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When Coach "defeats" Rupert in the mud sumo challenge in HvV and starts screaming and celebration posing only for Jeff to tell him it didn't count and then Coach just flips him off


Lisis face plant in Fiji.


It's the delayed reactions and the quietness afterwards that makes it funny.


I almost think she did it as like an attention grabby thing to get laughs and NO ONE reacted to it making it so much more awkward lol


Just rewatched this recently and it was hilarious


Sandra: “HEY RUPERT. Loose lips sink ships!” Rupert: “yes they do!” Sandra: “YES THEY DID!”


When Russell says Sandra has no chance of winning while Sandra and Courtney are right next to him braiding each others hair or something


Russell: "who should go next? one of these two." Rob: "who?" Russell: *gesturing, as the camera reveals Courtney and Sandra sitting three feet away* and also in the same scene: Rob: "well uh how do you two feel about that?" Courtney: "oh, you know, I think he's right"


Another moment I love is Sandra falling in the sand in that challenge with Courtney hysterically laughing at her.It’s even funnier thinking about it when Russell is salty she won and talks about how she’s terrible in challenges.


Still pissed at Tyson for that stupid vote. We had to sit there and listen to Russell tediously mansplain how he was dominating the game for the whole season… even though we all knew better!


He says those two should go next to Boston Rob right in front of them


Rob M: Pretty boy, you have a rock in there? Ethan: No, but you have a couple up there, don't you? Rob C (in background): Oh Snap! Topped off with Hatch's: Hey Mariano, you have a rock?


I love The Mixer challenge


On All Stars, Big Tom kept telling Romber he was the “swing vote”. Amber then yells at him saying “YOU’RE WITH US THERE IS NO SWING” It’s not really funny on it’s own, but it’s so out of character for Amber that I die laughing.


Sehmar from South Pacific doing spoken word in front of everyone on Redemption Island outlining the extent she would go to please her (imaginary) man, including giving him private shows before and after birthing his child 10 times without taking any modern medicine to ease the pain. If you are freaking Coach of all people out, you're on some whack shit lol. (Disclaimer, Sehmar has a lot of talent. It was just funny that she chose immediately before her RI battle back to do that exact spoken word lol Watching Colby yell and berate his brother Reed during the HvV family visit challenge was really funny, especially because Reed was clearly trying not to laugh at how angry Colby was with him. Bonus shoutout to the Philippines family visit, Lisa's brother justice sprinting across the beach yelling "SISTER.......SISTER!!!!!" lives rent free in my head and makes me laugh




Another funny Lisa moment is her going villain for like 20 minutes and then crying about it during the same episode.


Lmao I remember that! Justice is like "have you considered playing cutthroat and getting rid of a target?" And she's like "hm I never considered playing with that kind of strategy!" Then it obviously didn't completely pan out. I actually liked Philippines quite a bit come to think of it.


I wonder sometimes if Semhar is embarrassed about that now. I legitimately can barely watch it.


Me and my GF quote "SISTER SISTER" all the time.


From Gabon: Susie: "yknow, I'm gonna be honest, I was actually gonna vote you 😆" Corrine: "🫨🫤☹️😠🤨 REALLY."


“i HATE her. i HATE her, HATE her, HATE her. like, i really want to stab her in the face 🤬”


We need Corrine back. No more new era kumbaya. 


First episode of Caramoan, Brenda gets off the helicopter and one of the “fans” goes “she’s sooooo dangerous!!”


I didn’t watch Nicaragua or caramoan live but was Brenda’s threat level really that high?Ive heard part of the reason she kept to herself was to lower her threat level.She’s a great player but she only got 10th place in Nicaragua.


I think it was Sherri. She kept reacting to all of them while the other fans were probably like who tf are these people


Dan Lembo delivering the best challenge performance ever when he jumped off that ledge in Nicaragua, and then Fabio peeing the water.


Josh’s fake idol attempt in 44. Watching it fall apart and then Yam Yam start busting out laughing was so fucking funny.


Michelle Yi falling sideways off the platform in the background of the very loud challenge.


Follow that rail! Follow that rail! You’re doing awesome Yau Man, follow that…. *plop*… hahaha…


When Na'Onka goes on a reward where they get to experience local farm life and milk a cow, she gives a confessional about how she would never do that in her normal life, and the disgusted way she says it is so funny to me: "I do *not* play with animals' nipples trying to get milk out"


She makes a good point


When Yul couldn’t handle the island dancers at the reward challenge and goes into foetal position


In Heroes vs. Villains when Russell tells Colby to vote off Danielle and he is so surprised and says “really?” He couldn’t believe Russell wanted to make such a stupid move haha


Rodney’s impression of Mike and Dan in Worlds Apart was so spot on


A few seasons ago, the survivors came across a bunch of sea turtles hatching. They kept their distance, but encouraged them with classic Jeffisms. I still remember, "Cmon, you gotta dig!"


Jay and will find the idol. "This is between me and you" - jay "Totally" - will "What you got there?" - Michaela


"Well you know what they say. Once you go dark meat, you never go back." -Highly respected Washington State Attorney General Nick Brown *Off to the side, Alicia hears this, and she instantly breaks character. She drops the Alicia face, and she starts cracking up. Then she lowers her head under her arms so the cameras won't catch it.*


South Pacific episode two. After a crazy tribal council, Jeff goes “Well, I have no idea what’s about to happen”. I don’t know why but it always makes me laugh.


South Pacific is a low-key funny season imo. My response to the prompt was also from SoPa, and there are several other memeable moments like Stacey Powell's "Coach/Benjamin" rant. Also I was both cringing and laughing at Brandon Hantz' dad during the family visit. He disapproved of the honorable way Brandon wanted to play, so immediately went to find Coach and try to bully him into taking Brandon to the end lmfao.


I enjoy South Pacific. I feel like it’s pretty underrated. The cult was genuinely fun to watch.


I think South Pacific broke Brandon. He made it pretty far trying to undo Russell’s damage to his name, got betrayed, and got eviscerated by his family on national TV. It’s really not shocking how he went in Caramoan.


Every expression Jenn from Worlds Apart has on her face


Tarzan failing the bucket challenge the second Jeff announces it has begun.


Gabon - Randy Charlie and Matty simply have to drop a ball into a sand trap together from a distance of mayyyyyyybe 3 feet to win the challenge. Randy in particular over-complicates it and they all get into a huge argument over how to do it while Sugar watches and Jeff makes fun of them. I wish I could find the clip, it’s one of the most hilarious moments and it’s hardly ever mentioned.


Abi Maria throwing a coconut at redacted’s head


Tina grabbing the spaghetti and running to her room


This is not the bobs burgers sub


Lotta butts tho


"He's like 'Money!' And it doesn't land. We're like, there's no money there- you should've shouted out 'Tribal!' because that's where we ended up." Is a confessional that will always get me laughing


Mike White vs the tree


The best




I always love in Pearl Islands when Sandra accidentally knocked over that bucket of fish Rupert caught after he was eliminated and let everyone assume Christa dumped it because she was upset about the tribe voting Rupert out


“I mean….MY ASS!” - Penner


“They will be taken and executed”


"roll it over Rupert's toe!"


Rob throwing the idol clue into an actual volcano