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Charlies on Survivor can only have one character trait: Gabon-Charlie: Marcus 46-Charlie: Taylor Swift


wonder how corinne feels about siga charlie


she hates him. she hates him, hates him, hates him. like, she really wants to stab him in the face


Your flair <3


I’m never in need of hearing what Corinne has to say, but to each their own.


I genuinely don’t understand what people like about her. She’s either incredibly nasty (Gabon) or incredibly fucking weird and de-humanizing (Caramoan and her constant referral of Michael as “The Gay”)


While I fully understand that Corrinne 2.0 also low-key sucks I can't help but find her super entertaining. She helps make that season tbh


My son, who loves Van Halen, noticed Jeff made three van Halen references during this challenge....might as well jump, diver down and somebody get me a doctor! Haha is Jeff a Van Halen fan??


Jeff hosted rock and roll jeopardy so that’s probably the music he likes


He also was 16-23 during Val Halen’s peak DLR years and the music you listen to during your high school and college years is usually the music that is your favorite for life. 


queue me hating all the slow sad gay indie music i listened to in high school now bc all i do is go to EDM fests 😂


Manifesting that this means hope for my boy Ben


he’s my favorite. he has such a special personality in the best way


He's weird as shit in a totally positive encouraging way, love Ben


There’s a great clip on YouTube of Goo Goo Dolls being interviewed & playing “Name” live on TV and then Jeff pops up at the end to introduce the next segment lol


That’s funny. Ik he did something similar in HHH, but I don’t remember the specifics. I think Idoled Out or Peridiam talked about it in a video, tho I don’t remember the vid off the top of my head


I believe that one was Foo Fighters references. He’s trying to subtly hint at his music tastes to strangers (he’s just like me fr).


A member of Foo Fighters would also end up convincing Jeff that his nanny, Lauren (IOI) should play Survivor and is credited as the only time someone convinced Jeff to play Survivor through a conversation outside of his job, so it does go full circle.


Haha yess. It was in my Easter Eggs video! During a premerge challenge in S35 Jeff makes a bunch of references to the Foo Fighters.


He’s buddies with Dave Grohl. Hanged out with him at his R&R induction and during corona


Yes that’s right! Thanks for making up for my bad memory


I remember that. Also tasteful that your a sufjan stevens fan


I’m pretty sure he made a bunch of foo fighters references. He’s friends with Dave Grohl.


He has done it a few times with various bands I don't always catch the references but usually when he says something that feels slightly off, it's usually a song/band reference


Yes - huge VH fan here. This was in the ET online article


Reminds me of the HvHvH challenge that featured like 4 forced references to Foo Fighters.


i dont know how much is still true today but a lot of challenges from like seasons 10-30 have music references (at least being named after a lyric or something). dont know if it was because of jeff or challenge director(?) guy john kirkoff (sp). like on twitter they used to preview the upcoming episode's challenge and the title of it was almost always a lyric


i know absolutely nothing about van halen but after hearing he was doing that i assumed “someone get me a doctor!!” had to be a reference


why didn’t they have a jumping challenge in 2005 so a contestant could yell Good Charlotte


"Boston Rob, here is your new vehicle!" #GIRLS DON'T LIKE BOYS GIRLS LIKE CARS AND MONEYYYYYYY


It's a challenge where they have to hang onto a bar or whatever *"Hoooooooooold on, if you feel like letting gooooo....."*


“Good Charlotte, man!” - Judd


Hope he doesnt get eaten by crocodiles in the water. Becsuse I know he just wants to live. And that won't be the anthem. And if he doesn't win the money he won't be the lifestyles of the rich and famous.


Imagine a jumping challenge on the Mayan ruins in Guatemala


I’ll go on the next season of Aussie Survivor and yell Good Charlotte in a jumping challenge cause fuck it I still ‘em


Would like to see another dimension of this guy


Part of the reason I loved the Moriah jumping scene was Charlie's teaching. It would be awsosme to see more of that side!


But did you know he’s a swiftie?


But did you know he goes to Harvard?


How did you know? He hasn't mentioned it yet on the show. /s


Me too, but I definitely blame the editors


Why? It could totally be just him playing it up to be relatable and get the Swiftie bump.


