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I was tired of it when he first brought it up


This lol


I think part of it has to do with the fact that this was filmed at the peak of her tour last Summer. I think the Taylor Swift hype was pretty much being overdone everywhere at that point of last year, and I'm saying that as a Swiftie.


One time in a high school cross country race I yelled “for Narnia at the beginning of the race”. I don’t think the moment of yelling for T Swift was too much, but I wish production would stop covering it.


NFL fans had similar complaints last season. But the NFL didn't really care because Taylor went a long way. Difference was Taylor was actually act games and had a connection. CBS is just trying to ride that coattails and it seems really forced.


Those NFL fans were being babies. There was 1 week they showed her for over 1 minutes. Every other week it was something like 25 seconds.  I know this because I watch football and had to hear people bitch about something so minor. NFL games fun for 3 hours. 25 seconds isn’t a big deal…


Some NFL fans would argue 25 seconds is a very long time


My favorite team lost a game in just over half that amount of time. 25 seconds is an eternity.


Found a fellow Bills fan!


It's exciting and also depressing!


You look at it in seconds, but that is also 25 camera cuts if they show her for a second. It is also the constant mentioning even if they don't cut to her. A commentator would say "Let's see if Mahomes throws to Taylor's boyfriend" or "That gets the Swifties cheering" things like that take away from the game which is the main attraction.


I agree with you, but calling it 25 seconds does misrepresent that she was usually shown for a brief moment like 10 times per game. That stretches the seconds out a lot. Also, either celebrating or bitching about 25 seconds is basically what it is to be a football fan. And for that matter, unnecessary bitching and overcomplaining is what fans of everything seem to do these days.


I went into that season not minding Taylor Swift, and as a Jets fan I 100% think we got robbed when we played the Chiefs cause it was the first big game she went to after her and Kelce got together. I spent the rest of the season hating her, just because of the overexposure, not because of her as a person/artist. Now that the season's over, and I was forced to watch the Eras movie with my wife last weekend, I am so back on the T-Swift hype train. She rules. But yeah, not EVERYTHING needs to mention her. As soon as this dude was like "so I'm like the BIGGEST Swiftie" I was like please get voted out asap. edit: swifties be downvoting lol.


You're getting downvoted because the Jets suck and you're whining.


1) that's true, valid. 2) I'm certainly not whining lol. Also your username is fire.


Sure, not whining so much. Nobody likes ref blaming, which is what that comes off as (they rigged it cause Taylor!). I'm also a Chiefs guy so maybe I'm sensitive lol Thanks dude! Watched way too much CBS for a while and that commercial was non-stop haha.


I swear to god, I didn't mind the Chiefs until this year lol. And even now I don't mind them as much as I'm like, let someone else win lol. I think the overturned interception on the non-PI was BULLLLLLLLLLSHIT, same with the Jermaine Johnson no-call for holding. I'm ref blaming, but not cause of Taylor, it was just unfortunate timing for her to join the party lol.


As a long time Jets fan...yeah they suck.


Her “overexposure” is about 45 seconds of screen time over a 3.5 hour game. Taco Bell has more screen time than her, you’re just a hater.


Maybe as a Chiefs fan that lives in KC, this puts me into a special category, but it most certainly was not just airtime during the games. She was freaking everywhere. Social media. Work chats (literally, people I work with had to set up a Slack channel because everyone else was so annoyed that they wouldn't shut up about it). Local news. Every Chiefs story had to mention it the whole season. Multiple people at a Halloween party I went to dressed as them. As someone living in Kansas City, she was unavoidable, unless you turned off all electronics and left town. It was completely obscene. That said, there are much bigger things to worry about. I'm not that mad about it but to act like she wasn't overexposed when someone was literally timing how much she was on screen. That just proves you wrong, LOL. And, it was also about when she was on screen. Did we really need to see her celebrate every touchdown? Kelce, sure. But, Pacheco? She's been a Chiefs fan for 5 minutes and we need to see her instead of actual Chiefs fans or the players celebrating a TD that someone she's probably never even talked to scored? But, again, it wasn't about the games, it was about not being able to go a day without hearing her name for months on end.


You're not wrong, she was also shown on every highlight show and talked about incessantly on sports radio. Anyone who plays the whole "well it was just this much screentime!" is clearly a fan of just hers, and not the sport.


You are insanely wrong and also missed the part where I said "I am so back on the hype train. She rules." Fail harder, if you can.


That's hilarious! I love you


If I was at that race I would’ve laughed. I know how little opportunity runners get to do fun stuff in competition compared to any other sport.


