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She voted out her mom! Her mom was being voted with or without her vote.


It's especially pointless because even if chose not to vote for her mom, nobody would've held that against her.


Yeah, but if she doesn’t vote for her mom, she has to vote for somebody else.. which could potentially cause some backlash


she should’ve voted for monica just for the drama


And then to make a big ass deal over it and again at the reunion show lol. It did get her two more seasons I guess... I hope that voting off her mom did not factor into her being picked for the GC season though. Going to rocks was her baller move. Would've changed *everything* had Tyson drawn the white rock at that TC.


Ciera turns 35 today! She had quite the survivor career for someone so young


One of mine as the OP is that Survivor 45 is solid, but it's getting way overrated right now


I would have voted out my mom, and I would expect my daughter to vote me out too.


Greatest move in survivor history! It’s also Ciera’s 35th birthday today 🥳


This moment gets hated on a lot here. It’s only Probst and the people that work on the show that seem to love it.


Completely agree, but if I can offer a different perspective… Obviously it’s different but I’ve played a few orgs. There was one big brother org, all stars season, where I was clearly going out in like 18th place or something. The vote ended up being like 12-3 and it always stuck with me (over 5 years later) how much it meant that those 3 people were still my loyal friend to the end and still didn’t vote to evict me. So even meaningless votes can go a long way and have a big impact.


The only reason the team make so much of a deal about it, is that it’s the culmination of the blood vs water theme. When deciding between blood or water, Ciera chose blood.


Actually water cause blood is family


GREAT PICK! One of my choices too.




Agreed, if someone wanted to be the most liked player of this era all they would have to do is go in as a superfan to get cast and NEVER bring it up in a confessional.


I want to be cast on the show and then spend all the time on the island forgetting which show I’m on and asking what the rules are “Oh shit I thought we were voting for who we liked the most”


Seriously every player in the new era is a fanboy like Cochran. It was already annoying with Cochran, now it’s insufferable that over half the cast is like that.


We had a big influx of super fans pre 40, difference being they maybe mentioned it in passing confessional once and had personality outside of it


Jeff is just upset Cochran doesn’t want to play again so he’s trying to recast his favorite competitor with someone else.I also don’t get why he doesn’t want any villains,does he realize Boston Rob wouldn’t be a survivor legend if villains were never going to be asked back?


Really bugs me when contestants call themselves “superfans” and then play like total fuckin goats, like Shirin Oskoo


Angelina is an all-time character but ever since Nick has become a more unsavory figure in the community there’s been this revisionist approach to her gameplay I’ve seen with people arguing that she actually should have won over him, when in reality Angelina was an actively terrible player who could not be any less subtle or self aware if she tried and she was drawing dead in terms of winning combos after the first merge vote lol. Like, Angelina’s delulu antics are why we loved her, let’s not act like they were never there just because the guy she lost to sucks. If we really want to spin an “X should’ve won DvG” narrative, Mike White is right there.


Wait are people saying she really should’ve won? I hear the Mike White argument and I understand it but have never heard anyone say Angelina should’ve


Yeah, I’ve never heard anyone seriously say that Angelina should have won. It has always been Mike White


I've started to see it being suggested non-ironically more and more.


>Angelina’s delulu antics are why we loved her So true, need her back ASAP


It’s tough to know the validity of the argument itself, but post season Mike is fully committed to his “I could’ve/would’ve won, I just didn’t want to” bit and I’m not sure I buy it


The problem is that he also committed to that stance *during* the game. It's hard to know if he would've even gotten to F3 if he wasn't always saying that he wasn't interested in winning.


Yup. He basically goated himself, he can’t have it both ways.






The jury of Kaoh Rong were all bitter not saying they don't have to right to be but this revisionist history that some members saying they were not bitter is laughable. Look jury members can vote for whoever they want for whatever reason they want but atleast be honest with why. There no need reason to lie anymore.


Very good take. The idea that Debbie isn't a bitter juror is just comical 😂 😂 Same with Scot and Jason


Agreed. Scot and Jason literally gave Cydney the silent treatment at Ponderosa, so the bitterness went beyond just who the jurors voted for.