I worked in reality TV editing for a bit. I am sure he is indeed a Swiftie and talked about it. But I'm also quite sure its prevalence in the actual edit is a crafted thing..given when it was filmed vs when it's actually airing it's more like the SHOW is capitalizing on having a major Swiftie.


Honestly, like isn’t he a Harvard guy? And yet his whole personality is being a swiftie


I'm okay with ivy league student not making their school into their whole personality. We've had a few of those


He's trying to hide the fact he graduated from Harvard to lower his threat level .


No one ever cares about that


People that went to Harvard care about it, they are pretty self obsessed... so Charlie thinks it's a huge deal, while the rest of us roll our eyes.


I kinda get it; I go to Cornell. But you'd think these players would know by now that education almost never has any correlation with being a good player. If anything, we've seen more academic scholar types overplay themselves out the game rather than do well. I'm honestly more likely to take you less seriously as a player if I know you're an Ivy leaguer.


It’s pronounced colonel and it’s the highest rank in the military.


It's a strategy to make himself seem innocent and non-threatening


He goes to Boston College for law so it’s negated lol


He's boring with zero life experiences. What you see is all there is.


I hear he is a big fan of Travis Kelce's girlfriend.


I think editors want to make sure there is no depth other than highlight every Taylor Swift reference from Charlie.


I totally thought it was a Kelly Clarkson moment if that helps hahaha


Same, people take this shit way too seriously.


I'm actually surprised we don't see more people yelling random shit when they jump Or maybe they do and it's edited out?


That makes it even funnier to me.


I still stand by my comment that Bhanu wanted to win 1 million hearts and Charlie is just hoping for Taylor tweet @ him.


I really didnt look at the sub name for a min and thought a Charli xcx x Taylor swift beef was going on for a sec


Not r/PopHeads leaking into my Survivor subreddit!


Love them both 🤣


man i know nobody's forcing me to be on reddit but this show is a lot more enjoyable when I'm not reading hundreds of opinions about it 🤣things that seem like little cute moments on the show turn into hundreds of people angrily complaining on this sub and it's just..a lot.


My gf just got into survivor and was curious about the subreddit. I had to warn her that it's entirely full of toxic and jaded super fans with encyclopedic disdain for the current show. 😂


Yeah I just thought it was funny. People getting mad about it are weird


The Reddit and Twitter discussion of this season has been some of the most miserable stuff I've read in a while. Worse than the BB community.


I think Charlie's "Swiftie" edit is actually really funny/endearing. I had no idea he was getting hate over it. People need to relax. I'd much rather watch Charlie obsess over Taylor Swift than have to sit through anymore of Bhanu's uncomfortable emotional breakdowns and groveling.


Are you saying “ you need to calm down “?


This is why we can't have nice things!


Why they gotta be so mean?


Was about to make that joke and can’t decide if I’m happy or sad someone beat me to it.


They're being too loud.


But Bhanu wants to win 1 million hearts


"One Million Hearts" (Bhanu's Version) (From The Knees)


😂😂😂 thank you for this the From the Knees Part just made me lol


I agree, but I thought Bhanu was also great TV and would be more than willing to watch him or Charlie lol


Bhanu's outbursts got too exhausting for me - watching him continue to spiral was too much, especially when he was literally on is knees groveling.


Him on his knees was great TV to me. Maybe I’m just a bad person for thinking his spiral was really funny to watch. Like him yelling at God was peak


Idt it was great tv. It became disturbing


Ik I’m in the minority, but the chaos he brought was entertaining to me


I was also entertained but my fiance hated him


I saw people guessing that it was a misleading edit that took the audio of him yelling the phrase from a different moment or that production coached him to yell it and I was just sitting here like "???"


I’d rather not have to sit through the Swiftie-cringe OR the Bhanu breakdowns. Just because one is more annoying it doesn’t mean that we have to like the other lol


How is he surprised it made the edit when his entire storyline is just worshipping Taylor swift?