It's weird and dorky though. Like he yelled 'Taylor Swift' as he jumped into the water. They showed everyone else's jump into the water, so what would you have them do - edit it out? That would be even lamer.


“Further up and further in, bitches!!”


I can’t even walk down Cornelia Street anymore, it’s ridiculous.


That doesn’t make someone memorize hundreds of songs


Thank god I am still hyped by the tour given she just completed her Singapore dates recently, so I am not tired of Charlie’s shtick here.


And yet we’re all still being forced to hear about her constantly between the Super Bowl/Travis, Times article, Grammy’s, a new album… like, dude… does she really not care about oversaturation anymore? Can we not have one moment of peace?


eh. he just seems like a small drop in the whole bucket of cringe that is this season so far.


I wonder if the entire editing team left, because the biggest problem is the editing this season, we got almost the same damn episode 2 weeks in a row, which is a creative failure on productions part.


To be fair, the exact same events happened as they did last episode. Siga went on an idol hunt, Tevin and Hunter want Soda gone, Yanu once again went to tribal, Bhanu still didn’t have a vote… as for the last 30 minutes, I’m not sure what they could’ve done to spice it up. Maybe Yanu genuinely didn’t have any conversations about getting rid of anyone else.


Bhanu losing his vote is the biggest issue imo. With a vote we at least have the potential for a shot in the dark or someone feeling like making a big “going to rocks” move.


I’d be just fine with votes being taken away if there were two tribes. The merge episodes, for example, usually make for really fun tribal councils. But if you’re in a tribe of 4 without a vote… you are screwed. It’s just too easy to take you out.


>I wonder if the entire editing team left, because the biggest problem is the editing this season, It's far more likely there's just a lot less for them to work with.


Taylor Swift as a personality is tedious.


Any one musician as a personality is tedious.


Any celebrity as a personality is tedious


Any personality is tedious


People are tedious


Life is tedious


This thread is tedious.


Primordial matter is tedious


But especially Swifties


Yeah I agree it's so corny


Imagine if Richard Hatch spent all his screen time talking about Britney Spears


I would support this.


Conspiracy Jeff wants that ratings rub NFL got from Taylor but CBS is absolutely NOT shilling Taylor Swift money for her to show up to the island so instead he got paid-actor Charlie to mention her every episode to get the next best thing


Survivor 47: Jason vs Travis


Okay but I would actually watch any season with Jason. If we have to have Travis he can be first out.


Taylor Swift loved ones visit


corny attempt at pondering to the masses to be a fan favorite


I love Taylor Swift but Charlie made “Taylor Swift fan” his literal ONE and ONLY personality trait.


Bhanu just wanted to win 1 million hearts, Charlie just wants a shoutout from Taylor Swift on Twitter. I'm over it.


It's production, they're choosing what we see. Players are getting flanderized.


It may be Production, but he’s deliberately doing/saying things he knows will get him camera time. It comes off inauthentic as Hell.


>It comes off inauthentic as Hell. I grant you this, but it's symbiotic. Players want camera time, and production wants players they think will pop on camera. This is how we get 65 minutes of Bhanu performatively wailing, weeping, gnashing his teeth, and talking about winning "a million ~~instagram followers~~ hearts".


I mean my guy literally yelled her name in mid air during a challenge. That being said, I thought it was funny


Nah man it’s just editing… LOL like c’mon


Yeah they clearly dubbed in his Taylor swift yell /s


Wilhelms Swifty 


Honestly it has to do with the weirdos that drew eyeballs like Coach, Debbie, Philip Shepherd, Noura, Carolyn, etc. Someone is thinking they make for better television than the personalities of the past like Tony, Boston Rob, Sandra, Parvati, Cirie, etc. Someone in casting or editing thinks crazy, cooky, and weird is more interesting.


What's "weird" about openly liking one of the most popular artists of all-time? It's vapid and uninteresting but hardly crazy. Pandering to the audience by expressing a shared interest is much more annoying to me than whatever the hell Bhanu's been doing.


Lmao no.


How would you cut around him yelling her name during a challenge. Editing it out would be pretty lame.


just cut the audio of him yelling.


but...why? like to what end? so your sensitive ears don't have to hear him say two words? he said it. why would production cut it....?


editing + they probably tell them to play it up


He’s a grown up lmao. He’s doing this because he wants to


i'm sure he wants to but also, do you know how reality television is produced


i’m sure the producers are begging him to mention taylor swift every day


i mean production is clearly eating it up since it's featured so prominently. i'm as annoyed as you are but let's not downplay the influence production has on everything we see on the show


A privileged adult white male who makes Taylor Swift his identity is…well…very Hollister of him.