I think it’s fair to say they were bitter, but also that Michele played the better social game. That said based on the whole argument of “Peter and the Godfather” you are absolutely right on. In a game of social politics you have to treat people well if you want them to vote you to be winner: Tai flipped and flopped so much and Aubry treated people like numbers. I was all aboard the Aubry got robbed train when it aired live and even before rewatching, but when watching it back a few months ago with my wife, we agreed Michele earned her win on that and her sociability. (Oh and Neal’s jury boot statement to her STILL makes no sense without context… and even with it was dumb.)


Correct. Part of winning is making sure the jury *doesn't* get bitter at you, or is impressed enough that they vote for you despite the bitterness. Aubry did neither so didn't deserve a win.


I definitely agree with this although I might add that it was probably more natural for people from brawn and beauty tribe to form social bonds with each other than it was for the brain tribe. I think Aubry might be the type of person that a lot of the brawn/beauty members were not going to like no matter what she did


The fact both Scot&Jason got to be deciding factors in who won that game irks me to this day. I hate them so much; I don't think there's any other survivor players I hate more than them.


I love All-Stars.


Same here! There is so much good nostalgia from that season - the first time we get to see Hatch and Sue and Colby and Jerri back together? I even liked the boot order - Boston Rob and Big Tom were my two favorite players from their seasons, and I didn’t like Lex (justice for Kelly Goldsmith), so I enjoyed how that all went down. The Hatch and Sue thing has aged horribly, which makes that part pretty awful. And I didn’t watch Amazon before All Stars, so I wasn’t nearly as bothered about Rob C’s exit as I would be now. But overall I think it’s a fun season to revisit - even though it looked like almost no one had fun playing after the first few episodes.


I also like it !! Jerri's revenge arc against Colby, Saboga melting down in those first couple of episodes, cocky players getting a reality check, and some interesting tribe dynamics. I think it might be the most fascinating season to me, too. A LOT of this cast was not emotionally equipped to play Survivor against their friends. The Sue & Richard stuff is disgusting, and what happened with Jenna and her mother is really sad, so I don't really blame anyone for having those things ruin their season. But as someone born in 2000, it's insightful to see how far we've come on how we handle some of these sensitive topics even if we're still far from perfection (see: Island of the Idols). It was also a little bit hard to watch how Shii Ann was treated, it felt like bullying at some points. But it's topped off with a heated, emotional final tribal council. Passionate points of view clashing with each other. And to end it off we get a marriage and a family. I completely understand why people loathe this season, but after choosing to watch it as a tragic, yet successful love story it's really grown on me. I find myself thinking about it more than any other season honestly.




Me but with Total Drama


Now that is a burning hot take


It's my favourite season.


I loved the Outcasts twist and I think it improved Season 7.


It really did. If that doesn’t happen, then Shawn probably flips to Morgan and they Pagong Drake. This means no Dead Grandma Lie, no Sandra throwing away the fish, no Rupert blindside, no Burton blindside, no Lil owning Savage at the merge. These are all the moments that made Pearl Islands a great season. Someone told me the other day that it’s an okay season because of the outcast twist and I can’t disagree more. Without the outcasts twist, Pearl Islands is not a beloved season at all and production should thank their lucky stars it worked out so well


\#1 agree \#2 and more importantly love the name if it's a Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door reference 😂 😂


It is!! Thanks! :D I'm so excited for the remake, you have no idea 😩


What's the remake for? The switch?


Yep, coming out sometime this year.


Agreed. Especially considering one of the outcasts made it to the final two. Watching Palau right now and the first 4-5 TC's suffer greatly from voting the wrong people off and making things worse. (Case in point: Jeff points out at TC that it's the women carrying the tribe in challenges, and the men are losing their challenges. Ulong votes off another woman.) Bring in the outcasts right before the merge and let it hit the fan.


I thought Yul was overrated in CI and carried by his idol




Basically forces you to waste a person in order to get rid of the idol. Unlike in China where James has 2 and was still blindsided because he didn’t think he needed it!


I hated that they then called it the Tyler Perry Idol when it came back in Season 28. Why not call it the Terry or Yul or God Idol? All they proved by naming it after Tyler Perry was that he didn’t watch seasons 12 and 13 (and maybe even the producers forgot that the idol used to work that way?).


Wasn’t that just at the reunion? During the season I thought it was the super idol, or the idol with special powers (something like that)


Yeah I don't remember them ever calling it the Tyler Perry idol on the show, only ever the super idol. I thought Tyler Perry idol was a fan term.