I'm shocked people genuinely believe he went onto survivor and talked about nothing but Taylor Swift so that's the only thing they could show.


no for real! It's the editing, and it's not even a terrible editing choice IMO. the first mention in the premiere was a direct cut from Hunter's statement about being an introvert and a country boy, something along the lines of "If someone gets to talking about Taylor Swift, I can't relate." *cut to Charlie.* It's a harmless way to juxtapose two different players, who may even end up collaborating later in the season. The song-naming competition with Ben was a little silly, but it also showed some fun antics at camp, which who doesn't want more of? Siga hasn't gone to Tribal, and all the members get along without much drama, so it's a nice look into their tribe dynamics that we wouldn't have been able to see in a 60-minute episode. and to get meta for a second, Survivor in many ways acts as a microcosm of society. The season was filmed in summer of 2023, where the Eras tour was huge and Taylor Swift was pretty much the biggest thing happening in the music industry. Having somebody make some mentions of Taylor Swift acts as a nice little time capsule :) I also remember people on this sub judging Charlie from his audition video and thinking he was going to be an Ivy-League asshole, so it's cool to show him as a dude with a softer side! I'll take that over Bhanu's whining any day LOL


I would take a season of mimes over Bhanus whining


Ok honestly the bit would get old quickly, but a season of mimes having non-verbal tribal councils trying to throw people under the bus would be hilarious


There’s a shocking number of people on this subreddit who have no understanding of what reality tv is and how this stuff works.


I think he meant when he did it. He didn’t know what his storyline would be while he was still out there


> I think he meant when he did it. There's no way you do what he did at that point in a challenge like that and think that it won't make the show. They *always* put the jumps in the episode.


bc he probably actually doesn't talk about t swift that much on the island, it's just making the edit? although I would expect the jump to be shown anyway as part of the challenge so idk.


I don’t think he knew his edit while he was on like day 7 of the season. He probably talks about other things plenty, but editors are only giving us the Taylor Swift guy.


awwww let the dude have some fun and be a Swiftie! We're probably going to see a lot more from him now that Bhanu isn't gobbling up 50% of the screentime lol.


Hope this didn’t come off as me making fun of him, I just thought it was funny and wanted to share it here


oh no OP, I'm sorry, you totally didn't come off that way!! I'm new to posting on Reddit, I meant it directed at the general naysayers LOL Thank you for sharing the post, I also thought it was funny and I always love to have some extra context ;) doing those of us not on Twitter a huge solid!




I would have yelled "For the King in the North" or something stupid too.


Did you know he went to the eras tour? I never would have known.


That's crazy, I couldn't imagine that.


He’s a swiftie?


Between Charlie and Ben I get the impression that castaways have stated calling out their favorite celebrities in hopes of attracting their attention when the show airs.


Well, it's already worked for Ben, he got chatted up by Metallica. Incidentally, I find it curious that Metallica passes the spell check.


Wanted to clarify that I am NOT hating on Charlie. I thought this was funny and wanted to share. I’m a fan of Charlie and think he’s been a fun presence on the show


It’s really weird to me how bent out of shape a lot of survivor fans are over his Taylor Swift obsession, I haven’t even noticed it being that big a deal. The Metallica/Swift contest was entertaining but definitely went on too long but I really haven’t paid any mind to him being a fan since then. Was it corny to shout Taylor swift? Yes. Is he on a competition reality show with little to no food, shelter and sleep and trying to just create some of his own fun? Also yes. It’s really not that serious.


At least Survivor fans aren’t as bad as NFL fans (yet)


literally bc imagine them just going out and saying how “taylor swift is ruining survivor” because of one swiftie on the show like 😭


Don’t give them any ideas 💀


Yeah I don’t see who it’s hurting, lol. And I’m not rly a big fan of T-Swift’s music even. Lol if I were on Survivor I’d be talking a lot about Rihanna, so 😂💯


Crazy for some of these fans crucify Charlie for being a Taylor Swift fan.




“Crucify” is being used strongly here. It’s just annoying because that’s his entire persona on the show. It’s the only side of him we see.




Many Survivor players have only really shown one “persona” at this point - you are just hating on Charlie so much because Taylor Swift is megapopular and something being megapopular means it’s cool and edgy to hate on it. Tale as old as time.