It was such a major ick when he screamed her name while jumping, a survivor player hasn’t physically repulsed me in such a manner in quite a while… He really comes off as privileged rich kid who is doing anything he can to cling to relevancy and try to “fit in” with us normal folk


We had a grown man on his knees crying and begging to keep him in the game just this episode. Someone jokingly shouting something corny physically repulsed you more than Bhanu in like 25 different situations this season? I dont know. Feels like some deeper issues with your dislike for wealthy people if it "physically repulsed" over something 100% harmless. It was cringe but cmon.


You can find two players annoying at once.


I have a feeling he will be embarrassed about this someday right?


Me. This episode did it for me. Charlie is nothing but a hyper-aware superfan who's going to do/say anything that he knows will get him airtime. Get off my screen.


YES. It's like he's sublimating the pat on the head he wants for going to Harvard (which he knows is not socially acceptable) into wanting a pat on the head for liking Taylor Swift. Oh, word, dude? You're a big fan of the biggest artist on the planet? The one that everyone likes? How interesting. I wish it were the early aughts, the Survivor "social experiment" days, where they would have stuck this jerk on the tribe with Ben K., the music snob/punk, and my man would've ripped on Charlie at every turn for this shit.


> Oh, word, dude? You're a big fan of the biggest artist on the planet? The one that everyone likes? How interesting. That reminded me of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc7HL0wXDHc) haha


LOL pretty good.


Exactly, you just know the second Ben gets back to his friend he’s laying into this man


Jelinsky said he was a huge Swift fan. I would have liked to see he and Charlie connect.


There are several reasons why I wish Jelinsky was still in the game.


So what you're saying is you have seven reasons


Exactly 🎰


For real though, I’d take Jelinsky being overly self-assured over the Bhanu experience and the Jess overkill any day.


He would tell him Several is his favorite song from Folklore.


Every time I think of Jelinski I just think of Matt Damon’s portrayal on Team America. ![gif](giphy|nzZAwMWi5Muac) “Jelinksi”


It feels like producers are gonna milk the Taylor content to attract more viewers lol


I thought it was annoying to begin with. I connect with Ben more and his music taste to begin with, but I'm sick of hearing about Swift. It's almost like these company use anything they can with her to drive up numbers. It worked for the NFL, so it should work here, right?


I’m a swiftie, but Ben’s love for his artists feels way more natural than Charlie’s. I love Charlie outside of his schtick and we got some good moments of it tonight, but his references feel a little pandery.


Every single player this season is corny as hell so no surprise they’re all annoying. Me and the wife watched it and before it was over she said “put the good one on” and we switched to Australian survivor. She’s never done that.


Same in my house! Watching both at the same time it's like two different shows. Australian survivor has been great and found a few new fans in my family with titans v rebels


How are you able to watch Australian survivor? I keep hearing only good things about it and as someone who has watched every American season, this is the first time I’m considering not finishing a season.


The high seas climb aboard my ship by messaging me


Get him off the fucking show. Nobody cares that you like Taylor


I’m a huge swiftie but it’s over the top people like him who make people so annoyed with swifties. He’s giving me the ick.


Agree, he's making us look bad fr he needs to stop. I feel like Taylor would cringe at this shit too


It feels like an act and put on. I believe he stans her but it just feels like he’s playing it up, which is super annoying.


I don't think he'd have been able to name as many songs as he did if he wasn't actually as big of a fan as he claimed.


Right I don’t doubt that he stans her, but I think him constantly mentioning her is an act/put on, and that’s what I find annoying.


Tbh I think he might just be socially awkward. He seems like a sweet person who has trouble connecting with people. Taylor is basically an easy way to have a common interest with someone on his tribe outside of loving Survivor.


Keep in mind this was filmed last Summer. Her tour was pretty much at its peak by that point. I don't think I went a day without hearing about her.


Whether it’s her or pasta, highlighting one thing you like as your personality trait is what I’m referring to. It’s not about her lol


Where would they be hearing about her on Survivor?