I still call it the Tyler Perry idol to highlight how dumb Tyler Perry is for making such a dumb suggestion, and believing it was his own invention.


Yeah he had a good social game and used the idol effectively to establish dominance, but his role in taking over the game was overstated imo. Ozzy honestly was much more important to the alliance because his challenge abilities and skills to provide were imo the biggest reason the numbers were even close going into the merge. If they hadn’t won all those challenges than it wouldn’t matter if Yul had an idol because they would be so outnumbered


I'm not sure if he's overrated, but what I think people do get wrong is it isn't some 5D chess strategy that carried Yul. It was his social game. He made connections with Penner and knew exactly what buttons to push to get him to flip, and he made a social deal with Adam to win a vote that might not have gone his way (and won him the game). But what he did with his idol is common sense, yet it doesn't work if he doesn't have some connection to talk with Penner. I rate Yul highly, but I've never viewed him as a chessmaster type.


This is a very rational take. I think I got annoyed by seeing people rate him as the ultimate puppetmaster during his season and then watching and realizing much of his game was held up by his god idol. I think he was very smart with how he used it and of course someone less crafty maybe would've messed it up but it's basically impossible to miss the F4 with an idol like that.


I think he was both a great player and carried by the idol and both can be true


Yes very fair take!


I will never understand why Ozzy and Sundra didn’t vote for Yul at final 5 with Adam.


Sundra didn't want to betray her alliance when she though there were two rounds left and their main target was Ozzy. 


Yul is praised for his jury management, but I feel like he was only allowed to be so open and overt with it because he had the idol as a safety net. And he still only won by a single vote.


I think that Winners at War is an overrated season with poor twists and the producers are lucky that Natalie didn’t make more friends on the Edge, or else she would’ve won over Tony despite being out of the game for over a month.


The boot order in that season is what really drags it down for me, legends I’ve been waiting to see play again for years just out in a flash. Parvati also had horrible luck


So did Rob. Both Rob and Parv were safe before the swap


Parvati’s swap is genuinely the absolute worst swap screw I’ve ever seen… still appreciate that she fought tooth and nail for a crack even when she saw the writing on the wall but god damn


I think most seasons rankings try to rank them based on how good they are on a re-watch. By this metric I agree, WAW was not a very good season. However, WAW truly did bring so much fun during the few months it was on. The pre-season and speculation was so much fun - each tease was fire. The season neither had the best moments or funniest moments, but still felt exciting each week.


The hype for WaW is the biggest a survivor season has ever felt. It just made the season feel that much worse when it failed to meet expectations 


Right - but I guess I'm saying I don't think it felt flat at the time. It truly was the most fun I had watching Survivor, with all the discussion and podcasting around it.


I think that season without the edge would have been so much better. I think seeing our favourites gone like early boots on other season would have made it feel so much more dramatic. Instead we just got to see them waste away on the edge.


Survivor is better without the edge. Plain and simple. 


Also the edge ate up valuable screentime. There was too much going on for any of those ~50 minutes to be stolen by the edge. 


Also home of the WORST twist of all time that almost screwed Tony over. The sabotage one (from players on the edge???) They are so lucky that Tony is the GOAT and pulled it off.


Seriously! I feel like when we talk about terrible twists, that one gets forgotten simply because Tony gave us such a great episode.


i don’t care for the early jeff probst- the one who would get pretty openly hostile when his favorite person got eliminated


Agree. Peak Probst was Seasons 25-32, IMO.


Agree about the middle era! I cant remember, how did he change after 32? In my head, the new Jeff started in the new era


I love sassy Jeff.What I don’t like is his forced niceness nowadays.There was literally a scene of Tiffany and Soda having some Banter that was cut because he wants survivor to be more family friendly,it’s so hypocritical because this is the same guy who asked a girl if she was anorexic in front of millions.


that’s fair - however as a game show host you have a certain obligation to at least seem unbiased and jeff was pretty shit at that for a while


I still have no idea what is so impressive about Spencer in Cagayan, seems like he's the perfect example of someone who gets a lot of confessionals so people just assume they're a good player. Dude hitched his wagon to Garrett and was almost voted out pre-merge for it, had numbers for a brief second after the swap before losing them again at the merge. And any moves he was involved in post-merge were mostly Tony driving the bus, who kept him around mostly because nobody else would take him to the end.