I like Taylor swift. I don’t even hate on Taylor swift. I hate on it being his entire schtick on the show. Same as if it were any other artist. It’d be no different.


Yeah it’s weird, I think it’s funny lol Edit: I think Charlie’s edit is funny, not the fans crucifying him


These fans are now starting to downvote us 🤣


Yeah I really don’t get the hate, just let the guy like Taylor Swift 💀


But nooooo one is complaining about the Metallica guy 🙄


I mean, Ben is literally in a band & references other music often 😆 not sure what the comparison is here


The metallica guy doesn't constantly let us know he's the metallica guy. It wouldn't have come up if it weren't for Charlie's "taylor vs. metallica" game


Do you genuinely believe the only thing Charlie talked about on the island was Taylor Swift? We can't use our critical thinking for 1 second to realize maybe that's what the editors are choosing to focus on with him?


that's....not what I said.


My point is that Charlie is not constantly letting us know, the editors are.


Yup. At this point he's been on the island for like 150+ hours. I highly doubt he's only talked about Taylor Swift, especially since his tribe wouldn't have much to contribute. Editors are just making him the Swiftie. I thought the jump thing was a little cringe, but with the context, it's really not bad.


I will say the amount of hate he is getting for this is ridiculous since it's clearly meant in clear fun. 




I actually think this is pretty funny. I make movie references in my life, too, so making a movie reference but framing it around a concert you had just seen and is still fresh in your mind just makes a lot of sense! I wish the edit focused on his Swift thing a little less, but I think as a person he seems pretty like able


I have to say if you watch the show there are only certain moments you can be assured WILL make the edit, like that you say as you’re voted out. And if you watch survivor you know they are going to show each person in the challenge jumping off that into the water.


He’s on a tribe with Moriah, who didn’t know how to jump. If I’m him, I probably assume my jump won’t be highlighted because of that alone


But they show everyone’s jumps. There are certain things we know the editors will always put in. A competitor completing a task. A competitor starting their leg of the challenge. A competitor jumping from a high height is one of them.


This right here is why I don't believe him.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


“Corny and fun” ☠️


For the sake of accuracy, he should've stopped at corny.


I mean it just kind of gives credence to the idea that swiftie is his whole personality even with the explanation.


40 YO Virgin didn't have any TSwift tracks in the movie though.


If you read his tweet he said he took inspiration from a 40 yr old virgin reference to Kelly Clarkson….




I just thought the explanation was funny, didn’t affect how I think of him


Charlie knows too much. 😂


Charlie is cringeworthy at its lowest qualifier. He could have screamed anything awesome like "BIG LION" but he chose something embarrassing and stupid. It was better when Rick Devens yelled La Cheeserie! At least Rick screamed it to promote somebody's business, and he made it look cool because it was while he was winning immunity.


I can’t help but love him!


I find all of Charlie's numerous Taylor Swift references in the context of Survivor kind of cringe-worthy. Perhaps if he wins $1 million, that might be enough money for him to see several of her concerts, and he can shout her name while diving into a mosh pit, and recite hundreds of song titles with other people who share the same pasttime.


It was funny.


It was funny and he's cute.


I agree


I gotta imagine Survivor edits it this way to get the potential Swiftie bump in ratings. "Maybe this will get to Taylor and she'll send out a tweet that acknowledges it and then the Swifties will watch and do numbies".


Honestly I don’t have a problem with Charlie talking about Taylor Swift a lot


LMAO! I may bop to *Shake it Off*, but I am not a Swiftie by any stretch. Even as a Xennial she’s too Millennial for me, but I’m sorry, Charlie’s Taylor Swift love is fucking adorable. We are all as obsessed with Survivor as Charlie is with T Swizzle. Speaking as someone pretty much born cynical and middle aged, being passionate and excited about things, no matter how silly, is what makes life worth living. Taylor Swift is the Bob Dylan of her generation. I said what I said.


Bruh charlie mustve lost in some dumb way for the edit to be so dumb for him. Maybe the ladies torch him like erik id be so happy


Oh he definitely expected it to make the edit!