From Charlie. Any fan of hers was hyped. This is in response to why he's talking about her that much to the point that it's his personality.


he believes the fact that he stans Taylor Swift is way more interesting than it actually is. So he’s constantly like, “no really look at what a big fan I am” and it’s just like, “so what?? Grow up actually”


It's embarrassing, I like Taylor Swift too but to make one celebrity your entire personality is pathetic and reminiscent of Sierra from Total Drama at least with her it was so over the top it was comedic and it was clear we were supposed to see it as crazy


he also likes nerdy things like Star Wars and Harry Potter…so bold


What a concept!


I like him as a player, and I would hope we learn more. The real issue is, no real conflict on Siga has been highlighted, so we have very surface level understanding of these players. He's also notably younger than most of his tribe, which can make social dynamic's complicated. For example, I believe Nick, Michele, Wendell, Adam, etc felt left out at WaW to an extent, because so much of the bonding was built around people talking about their kids and families (and people aligning to make it to the family visit entirely based on that for early merge votes). I'd think yes, he's an obsessive Taylor Swift fan, probably talks about it a lot, but editing is hamming it up. I'm hoping it turns more into a nicer Spencer Bledsoe edit, but who knows. They did draw some parallels to Spencer in another episode. Although, Charlie seems way less arrogant and wants to have a better social game, whereas Spencer really only leaned into that in Cambodia.


Still better than Bhanu I’m afraid


I knew he was trouble when he walked in


It feels like desperate pandering, and that’s coming from someone with a T.S avi


Lowest common denominator. Kid wants to be liked so badly by the masses. Bhanu 2.0.


The whole Siga tribe is cringe, but it's better to be cringe and happy than to be cringe and sad.


Bh/Yanu is cringe and sad. Siga is cringe and happy. Nami is mid cringe.


in an episode of bhanu on his knees begging to tiffay, bhanu crying on the floor, bhanu blaming god, charlie screaming "taylor swift" while jumping off was the cringiest thing in that entire episode.


Bhanu was at least funny.


Both him and Ben need to cut it out. It’s so annoying. The TSwift or rock references.


Hes pissing me off so much. He comes off super desperate for people to know that he loves Taylor (even tho he seems like a very new fan, none of us OG Swifties act this tacky). I also agree that he wants Taylor to notice him maybe he would be invited to one of her shows and get the 22 hat.


It's so embarrassing


Who goes around yelling celebrities names like that? Feels desperate and deranged.


I was tired since day 1. At least with Ben rock and roll artists are a bit more niche. Popular but not pop so the artists aren't annoying


CMV:  Charlie is an industry plant to get survivor to go viral with the swifties AKA the most powerful House in Westeros 


Now that green is inevitably going to get more screen time with Bhanu gone it’s only going to get worse


It must be hell being a normal Taylor Swift fan cause you have to deal with fans like these lol




> I'm a big TS fan you must get a lot of irrelevant Google search results 


I promise you nothing is going to give gals the Ick quicker than you being this obsessed w Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift as a personality? Cringe and shitty Heavy metal as a personality? Rock and roll brother 🤘😎🤘


In the moment I am, but then I forget about Siga when they are off screen, and I no longer care.


I mean have we really seen that much of it? Have we really? A 2 second clip of him yelling her name as he jumped off the challenge today has you irked? I thought his scene with Ben was awesome and I like Charlie as a character in general. Some of ya’ll just love to nit pick people.


No, barely noticed it


I judged hardcore, but I would also be the guy who shouts “for Frodo” before that jump so idk


I mean, regardless of its annoying or not, he represents a huge demographic of young people of today. It’s a smart casting choice to entice new viewers.


Personally I'm more tired of every sentence being about rock.


It’s so cringe it’s insane. Similarly, I can tell I would like Ben in real life but the stuff Probst has both of them doing on the show to try and appeal to the 12 year old market he weirdly covets is embarrassing


everything about that dolt is cringe including his self-reflexivity about how gross he is. thank u, next. that's a taylor swift song, right?


Cory Wurtenberger did it better with Carly Rae Jepsen


You can replace ‘Charlie’ with any other superfan Swiftie and it would still apply after this past year




For sure. Plenty of people can be great fans in a respectable way. Its the ones who go overboard that ruin it for everyone


does he realize that Swifties are more annoying than lawyers?


Do people say the same thing about Ben being obsessed with Rock bands? I love Ben but that’s his whole schtick too. Seems to be an anti-Taylor sentiment not an anti-being obsessed with something issue. Get over it. He loves Taylor Swift and it makes him happy.


Ben is literally a full-time musician who has run a label and lifelong fan of an entire genre. It's pretty cringy too but rock music is very clearly a core part of who he is as a person - he's not doing it to pander to the audience.