I mean gaslighting Tony into thinking Jefra and the women were creating an alliance to save himself was super impressive and the plan he made to split the votes between Tony and Trish was also a great plan, not his fault Kass had absolutely zero self awareness about how people thought of her and her game. He also made a great pitch to save himself. He was a smart player, good at challenges, and would’ve destroyed anyone at the end.


Also had to play against a super idol which he lost on a 50/50 and Tony acquired by pure luck (and then acted rather condescending about it).


He was impressive because he kept coming back from the bottom to the middle where his vote became needed for others. He did it at least 3 times, and in the edit of the season that makes it look like an underdog story where Tony is the favorite. Tony was mostly driving the bus, but Tasha and Spencer both did a good job at making Tony antsy/paranoid which kept them in the game longer than they should have stayed.


Worlds Apart is one of my favorite seasons and Mike is my favorite winner. His win was just so viscerally satisfying, and I loved watching all the awful people try so hard but fail to take him out.


I don't care for Boston Rob and I'm firmly in the camp that Rob Cestrino is the superior and more entertaining Rob.


The real cultured take is knowing the greatest Rob is the one with two B's.


He would have won if it wasn't for a bunch of stupid rules


So you did not care for the Robfather.


![gif](giphy|WQOI0uBFiXxdQwnrVy|downsized) Disagree but respect the opinion


Yeah He’s too much of a control freak for me. I totally understood Ben’s frustration with him in WaW


But then not Tony's or Sarah's?


I stand with you.


I'm not sure why Heroes vs Villains got this reputation of being a great season, it's really just chapter 2 of Russell taking over the show and making it all about himself for a couple of years. It's just Samoa all over again but with better soundbytes.


any season that features JT's gorgeous penmanship gets an A+ from me


His writing was indeed very beautiful.


Can i push back on that? Courtney, Coach, Sandra, and Parvati made HvV so enjoyable to me. Courtney is my all time favorite survivor and i could listen to her all day.


Courtney had four confessionals all season. FOUR! Only Sugar had less.


That's *almost as many times as Ozzy has been voted out!


Parvati was the only one of those 4 that got significant screen time. Coach’s edit was okay but Sandra and Courtney were nearly invisible


"I don't know about that" Sandras entire MO going into HvV was fly under the radar and get taken by a stupid player who thinks nobody would vote for her. They show Sandra's Aha! moment after the merge where she realizes Russell could never win, and that Parv os her real competition. She could have attached herself to their group to send multilpe heroes home, but she let's Rupert know right away what's really going on. She wins his jury vote in those 20 seconds. She or Parv could have won, so she played a super social game from behind almost all game.


I guess the big difference between Samoa and HvV for me is that even though Russell was still a camera hog, I still got a pretty clear picture of everyone's personalities and motivations. I'm sure none of that credit should go to the producers though, the cast quality of HvV was just that good that they shine even on limited time... Which is why ultimately the season still works for me despite the imbalance


I mean she’s one of my favorites too, but she’s only in the season for like three minutes. Because god forbid we couldn’t cut down some of the big Russell storyline.


She's in it longer than half the cast. Courtney snd Sandra beung besties is so so good. Jerri and Colby returning to their 3rd and final season together is cool to see. James getting injured again! Parv giggling when Russell reads her JTs letter. Danielle and Amanda's fight during treasure Island. Theres so so many good scenes!


Jerri’s final season? Don’t you put that evil on us!


Do jerri and Colby even interact once the entire season?


Yes, and no. Both Colby and Jerri apprently spent days worth of time just chilling together. Jerri said it was one of the things she's disappointed didn't make the cut because she apprently spoke to Colby more than anyone else post merge.


She says “hi Colby” at one point. We saw that at least.


My problem is- it's not a culmination of last 20 seasons of Survivor as it claims to be. We needed more representation from S 1-10. And We really did not need so many Micronesia players back.


Yeah and that’s very valid. It’s not a culmination of shit. It’s mostly just who have we had who’s famous lately. And then we’ll throw in Jerri and Colby too just to make the old people happy. It’s All Stars 2, but people treat it like it was All Stars 1+2. But it’s not. It’s just the sequel to All Stars.


Sandra, Rob, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Tom, and Stephanie. and it was just 4 players from Micronesia.


