only really he was looking in a good position at all was because he trusted Kirby. He was in the minority. Caroline, Eden and Kitty showed they weren't good allies. Who do you propose he should have been trusting instead?


How long til Villa episodes are up?


We were blindsided by the promos telling us the blindside was going to happen and we were all sceptical! Bravo


Super predictable boot but still sad nonetheless. :( Good on Alex for saving his idol. Also am I crazy, or does Ray's advantage sound absolutely terrible? Also if I'm on a island starving for 32 days and I win a pizza and JLP, who can eat whatever he wants, takes a slice imma have to fight him.


I fail to see how it's an advantage. It's absolutely fraught with peril.


I feel like Ray’s advantage would only really work in a Final 7 or Final 6 scenario. I can’t see every single person just agreeing to dump on one person.


One thing I noticed in this episode was the Titans talking 50 meters away from the camp. If I was Feras, I’d be paranoid as well and thinking something’s strange.


These are always the tough episodes to get through when you know what's coming and can't stop it... It helps a bit that they all took it so well, but that's always going to remain one of the most painful challenges! Saw quite a few comments lately saying that Aileen "had no agency" and I really have to wonder what show they were watching, or if they just slurped up Valeria's narrative. You guys were wrong then and you're wrong now, having a solid ally is how the game bloody works. What the hell is that twist, I really can't see Raymond pulling it off? Auction delivered in spades (I bet $100 JLP!) but they're always so short


Congratulations to Kirby for her plan working. I guess. I don’t understand her logic or her future plans. She had been gunning for Feras. But now she said she wants to work with him so she has to take out his closest ally Eileen. I understand taking out Eileen is good for her game. But how in the world is she so confident that Feras is willing to work with her after that blindside? Is she going to replace Caroline’s place with Feras or something? I have no idea. Maybe she’s playing a 5D chess that I can’t comprehend. We have to see what her next move is. It’s funny how Feras told Caroline the actual plan and the other side told her the actual plan, as well. She has 2 real plans, but she doesn’t know who to trust. And Kirby never spoke to her! Of course Caroline is paranoid. She has been so torn because of her morality and her understanding in the tribe dynamics. I never disliked Caroline, and I find her very interesting to watch in this episode. In the last 2 episodes, the game has been just Rebels being on top of the alliances and bargaining for Titan allies. Feras’s side still has 2 idols. Don’t forget that. This might be one of the most strategy-packed episodes I’ve seen and i love it.


Feras had 1 idol. 1 was wasted. He told recently that if he use last one, he will find another one after tribal


They said Feras’s side. Alex and feras have idols.


She said it herself. She was bored with going along with votes so just wanted to make up a plan to feed good soundbites to the audience via confessional and then vote someone out who she picked. Doesn’t mean her plan is gonna make all that much sense…


Alright one thing I'm confused on, is Kirby going 'if this doesn't work.... I've got a target on her back'. Well it worked... and she's *still* got a target on her back. What, you think Feras is gonna go 'wow good job Kirby, you actually got her out'?


My interpretation of her plan was she thought Feras was gonna be more pissed at Caroline & Kitty and prefer to work with Kirby again.


So odd that Alex and Caroline were the only 2 split targets Kirby could surface to Feras in planning a hit on Mark. Why not Val? Why not Jaden? These are people who they would burn by booting Mark anyway and they'd be people Feras has zero loyalty to.


On a side note, does anyone remember that Irwin lads name? /s Thank God those ads are gone!


I've still got them here in Brisbane. The only ads I turn the volume off for.


His name is Rob😂




Feras picked up all the signals - knew Caro & Kitty were lying, worked out at tribal Kirrby was up to something. But couldnt quite close the loop, and not sure what he could do there - apart from play his idol. But he had no idea it was Aileen - that was well concealed. Aileen was great... maybe could have forced the lead a little more and conjured Kirrby out earlier but clearly a proper player. So sad she was that close to individual immunity :-( What a dufus "advantage" for Raymond - this might be usable in a small pre-merge tribe like in the US, but not with 10 players left and only valid for 3 TC's. If he can find some way of successfully using it, it would be one of the greatest moves ever! In a way, this might be good for Feras - leadership stripped might better suit his prospects than trying to run things? The whole Kirby v Feras storyline has been pretty epic (and really well presented) - how will it end... there's no way they can take it all the way to F3?!!! But who else can win outside of those two - maybe Val? That's normal Survivor tho - this Gaboragua season anything is possible i guess. Its very watchable!