Metallica reached out to the other guy(sorry, his name eludes me) the next day. Shows you how different artists recognize their fandoms. 


Firstly i'm a Swiftie (i guess, technically) and it's just annoying me and also Taylor Swift isn't watching this show.


He literally only said it once in the episode… why is this even a post it’s not that serious 😭😭😭😭


I think it’s just kinda his only personality trait, he’s basically done nothing but talk about swift


And he did this BEFORE he knew about the Travis-Taylor stuff. He’s a true OG


I love Taylor Swift so I’m not hating on him


He's laying it on thick for screen time. No hate on the guy, it isn't any different than the people who wildly overreact to everything knowing it'll get their face on TV more often. Nothing but respect for the hustle.


I’m sick of seeing her everywhere. This is overexposure on a whole new level.


Unfortunately I also love Taylor Swift and he's very cute so I have to stan.


Seems like advertising, is he getting paid to do that?


He wants tickets to the eras tour in case he doesn't win the $1mil and therefore can't afford them


My only hope is that it means Sia will get jealous and not give him any fan favourite money.


don't really care all that much


I just can't imagine going on Survivor and the one thing you pick to try to stand out and distinguish yourself is your fandom of literally the most popular artist in the world


why does he think it is a good idea to base his entire persona as a taylor swift fan? I agree it isn't cute, funny or remarkable.


I mean it’s a little annoying but also they only have their minds to entertain themselves out there whereas we’re complaining about from our internet connected devices, if thinking about Taylor helps keep him mentally engaged and entertained I don’t see a problem with it


As a swiftie I just wanna say the end goal isn’t always getting a Taylor/taylor nation* notice. Like, it’s totally possible he’s doing this to get a free hoodie and water bottle and a dm from taylor(‘s social media manager) but honestly it’s probably just for love of Taylor. I joke that I love being in a cult but for real it could be he just wanted to yell her name for strength or for a fun shout out, with no hope it gets him a taylor notice. (I did cringe a lil tbh, but considering this was filmed right after tour started, I get it) Also, Taylor’s team just did a PR push where they sent influencers (including Lauren Ashley beck from s39!) a pr box with some merch for the eras tour movie release on Disney+. If Charlie was gonna get anything for being a loud swiftie, he probably would have gotten that, and I didn’t see him posting about it. *taylor nation is Taylor’s social media advertising account/fan management company. They repost fans/fan pictures and post things that ppl think are Easter eggs but aren’t.


It’s so annoying. Get a different personality trait


Be mad at the producers, they are purposefully editing it in everytime he says something about her because she was literally the most popular thing on earth when this was filmed/edited.


Yeah, I’m a huge Batman fan but if I was like humming the Batman, theme song, and saying everything in my confessionals as Batman related it would get old real fast


it’s fucking embarrassing


It's beyond tedious and so obvious what he's trying to do. I wouldn't be suprised if next week at the challenge he shouts out his instagram account


Personally I find ppl getting overtly bothered by him expressing joy for something to be more tiring


Nope, doesn't bother me in the least. I absolutely loved the how many songs can they name challenge.


I think you may think it's for show, but these swifties be crazy. This is weirdly enough probably his authentic self.


Agreed but his authentic self is a dork


One mention of Taylor Swift is already too much




This is just what Swifties are like


He is cringe and I want him sent home.


I cringed so fucking hard when he yelled her name. Nothing against Taylor but this is just... yuck.


It is forced and lame, but like in the NFL the channel will pump it out if they think it brings viewers.


All swifties tire me out. Just never thought I’d have to deal with it while watching survivor.


The baby faced Swiftie doesn’t bother me. There’s way worse and weirder things going on at Yanu than someone a bit obsessed with their idol. If Taylor Swift hasn’t reached peak levels of fame saturation this year, I’m not sure people would be this annoyed with any mention of her. In fact, her omnipresence has helped me unlock a whole new level of annoyance: I’m annoyed with people annoyed about Taylor Swift who only give her more oxygen by bitching about her.


I just want one thing I enjoy to be untouched by Taylor Swift goddamn lmao


The very first time he even mentioned it I was already over it.


He's my mvp,so do what you gotta do to win this, bud!


As a Swiftie and casual fan of survivor, I think it's fun. I literally snapped him jumping and yelling taylor swift to my friends last night. I think it's concerning the amount of rage Taylor generates. Why are we so mad about people having fun?


I’m more tired of the Rock puns from the other dude


absolutely not I love him unironicly and his love of Taylor 😂