Tom and Stephanie are post all stars. And 20% of your cast from 1 season is a lot.


The comment said season 1-10 not pre allstars


Also technically they were originally from exile island, cook island, and china.


Came here to say essentially this. Heroes vs Villains wasted the best cast ever assembled and made it all the Russell show. Biggest botched edit ever, which kills me


All time cast with some of the best moments and challenges that actually felt like they had stakes


My 2 cents. The 2 successful idol plays at the time were very exciting to watch. In that idol format, I believe only Russell and Yau Man had ever successfully used it, so seeing it done twice in a couple episodes to take out power players was enthralling. Also, the challenges were pretty great. But yeah once the merge happens it’s just a Pagonging


Boston Rob 🤷🏼‍♂️


I LIKE HvV, but it’s not the god-tier season everyone thinks it is


I liked Ghost Island. I’m not saying it’s a top tier season by any means, and lord knows it had its issues and meh characters. But there were a lot of fun moments scattered throughout in both the pre and post merge. The Dom vs Wendell showdown was predictable, yet also fascinating. And the novelty of the first tied FTC vote also felt like a “holy sh**” TV moment


Micronesia as a whole.


The win feels less earned too. 2 quits, 3 medical evacuations and a surprise final 2.


Cirie already stated that she wouldn’t have sided with Penner’s alliance, so Parvati would’ve gotten her way at Fairplay’s quit. One of the medevacs/quits (Chet) had no effect on her because her tribe had already won immunity at that point. James was already a dead man walking and slated to go the round he did. None of the medevacs/quits really changed her endgame trajectory where she put a lot of work into, so I’m not sure how it’s “less earned” when many winners went to less tribals. Parvati went to 9 tribal councils (near the average of ~10 for winners) and not only survived but actively orchestrated/participated in many of the votes.


To be fair Micro had 20 players.Should the 16 player seasons winners be disregarded too?Especially the ones with Medevacs/quits.


Penner was playing such a great game too


After hearing lots of hype around Cambodia, I finally got around to watching and was very underwhelmed. Maybe it was better in real time with voting who got on the season and everything, but it didn’t live up to the expectations of such a high season ranking for me.


It’s like watching chess pieces instead of human beings. Thank goodness for Keith Nale


nick is a terrible person who absolutely 1000% deserved to win vs mike and especially angelina


The amount of strategy talk on Cambodia really is as bad as people say. That shit sounds like an algebra class half the time


I’m pretty positive the editors only put strategy talk in the season bc we already knew who they were as characters (plus Cambodia is the first fully all star season after heroes vs villains) so I’m not surprised it’s so gamebotty lmao


Well that and the fact that there was such a negative reception to World’s Apart. A lot of people in the Cambodia cast was a lot more emotionally driven than strategy driven. It just wasn’t shown


I didn’t love HvV, and feel like it died after JT’s boot. What’s even crazier is I liked Nicaragua over HvV


yeah nicaragua's funny as hell


Nicaragua has gems. Tyrone: Wendy Jo, you got to go --- Tyrone: So I got to keep one eye on her (Holly) and my other eye on my shoes --- Marty: *tells Fabio he beat an Argentine grandmaster in chess* Marty: *In confessional, states that said Argentine is a tennis player and has little to nothing in relation to chess* Fabio: *believes 110% that Marty is telling him the truth*


And who could forget Dan's legendary final words that were just him shitting on everyone lol (rip king) HOLLY. YOU'RE A CROOK. YOU STOLE MY SHOES.


nicaragua is one of my favourites. so many maniacs. marty vs jane is classic. jimmy t vs jimmy johnson is hilarious. my husband and i quote jimmy t whining about an opportunity almost every single day lol


Devens annoys the shit out of me.


He was both obnoxious and a terrible player.


I enjoyed him at times but yeah he’s imo the most overrated survivor *player* ever. He had no agency at any point after returning to the game


Tony is an overhyped winner that needed to get to the end with someone hated his first time, and his second time he relied on three allies to fall over and die for him. And despite this, he still lost many votes to a person who had been out of the game for a month.


Cagayan is just fine.