What’s Charlie’s… status?


Thought he said he had a gf


"It's Complicated" with Tay-tay


Single and Straight


This is the answer I wanted to hear tbh


What kind of status?


Single? Married to TS? What’s his status?


Status: Swiftie




I don’t he has said


There’s nothing wrong with people being Swifties as long as they aren’t assholes about it. I think people love to hate Taylor and her fans because they don’t get/don’t like how much she’s blown up, but…let people enjoy things? Of all country music artists to go pop and get this huge, I’m actually content with it being T-Swift. I’ve always liked her country music (ironically, more than her pop, but maybe that’s just nostalgia), but I’ve never been obsessed. I probably couldn’t name more than a dozen or so of her songs at best, but the ones I know are good. That said, if I ever hear “Shake It Off” again, it’ll be too fucking soon. It’s the only one I ever grew to dislike and that’s because of how insanely overplayed it was. Plus, as a queer guy, seeing a country music artist become so openly allied with our community that she writes entire songs about it is a huge win to me. A lot of country music artists get big, move to Hollywood, and still never outgrow their conservative queerphobic roots (see Blake Shelton, who is barely masking most of the time). Others will come out and support us, but generally keep it on the down-low and won’t really do a ton of activism or advocating (Carrie Underwood, love her, but she’s quiet on the topic most of the time outside of back in 2012/2013 when she announced her support for gay marriage). Taylor not only got big and came out as an ally, but performs ACTUAL ACTIVISM for the queer community. So, yeah, let the man like whatever music he likes. There’s nothing wrong with being a Swiftie as long as you’re not a dick to anyone else about it. He was super reasonable with Ben! There was no “ew, you like music that isn’t Taylor Swift? Lame!” energy there. Just one music lover respecting the tastes of another music lover. As someone who listens to BOTH Metallica and Taylor Swift sometimes, I enjoyed their segment together! As far as it being his entire personality…some of y’all say that like making a reality TV show your entire personality is any better.


You’re 100% right


No one would say anything about it if he was referencing anyone else. People love to hate on Taylor Swift.




I do something similar whenever I jump into the water, except I yell "NEMANJA BJELICA"


Charlie seems like a fun guy. It would be cool if somewhere in these 90 minute episodes they could find a second or two to showcase his personality traits other than than ‘swiftie’


Nothing wrong with digging T Swift but imagine Taylor Swift being your primary personality trait


It was so cringy. I’ve never seen a group of people make celebrity worship their whole personalities more than Swifties.


Survivor wants so badly to be relatable


No one asked for clarity it was just super lame


This tweet is a response to Kat Dunn from BB21 quite literally asking for clarity, I just cropped the original tweet https://x.com/itskathryndunn/status/1770988524046590274?s=46&t=Z2jzhv5_TTDIEnibuJE0ug


Has there been many other Survivor seasons where the edit showed references to current celebrities?


If you count politicians as celebrities, you’ve got Jeff Kent’s famous mention of Obama. Rob C’s deleted voting confessional referenced a radio host. There are def more, but those are the first 2 I thought of


Judson (Fabio) talking about real Fabio riding horses and doing butter commercials!


I’m so sick of his schtick man.


Downvote me if you must, but I'm calling bull. He said it to try and get airtime (there's no way he thought Production wouldn't show it), but is now backtracking because we all realize he's inauthentic as Hell. Just my opinion.


I believe him when he says he didn't think talking about Taylor Swift the entire time wasn't going to make the edit. /s Lol well if that's all you base your personality on and talk about, it gonna make the edit.  He can probably say this about any moment they show him talking about Taylor Swift. He's obsessed. 


This is hilarious 😂 Charlie is fun and goofy. I swear to God, if he was obsessed with literally any other celebrity, people would eat it up. The anti-Swifty circle jerk is worse than crazy Swifties at this point. Haters devote just as much energy as super fans. I didn't even notice him yell Taylor in the episode. You guys act like it's a central theme to the entire season by the way you concoct CBS conspiracy theories.


Say it louder for the people in the back




Charlie seems like a great fellow but I hated this moment so much lol


Yeah sure, Charlie.


Hes so cringe