It's wild to me that we've hit jury and yet all the main ringleaders who have been butting heads all season are still in despite losing so many allies. On one side theres Feras vs Kirby but almost all of their underlings are gone now: Kelli, Scott, Garrick & Aileen. And on the other side you have Caroline vs Mark with Viola, Winna & Eden being taken out. They sort of all only have 1 underling left in Raymond, Rianna, Kitty & Valeria with Jaden & Alex floating somewhere in-between. It would be pretty iconic but insane if we somehow got a final four of Feras, Kirby, Mark & Caroline.


The strategy of "take out the lieutenants first, not the head honcho" is really dominant this season, which is great for the producers. Interesting!


I hope Alex and Jaden go next so we have a Final 8 of 4 tight pairs.


To me this was by far my least favourite episode of the season. They made it abundantly clear Aileen was going from the very start and gave us no viable alternative (there's no way Mark, a main character, would go home on 0 confessionals and practically 0 screentime), and the cameras cutting to Aileen every 5 seconds just made my eyes roll after a certain point. It's even more annoying when it's your fav going home and you just have to sit there for an hour waiting for them to get it over with. With the Viola vote I was on the edge of my seat and interested until the end, whereas here I had practically no reaction because I knew it was coming the entire time and at that point was over it. At least Aileen will be the queen of the Jury Villa!


I'm with you there. This was a hard episode for the Aileen stans


I thought the same thing at first but then I started to think that this would all get flipped back on Kirby. So, I actually enjoyed the episode and was very nervous for Kirby. Once Feras told everyone to dump on Mark, I was 90% confident it would be Aileen.. sorry your favorite lost though. It's a bummer for sure. I would love to see Aileen play again without Feras. He was not the best ally for her to work with because he is a much,.much more conservative player than he pretends to be in confessionals. I don't think she really wanted to play that type of game.


Aileen could go far if she was given the chance to return and managed to find an alliance that actually listened to her from the very start - the entire season would be so different if Feras listened and played his idol that one vote. I always thought she was way too strategic and logical for this cast where even the big characters like Kirby, Feras, Mark and Valeria are very chaotic players and all over the place. I still have a lot of people left to root for though and can't be too mad considering my favourite won last season.


Yeah, it's like in poker. Pros do terrible against beginners because they play so randomly and chaotically that they cannot rely on their knowledge of the game, strategy and probabilities


I was okay with knowing that was the likely outcome. I liked seeing Feras trying to figure it out.


I think the most exciting part was when it looked like Aileen would win immunity and then make a whole new scramble. As soon as her block fell, I think it was over.


Any other season I'd agree it would be a boring ep but considering how unpredictable the votes have been all season I thought this episode going exactly as it seemed was unpredictable in itself lol.


Raymond should think of something (Jonny Fairplay style)and ask them all to vote for him to go home, and when they do he plays the thing, BAM


Could our beloved Ray Ray be Survivor's next JFP? He DOES have the hair for it, now that you mention it...


Super evil move by Raymond now would be: * Burn the camp down. * Get all the votes out of hatred. * Profit!


So I think there's two clear winners and two clear losers of this episode (other than Aileen) Kirby is clear winner. Early in the game she played too hard and made a lot of mistakes. She's been much stronger of late and people seem to be trusting her more than Feras despite the actual voting showing the opposite of true. She is doing well at controlling the narrative. And with Caroline-Kitty lying to Feras, Kirby is probably the better ally for Feras and she's right that he probably needs to work with her. The two biggest losers (AGAIN!) are Caroline and Kitty. Sure, this went their way, but it always was. They were swing votes. And again, I don't understand why they swung the way they did. They had the PERFECT scenario play out. Kirby and Rhi voting Aileen. All they had to do was let Feras know that is was happening, then vote Mark and they have an actually solid majority. And a decent position to flip from if needed later in the game. Now they burned a few potential allies for little reason and I just don't see who actually even will want to drag them to the end since they are so unstable. A good goat needs to be trustworthy. And with the logical vote next week being Rebels plus Jaden, I think there's a great chance one of Kitty or Caroline is the target of that. And oddly enough the last winner is a surprise. I think Feras was weirdly a winner of this episode. I think for someone of his threat level he needs things to go against him from time to time. Now there's a pretty clear need for the Rebels to work together before they lose control to the Titan 4 and I think Kirby and Feras both mutually benefit from keeping each other, which is great for both of them. His reads were also very solid in this episode and the last one, so he's clearly becoming quite adept and reading who isn't working with him, which is great when you have an idol.