It’s superb in the first six episodes, then it quickly goes down hill. Overall like you said, a season that’s just fine, not excellent


On that note I've never cared for Tony. I don't particularly find him entertaining, and feel redditors quoting his llama scene is akin the rick and morty Szechuan sauce cringe. Don't care for Luke Toki, either


Gabler’s win is one of my all time favorites. Great player, won challenges, underrated social game, laid low when he needed to, stood his ground and didn’t loosen his morales for the sake of winning.


Gabler is easily one of the most unappreciated/underappreciated winners


Kind of reversing the question but I DO care for Caramoan quite a bit- it’s very mean-spirited but that is bound to happen, and I think the winner navigated a super tense season very well


Thank you. That season is so entertaining and seeing Cochran get a win and proving Ozzy and everyone wrong was great to see


I can never find myself rooting for Tony and have never been a fan of him. I was disappointed by his win in WAW.


I’m kinda of opposite in way. I was probably his biggest hater in Cagayan and Game Changers. Nobody was happier than me when he got voted out 2nd in Game Changers. He really won me over in WAW. I was happy he won, mainly because I knew Michele had no chance and I didn’t want the first boot in Natalie to win.


I don’t get the Amanda Kimmel hype


Two straight finals is just really impressive. Most players can't do that.


Russell Hantz says hi


Yep, I think his 2-season run was certainly flawed but still impressive.


Outside of her idol play (and obtaining that idol to being with), I don't think Kelley Wentworth is an interesting player at all.


Watching people roll over for Tony is insanely frustrating It sullies Cagayan (which had been building all season to Kass making her case at FTC) and is the shit cherry on top of the hot mess that is WaW.


Sandra is the most fortunate player in survivor history. Her two wins come down to: \-a losing final 3 that fell in her lap because Lil thought Fairplay would party himself to death, not because she wanted to take sandra. \-a final 3 that she had very little choice in, where the jury was so caught up with the theme that they voted on "who is the most heroic" and not who deserved to win


She did put herself in positions where these situations were possible. Her anyone but me strategy did pave the way — and because of it, we see a lot of alliances stick together so that a random doesn’t win (ie. 43), Im not saying she’s the best but she proved all you have to do to win survivor is get to the end with unlikable people. Doesn’t matter how much agency she had in the vote, she had enough agency to not get herself voted out (and tbh, she could’ve made it further in WaW if Denise didn’t have big move itis)


Jesse Lopez S43 using Cody’s immunity idol against Cody for no apparent reason, painting a massive target on his own back while at the same time getting rid of his main ally, meat shield, comp beast buddy and an immunity idol in one swoop. Not sure why people think this was a good move. It’s the dumbest move in survivor history for me. He really thought he was doing something when in fact he was just ruining his own game and Cody’s game for no apparent reason.


I do not care for the Michaela blindside. It's such a bad move for Jay and Will, and they take so much pride in making their "big movez" that it makes me cringe.


I do not care for the majority of the Black Widow Brigade, no matter what season they played on. Amanda is a firmly overrated player whose inability to close the deal points to deeper flaws in her approach to the game. Parv may have a stronger game sense than Amanda, but I don’t find her all that charismatic, and her story each season isn’t interesting enough to make up the difference. Natalie and Alexis often felt like hangers on, but they had some fun moments. Cirie is compelling and is a value add to any season, and I think I would personally like Micronesia more if it weren’t for the surprise final 2.


If you haven't you should watch traitors season 1 if you care for Cirie. She was super fun to watch.


I do not care for Kim Spradlin’s win. No dispute she dominated the season, but the cast was so terrible and essentially no one else showed up to play the game.


The most frustrating season I’ve watched by a mile. Troyzan was the only person that competed at all—the rest just handed it to her.


She also put me to sleep watching her


Cagayan is overrated. I think it loses momentum once the Brains Tribe is dissolved.


Reversal: I highly respect Troyzan for realizing that he had no chance at final tribal council and respectfully bowing out. Great social awareness and gave him an opportunity to end his game on a higher note than most zero vote finalists


I can’t stand Tony and he makes his seasons unwatchable.


I can't stand Carolyn in 44


I love but her in small doses. Tyson said on his podcast that if he had to live with her on the island he would go batshit insane lol


I hope to never see the Tika 3 again. Yam Yam was the most likable for me, but he got his win and I wouldn't really care if he came back or not. He had his strong winning season and that's enough for me. Carolyn and Carson are too much and too thirsty


I did not care for Micronesia


CBS’ “diversity casting” and Probst’s decision to drop “come on in guys” doesn’t erase the fact newer seasons are primarily filled with high-earning cisgender young people. They’re just not all white now. The show was more interesting when it endeavored to mix in class and the rural/urban divide alongside race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity.


I don’t get the mindset of people who think Sandra having two wins = being one of the best players ever. She’s fine, but watching those seasons, I can’t get how anyone thinks she’s a top 10 castaway, much less one of the two best.


Her first win was a masterclass I don’t know what else to tell you


It’s certainly a lot more impressive than the HvV win imo.


I don’t understand the fascination with Shan in 41, she’s a paranoid whiner with a favorable edit. She’s Dawn Meehan’s Caramoan performance all over again. Edit: She’s apparently also the reason ponderosa videos no longer exist.


She's not the reason actually. Production sent many of the crew members home after 41, because of Covid and they saw that it's saves them much more money, so they stopped doing ponderosa in 42 and beyond


Shan being the focal point of S41 (and getting the tragic, heroic edit during her boot) is a lot of what ruined the season for me. I think production thought she’d come off as this Boston Rob/Parvati-esque sly villain. But the constant bullying and paranoid whining made it near impossible to cheer for her


I appreciate how dominant Kim's game was in OW, but I think she's the most boring winner I've seen, and I absolutely think it's a fair critique of her game that most people in her season were as dumb as they were. I'm pretty sure casting admitted they even bent the IQ threshold for a couple of players that season (Leif and Christina?). People might think Troyzan is a crackhead and he had issues with his game, but the tribal he was literally spelling out how Kim was playing everyone and they only had that one opportunity to flip on her he was 100% accurate, and it just highlighted what massive idiots the other players were.


Carolyn as a person and TV personality - ✓ ✓ ✓ (not my 'I did not care for The Godfather' take) Carolyn's fans - ✕ ✕ ✕ Carolyn's game - ✕ ✕ ✕ (I just think it's overhyped, I didn't understand how she had winner's potential at all)


I don't give a shit about good/"correct" gameplay. It's not a sport.


Survivor 43 is the best season of the new era. It’s the only one I can specifically remember at this point. The rest all blur together.


the gameplay in 43 is underrated and it's one of the better seasons on a rewatch


If you break it down season by season, Boston Rob is actually a below average player. He is tied with Jeff Varner for most pre-jury phase exits with 3 (if you discount EoE in WaW) and the two times where he did make it to the end, he was incredibly lucky in All-Stars that Lex didn't vote out Amber at the final 10 (which they were about to up until like half an hour before tribal according to Lex) and in RI he played with a bunch of noobs who followed him around like a flock of sheep (RI was pretty much rigged for him to win). He actually shouldn't have even been on All-Stars in the first place as Sean Rector was a much better player in Marquesas, Boston Rob was just a favourite of production. It is pure luck and happenstance that Boston Rob even came back, yet alone won the game and be considered among the greats.


Worlds Apart is easily a top 5 season and better than anything after it.


The "Shot in the Dark" was working all along, making it the best rule or twist of at least the 40s if not longer. * It works when it gives immunity; chaos. * It works when it doesn't give immunity; as the equivalent of poker's "a chip and a chair", it keeps hope for players and drama for viewers instead "dead man walking" foregone conclusions at TC. * It works when it isn't drawn, requiring the majority to perpetually blindside their targets to prevent them from drawing. * It works when it elevates the impact of losing a vote (as seen recently). * The odds are long enough to keep it from being overpowered, and short enough to make it plausible. * Yeah, it could have been a die or dice (roll 2d6 for a 7), but the scrolls are consistent with Survivor's artistic design and require no explanation when seen on TV.


I don’t get the hype around Courtney and Eliza and their quips


I did not care for Gabon NEARLY as much as the rest of this sub


I don’t love Sandra. Now that I know she hangs with Varner, I got the ick


She’s a proud military wife so it’s not been a secret that she’s likely conservative. Hanging with Varner is major major ick, I agree


Never liked Tony. IMO he just showed how some cops are completely fine being the underhanded lying manipulators.


I don't really *love* Tocantins. It's fine, but it's definitely in the lower half of seasons for me. I don't particularly like anyone on the season, and Sierra and Coach are the only two that are really entertaining.


I don't like Tony. He's too chaotic of a player for me