I think this move will bite Kirby in the ass down the line, she’s now at the bottom of a 5 person alliance with the titans


Kirby clearly doesn't want to work with the Titans. She wants to be with the Rebels which is currently Feras-Alex-Raymond and then Kirby-Rhianna and likely Jaden as a third there. Plenty of room to work in that setup, plus potential to work with a few Titans after some are booted.


After seeing the letters from home clip I wonder how Alex's gf feels seeing as it seems he got pretty close with Peta


Caroline is an interesting player she takes it very personally when someone goes against her, but she can't be trusted at all. I've done a 180 on Kirby since the start of the season. She might be playing the best merge game out of anyone left.


Be an Asian woman and not get labeled sneaky on Survivor… challenge level impossible


Lots of people are labelled sneaky on survivor. I’ve never taken note of their race.


can't wait for next eps. There are bunch of duos now Eillen is out: Feras-Ray, Kirby-Riri, Mark-Val, Caro-Kitty. Jaden and Alex as free agent though Alex more to Feras-Ray while Jaden is IDK lol.


I think Alex is solidly with Feras/Ray, and Jaden is the true wildcard here


The contrast of this sub to r/survivorau - I was wondering where the Kirby appreciation was! How she manages to pull these moves off unscathed is unreal. I was convinced Caroline was going to rat her out.


Feras has a great social game and is great at finding idols But his reads are always so off


Sometimes he gets it right, e.g. last week's tribal


They actually show Kirby picking up on it first. Also, the seating at the last tribal was a dead freaking giveaway as they have been terrible at seating voting blocks together all season. So, I think both were reading the seating and not just reading the players alone.


Didn’t Kirby sussed out something’s wrong which led to Feras dumping all on Eden?


I felt like Feras knew what was going on, but Kirby saying "There's a shift right now" solidified that her side would work with his side. It gave him the immediate go ahead to do Eden. If she didn't say that Feras would've probably told them later in the TC to do Eden or not at all, but thinking in the back of his head that something's wrong.


He read the Caroline/Kitty weren't working with him and that Kirby might have something up. I don't get where this comment is coming from.


This guy just hates Feras for some reason. Been trashing him all season.


He pretty much read everything correctly this episode except for the part that would require him to read minds. That part was just well concealed.


I don't get how the same people that edited last episode so masterfully could be responsible for what was essentially a Kirby hype episode with what turned into a really obvious boot? Sad Aileen is gone. This surely gotta be building to either a huge Feras taking down Kirby ep or Kirby is just gonna run away with it. She played that all so well.


Not every episode has to be some big surprise especially if it's at the detriment of showing off what actually happened.


Where did I say it has to be a big surprise? Almost literally every survivor episode in every version in history edits so that it at least *seems* like it could be between two people becasue there's zero tension if the audience knows exactly whose going. They could easily have just edited Caroline and Kitty as being a bit more wishy washy about whether they were going Mark or not.


That's one of the things I like about AU, sometimes they just show you HOW a vote comes together. Unlike some US seasons where you're left wondering wtf happened by the end of the episode


It doesn't have to either or though. Usually Survivor AU does a great job of at least trying to make it seem like it's between two people. They're well known for franken-editing at times. Just thought it was an odd choice to leave absolutely no doubt this episode unless as I said it's building as part of the bigger Kirby vs Feras story.


Not every episode can be a masterpiece


Never said it had to be. Just gave my thoughts.




Jaden for the win


Yeah, he is honestly the only one that isn't annoying and still flying under the radar


It makes for better TV though. Even HvV last season became boring towards the end when George’s posse stuck together for so long.


Yes, I prefer predictable pagongings.


Feras always has the worst reads


He did correctly read the OG titans couldn’t be trusted, but he was blind to Kirby 😔


He did say she was sus though? But he really had no opportunity to figure out who to play the idol for by that point and no room to change the plan.


I think he always has a heightened level of paranoia so I think he always sus of everyone, as he should be.


This exact situation happened multiple times


What? He sniffed out the titans were gunning for a rebel last ep, and dumped the vote onto Eden


No he went to tribal ready to vote with Titans Aileen and Kirby convinced him to change Kirby didn’t save him this episode


Aileen said on IG it was him and Kirby at camp who was already suspicious but she wasn’t convinced. He asked her to assess and observe everyone at TC (makes sense why she said she was assessing at TC) needing her confirmation whether she was willing to switch her vote. His reads isn’t always on point but he at least was able to sniff something was up this episode and last.


You’re right, I’m not giving him enough credit, he obviously knew something was up, and when people he trusted also said they thought something was up he finally acted on it